/* Copyright 2012-2022 Ronald Römer Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter.h" #include "vtkPolyDataContactFilter.h" #include "Utilities.h" vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter); vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter () { SetNumberOfInputPorts(2); SetNumberOfOutputPorts(3); timePdA = 0; timePdB = 0; contLines = vtkSmartPointer::New(); modPdA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); modPdB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cellDataA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cellDataB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cellIdsA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cellIdsB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); OperMode = OPER_UNION; } vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::~vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter () { // nix mehr } int vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector) { if (request->Has(vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::REQUEST_DATA())) { vtkInformation *inInfoA = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0); vtkInformation *inInfoB = inputVector[1]->GetInformationObject(0); vtkPolyData *pdA = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(inInfoA->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); vtkPolyData *pdB = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(inInfoB->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); vtkInformation *outInfoA = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0); vtkInformation *outInfoB = outputVector->GetInformationObject(1); vtkInformation *outInfoC = outputVector->GetInformationObject(2); resultA = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(outInfoA->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); resultB = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(outInfoB->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); resultC = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(outInfoC->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock; std::vector times; clock::time_point start; if (pdA->GetMTime() > timePdA || pdB->GetMTime() > timePdB) { // eventuell vorhandene regionen vereinen vtkSmartPointer cleanA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cleanA->SetOutputPointsPrecision(DOUBLE_PRECISION); cleanA->SetTolerance(1e-6); cleanA->SetInputData(pdA); cleanA->Update(); vtkSmartPointer cleanB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cleanB->SetOutputPointsPrecision(DOUBLE_PRECISION); cleanB->SetTolerance(1e-6); cleanB->SetInputData(pdB); cleanB->Update(); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Exporting modPdA.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdA.vtk", cleanA->GetOutput()); std::cout << "Exporting modPdB.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdB.vtk", cleanB->GetOutput()); #endif // CellData sichern cellDataA->DeepCopy(cleanA->GetOutput()->GetCellData()); cellDataB->DeepCopy(cleanB->GetOutput()->GetCellData()); // ermittelt kontaktstellen start = clock::now(); vtkSmartPointer cl = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cl->SetInputConnection(0, cleanA->GetOutputPort()); cl->SetInputConnection(1, cleanB->GetOutputPort()); cl->Update(); times.push_back(clock::now()-start); contLines->DeepCopy(cl->GetOutput()); modPdA->DeepCopy(cl->GetOutput(1)); modPdB->DeepCopy(cl->GetOutput(2)); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Exporting contLines.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("contLines.vtk", contLines); std::cout << "Exporting modPdA_1.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdA_1.vtk", modPdA); std::cout << "Exporting modPdB_1.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdB_1.vtk", modPdB); #endif if (contLines->GetNumberOfCells() == 0) { vtkErrorMacro("Inputs have no contact."); return 1; } // in den CellDatas steht drin, welche polygone einander schneiden contsA = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(contLines->GetCellData()->GetScalars("cA")); contsB = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(contLines->GetCellData()->GetScalars("cB")); vtkIdTypeArray *accuracy = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(contLines->GetPointData()->GetScalars("accuracy")); vtkIdTypeArray *sourcesA = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(contLines->GetCellData()->GetScalars("sourcesA")); vtkIdTypeArray *sourcesB = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(contLines->GetCellData()->GetScalars("sourcesB")); vtkIdType i, numPts = contLines->GetNumberOfPoints(); vtkSmartPointer cells = vtkSmartPointer::New(); for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { contLines->GetPointCells(i, cells); if (cells->GetNumberOfIds() == 1) { vtkErrorMacro("Contact ends suddenly."); return 1; } if (accuracy->GetValue(i) == 1) { vtkErrorMacro("Contact goes through a cell with a bad shape."); return 1; } } // sichert die OrigCellIds vtkIdTypeArray *origCellIdsA = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(modPdA->GetCellData()->GetScalars("OrigCellIds")); vtkIdTypeArray *origCellIdsB = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(modPdB->GetCellData()->GetScalars("OrigCellIds")); cellIdsA->DeepCopy(origCellIdsA); cellIdsB->DeepCopy(origCellIdsB); vtkIdType numCellsA = modPdA->GetNumberOfCells(), numCellsB = modPdB->GetNumberOfCells(); for (i = 0; i < numCellsA; i++) { origCellIdsA->SetValue(i, i); } for (i = 0; i < numCellsB; i++) { origCellIdsB->SetValue(i, i); } start = clock::now(); if (GetPolyStrips(modPdA, contsA, sourcesA, polyStripsA) || GetPolyStrips(modPdB, contsB, sourcesB, polyStripsB)) { vtkErrorMacro("Strips are invalid."); return 1; } times.push_back(clock::now()-start); // trennt die polygone an den linien start = clock::now(); if (CutCells(modPdA, polyStripsA) || CutCells(modPdB, polyStripsB)) { vtkErrorMacro("CutCells failed."); return 1; } times.push_back(clock::now()-start); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Exporting modPdA_2.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdA_2.vtk", modPdA); std::cout << "Exporting modPdB_2.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdB_2.vtk", modPdB); #endif start = clock::now(); RestoreOrigPoints(modPdA, polyStripsA); RestoreOrigPoints(modPdB, polyStripsB); times.push_back(clock::now()-start); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Exporting modPdA_3.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdA_3.vtk", modPdA); std::cout << "Exporting modPdB_3.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdB_3.vtk", modPdB); #endif start = clock::now(); ResolveOverlaps(modPdA, contsA, polyStripsA); ResolveOverlaps(modPdB, contsB, polyStripsB); times.push_back(clock::now()-start); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Exporting modPdA_4.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdA_4.vtk", modPdA); std::cout << "Exporting modPdB_4.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdB_4.vtk", modPdB); #endif start = clock::now(); AddAdjacentPoints(modPdA, contsA, polyStripsA); AddAdjacentPoints(modPdB, contsB, polyStripsB); times.push_back(clock::now()-start); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Exporting modPdA_5.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdA_5.vtk", modPdA); std::cout << "Exporting modPdB_5.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdB_5.vtk", modPdB); #endif start = clock::now(); DisjoinPolys(modPdA, polyStripsA); DisjoinPolys(modPdB, polyStripsB); times.push_back(clock::now()-start); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Exporting modPdA_6.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdA_6.vtk", modPdA); std::cout << "Exporting modPdB_6.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdB_6.vtk", modPdB); #endif start = clock::now(); MergePoints(modPdA, polyStripsA); MergePoints(modPdB, polyStripsB); times.push_back(clock::now()-start); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Exporting modPdA_7.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdA_7.vtk", modPdA); std::cout << "Exporting modPdB_7.