/* # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* * modelCDMProject.h * * Created on: 13/11/2012 * Author: Daniel Felipe Gonzalez Obando */ #ifndef MODELCDMPROJECT_H_ #define MODELCDMPROJECT_H_ #include #include #include #include "modelCDMFolder.h" #include "modelCDMLib.h" #include "modelCDMAppli.h" #include "modelCDMPackage.h" #include "modelCDMCMakeListsFile.h" #include "modelCDMCodeFile.h" /** * Project model class. * This class represents a project stored in a hard drive. It can perform some of the most relevant operations for a crea project. */ class modelCDMProject : public modelCDMFolder { public: /** * Default constructor. */ modelCDMProject(); /** * Constructor receiving the source path and the build path. * @param parent Parent node of the Project node. * @param path The source path. * @param name Name of the project folder. * @param buildPath The build path. By default it's an empty string. */ modelCDMProject(modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* parent, const std::string& path, const std::string& name, const std::string& buildPath = ""); /** * Destructor. */ ~modelCDMProject(); //Getters /** * Retrieves the name of the project. * @return The name of the project. */ const std::string& GetNameProject() const; /** * Retrieves the version of the project. * @return The version of the project in the format X.Y.Z where X is the major version of the project, Y is the minor version of the project, and Z is the build version. */ const std::string& GetVersion() const; /** * Retrieves the last version modification date of the project * @return The date of the last version modification in the format DD/MM/YYYY */ const std::string& GetVersionDate() const; /** * Retrieves the build path of the project. * @return The build path of the project. By default .../ProjectNameBin. */ const std::string& GetBuildPath() const; /** * Retrieves the package vector containing the packages present in the project. * @return The package vector containing references to the packages of the project. */ const std::vector& GetPackages() const; /** * Retrieves the appli containing the applications present in the project. * @return The appli object present in the project. */ modelCDMAppli* GetAppli() const; /** * Retrieves the lib containing the libraries present in the project. * @return The lib object present in the project. */ modelCDMLib* GetLib() const; /** * Retrieves the default make instruction to compile the project. * @return The make instruction to compile. */ std::string GetBuildInstruction() const; //Setters /** * Sets the version of the project. It also modifies the build date of the project. * @param version New version of the project. * @param result returns the result of the operation. * @return If the version configuration was successful it returns true. If not, it returns false and the error description returns in the parameter result. */ bool SetVersion(const std::string& version, std::string*& result); /** * Sets the build path of the project. * @param path Path for builing the project. * @param result Result of the operation. * @return If the build path configuration was successful it returns true. If not, it returns false and the error description returns in the parameter result. */ bool SetBuildPath(const std::string& path, std::string*& result); //Creations /** * Creates a package and sets it as a children of the project. This method creates the package in the hard drive and also in the model. The created package is included in the project's CMakeLists file. * @param name Name of the package. * @param result Result of the operation. * @param authors Authors of the operation. If any space is found, it will be replaced by '_'. * @param authorsEmail Authors' E-mails. This is appended to the package description. * @param description Package description. * @param version Package version in the format X.Y.Z where X is the major version, Y the minor version, and Z the build version. * @return The result of the creation. If everything goes well it returns true, else it returns false. */ modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* CreatePackage( const std::string& name, std::string*& result, const std::string& authors = "info-dev", const std::string& authorsEmail = "info-dev@creatis.insa-lyon.fr", const std::string& description = "no description", const std::string& version = "1.0.0" ); /** * Creates a library and sets it as a children of the lib folder in the project. This method creates the library in the hard drive and also in the model. * @param name Library name. * @param result Result of the operation. * @param path Path of the library if not in the lib folder. This parameter is not used (for now). * @return The result of the creation. If everything goes well it returns true, else it returns false. */ modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* CreateLibrary( const std::string& name, std::string*& result, const std::string& path = "/lib" ); /** * Creates an application and sets it as a children of the appli folder in the project. This method creates the library in the hard drive and also in the model. * @param name