#ifndef __FPA__BASE__ALGORITHM__H__ #define __FPA__BASE__ALGORITHM__H__ #include #include #include #include namespace fpa { namespace Base { /** * Base front propagation algorithm. From a series of start seeds with * costs, a priority queue is filled and emptied updating costs. Each * vertex could be marked as "visited", "in the front", "not yet there" * or "freezed". * * @param T Traits used for this algorithm */ template< class T, class B > class Algorithm : public B { public: // Standard class typdedefs typedef Algorithm Self; typedef B Superclass; typedef itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer; typedef itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer; /// Templated types typedef T TTraits; typedef B TBaseFilter; typedef typename T::TCost TCost; typedef typename T::TResult TResult; typedef typename T::TVertex TVertex; typedef typename T::TVertexValue TVertexValue; protected: typedef typename T::TFrontId _TFrontId; typedef typename T::TNode _TNode; typedef typename T::TNodes _TNodes; typedef typename T::TVertexCmp _TVertexCmp; typedef std::map< TVertex, _TNode, _TVertexCmp > _TMarks; typedef std::pair< TVertex, bool > _TCollision; typedef std::vector< _TCollision > _TCollisionSitesRow; typedef std::vector< _TCollisionSitesRow > _TCollisionSites; public: typedef BaseEvent< _TNode > TEvent; typedef FrontEvent< _TNode > TFrontEvent; typedef MarkEvent< _TNode > TMarkEvent; typedef CollisionEvent< _TNode > TCollisionEvent; typedef EndEvent< _TNode > TEndEvent; public: itkTypeMacro( Algorithm, itkProcessObject ); itkBooleanMacro( StopAtOneFront ); itkBooleanMacro( ThrowEvents ); itkGetConstMacro( StopAtOneFront, bool ); itkGetConstMacro( ThrowEvents, bool ); itkSetMacro( StopAtOneFront, bool ); itkSetMacro( ThrowEvents, bool ); public: virtual void InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e ); virtual void InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e ) const; /// Seeds manipulation void AddSeed( const TVertex& s, const TResult& v ); const TVertex& GetSeed( const unsigned long& i ) const; void ClearSeeds( ); unsigned long GetNumberOfSeeds( ) const; protected: Algorithm( ); virtual ~Algorithm( ); /// itk::ProcessObject virtual void GenerateData( ); /// Base interface virtual void _BeforeMainLoop ( ); virtual void _AfterMainLoop ( ); virtual void _BeforeLoop ( ); virtual void _AfterLoop ( ); virtual void _Loop ( ); virtual bool _CheckCollisions ( const _TNode& a, const _TNode& b ); virtual bool _CheckStopCondition ( ); virtual bool _UpdateResult ( _TNode& n ); /// Marks management virtual void _InitializeMarks ( ); virtual bool _IsMarked ( const TVertex& v ) const; virtual _TFrontId _FrontId ( const TVertex& v ) const; virtual TVertex _Parent ( const TVertex& v ) const; virtual void _Mark ( const _TNode& n ); /// Pure virtual interface: vertices virtual unsigned long _NumberOfVertices ( ) const = 0; virtual TVertexValue _Value ( const TVertex& v ) const = 0; virtual TResult _Result ( const TVertex& v ) const = 0; /// Pure virtual interface: edges virtual double _Norm ( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b ) const = 0; virtual bool _Edge ( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b ) const = 0; virtual TCost _Cost ( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b ) const = 0; /// Pure virtual interface: neighborhood virtual void _Neighs ( const _TNode& n, _TNodes& N ) const = 0; virtual bool _UpdateNeigh ( _TNode& nn, const _TNode& n ) = 0; virtual void _NeighsInDim ( const _TNode& n, const unsigned int& d, _TNodes& N ) = 0; /// Pure virtual interface: queue virtual void _InitializeQueue ( ) = 0; virtual bool _IsQueueEmpty ( ) const = 0; virtual void _QueuePush ( const _TNode& n ) = 0; virtual _TNode _QueuePop ( ) = 0; virtual void _QueueClear ( ) = 0; /// Pure virtual interface: results virtual void _InitializeResults ( ) = 0; private: // Purposely not implemented Algorithm( const Self& ); void operator=( const Self& ); protected: bool m_StopAtOneFront; bool m_ThrowEvents; _TNodes m_Seeds; _TMarks m_Marks; _TCollisionSites m_CollisionSites; }; } // ecapseman } // ecapseman #include #endif // __FPA__BASE__ALGORITHM__H__ // eof - $RCSfile$