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdB_7.vtk", modPdB); #endif timePdA = pdA->GetMTime(); timePdB = pdB->GetMTime(); } start = clock::now(); if (CombineRegions()) { vtkErrorMacro("Boolean operation failed."); return 1; } times.push_back(clock::now()-start); // #ifdef DEBUG double sum = std::chrono::duration_cast>(std::accumulate(times.begin(), times.end(), clock::duration())).count(); std::vector::const_iterator itr; for (itr = times.begin(); itr != times.end(); itr++) { double time = std::chrono::duration_cast>(*itr).count(); std::cout << "Time " << (itr-times.begin()) << ": " << time << "s (" << (time/sum*100) << "%)" << std::endl; } // #endif } return 1; } void vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::GetStripPoints (vtkPolyData *pd, vtkIdTypeArray *sources, PStrips &pStrips, IdsType &lines) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "GetStripPoints()" << std::endl; #endif StripPtsType &pts = pStrips.pts; const IdsType &poly = pStrips.poly; double a[3], b[3], sA[3], sB[3], u[3], v[3], w[3], n, t, d; std::map allPts; vtkSmartPointer line = vtkSmartPointer::New(); for (auto lineId : lines) { contLines->GetCellPoints(lineId, line); // std::cout << "? " << contsA->GetValue(lineId) // << ", " << contsB->GetValue(lineId) // << ", [" << line->GetId(0) // << ", " << line->GetId(1) // << "]" // << std::endl; allPts.emplace(line->GetId(0), sources->GetTypedComponent(lineId, 0)); allPts.emplace(line->GetId(1), sources->GetTypedComponent(lineId, 1)); } decltype(allPts)::const_iterator itr; for (itr = allPts.begin(); itr != allPts.end(); ++itr) { StripPt sp; sp.ind = itr->first; // die koordinaten double pt[3]; contLines->GetPoint(sp.ind, pt); Cpy(sp.pt, pt, 3); IdsType::const_iterator itrA, itrB; for (itrA = poly.begin(); itrA != poly.end(); ++itrA) { itrB = itrA+1; if (itrB == poly.end()) { itrB = poly.begin(); } if (itr->second != NOTSET && *itrA != itr->second) { continue; } pd->GetPoint(*itrA, a); pd->GetPoint(*itrB, b); vtkMath::Subtract(a, pt, sA); vtkMath::Subtract(b, pt, sB); // richtungsvektor und länge der kante vtkMath::Subtract(b, a, u); n = vtkMath::Norm(u); // d und t zur kante vtkMath::Subtract(pt, a, v); t = vtkMath::Dot(v, u)/(n*n); vtkMath::Cross(v, u, w); d = vtkMath::Norm(w)/n; if (d < 1e-5 && t > -1e-5 && t < 1+1e-5) { sp.edge[0] = *itrA; sp.edge[1] = *itrB; sp.t = std::min(1., std::max(0., t)); if (vtkMath::Norm(sA) < 1e-5) { Cpy(sp.captPt, a, 3); sp.capt = Capt::A; } else if (vtkMath::Norm(sB) < 1e-5) { Cpy(sp.captPt, b, 3); sp.capt = Capt::B; } else { // u ist nicht normiert vtkMath::MultiplyScalar(u, t); double x[3]; vtkMath::Add(a, u, x); // projektion Cpy(sp.captPt, x, 3); sp.capt = Capt::EDGE; } } // std::cout << "? " // << sp.ind // << ", " << d // << ", " << t // << ", " << sp.capt // << std::endl; } if (itr->second != NOTSET && sp.edge[0] == NOTSET) { sp.catched = false; } pts.emplace(sp.ind, std::move(sp)); } StripPtsType::iterator itr2; for (itr2 = pts.begin(); itr2 != pts.end(); ++itr2) { StripPt &sp = itr2->second; if (sp.capt != Capt::NOT) { if (sp.capt == Capt::B) { sp.t = 0; sp.edge[0] = sp.edge[1]; auto itrA = std::find(poly.begin(), poly.end(), sp.edge[0]), itrB = itrA+1; if (itrB == poly.end()) { itrB = poly.begin(); } sp.edge[1] = *itrB; sp.capt = Capt::A; } // für den schnitt werden die eingerasteten koordinaten verwendet Cpy(sp.cutPt, sp.captPt, 3); } else { Cpy(sp.cutPt, sp.pt, 3); } sp.history.emplace_back(sp.edge[0], sp.edge[1]); } #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "pts: " << std::endl; for (itr2 = pts.begin(); itr2 != pts.end(); ++itr2) { std::cout << itr2->first << ": " << itr2->second << std::endl; } #endif } bool vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::GetPolyStrips (vtkPolyData *pd, vtkIdTypeArray *conts, vtkIdTypeArray *sources, PolyStripsType &polyStrips) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "GetPolyStrips()" << std::endl; #endif polyStrips.clear(); std::map polyLines; for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < conts->GetNumberOfTuples(); i++) { vtkIdType poly = conts->GetValue(i); /*if (poly != 1641) { continue; }*/ polyLines[poly].push_back(i); } std::vector> notCatched; std::map::iterator itr; for (itr = polyLines.begin(); itr != polyLines.end(); ++itr) { IdsType &lines = itr->second; RemoveDuplicates(lines); polyStrips.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(itr->first), std::forward_as_tuple(pd, itr->first)); PStrips &pStrips = polyStrips.at(itr->first); GetStripPoints(pd, sources, pStrips, lines); for (auto &sp : pStrips.pts) { sp.second.polyId = itr->first; if (!sp.second.catched) { notCatched.push_back(sp.second); } } } auto Next = [](const IdsType &ids, vtkIdType id) -> vtkIdType { IdsType::const_iterator itr; itr = std::find(ids.begin(), ids.end(), id); if (++itr == ids.end()) { itr = ids.begin(); } return *itr; }; for (StripPt &sp : notCatched) { for (itr = polyLines.begin(); itr != polyLines.end(); ++itr) { const PStrips &pStrips = polyStrips.at(itr->first); try { const StripPt &corr = pStrips.pts.at(sp.ind); if (&corr != &sp) { if (corr.capt == Capt::A) { sp.capt = Capt::A; sp.edge[0] = corr.edge[0]; sp.edge[1] = Next(polyStrips.at(sp.polyId).poly, sp.edge[0]); sp.t = 0; Cpy(sp.captPt, corr.captPt, 3); Cpy(sp.cutPt, sp.captPt, 3); sp.history.emplace_back(sp.edge[0], sp.edge[1]); sp.catched = true; } } } catch (...) {} } if (!sp.catched) { std::cout << sp << std::endl; } assert(sp.catched); } vtkSmartPointer cells = vtkSmartPointer::New(), line = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkIdType i, numCells; StripPtsType::const_iterator itr2; for (itr = polyLines.begin(); itr != polyLines.end(); ++itr) { PStrips &pStrips = polyStrips.at(itr->first); const IdsType &lines = itr->second; const StripPtsType &pts = pStrips.pts; for (itr2 = pts.begin(); itr2 != pts.end(); ++itr2) { // ist der punkt auf einer kante, dürfen von ihm mehr als 2 linien ausgehen const StripPt &pt = itr2->second; if (pt.capt == Capt::NOT) { contLines->GetPointCells(pt.ind, cells); numCells = cells->GetNumberOfIds(); std::set ends; for (i = 0; i < numCells; i++) { contLines->GetCellPoints(cells->GetId(i), line); ends.insert(pt.ind == line->GetId(0) ? line->GetId(1) : line->GetId(0)); } if (ends.size() > 2) { return true; } } } // zusammensetzen std::deque _lines; vtkIdList *linePts = vtkIdList::New(); for (auto &i : lines) { contLines->GetCellPoints(i, linePts); _lines.emplace_back(linePts->GetId(0), linePts->GetId(1)); } linePts->Delete(); decltype(_lines)::iterator _itr; auto FindRight = [&pts, &_lines, &_itr](StripType &strip, const std::size_t &id) -> bool { auto &right = strip.back(); if (pts.at(right.ind).capt == Capt::NOT) { for (_itr = _lines.begin(); _itr != _lines.end(); ++_itr) { if (_itr->f == right.ind) { strip.emplace_back(_itr->g, id); _lines.erase(_itr); return true; } else if (_itr->g == right.ind) { strip.emplace_back(_itr->f, id); _lines.erase(_itr); return true; } } } return false; }; auto FindLeft = [&pts, &_lines, &_itr](StripType &strip, const std::size_t &id) -> bool { auto &left = strip.front(); if (pts.at(left.ind).capt == Capt::NOT) { for (_itr = _lines.begin(); _itr != _lines.end(); ++_itr) { if (_itr->f == left.ind) { strip.emplace_front(_itr->g, id); _lines.erase(_itr); return true; } else if (_itr->g == left.ind) { strip.emplace_front(_itr->f, id); _lines.erase(_itr); return true; } } } return false; }; std::size_t stripId {0}; while (!_lines.empty()) { auto &last = _lines.back(); StripType strip {{last.f, stripId}, {last.g, stripId}}; _lines.pop_back(); while (FindRight(strip, stripId)) {} while (FindLeft(strip, stripId)) {} pStrips.strips.push_back(std::move(strip)); stripId++; } CompleteStrips(pStrips); } // sucht nach schnitten zw. den strips { PolyStripsType::const_iterator itr; StripType::const_iterator itr2; for (itr = polyStrips.begin(); itr != polyStrips.end(); ++itr) { const PStrips &pStrips = itr->second; const StripsType &strips = pStrips.strips; const StripPtsType &pts = pStrips.pts; const Base &base = pStrips.base; vtkSmartPointer treePts = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer treePd = vtkSmartPointer::New(); treePd->Allocate(1); std::map ptIds; double pt[2]; for (const auto &p : pts) { Transform(p.second.pt, pt, base); ptIds.emplace(p.first, treePts->InsertNextPoint(pt[0], pt[1], 0)); } for (const StripType &strip : strips) { for (itr2 = strip.begin(); itr2 != strip.end()-1; ++itr2) { vtkIdList *line = vtkIdList::New(); line->InsertNextId(ptIds[itr2->ind]); line->InsertNextId(ptIds[(itr2+1)->ind]); treePd->InsertNextCell(VTK_LINE, line); line->Delete(); } } treePd->SetPoints(treePts); vtkSmartPointer tree = vtkSmartPointer::New(); tree->SetDataSet(treePd); tree->BuildLocator(); vtkIdType numA, numB; const vtkIdType *lineA, *lineB; auto lineItr = vtk::TakeSmartPointer(treePd->GetLines()->NewIterator()); for (lineItr->GoToFirstCell(); !lineItr->IsDoneWithTraversal(); lineItr->GoToNextCell()) { lineItr->GetCurrentCell(numA, lineA); double ptA[3], ptB[3]; treePts->GetPoint(lineA[0], ptA); treePts->GetPoint(lineA[1], ptB); vtkSmartPointer lineIds = vtkSmartPointer::New(); tree->IntersectWithLine(ptA, ptB, 1e-5, nullptr, lineIds); for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < lineIds->GetNumberOfIds(); i++) { treePd->GetCellPoints(lineIds->GetId(i), numB, lineB); if (lineB[0] != lineA[0] && lineB[1] != lineA[0] && lineB[0] != lineA[1] && lineB[1] != lineA[1]) { // schnitt gefunden return true; } } } } } return