Application name. * @param type Application type. 0=console application, 1=GUI application (wxWidgets). * @param result Result of the operation. * @param path Path of the application if not in the application folder. This parameter is not used (for now). * @return The result of the creation. If everything goes well it returns true, else it returns false. */ modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* CreateApplication( const std::string& name, const int& type, std::string*& result, const std::string& path = "/appli" ); /** * Creates a black box and sets it as a children of the specified package folder in the project. This method creates the black box in the hard drive and also in the model. * @param name Black box name. * @param package The name of the package where the black box is created. The name should not contain neither the "bbtk_" , nor the "_PKG" parts of the folder name. If empty converts into "/bbtk_*projectName*_PKG" * @param authors The authors of the black box. This string should not contain commas or spaces, they will be replaced by '_'. * @param authorsEmail The authors e-mails. This string should not contain spaces, they will be replaced by '/'. This field is appended to the black box description. * @param categories The categories of concerning for the created black box. * @param description Description of the black box. It should not contain spaces, they will be replaced by '_'. * @return The result of the creation. If everything goes well it returns true, else it returns false. */ modelCDMIProjectTreeNode* CreateBlackBox( const std::string& name, const std::string& package = "", //if empty converts into "[projectName]" const std::string& authors = "unknown", const std::string& authorsEmail = "", const std::string& categories = "empty", const std::string& description = "no description" ); //Operations /** * Opens the CMakeLists.txt file in the system's default text editor. * @param result Result of the operation. * @return Success of the operation. If the file doesn't exist or can't be opened it returns false. */ bool OpenCMakeListsFile(std::string*& result); /** * Refresh the model with the file hierarchy in the hard drive. * @param result Result of the operation. * @return if there's an error refreshing the project it returns false. */ virtual const bool Refresh(std::string*& result); /** * Launches in console the ccmake tool in the build path to configure the building of the project. * @param result The result message of the operation. * @return if the ccmake tool doesn't launches it returns false. */ bool ConfigureBuild(std::string*& result); /** * Launches in console the make -clean and make commands to build the project. * @param result Result message for building the project. * @param line Line to execute the compilation. * @return if any of the commands cannot be executed it return false. */ bool Build(std::string*& result, const std::string& line); /** * Launches in console the bbPlugPackage command to connect the project to the .bbtk folder in the hard drive. * @param result Result message for connecting the project. * @param folder Folder to make connection with. It must contain the bbtkPackage file * @return if the command cannot be executed it return false. */ bool Connect(std::string*& result, const std::string& folder); /** * Checks the CMakeLists files to see what's going to be compiled and what's not. * @param properties Map containing the project compilation properties. */ void CheckStructure(std::map& properties); /** * Checks if the given package is included in the CMakeLists file. * @param package_name Name of the package to check. * @return True if the package is included, otherwise returns False. */ bool IsPackageIncluded(const std::string& package_name); /** * Sets the inclusion of the package in the project's CMakeLists file. If the package inclusion already exist in file, then the line is uncommented/commented depending on the requested action. If the package inclusion doesn't exist yet, then it is included if the request is an inclusion. * @param package_name Name of the package to include/exclude. * @param toInclude True if the request is an inclusion, False otherwise. * @return True if the request was processed successfully. */ bool SetPackageInclude(const std::string& package_name, const bool& toInclude); /** * Checks the project folder's CMakeLists file to check which third party libraries are enabled. * @return A map with the name of the library and if it's included in the CMakeLists file. */ std::map Get3rdPartyLibraries(); /** * Sets the 3rd party library inclusion in the CMakeLists file. * @return if the operation was successful. */ bool Set3rdPartyLibrary(const std::string& library_name, const bool& toInclude); private: /** * Project Name */ std::string nameProject; /** * Project Version */ std::string version; /** * Last Project Version Modification Date */ std::string versionDate; /** * Build Path for compiling the project */ std::string buildPath; /** * lib folder */ modelCDMLib* lib; /** * appli folder */ modelCDMAppli* appli; /** * package folders */ std::vector packages; }; #endif /* MODELCDMPROJECT_H_ */