#include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Clear( ) { this->m_Filters.clear( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector< std::string > cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetFiltersNames( ) const { std::vector< std::string > n; for( auto i : this->m_Filters ) n.push_back( i.first ); return( n ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: TFilter* cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetFilter( const std::string& name ) { auto i = this->m_Filters.find( name ); if( i != this->m_Filters.end( ) ) return( i->second.GetPointer( ) ); else return( NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: TFilter* cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetFilter( const std::string& name ) const { auto i = this->m_Filters.find( name ); if( i != this->m_Filters.end( ) ) return( i->second.GetPointer( ) ); else return( NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: TWidget* cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetWidget( const std::string& name ) { TFilter* process = this->GetFilter( name ); return( dynamic_cast< TWidget* >( process ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: TWidget* cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetWidget( const std::string& name ) const { const TFilter* process = this->GetFilter( name ); return( dynamic_cast< const TWidget* >( process ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: HasFilter( const std::string& name ) const { return( this->m_Filters.find( name ) != this->m_Filters.end( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: HasWidget( const std::string& name ) const { const TWidget* wdg = this->GetWidget( name ); return( wdg != NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: TFilter* cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: CreateFilter( const std::string& category, const std::string& filter ) { typedef cpPlugins::Pipeline::Widget _TWidget; TFilter::Pointer o = this->m_Loader.CreateFilter( category, filter ); if( o.IsNotNull( ) ) { // Choose a name std::string name = filter; while( this->GetFilter( name ) != NULL ) name += std::string( "_" ); o->SetPrintExecution( this->m_PrintExecution ); o->SetName( name ); // Interactors for( auto i = this->m_Interactors.begin( ); i != this->m_Interactors.end( ); ++i ) o->AddInteractor( *i ); // Finish association this->m_Filters[ name ] = o; } // fi return( o.GetPointer( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: RenameFilter( const std::string& old_name, const std::string& new_name ) { auto o = this->m_Filters.find( old_name ); auto n = this->m_Filters.find( new_name ); if( o != this->m_Filters.end( ) && n == this->m_Filters.end( ) ) { // Rename filter o->second->SetName( new_name ); this->m_Filters[ new_name ] = o->second; this->m_Filters.erase( o ); // Rename exposed ports /* TODO auto e = this->m_ExposedInputs.begin( ); for( ; e != this->m_ExposedInputs.end( ); ++e ) if( e->second.first == old_name ) e->second.first = new_name; e = this->m_ExposedOutputs.begin( ); for( ; e != this->m_ExposedOutputs.end( ); ++e ) if( e->second.first == old_name ) e->second.first = new_name; */ return( true ); } else return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: RemoveFilter( const std::string& name ) { auto i = this->m_Filters.find( name ); if( i != this->m_Filters.end( ) ) { i->second->Disconnect( ); this->m_Filters.erase( i ); return( true ); } else return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: SetPrintExecution( bool b ) { this->m_PrintExecution = b; for( auto i = this->m_Filters.begin( ); i != this->m_Filters.end( ); ++i ) i->second->SetPrintExecution( b ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: PrintExecutionOn( ) { this->SetPrintExecution( true ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: PrintExecutionOff( ) { this->SetPrintExecution( true ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: AddInteractor( vtkRenderWindowInteractor* iren ) { if( iren != NULL ) { this->m_Interactors.insert( iren ); for( auto f : this->m_Filters ) f.second->AddInteractor( iren ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Connect( const std::string& origin_filter, const std::string& origin_output, const std::string& destination_filter, const std::string& destination_input ) { // Get filters and check pertinence TFilter* origin = this->GetFilter( origin_filter ); TFilter* destination = this->GetFilter( destination_filter ); if( origin == NULL || destination == NULL ) return( false ); if( !