false; } void vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::RemoveDuplicates (IdsType &lines) { IdsType unique; // die indexe der enden auf übereinstimmung prüfen vtkIdList *linePtsA = vtkIdList::New(); vtkIdList *linePtsB = vtkIdList::New(); std::size_t i, j, numLines = lines.size(); for (i = 0; i < numLines-1; i++) { j = i+1; contLines->GetCellPoints(lines[i], linePtsA); while (j < lines.size()) { contLines->GetCellPoints(lines[j], linePtsB); if ((linePtsA->GetId(0) == linePtsB->GetId(0) && linePtsA->GetId(1) == linePtsB->GetId(1)) || (linePtsA->GetId(0) == linePtsB->GetId(1) && linePtsA->GetId(1) == linePtsB->GetId(0))) { // stimmen überein break; } j++; } if (j == numLines) { // keine vorzeitige unterbrechung der while-schleife unique.push_back(lines[i]); } } unique.push_back(lines.back()); linePtsA->Delete(); linePtsB->Delete(); lines.swap(unique); } void vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::CompleteStrips (PStrips &pStrips) { StripsType::iterator itr; for (itr = pStrips.strips.begin(); itr != pStrips.strips.end(); ++itr) { const StripPt &start = pStrips.pts[itr->front().ind], &end = pStrips.pts[itr->back().ind]; if (start.ind != end.ind) { if (start.capt == Capt::NOT) { StripType s(itr->rbegin(), itr->rend()-1); itr->insert(itr->begin(), s.begin(), s.end()); } else if (end.capt == Capt::NOT) { StripType s(itr->rbegin()+1, itr->rend()); itr->insert(itr->end(), s.begin(), s.end()); } } } } bool vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::HasArea (const StripType &strip) const { bool area = true; std::size_t i, n = strip.size(); if (n%2 == 1) { for (i = 0; i < (n-1)/2; i++) { area = strip[i].ind != strip[n-i-1].ind; } } return area; } void ComputeNormal (const StripPtsType &pts, const RefsType &poly, double *n) { n[0] = 0; n[1] = 0; n[2] = 0; RefsType::const_iterator itrA, itrB; for (itrA = poly.begin(); itrA != poly.end(); ++itrA) { itrB = itrA+1; if (itrB == poly.end()) { itrB = poly.begin(); } const StripPtR &spA = *itrA, &spB = *itrB; auto pA = pts.find(spA.ind); auto pB = pts.find(spB.ind); const double *ptA = pA->second.cutPt, *ptB = pB->second.cutPt; n[0] += (ptA[1]-ptB[1])*(ptA[2]+ptB[2]); n[1] += (ptA[2]-ptB[2])*(ptA[0]+ptB[0]); n[2] += (ptA[0]-ptB[0])*(ptA[1]+ptB[1]); } vtkMath::Normalize(n); } bool vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::CutCells (vtkPolyData *pd, PolyStripsType &polyStrips) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "CutCells()" << std::endl; #endif vtkPoints *pdPts = pd->GetPoints(); vtkIdTypeArray *origCellIds = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(pd->GetCellData()->GetScalars("OrigCellIds")); PolyStripsType::iterator itr; for (itr = polyStrips.begin(); itr != polyStrips.end(); ++itr) { vtkIdType polyInd = itr->first; PStrips &pStrips = itr->second; /*if (polyInd != 1641) { continue; }*/ StripsType &strips = pStrips.strips; StripPtsType &pts = pStrips.pts; IdsType &poly = pStrips.poly; vtkIdType origId = origCellIds->GetValue(polyInd); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "polyInd " << polyInd << ", poly ["; for (auto &p : poly) { std::cout << p << ", "; } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; #endif std::size_t numPts = poly.size(); std::map edges; StripsType::iterator itr2; StripType::iterator itr3; // holes sichern StripsType holes; auto fct = [&](const StripType &s) { return pts[s.front().ind].capt == Capt::NOT && pts[s.back().ind].capt == Capt::NOT; }; std::copy_if(strips.begin(), strips.end(), std::back_inserter(holes), fct); strips.erase(std::remove_if(strips.begin(), strips.end(), fct), strips.end()); for (itr2 = strips.begin(); itr2 != strips.end(); ++itr2) { StripType &strip = *itr2; #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << (itr2-strips.begin()) << ". strip ["; for (auto &s : strip) { std::cout << s.ind << ", "; } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; #endif // init if (pts[strip.front().ind].edge[0] == pts[strip.back().ind].edge[0] && strip.front().ind != strip.back().ind && pts[strip.front().ind].t > pts[strip.back().ind].t) { std::reverse(strip.begin(), strip.end()); } StripPt &start = pts[strip.front().ind], &end = pts[strip.back().ind]; strip.front().side = Side::START; strip.back().side = Side::END; strip.front().ref = start.edge[0]; strip.back().ref = end.edge[0]; // nachfolgend könnte man dann anfang und ende weglassen for (itr3 = strip.begin(); itr3 != strip.end(); ++itr3) { StripPt &sp = pts[itr3->ind]; itr3->desc[0] = pdPts->InsertNextPoint(sp.cutPt); itr3->desc[1] = pdPts->InsertNextPoint(sp.cutPt); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << sp << " => " << *itr3 << std::endl; #endif } // ordnet zu edges[start.edge[0]].push_back(std::ref(strip.front())); edges[end.edge[0]].push_back(std::ref(strip.back())); } // sortiert die punkte auf den kanten std::map::iterator itr4; IdsType::iterator itr5; StripType::reverse_iterator itr6; RefsType::iterator itr7; for (itr4 = edges.begin(); itr4 != edges.end(); ++itr4) { RefsType &edge = itr4->second; #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "edge (" << itr4->first << ", _)" << std::endl; #endif std::sort(edge.begin(), edge.end(), [&](const StripPtR &a, const StripPtR &b) { const StripPt &a_ = pts[a.ind], &b_ = pts[b.ind]; #ifdef DEBUG // std::cout << "a_: " << a_ << " -> strip " << a.strip << std::endl; // std::cout << "b_: " << b_ << " -> strip " << b.strip << std::endl; #endif if (a_.ind == b_.ind) { // strips beginnen im gleichen punkt if (a.strip != b.strip) { // gehören nicht dem gleichen strip an StripType &stripA = strips[a.strip], &stripB = strips[b.strip]; // andere enden ermitteln const StripPtR &eA = (&a == &(stripA.front())) ? stripA.back() : stripA.front(), &eB = (&b == &(stripB.front())) ? stripB.back() : stripB.front(); const StripPt &eA_ = pts[eA.ind], &eB_ = pts[eB.ind]; #ifdef DEBUG // std::cout << "eA_: " << eA_ << std::endl; // std::cout << "eB_: " << eA_ << std::endl; #endif if (eA_.ind != eB_.ind) { auto i = std::find(poly.begin(), poly.end(), itr4->first)-poly.begin(), iA = std::find(poly.begin(), poly.end(), eA_.edge[0])-poly.begin(), iB = std::find(poly.begin(), poly.end(), eB_.edge[0])-poly.begin(); double dA = static_cast(Mod(iA-i, numPts))+eA_.t, dB = static_cast(Mod(iB-i, numPts))+eB_.t; if (i == iA && a_.t > eA_.t) { dA += static_cast(numPts); } if (i == iB && b_.t > eB_.t) { dB += static_cast(numPts); } #ifdef DEBUG // std::cout << "dA=" << dA << ", dB=" << dB << std::endl; #endif return dB < dA; } else { RefsType poly_; if (a.side == Side::START) { poly_.insert(poly_.end(), stripA.begin(), stripA.end()); } else { poly_.insert(poly_.end(), stripA.rbegin(), stripA.rend()); } if (b.side == Side::START) { poly_.insert(poly_.end(), stripB.rbegin()+1, stripB.rend()-1); } else { poly_.insert(poly_.end(), stripB.begin()+1, stripB.end()-1); } double n[3]; ComputeNormal(pts, poly_, n); double ang = vtkMath::Dot(pStrips.n, n); #ifdef DEBUG // std::cout << "ang=" << ang*180/PI << std::endl; #endif return ang < .999999; } } else { // gleicher strip StripType &strip = strips[a.strip]; if (HasArea(strip)) { RefsType poly_(strip.begin(), strip.end()-1); double n[3]; ComputeNormal(pts, poly_, n); double ang = vtkMath::Dot(pStrips.n, n); if (ang > .999999) { std::reverse(strip.begin(), strip.end()); return true; } else { return false; } } else { // reihenfolge von a und b bereits richtig return false; } } } else { return a_.t < b_.t; } }); #ifdef DEBUG for (auto& p : edge) { std::cout << p << std::endl; } #endif } // baut die strips ein std::deque polys; polys.push_back(pStrips.poly); for (itr2 = strips.begin(); itr2 != strips.end(); ++itr2) { StripType &strip = *itr2; StripPtR &start = strip.front(), &end = strip.back(); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "strip " << start.strip << " , refs (" << start.ref << ", " << end.ref << ")" << std::endl; #endif std::size_t cycle = 0; while (true) { if (cycle == polys.size()) { break; } IdsType next = polys.front(); polys.pop_front(); std::vector newPolys(2); if (std::find(next.begin(), next.end(), start.ref) != next.end()) { if (start.ref == end.ref) { for (itr5 = next.begin(); itr5 != next.end(); ++itr5) { newPolys[0].push_back(*itr5); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "adding " << *itr5 << " to 0" << std::endl; #endif if (*itr5 == start.ref) { for (itr3 = strip.begin(); itr3 != strip.end(); ++itr3) { newPolys[0].push_back(itr3->desc[0]); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "adding " << itr3->desc[0] << " to 0" << std::endl; #endif } } } // strip selbst ist ein polygon for (itr6 = strip.rbegin(); itr6 != strip.rend(); ++itr6) { newPolys[1].push_back(itr6->desc[1]); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "adding " << itr6->desc[1] << " to 1" << std::endl; #endif } } else { std::size_t curr = 0; for (itr5 = next.begin(); itr5 != next.end(); ++itr5) { IdsType &poly = newPolys[curr]; poly.push_back(*itr5); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "adding " << *itr5 << " to " << curr << std::endl; #endif if (*itr5 == start.ref) { for (itr3 = strip.begin(); itr3 != strip.end(); ++itr3) { poly.push_back(itr3->desc[0]); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "adding " << itr3->desc[0] << " to " << curr << std::endl; #endif } curr = curr == 0 ? 1 : 0; } else if (*itr5 == end.ref) { for (itr6 = strip.rbegin(); itr6 != strip.rend(); ++itr6) { poly.push_back(itr6->desc[1]); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "adding " << itr6->desc[1] << " to " << curr << std::endl; #endif } curr = curr == 0 ? 1 : 0; } } } } if (!newPolys[1].empty()) { // refs aktualisieren for (itr4 = edges.begin(); itr4 != edges.end(); ++itr4) { RefsType &edge = itr4->second; RefsType::iterator itrA; for (itrA = edge.begin()+1; itrA != edge.end(); ++itrA) { StripPtR &sp = *itrA; if (sp.strip > start.strip) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "sp: ind " << sp.ind << ", strip " << sp.strip << std::endl; #endif RefsType::const_reverse_iterator itrB(itrA); std::shared_ptr _p; for (; itrB != edge.rend(); ++itrB) { const StripPtR &p = *itrB; if (p.strip != sp.strip) { if (p.strip <= start.strip) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "ref " << sp.ref; #endif if (p.side == Side::END) { sp.ref = p.desc[0]; } else { sp.ref = p.desc[1]; } #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << " -> " << sp.ref << " (from strip " << p.strip << ", ind " << p.ind << ")" << std::endl; #endif _p = std::make_shared(p); break; } } else { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "~1 ref " << sp.ref << " -> " << p.ref << " (from strip " << p.strip << ", ind " << p.ind << ")" << std::endl; #endif sp.ref = p.ref; break; } } RefsType::const_iterator itrC(itrA); ++itrC; for (; itrC != edge.end(); ++itrC) { const StripPtR &p = *itrC; if (p.ind != sp.ind) { break; } if (p.strip <= start.strip) { if (_p && p.ind == _p->ind && p.strip < _p->strip) { break; } #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "~2 ref " << sp.ref; #endif if (p.side == Side::START) { sp.ref = p.desc[0]; } else { sp.ref = p.desc[1]; } #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << " -> " << sp.ref << " (from strip " << p.strip << ", ind " << p.ind << ")" << std::endl; #endif break; } } } } // erstellt die history auto _s = std::find_if(edge.begin(), edge.end(), [&start](const StripPtR &r) { return &start == &r; }); if (_s != edge.end()) { for (itr7 = edge.begin(); itr7 != edge.end(); ++itr7) { StripPtR &sp = *itr7; StripPt &_sp = pts[sp.ind]; auto &history = _sp.history; if (&sp != &start) { if (_sp.t < pts[start.ind].t) { history.push_back({history.back().f, start.desc[0]}); } else { history.push_back({start.desc[1], history.back().g}); } } } } auto _e = std::find_if(edge.begin(), edge.end(), [&end](const StripPtR &r) { return &end == &r; }); if (_e != edge.end()) { for (itr7 = edge.begin(); itr7 != edge.end(); ++itr7) { StripPtR &sp = *itr7; StripPt &_sp = pts[sp.ind]; auto &history = _sp.history; if (&sp != &end) { if (_sp.t < pts[end.ind].t) { history.push_back({history.back().f, end.desc[1]}); } else { history.push_back({end.desc[0], history.back().g}); } } } } // sonderfall if (edge.size() > 1) { StripPtR &a = edge.front(), &b = *(edge.begin()+1); if (a.ind == b.ind && b.strip == start.strip && pts[a.ind].capt == Capt::A) { // sollte weg #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "~3 ref " << a.ref; #endif if (b.side == Side::START) { a.ref = b.desc[0]; } else { a.ref = b.desc[1]; } #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << " -> " << a.ref << " (from strip " << b.strip << ", ind " << b.ind << ")" << std::endl; #endif } } } // doppelte punkte entfernen double pt[3]; for (auto &newPoly : newPolys) { IdsType _newPoly; std::map _pts; for (vtkIdType id : newPoly) { pd->GetPoint(id, pt); _pts.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(id), std::forward_as_tuple(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])); } IdsType::const_iterator itrA, itrB; for (itrA = newPoly.begin(); itrA != newPoly.end(); ++itrA) { itrB = itrA+1; if (itrB == newPoly.end()) { itrB = newPoly.begin(); } auto _a = _pts.find(*itrA); auto _b = _pts.find(*itrB); if (_a->second == _b->second) { // doppelt #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "removing " << *itrA << std::endl; #endif } else { _newPoly.push_back(*itrA); } } newPoly.swap(_newPoly); } // prüft, ob die erstellten polys gültig sind if (newPolys[0].size() > 2) { polys.push_back(newPolys[0]); } if (HasArea(strip) && newPolys[1].size() > 2) { polys.push_back(newPolys[1]); } cycle = 0; break; } else { polys.push_back(next); cycle++; } } } // erzeugte polys hinzufügen IdsType descIds; descIds.reserve(polys.size()); for (auto &p : polys) { vtkIdList *cell = vtkIdList::New(); for (vtkIdType &id : p) { cell->InsertNextId(id); } descIds.emplace_back(pd->InsertNextCell(VTK_POLYGON, cell)); origCellIds->InsertNextValue(origId); cell->Delete(); } pd->DeleteCell(polyInd); // holes einbauen if (!holes.empty()) { try { Merger(pd, pStrips, holes, descIds, origId).Run(); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { return true; } } } pd->RemoveDeletedCells(); pd->BuildCells(); return false; } void vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::RestoreOrigPoints (vtkPolyData *pd, PolyStripsType &polyStrips) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "RestoreOrigPoints()" << std::endl; #endif pd->BuildLinks(); vtkKdTreePointLocator *loc = vtkKdTreePointLocator::New(); loc->SetDataSet(pd); loc->BuildLocator(); struct Cmp { bool operator() (const StripPt &l, const StripPt &r) const { return l.ind < r.ind; } }; PolyStripsType::const_iterator itr; StripPtsType::const_iterator itr2; std::set, Cmp> ends; for (itr = polyStrips.begin(); itr != polyStrips.end(); ++itr) { const PStrips &pStrips = itr->second; for (itr2 = pStrips.pts.begin(); itr2 != pStrips.pts.end(); ++itr2) { const StripPt &sp = itr2->second; if (sp.capt != Capt::NOT) { ends.emplace(sp); } } } vtkIdList *pts = vtkIdList::New(); vtkIdType i, numPts; for (const StripPt &sp : ends) { FindPoints(loc, sp.cutPt, pts); numPts = pts->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { pd->GetPoints()->SetPoint(pts->GetId(i), sp.pt); } } pts->Delete(); loc->FreeSearchStructure(); loc->Delete(); } void vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::DisjoinPolys (vtkPolyData *pd, PolyStripsType &polyStrips) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "DisjoinPolys()" << std::endl; #endif pd->BuildLinks(); vtkKdTreePointLocator *loc = vtkKdTreePointLocator::New(); loc->SetDataSet(pd); loc->BuildLocator(); struct Cmp { bool operator() (const StripPt &l, const StripPt &r) const { return l.ind < r.ind; } }; PolyStripsType::const_iterator itr; StripPtsType::const_iterator itr2; std::set, Cmp> ends; for (itr = polyStrips.begin(); itr != polyStrips.end(); ++itr) { const PStrips &pStrips = itr->second; for (itr2 = pStrips.pts.begin(); itr2 != pStrips.pts.end(); ++itr2) { const StripPt &sp = itr2->second; if (sp.capt == Capt::A) { ends.emplace(sp); } } } vtkIdList *pts = vtkIdList::New(); vtkIdList *cells = vtkIdList::New(); vtkIdType i, j, numPts, numCells; for (const StripPt &sp : ends) { FindPoints(loc, sp.pt, pts); numPts = pts->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { pd->GetPointCells(pts->GetId(i), cells); numCells = cells->GetNumberOfIds(); if (numCells > 1) { for (j = 0; j < numCells; j++) { pd->ReplaceCellPoint(cells->GetId(j), pts->GetId(i), pd->GetPoints()->InsertNextPoint(sp.pt)); } } } } cells->Delete(); pts->Delete(); loc->FreeSearchStructure(); loc->Delete(); } void vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::ResolveOverlaps (vtkPolyData *pd, vtkIdTypeArray *conts, PolyStripsType &polyStrips) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "ResolveOverlaps()" << std::endl; #endif pd->BuildCells(); pd->BuildLinks(); contLines->BuildLinks(); vtkKdTreePointLocator *loc = vtkKdTreePointLocator::New(); loc->SetDataSet(pd); loc->BuildLocator(); struct Cmp { bool operator() (const StripPt &l, const StripPt &r) const { return l.ind < r.ind; } }; PolyStripsType::const_iterator itr; StripPtsType::const_iterator itr2; std::set, Cmp> ends; for (itr = polyStrips.begin(); itr != polyStrips.end(); ++itr) { const PStrips &pStrips = itr->second; for (itr2 = pStrips.pts.begin(); itr2 != pStrips.pts.end(); ++itr2) { const StripPt &sp = itr2->second; if (sp.capt == Capt::EDGE) { ends.emplace(sp); } } } vtkIdList *links = vtkIdList::New(), *ptsA = vtkIdList::New(), *ptsB = vtkIdList::New(), *cells = vtkIdList::New(), *poly = vtkIdList::New(); double ptA[3], ptB[3]; vtkIdType