( destination->HasInput( destination_input ) ) ) return( false ); if( !( origin->HasOutput( origin_output ) ) ) return( false ); // Check if there is room for a new connection bool ok = true; if( destination->IsInputMultiple( destination_input ) ) { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < destination->GetInputSize( destination_input ); ++i ) if( destination->GetInput( destination_input, i )->GetSource( ) == origin ) ok = false; } else ok = ( destination->GetInput( destination_input ) == NULL ); if( ok ) destination->AddInput( destination_input, origin->GetOutput( origin_output ) ); return( ok ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Connect( TDataObject* input, const std::string& destination_filter, const std::string& destination_input ) { // Get filters and check pertinence if( input == NULL ) return( false ); TFilter* destination = this->GetFilter( destination_filter ); if( destination == NULL ) return( false ); if( !( destination->HasInput( destination_input ) ) ) return( false ); // Check if there is room for a new connection bool ok = true; if( destination->IsInputMultiple( destination_input ) ) { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < destination->GetInputSize( destination_input ); ++i ) if( destination->GetInput( destination_input, i )->GetSource( ) == input->GetSource( ) ) ok = false; } else ok = ( destination->GetInput( destination_input ) == NULL ); if( ok ) destination->AddInput( destination_input, input ); return( ok ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Disconnect( const std::string& origin_filter, const std::string& origin_output, const std::string& destination_filter, const std::string& destination_input ) { // Get filters and check pertinence TFilter* origin = this->GetFilter( origin_filter ); TFilter* destination = this->GetFilter( destination_filter ); if( origin == NULL || destination == NULL ) return( false ); if( !( destination->HasInput( destination_input ) ) ) return( false ); if( !( origin->HasOutput( origin_output ) ) ) return( false ); // Check if there is room for a new connection bool ok = false; unsigned int del_id = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < destination->GetInputSize( destination_input ); ++i ) if( destination->GetInput( destination_input, i )->GetSource( ) == origin ) { ok = true; del_id = i; } // fi if( ok ) destination->DisconnectInput( destination_input, del_id ); return( ok ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* const cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: TExposedPorts& cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetExposedInputs( ) const { return( this->m_ExposedInputs ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: TExposedPorts& cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetExposedOutputs( ) const { return( this->m_ExposedOutputs ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Pipeline::DataObject* cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetExposedOutput( const std::string& name ) { auto i = this->m_ExposedOutputs.find( name ); if( i != this->m_ExposedOutputs.end( ) ) { auto f = this->GetFilter( i->second.first ); if( f != NULL ) return( f->GetOutput( i->second.second ) ); else return( NULL ); } else return( NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const cpPlugins::Pipeline::DataObject* cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetExposedOutput( const std::string& name ) const { auto i = this->m_ExposedOutputs.find( name ); if( i != this->m_ExposedOutputs.end( ) ) { auto f = this->GetFilter( i->second.first ); if( f != NULL ) return( f->GetOutput( i->second.second ) ); else return( NULL ); } else return( NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: ExposeInput( const std::string& name, const std::string& filter, const std::string& filter_input ) { auto i = this->m_ExposedInputs.find( name ); if( i == this->m_ExposedInputs.end( ) ) { this->m_ExposedInputs[ name ] = std::pair< std::string, std::string >( filter, filter_input ); return( true ); } else return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: ExposeOutput( const std::string& name, const std::string& filter, const std::string& filter_output ) { auto i = this->m_ExposedOutputs.find( name ); if( i == this->m_ExposedOutputs.end( ) ) { this->m_ExposedOutputs[ name ] = std::pair< std::string, std::string >( filter, filter_output ); return( true ); } else return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: HideInput( const std::string& name ) { auto i = this->m_ExposedInputs.find( name ); if( i != this->m_ExposedInputs.end( ) ) this->m_ExposedInputs.erase( i ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: HideOutput( const std::string& name ) { auto i = this->m_ExposedOutputs.find( name ); if( i != this->m_ExposedOutputs.end( ) ) this->m_ExposedOutputs.erase( i ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: RenameExposedInput( const std::string& old_name, const std::string& new_name ) { auto o = this->m_ExposedInputs.find( old_name ); auto n = this->m_ExposedInputs.find( new_name ); if( o != this->m_ExposedInputs.end( ) && n == this->m_ExposedInputs.end( ) ) { this->m_ExposedInputs[ new_name ] = o->second; this->m_ExposedInputs.erase( o ); return( true ); } else return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: RenameExposedOutput( const std::string& old_name, const std::string& new_name ) { auto o = this->m_ExposedOutputs.find( old_name ); auto n = this->m_ExposedOutputs.find( new_name ); if( o != this->m_ExposedOutputs.end( ) && n == this->m_ExposedOutputs.end( ) ) { this->m_ExposedOutputs[ new_name ] = o->second; this->m_ExposedOutputs.erase( o ); return( true ); } else return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: GetConnections( const std::string& origin, const std::string& destination ) const { std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > conns; auto orig = this->GetFilter( origin ); auto dest = this->GetFilter( destination ); if( orig != NULL && dest != NULL ) { auto outs = orig->GetOutputsNames( ); auto ins = dest->GetInputsNames( ); for( auto o = outs.begin( ); o != outs.end( ); ++o ) { for( auto i = ins.begin( ); i != ins.end( ); ++i ) { unsigned int nInputs = dest->GetInputSize( *i ); for( unsigned j = 0; j < nInputs; ++j ) { auto od = orig->GetOutput( *o ); auto id = dest->GetInput( *i, j ); if( od != NULL && od == id ) conns.push_back( std::pair< std::string, std::string >( *o, *i ) ); } // rof } // rof } // rof } // fi return( conns ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Connect( const std::string& orig_filter, const std::string& dest_filter, const std::string& output_name, const std::string& input_name ) { auto o = this->GetFilter( orig_filter ); auto d = this->GetFilter( dest_filter ); if( o != NULL && d != NULL ) { try { d->AddInput( input_name, o->GetOutput( output_name ) ); } catch( std::exception& err ) { throw std::logic_error( std::string( "Error connecting \"" ) + output_name + std::string( "@" ) + orig_filter + std::string( "\" with \"" ) + input_name + std::string( "@" ) + dest_filter + std::string( "\": " ) + err.what( ) ); } // yrt } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Connect( cpPlugins::Pipeline::DataObject* output, const std::string& dest_filter, const std::string& input_name ) { auto d = this->GetFilter( dest_filter ); if( d != NULL ) d->AddInput( input_name, output ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Connect( cpPlugins::Pipeline::DataObject* output, const std::string& exposed_input_name ) { auto i = this->m_ExposedInputs.find( exposed_input_name ); if( i != this->m_ExposedInputs.end( ) ) this->Connect( output, i->second.first, i->second.second ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Disconnect( const std::string& orig_filter, const std::string& dest_filter, const std::string& output_name, const std::string& input_name ) { auto orig = this->GetFilter( orig_filter ); auto dest = this->GetFilter( dest_filter ); if( orig != NULL && dest != NULL ) { auto out = orig->GetOutput( output_name ); auto in = dest->GetInput( input_name ); if( out != NULL && out == in ) dest->SetInput( input_name, ( cpPlugins::Pipeline::DataObject* )( NULL ) ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Disconnect( const std::string& dest_filter, const std::string& input_name ) { throw std::logic_error( "Disconnect 1" ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Disconnect( const std::string& dest_filter ) { throw std::logic_error( "Disconnect 2" ); } */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Update( ) { for( auto f = this->m_Filters.begin( ); f != this->m_Filters.end( ); ++f ) f->second->Update( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Update( const std::string& name ) { auto filter = this->GetFilter( name ); if( filter != NULL ) filter->Update( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: Workspace( ) : Superclass( ), m_PrintExecution( false ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpPlugins::Interface::Workspace:: ~Workspace( ) { /* TODO this->m_ExposedOutputs.clear( ); this->m_ExposedInputs.clear( ); */ this->m_Filters.clear( ); } // eof - $RCSfile$