i, j, k, numPtsA, numPtsB, numCells, numPts, idA, idB; std::map sharedPts; for (const StripPt &sp : ends) { contLines->GetPointCells(sp.ind, links); if (links->GetNumberOfIds() == 2 && conts->GetValue(links->GetId(0)) != conts->GetValue(links->GetId(1))) { std::vector history(sp.history.rbegin(), sp.history.rend()); for (const Pair &p : history) { pd->GetPoint(p.f, ptA); pd->GetPoint(p.g, ptB); FindPoints(loc, ptA, ptsA); FindPoints(loc, ptB, ptsB); numPtsA = ptsA->GetNumberOfIds(); numPtsB = ptsB->GetNumberOfIds(); std::vector cellsA, cellsB; for (i = 0; i < numPtsA; i++) { pd->GetPointCells(ptsA->GetId(i), cells); numCells = cells->GetNumberOfIds(); for (j = 0; j < numCells; j++) { cellsA.emplace_back(ptsA->GetId(i), cells->GetId(j)); } } for (i = 0; i < numPtsB; i++) { pd->GetPointCells(ptsB->GetId(i), cells); numCells = cells->GetNumberOfIds(); for (j = 0; j < numCells; j++) { cellsB.emplace_back(ptsB->GetId(i), cells->GetId(j)); } } for (auto &cellA : cellsA) { for (auto &cellB : cellsB) { if (cellA.g == cellB.g) { // kante/poly existiert noch pd->GetCellPoints(cellA.g, poly); numPts = poly->GetNumberOfIds(); for (k = 0; k < numPts; k++) { idA = poly->GetId(k); idB = k+1 == numPts ? poly->GetId(0) : poly->GetId(k+1); if (cellB.f == idA && cellA.f == idB) { IdsType &pts = sharedPts[Pair{sp.ind, cellA.g}]; pts.push_back(cellA.f); pts.push_back(cellB.f); break; } } } } } } } } double pt[3]; decltype(sharedPts)::iterator itr3; for (itr3 = sharedPts.begin(); itr3 != sharedPts.end(); ++itr3) { const Pair &p = itr3->first; IdsType &pts = itr3->second; std::sort(pts.begin(), pts.end()); auto found = std::adjacent_find(pts.begin(), pts.end()); if (found != pts.end()) { contLines->GetPoint(p.f, pt); i = pd->GetPoints()->InsertNextPoint(pt); pd->ReplaceCellPoint(p.g, *found, i); } } links->Delete(); ptsA->Delete(); ptsB->Delete(); cells->Delete(); poly->Delete(); loc->FreeSearchStructure(); loc->Delete(); } void vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::AddAdjacentPoints (vtkPolyData *pd, vtkIdTypeArray *conts, PolyStripsType &polyStrips) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "AddAdjacentPoints()" << std::endl; #endif pd->BuildLinks(); vtkIdTypeArray *origCellIds = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(pd->GetCellData()->GetScalars("OrigCellIds")); struct Cmp { bool operator() (const StripPt &l, const StripPt &r) const { return l.t < r.t; } }; vtkKdTreePointLocator *loc = vtkKdTreePointLocator::New(); loc->SetDataSet(pd); loc->BuildLocator(); vtkIdList *cells = vtkIdList::New(), *ptsA = vtkIdList::New(), *ptsB = vtkIdList::New(), *poly = vtkIdList::New(), *newPoly = vtkIdList::New(); vtkIdType i, j, numCells, numPtsA, numPtsB, numPts, idA, idB; PolyStripsType::const_iterator itr; StripPtsType::const_iterator itr2; for (itr = polyStrips.begin(); itr != polyStrips.end(); ++itr) { const PStrips &pStrips = itr->second; std::map, Cmp>> edgePts; for (itr2 = pStrips.pts.begin(); itr2 != pStrips.pts.end(); ++itr2) { const StripPt &sp = itr2->second; if (sp.capt == Capt::EDGE) { edgePts[{sp.edge[0], sp.edge[1]}].emplace(sp); } } decltype(edgePts)::iterator itr3; for (itr3 = edgePts.begin(); itr3 != edgePts.end(); ++itr3) { const Pair &edge = itr3->first; auto pts = itr3->second; StripPt spA, spB; pd->GetPoint(edge.f, spA.pt); pd->GetPoint(edge.g, spB.pt); spA.t = 0; spB.t = 1; pts.emplace(spA); pts.emplace(spB); std::vector _pts(pts.rbegin(), pts.rend()); decltype(_pts)::const_iterator itrA, itrB, itrC; itrA = _pts.begin(); while (itrA != _pts.end()-1) { itrB = itrA+1; while (itrB != _pts.end()-1) { contLines->GetPointCells(itrB->get().ind, cells); numCells = cells->GetNumberOfIds(); // std::cout << "["; // for (i = 0; i < numCells; i++) { // std::cout << conts->GetValue(cells->GetId(i)) << ", "; // } // std::cout << "]" << std::endl; // break; ++itrB; } if (std::distance(itrA, itrB) > 1) { FindPoints(loc, itrA->get().pt, ptsA); FindPoints(loc, itrB->get().pt, ptsB); numPtsA = ptsA->GetNumberOfIds(); numPtsB = ptsB->GetNumberOfIds(); std::vector polysA, polysB; for (i = 0; i < numPtsA; i++) { pd->GetPointCells(ptsA->GetId(i), cells); numCells = cells->GetNumberOfIds(); for (j = 0; j < numCells; j++) { polysA.emplace_back(cells->GetId(j), ptsA->GetId(i)); } } for (i = 0; i < numPtsB; i++) { pd->GetPointCells(ptsB->GetId(i), cells); numCells = cells->GetNumberOfIds(); for (j = 0; j < numCells; j++) { polysB.emplace_back(cells->GetId(j), ptsB->GetId(i)); } } /*for (const Pair &pA : polysA) { std::cout << "pA " << pA << std::endl; } for (const Pair &pB : polysB) { std::cout << "pB " << pB << std::endl; }*/ for (const Pair &pA : polysA) { for (const Pair &pB : polysB) { if (pA.f == pB.f && pd->GetCellType(pA.f) != VTK_EMPTY_CELL) { pd->GetCellPoints(pA.f, poly); numPts = poly->GetNumberOfIds(); newPoly->Reset(); for (j = 0; j < numPts; j++) { newPoly->InsertNextId(poly->GetId(j)); idA = poly->GetId(j); idB = j+1 == numPts ? poly->GetId(0) : poly->GetId(j+1); if (pA.g == idA && pB.g == idB) { for (itrC = itrA+1; itrC != itrB; ++itrC) { // newPoly->InsertNextId(pd->InsertNextLinkedPoint(itrC->get().pt, 1)); pd->InsertNextLinkedPoint(1); newPoly->InsertNextId(pd->GetPoints()->InsertNextPoint(itrC->get().pt)); } } pd->RemoveReferenceToCell(idA, pA.f); } pd->DeleteCell(pA.f); pd->InsertNextLinkedCell(VTK_POLYGON, newPoly->GetNumberOfIds(), newPoly->GetPointer(0)); origCellIds->InsertNextValue(origCellIds->GetValue(pA.f)); break; } } } } itrA = itrB; } } } cells->Delete(); ptsA->Delete(); ptsB->Delete(); poly->Delete(); newPoly->Delete(); loc->FreeSearchStructure(); loc->Delete(); pd->RemoveDeletedCells(); } void vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::MergePoints (vtkPolyData *pd, PolyStripsType &polyStrips) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "MergePoints()" << std::endl; #endif pd->BuildCells(); pd->BuildLinks(); contLines->BuildLinks(); vtkKdTreePointLocator *loc = vtkKdTreePointLocator::New(); loc->SetDataSet(pd); loc->BuildLocator(); PolyStripsType::const_iterator itr; StripsType::const_iterator itr2; std::map> neighPts; vtkIdList *pts = vtkIdList::New(); vtkIdType i, j, numPts; for (itr = polyStrips.begin(); itr != polyStrips.end(); ++itr) { const PStrips &pStrips = itr->second; for (itr2 = pStrips.strips.begin(); itr2 != pStrips.strips.end(); ++itr2) { const StripType &strip = *itr2; const StripPtR &spA = strip.front(), &spB = strip.back(); const auto beforeA = pStrips.pts.find((strip.begin()+1)->ind), beforeB = pStrips.pts.find((strip.end()-2)->ind); FindPoints(loc, beforeA->second.pt, pts); numPts = pts->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { neighPts[spA.ind].insert(pts->GetId(i)); } FindPoints(loc, beforeB->second.pt, pts); numPts = pts->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { neighPts[spB.ind].insert(pts->GetId(i)); } } } double pt[3]; vtkIdList *polys = vtkIdList::New(), *poly = vtkIdList::New(); vtkIdType ind, polyId, _numPts, before, after; decltype(neighPts)::const_iterator itr3; for (itr3 = neighPts.begin(); itr3 != neighPts.end(); ++itr3) { const auto &inds = itr3->second; std::map> pairs; contLines->GetPoint(itr3->first, pt); FindPoints(loc, pt, pts); numPts = pts->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { ind = pts->GetId(i); pd->GetPointCells(ind, polys); if (polys->GetNumberOfIds() > 0) { polyId = polys->GetId(0); pd->GetCellPoints(polyId, poly); _numPts = poly->GetNumberOfIds(); for (j = 0; j < _numPts; j++) { if (poly->GetId(j) == ind) { break; } } // wieder davor und danach ermitteln before = poly->GetId(j == 0 ? _numPts-1 : j-1); after = poly->GetId(j+1 == _numPts ? 0 : j+1); if (std::find(inds.begin(), inds.end(), before) == inds.end()) { pd->GetPoint(before, pt); pairs[{pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]}].emplace_back(polyId, ind); } if (std::find(inds.begin(), inds.end(), after) == inds.end()) { pd->GetPoint(after, pt); pairs[{pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]}].emplace_back(polyId, ind); } } } std::deque>> Pairs; decltype(pairs)::const_iterator itr4; for (itr4 = pairs.begin(); itr4 != pairs.end(); ++itr4) { const auto &p = itr4->second; if (p.size() == 2) { auto _pts = {std::ref(p.front()), std::ref(p.back())}; // std::initializer_list Pairs.emplace_back(_pts); } } decltype(Pairs)::iterator itr5; /*for (itr5 = Pairs.begin(); itr5 != Pairs.end(); ++itr5) { for (auto &p : *itr5) { std::cout << p.get() << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; }*/ decltype(Pairs)::value_type group; decltype(group)::const_iterator itr6; while (!Pairs.empty()) { if (group.empty()) { group = Pairs.front(); Pairs.pop_front(); } itr5 = Pairs.begin(); while (itr5 != Pairs.end()) { const auto &next = *itr5; if (next.front().get() == group.front().get()) { group.emplace_front(next.back()); Pairs.erase(itr5); itr5 = Pairs.begin(); } else if (next.front().get() == group.back().get()) { group.emplace_back(next.back()); Pairs.erase(itr5); itr5 = Pairs.begin(); } else if (next.back().get() == group.front().get()) { group.emplace_front(next.front()); Pairs.erase(itr5); itr5 = Pairs.begin(); } else if (next.back().get() == group.back().get()) { group.emplace_back(next.front()); Pairs.erase(itr5); itr5 = Pairs.begin(); } else { ++itr5; } } if (itr5 == Pairs.end()) { for (itr6 = group.begin()+1; itr6 != group.end(); ++itr6) { pd->ReplaceCellPoint(itr6->get().f, itr6->get().g, group.front().get().g); } group.clear(); } } } polys->Delete(); poly->Delete(); pts->Delete(); loc->FreeSearchStructure(); loc->Delete(); } enum class Congr { EQUAL, OPPOSITE, NOT }; class PolyAtEdge { vtkPolyData *pd; public: PolyAtEdge (vtkPolyData *_pd, vtkIdType _polyId, vtkIdType _ptIdA, vtkIdType _ptIdB) : pd(_pd), polyId(_polyId), ptIdA(_ptIdA), ptIdB(_ptIdB), loc(Loc::NONE) { double ptA[3], ptB[3]; pd->GetPoint(ptIdA, ptA); pd->GetPoint(ptIdB, ptB); vtkMath::Subtract(ptB, ptA, e); vtkMath::Normalize(e); const vtkIdType *poly; vtkIdType numPts; pd->GetCellPoints(polyId, numPts, poly); ComputeNormal(pd->GetPoints(), n, numPts, poly); vtkMath::Cross(e, n, r); } vtkIdType polyId, ptIdA, ptIdB; double n[3], e[3], r[3]; Loc loc; friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PolyAtEdge &p) { out << "polyId " << p.polyId << ", ptIdA " << p.ptIdA << ", ptIdB " << p.ptIdB; return out; } static constexpr double eps {.99999999}; // ~.0081deg Congr IsCongruent (const PolyAtEdge &p) const { double cong = vtkMath::Dot(n, p.n); if (cong > eps || cong < -eps) { double ang = vtkMath::Dot(r, p.r); if (ang > eps) { if (cong > eps) { // normalen sind gleich ausgerichtet return Congr::EQUAL; } else { return Congr::OPPOSITE; } } } return Congr::NOT; } }; class PolyPair { public: PolyPair (PolyAtEdge _pA, PolyAtEdge _pB) : pA(_pA), pB(_pB) {} PolyAtEdge pA, pB; void GetLoc (PolyAtEdge &pT, vtkIdType mode) { Congr cA = pA.IsCongruent(pT), cB = pB.IsCongruent(pT); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "GetLoc() -> polyId " << pT.polyId << ", cA " << cA << ", cB " << cB << std::endl; if (cA != Congr::NOT || cB != Congr::NOT) { assert(cA != cB); } #endif if (cA == Congr::EQUAL || cA == Congr::OPPOSITE) { if (cA == Congr::OPPOSITE) { // normalen sind entgegengesetzt gerichtet if (mode == OPER_INTERSECTION) { pA.loc = Loc::OUTSIDE; pT.loc = Loc::OUTSIDE; } else { pA.loc = Loc::INSIDE; pT.loc = Loc::INSIDE; } } else if (mode == OPER_UNION || mode == OPER_INTERSECTION) { pA.loc = Loc::INSIDE; pT.loc = Loc::OUTSIDE; } } else if (cB == Congr::EQUAL || cB == Congr::OPPOSITE) { if (cB == Congr::OPPOSITE) { // normalen sind entgegengesetzt gerichtet if (mode == OPER_INTERSECTION) { pB.loc = Loc::OUTSIDE; pT.loc = Loc::OUTSIDE; } else { pB.loc = Loc::INSIDE; pT.loc = Loc::INSIDE; } } else if (mode == OPER_UNION || mode == OPER_INTERSECTION) { pB.loc = Loc::INSIDE; pT.loc = Loc::OUTSIDE; } } else { double alpha = GetAngle(pA.r, pB.r, pA.e), beta = GetAngle(pA.r, pT.r, pA.e); if (beta > alpha) { pT.loc = Loc::INSIDE; } else { pT.loc = Loc::OUTSIDE; } } } }; std::shared_ptr GetEdgePolys (vtkPolyData *pd, vtkIdList *ptsA, vtkIdList *ptsB) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "GetEdgePolys()" << std::endl; #endif std::vector p; vtkIdType numPtsA = ptsA->GetNumberOfIds(), numPtsB = ptsB->GetNumberOfIds(); vtkIdList *polys = vtkIdList::New(); vtkIdType i, j, numCells; for (i = 0; i < numPtsA; i++) { pd->GetPointCells(ptsA->GetId(i), polys); numCells = polys->GetNumberOfIds(); for (j = 0; j < numCells; j++) { p.emplace_back(ptsA->GetId(i), polys->GetId(j)); } } for (i = 0; i < numPtsB; i++) { pd->GetPointCells(ptsB->GetId(i), polys); numCells = polys->GetNumberOfIds(); for (j = 0; j < numCells; j++) { p.emplace_back(ptsB->GetId(i), polys->GetId(j)); } } polys->Delete(); std::map pEdges; std::vector::const_iterator itr; for (itr = p.begin(); itr != p.end(); ++itr) { pEdges[itr->g].push_back(itr->f); } std::vector opp; vtkIdList *poly = vtkIdList::New(); vtkIdType numPts, a, b; std::map::const_iterator itr2; for (itr2 = pEdges.begin(); itr2 != pEdges.end(); ++itr2) { const IdsType &pts = itr2->second; if (pts.size() > 1) { pd->GetCellPoints(itr2->first, poly); numPts = poly->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { a = poly->GetId(i); b = i+1 == numPts ? poly->GetId(0) : poly->GetId(i+1); if (std::find(pts.begin(), pts.end(), a) != pts.end() && std::find(pts.begin(), pts.end(), b) != pts.end()) { opp.emplace_back(pd, itr2->first, a, b); } } } } poly->Delete(); #ifdef DEBUG for (auto &op : opp) { std::cout << op << std::endl; } #endif if (opp.size() != 2) { return nullptr; } return std::make_shared(opp[0], opp[1]); } bool vtkPolyDataBooleanFilter::CombineRegions () { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "CombineRegions()" << std::endl; #endif vtkSmartPointer filterdA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); filterdA->DeepCopy(modPdA); vtkSmartPointer filterdB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); filterdB->DeepCopy(modPdB); // ungenutzte punkte löschen vtkSmartPointer cleanA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cleanA->PointMergingOff(); cleanA->SetInputData(filterdA); vtkSmartPointer cleanB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cleanB->PointMergingOff(); cleanB->SetInputData(filterdB); // regionen mit skalaren ausstatten vtkSmartPointer cfA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cfA->SetExtractionModeToAllRegions(); cfA->ColorRegionsOn(); cfA->SetInputConnection(cleanA->GetOutputPort()); vtkSmartPointer cfB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); cfB->SetExtractionModeToAllRegions(); cfB->ColorRegionsOn(); cfB->SetInputConnection(cleanB->GetOutputPort()); cfA->Update(); cfB->Update(); vtkPolyData *pdA = cfA->GetOutput(); vtkPolyData *pdB = cfB->GetOutput(); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Exporting modPdA_8.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdA_8.vtk", pdA); std::cout << "Exporting modPdB_8.vtk" << std::endl; WriteVTK("modPdB_8.vtk", pdB); #endif resultC->ShallowCopy(contLines); if (OperMode == OPER_NONE) { resultA->ShallowCopy(pdA); resultB->ShallowCopy(pdB); return false; } vtkSmartPointer plA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); plA->SetDataSet(pdA); plA->BuildLocator(); vtkSmartPointer plB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); plB->SetDataSet(pdB); plB->BuildLocator(); pdA->BuildLinks(); pdB->BuildLinks(); vtkIdTypeArray *scalarsA = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(pdA->GetPointData()->GetScalars()); vtkIdTypeArray *scalarsB = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(pdB->GetPointData()->GetScalars()); vtkSmartPointer line = vtkSmartPointer::New(); double ptA[3], ptB[3]; vtkSmartPointer fptsA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer lptsA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer fptsB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer lptsB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); std::map locsA, locsB; vtkIdType i, j, numLines = contLines->GetNumberOfCells(); IdsType _failed; for (i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { if (contLines->GetCellType(i) == VTK_EMPTY_CELL) { continue; } contLines->GetCellPoints(i, line); contLines->GetPoint(line->GetId(0), ptA); contLines->GetPoint(line->GetId(1), ptB); FindPoints(plA, ptA, fptsA); FindPoints(plB, ptA, fptsB); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "line " << i << std::endl; #else // bereits behandelte regionen werden nicht noch einmal untersucht vtkIdType notLocated = 0; for (j = 0; j < fptsA->GetNumberOfIds(); j++) { if (locsA.count(scalarsA->GetValue(fptsA->GetId(j))) == 0) { notLocated++; } } for (j = 0; j < fptsB->GetNumberOfIds(); j++) { if (locsB.count(scalarsB->GetValue(fptsB->GetId(j))) == 0) { notLocated++; } } if (notLocated == 0) { continue; } #endif FindPoints(plA, ptB, lptsA); FindPoints(plB, ptB, lptsB); auto ppA = GetEdgePolys(pdA, fptsA, lptsA); auto ppB = GetEdgePolys(pdB, fptsB, lptsB); if (ppA && ppB) { ppB->GetLoc(ppA->pA, OperMode); ppB->GetLoc(ppA->pB, OperMode); ppA->GetLoc(ppB->pA, OperMode); ppA->GetLoc(ppB->pB, OperMode); vtkIdType fsA = scalarsA->GetValue(ppA->pA.ptIdA); vtkIdType lsA = scalarsA->GetValue(ppA->pB.ptIdA); vtkIdType fsB = scalarsB->GetValue(ppB->pA.ptIdA); vtkIdType lsB = scalarsB->GetValue(ppB->pB.ptIdA); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "polyId " << ppA->pA.polyId << ", sA " << fsA << ", loc " << ppA->pA.loc << std::endl; std::cout << "polyId " << ppA->pB.polyId << ", sA " << lsA << ", loc " << ppA->pB.loc << std::endl; std::cout << "polyId " << ppB->pA.polyId << ", sB " << fsB << ", loc " << ppB->pA.loc << std::endl; std::cout << "polyId " << ppB->pB.polyId << ", sB " << lsB << ", loc " << ppB->pB.loc << std::endl; if (locsA.count(fsA) > 0 && locsA[fsA] != ppA->pA.loc) { std::cout << "sA " << fsA << ": " << locsA[fsA] << " -> " << ppA->pA.loc << std::endl; } if (locsA.count(lsA) > 0 && locsA[lsA] != ppA->pB.loc) { std::cout << "sA " << lsA << ": " << locsA[lsA] << " -> " << ppA->pB.loc << std::endl; } if (locsB.count(fsB) > 0 && locsB[fsB] != ppB->pA.loc) { std::cout << "sB " << fsB << ": " << locsB[fsB] << " -> " << ppB->pA.loc << std::endl; } if (locsB.count(lsB) > 0 && locsB[lsB] != ppB->pB.loc) { std::cout << "sB " << lsB << ": " << locsB[lsB] << " -> " << ppB->pB.loc << std::endl; } #endif locsA.emplace(fsA, ppA->pA.loc); locsA.emplace(lsA, ppA->pB.loc); locsB.emplace(fsB, ppB->pA.loc); locsB.emplace(lsB, ppB->pB.loc); } else { _failed.push_back(i); // return true; } } if (_failed.size() > 0) { for (auto i : _failed) { std::cout << "failed at " << i << std::endl; } return true; } // reale kombination der ermittelten regionen Loc comb[] = {Loc::OUTSIDE, Loc::OUTSIDE}; if (OperMode == OPER_INTERSECTION) { comb[0] = Loc::INSIDE; comb[1] = Loc::INSIDE; } else if (OperMode == OPER_DIFFERENCE) { comb[1] = Loc::INSIDE; } else if (OperMode == OPER_DIFFERENCE2) { comb[0] = Loc::INSIDE; } vtkIdType numA = cfA->GetNumberOfExtractedRegions(), numB = cfB->GetNumberOfExtractedRegions(); cfA->SetExtractionModeToSpecifiedRegions(); cfB->SetExtractionModeToSpecifiedRegions(); std::map::const_iterator itr; for (itr = locsA.begin(); itr != locsA.end(); itr++) { if (itr->second == comb[0]) { cfA->AddSpecifiedRegion(itr->first); } } for (itr = locsB.begin(); itr != locsB.end(); itr++) { if (itr->second == comb[1]) { cfB->AddSpecifiedRegion(itr->first); } } // nicht beteiligte regionen hinzufügen if (OperMode == OPER_UNION || OperMode == OPER_DIFFERENCE) { for (i = 0; i < numA; i++) { if (locsA.count(i) == 0) { cfA->AddSpecifiedRegion(i); } } } if (OperMode == OPER_UNION || OperMode == OPER_DIFFERENCE2) { for (i = 0; i < numB; i++) { if (locsB.count(i) == 0) { cfB->AddSpecifiedRegion(i); } } } // nach innen zeigende normalen umkehren cfA->Update(); cfB->Update(); vtkPolyData *regsA = cfA->GetOutput(); vtkPolyData *regsB = cfB->GetOutput(); scalarsA = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(regsA->GetPointData()->GetScalars()); scalarsB = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(regsB->GetPointData()->GetScalars()); if (OperMode != OPER_INTERSECTION) { if (comb[0] == Loc::INSIDE) { for (i = 0; i < regsA->GetNumberOfCells(); i++) { if (locsA.count(scalarsA->GetValue(i)) == 1) { regsA->ReverseCell(i); } } } if (comb[1] == Loc::INSIDE) { for (i = 0; i < regsB->GetNumberOfCells(); i++) { if (locsB.count(scalarsB->GetValue(i)) == 1) { regsB->ReverseCell(i); } } } } // OrigCellIds und CellData vtkIdTypeArray *origCellIdsA = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(regsA->GetCellData()->GetScalars("OrigCellIds")); vtkIdTypeArray *origCellIdsB = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(regsB->GetCellData()->GetScalars("OrigCellIds")); vtkIdTypeArray *newOrigCellIdsA = vtkIdTypeArray::New(); newOrigCellIdsA->SetName("OrigCellIdsA"); vtkIdTypeArray *newOrigCellIdsB = vtkIdTypeArray::New(); newOrigCellIdsB->SetName("OrigCellIdsB"); vtkCellData *newCellDataA = vtkCellData::New(); newCellDataA->CopyAllocate(cellDataA); vtkCellData *newCellDataB = vtkCellData::New(); newCellDataB->CopyAllocate(cellDataB); vtkIdType cellId; for (i = 0; i < regsA->GetNumberOfCells(); i++) { cellId = cellIdsA->GetValue(origCellIdsA->GetValue(i)); newOrigCellIdsA->InsertNextValue(cellId); newOrigCellIdsB->InsertNextValue(-1); newCellDataA->CopyData(cellDataA, cellId, i); } for (i = 0; i < regsB->GetNumberOfCells(); i++) { cellId = cellIdsB->GetValue(origCellIdsB->GetValue(i)); newOrigCellIdsB->InsertNextValue(cellId); newOrigCellIdsA->InsertNextValue(-1); newCellDataB->CopyData(cellDataB, cellId, i); } regsA->GetCellData()->Initialize(); regsB->GetCellData()->Initialize(); regsA->GetCellData()->ShallowCopy(newCellDataA); regsB->GetCellData()->ShallowCopy(newCellDataB); newCellDataA->Delete(); newCellDataB->Delete(); // zusammenführung vtkAppendPolyData *app = vtkAppendPolyData::New(); app->AddInputData(regsA); app->AddInputData(regsB); // entfernt ungenutzte punkte vtkCleanPolyData *cleanApp = vtkCleanPolyData::New(); cleanApp->PointMergingOff(); cleanApp->SetInputConnection(app->GetOutputPort()); // färbt die regionen nochmal neu ein, damit mehrere regionen nicht die gleiche farbe haben vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter *cfApp = vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter::New(); cfApp->SetExtractionModeToAllRegions(); cfApp->ColorRegionsOn(); cfApp->SetInputConnection(cleanApp->GetOutputPort()); cfApp->Update(); vtkPolyData *cfPd = cfApp->GetOutput(); // resultB bleibt hier leer resultA->ShallowCopy(cfPd); resultA->GetCellData()->AddArray(newOrigCellIdsA); resultA->GetCellData()->AddArray(newOrigCellIdsB); // aufräumen cfApp->Delete(); cleanApp->Delete(); app->Delete(); newOrigCellIdsB->Delete(); newOrigCellIdsA->Delete(); plB->FreeSearchStructure(); plA->FreeSearchStructure(); return false; } Merger::Merger (vtkPolyData *pd, const PStrips &pStrips, const StripsType &strips, const IdsType &descIds, vtkIdType origId) : pd(pd), pStrips(pStrips), origId(origId) { const StripPtsType &pts = pStrips.pts; const Base &base = pStrips.base; vtkIdType i, num; const vtkIdType *cell; double pt[3]; for (auto id : descIds) { pd->GetCellPoints(id, num, cell); Poly p; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { pd->GetPoint(cell[i], pt); double proj[2]; Transform(pt, proj, base); p.emplace_back(proj[0], proj[1], 0, cell[i]); } polys.push_back(p); pd->DeleteCell(id); } for (auto &strip : strips) { Poly p; for (auto &sp : strip) { const double *pt = pts.at(sp.ind).pt; double proj[2]; Transform(pt, proj, base); p.emplace_back(proj[0], proj[1], 0); } p.pop_back(); double n[3]; ComputeNormal(p, n); if (n[2] < 0) { Poly q(p.rbegin(), p.rend()); p.swap(q); } polys.push_back(p); } } void Merger::Run () { // mergen mit hilfe von vtkKdTree und vtkModifiedBSPTree vtkPoints *pdPts = pd->GetPoints(); vtkIdTypeArray *origCellIds = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(pd->GetCellData()->GetScalars("OrigCellIds")); assert(origCellIds != nullptr); const Base &base = pStrips.base; std::vector groups(polys.size()); PolysType::const_iterator itrA, itrB; for (itrA = polys.begin(); itrA != polys.end(); ++itrA) { for (itrB = polys.begin(); itrB != polys.end(); ++itrB) { if (itrA != itrB && PointInPoly(*itrB, *itrA->begin())) { groups[static_cast(itrB-polys.begin())].push_back(static_cast(itrA-polys.begin())); } } } std::size_t parent = 0; for (auto &group : groups) { GroupType parents; for (auto &index : group) { const GroupType &_group = groups[index]; parents.insert(parents.end(), _group.begin(), _group.end()); } std::sort(group.begin(), group.end()); std::sort(parents.begin(), parents.end()); GroupType _group {parent++}; std::set_difference(group.begin(), group.end(), parents.begin(), parents.end(), std::back_inserter(_group)); std::cout << "["; for (auto &index : _group) { std::cout << index << ", "; } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; PolysType merged; MergeGroup(_group, merged); std::map newIds; for (auto &poly : merged) { vtkSmartPointer newCell = vtkSmartPointer::New(); for (auto &p : poly) { double in[] = {p.x, p.y}, out[3]; BackTransform(in, out, base); vtkIdType id = p.id; if (id == NOTSET) { auto itr = newIds.find(p); if (itr == newIds.end()) { id = pdPts->InsertNextPoint(out); newIds.emplace(p, id); } else { id = itr->second; } } newCell->InsertNextId(id); } pd->InsertNextCell(VTK_POLYGON, newCell); origCellIds->InsertNextValue(origId); } } } void Merger::MergeGroup (const GroupType &group, PolysType &merged) { if (group.size() == 1) { merged.push_back(polys.at(group.back())); return; } vtkSmartPointer pts = vtkSmartPointer::New(); IndexedPolysType indexedPolys; ReferencedPointsType refPts; SourcesType sources; std::size_t src = 0; for (auto &index : group) { const Poly &poly = polys.at(index); IndexedPoly ids; for (auto &p : poly) { vtkIdType id = pts->InsertNextPoint(p.x, p.y, p.z); ids.push_back(id); sources.emplace(id, src); refPts.emplace(id, p); } indexedPolys.push_back(std::move(ids)); src++; } vtkSmartPointer kdTree = vtkSmartPointer::New(); kdTree->OmitZPartitioning(); kdTree->BuildLocatorFromPoints(pts); vtkSmartPointer linesA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); linesA->SetPoints(pts); linesA->Allocate(1); IndexedPoly::const_iterator itrA, itrB; for (const auto &ids : indexedPolys) { for (itrA = ids.begin(); itrA != ids.end(); ++itrA) { itrB = itrA+1; if (itrB == ids.end()) { itrB = ids.begin(); } vtkIdList *line = vtkIdList::New(); line->InsertNextId(*itrA); line->InsertNextId(*itrB); linesA->InsertNextCell(VTK_LINE, line); line->Delete(); } } WriteVTK("linesA.vtk", linesA); vtkSmartPointer bspTreeA = vtkSmartPointer::New(); bspTreeA->SetDataSet(linesA); int n = 0; PolyConnsType polyConns; FindConns(linesA, kdTree, bspTreeA, polyConns, indexedPolys, sources, n); PolyConnsType connected {{0, {}}}; std::set restricted; // keine der conns darf im gleichen punkt beginnen vtkSmartPointer linesB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); linesB->SetPoints(pts); linesB->Allocate(1); vtkSmartPointer bspTreeB = vtkSmartPointer::New(); bspTreeB->SetDataSet(linesB); ConnsType firstConns; std::size_t i, numPolys = indexedPolys.size(); double ptA[3], ptB[3]; while (connected.size() < numPolys) { bool foundOne = false; for (i = 1; i < numPolys; i++) { if (connected.count(i) == 0) { const ConnsType &conns = polyConns[i]; for (auto &conn : conns) { if (connected.count(sources.at(conn.j)) == 1 && restricted.count(conn.j) == 0) { pts->GetPoint(conn.i, ptA); pts->GetPoint(conn.j, ptB); if (bspTreeB->IntersectWithLine(ptA, ptB, 1e-5, nullptr, nullptr) == 0) { connected[sources.at(conn.i)].push_back(conn); // das andere poly auch aktualisieren connected[sources.at(conn.j)].emplace_back(conn.d, conn.j, conn.i); restricted.insert(conn.i); restricted.insert(conn.j); vtkIdList *line = vtkIdList::New(); line->InsertNextId(conn.i); line->InsertNextId(conn.j); linesB->InsertNextCell(VTK_LINE, line); line->Delete(); bspTreeB->Modified(); foundOne = true; firstConns.push_back(conn); break; } } } } } if (!foundOne) { if (!FindConns(linesA, kdTree, bspTreeA, polyConns, indexedPolys, sources, n)) { throw std::runtime_error("Merging failed."); } } } std::map> chains; PolyConnsType::const_iterator itrC; for (itrC = connected.begin(); itrC != connected.end(); ++itrC) { auto &chain = chains[itrC->first]; chain.push_back(itrC->first); while (chain.back() != 0) { chain.push_back(sources.at(connected.at(chain.back()).front().j)); } } std::cout << connected; decltype(chains)::const_iterator itrD; for (itrD = chains.begin(); itrD != chains.end(); ++itrD) { std::cout << itrD->first << ": ["; for (auto &id : itrD->second) { std::cout << id << ", "; } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; } std::set solved {0}; std::deque searchInds; for (i = 1; i < numPolys; i++) { if (connected.at(i).size() == 1) { searchInds.push_back(i); } } while (!searchInds.empty()) { PriosType prios; for (auto ind : searchInds) { PolyPriosType polyPrios; std::cout << "ind " << ind << std::endl; const Conn &first = connected.at(ind).back(); for (auto &conn : polyConns.at(ind)) { auto &src = sources.at(conn.j); if (polyPrios.count(src) == 1) { continue; } if (conn.i != first.i && conn.j != first.j && restricted.count(conn.i) == 0 && restricted.count(conn.j) == 0) { pts->GetPoint(conn.i, ptA); pts->GetPoint(conn.j, ptB); if (bspTreeB->IntersectWithLine(ptA, ptB, 1e-5, nullptr, nullptr) == 0) { auto &chainA = chains.at(ind), &chainB = chains.at(src); std::set _chainA(chainA.begin(), chainA.end()), _chainB(chainB.begin(), chainB.end()); // gemeinsame eltern std::set shared; std::set_intersection(_chainA.begin(), _chainA.end(), _chainB.begin(), _chainB.end(), std::inserter(shared, shared.end())); // gemeinsame eltern müssen sich alle in solved befinden if (std::includes(solved.begin(), solved.end(), shared.begin(), shared.end())) { std::set solvable; std::set_difference(_chainA.begin(), _chainA.end(), solved.begin(), solved.end(), std::inserter(solvable, solvable.end())); std::set_difference(_chainB.begin(), _chainB.end(), solved.begin(), solved.end(), std::inserter(solvable, solvable.end())); polyPrios.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(src), std::forward_as_tuple(conn, solvable, -conn.d)); } } } } PolyPriosType::const_iterator itr; for (itr = polyPrios.begin(); itr != polyPrios.end(); ++itr) { prios.insert(itr->second); } } if (!prios.empty()) { auto &prio = *prios.rbegin(); std::cout << "found " << prio << std::endl; auto &conns = connected.at(sources.at(prio.conn.i)); conns.push_back(prio.conn); connected.at(sources.at(prio.conn.j)).emplace_back(prio.conn.d, prio.conn.j, prio.conn.i); restricted.insert(prio.conn.i); restricted.insert(prio.conn.j); vtkIdList *line = vtkIdList::New(); line->InsertNextId(prio.conn.i); line->InsertNextId(prio.conn.j); linesB->InsertNextCell(VTK_LINE, line); line->Delete(); bspTreeB->Modified(); solved.insert(prio.solvable.begin(), prio.solvable.end()); searchInds.erase(std::find(searchInds.begin(), searchInds.end(), sources.at(prio.conn.i))); auto itr = std::find(searchInds.begin(), searchInds.end(), sources.at(prio.conn.j)); if (itr != searchInds.end()) { searchInds.erase(itr); } } else { if (!FindConns(linesA, kdTree, bspTreeA, polyConns, indexedPolys, sources, n)) { throw std::runtime_error("Merging failed."); } } } std::cout << connected; WriteVTK("linesB.vtk", linesB); // stage 1 struct Cmp { bool operator() (const Conn &a, const Conn &b) const { return std::tie(a.i, a.j) < std::tie(b.i, b.j); } }; std::set usedConns; IndexedPoly polyA {indexedPolys.front()}; for (const auto &first : firstConns) { auto itrA = std::find(polyA.begin(), polyA.end(), first.j); assert(itrA != polyA.end()); auto &polyB = indexedPolys.at(sources.at(first.i)); auto itrB = std::find(polyB.begin(), polyB.end(), first.i); assert(itrB != polyB.end()); std::rotate(polyA.begin(), itrA, polyA.end()); std::rotate(polyB.begin(), itrB, polyB.end()); IndexedPoly newPoly {polyA}; newPoly.push_back(polyA.front()); newPoly.push_back(polyB.front()); newPoly.insert(newPoly.end(), polyB.rbegin(), polyB.rend()); polyA.swap(newPoly); usedConns.insert(first); } PolysType newPolysA; GetPolys(refPts, {polyA}, newPolysA); WritePolys("merged_stage1.vtk", newPolysA); // stage 2 std::set leftConns; for (itrC = connected.begin(); itrC != connected.end(); ++itrC) { if (itrC->first == 0) { continue; } auto &conns = itrC->second; ConnsType::const_iterator itr; for (itr = conns.begin()+1; itr != conns.end(); ++itr) { Conn conn(0, itr->j, itr->i); if (usedConns.find(conn) == usedConns.end()) { if (itr->i < itr->j) { leftConns.emplace(0, itr->i, itr->j); } else { leftConns.insert(std::move(conn)); } } } } std::cout << "leftConns: ["; for (auto &conn : leftConns) { std::cout << conn << ", "; } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; IndexedPolysType splitted {polyA}; for (auto &conn : leftConns) { IndexedPolysType::iterator itr; for (itr = splitted.begin(); itr != splitted.end(); ++itr) { auto &poly = *itr; auto itrA = std::find(poly.begin(), poly.end(), conn.i); if (itrA != poly.end()) { std::rotate(poly.begin(), itrA, poly.end()); auto itrB = std::find(poly.begin(), poly.end(), conn.j); IndexedPoly newPolyA(poly.begin(), itrB+1); IndexedPoly newPolyB(itrB, poly.end()); newPolyB.push_back(poly.front()); splitted.erase(itr); splitted.push_back(std::move(newPolyA)); splitted.push_back(std::move(newPolyB)); break; } } } PolysType newPolysB; GetPolys(refPts, splitted, newPolysB); WritePolys("merged_stage2.vtk", newPolysB); std::move(newPolysB.begin(), newPolysB.end(), std::back_inserter(merged)); } bool Merger::FindConns (vtkPolyData *lines, vtkSmartPointer kdTree, vtkSmartPointer bspTree, PolyConnsType &polyConns, const IndexedPolysType &indexedPolys, const SourcesType &sources, int &n) { vtkPoints *pts = lines->GetPoints(); if (n > pts->GetNumberOfPoints()) { return false; } n += 10; vtkSmartPointer foundPts = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkIdType i, numPts; vtkIdType idB; vtkSmartPointer lineIds = vtkSmartPointer::New(); double ptA[3], ptB[3]; bool good; vtkIdType j; vtkIdType _idA, _idB; std::map> _polyConns; vtkSmartPointer line = vtkSmartPointer::New(); for (const auto &ids : indexedPolys) { for (vtkIdType idA : ids) { pts->GetPoint(idA, ptA); kdTree->FindClosestNPoints(n, ptA, foundPts); numPts = foundPts->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { idB = foundPts->GetId(i); auto srcA = sources.at(idA), srcB = sources.at(idB); if (srcA == srcB) { continue; } pts->GetPoint(idB, ptB); good = true; if (bspTree->IntersectWithLine(ptA, ptB, 1e-5, nullptr, lineIds) == 1) { for (j = 0; j < lineIds->GetNumberOfIds(); j++) { lines->GetCellPoints(lineIds->GetId(j), line); _idA = line->GetId(0); _idB = line->GetId(1); if (_idA != idA && _idA != idB && _idB != idA && _idB != idB) { good = false; break; } } } if (good) { double d = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(ptA, ptB); _polyConns[srcA].emplace(d, idA, idB); _polyConns[srcB].emplace(d, idB, idA); } } } } decltype(_polyConns)::const_iterator itr; for (itr = _polyConns.begin(); itr != _polyConns.end(); ++itr) { auto &_conns = itr->second; ConnsType conns(_conns.begin(), _conns.end()); std::sort(conns.begin(), conns.end()); polyConns[itr->first].swap(conns); } return true; }