#ifndef __FPA__BASE__ALGORITHM__HXX__ #define __FPA__BASE__ALGORITHM__HXX__ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::_TNode:: _TNode( ) : Result( TResult( 0 ) ), FrontId( -1 ), Label( Self::FarLabel ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >::_TNode:: ~_TNode( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) { return( dynamic_cast< TMinimumSpanningTree* >( this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( 1 ) ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: TMinimumSpanningTree* fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: GetMinimumSpanningTree( ) const { return( dynamic_cast< const TMinimumSpanningTree* >( this->itk::ProcessObject::GetOutput( 1 ) ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: GraftMinimumSpanningTree( itk::DataObject* obj ) { TMinimumSpanningTree* mst = dynamic_cast< TMinimumSpanningTree* >( obj ); if( mst != NULL ) this->GraftNthOutput( 1, mst ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e ) { if( this->m_ThrowEvents ) this->Superclass::InvokeEvent( e ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e ) const { if( this->m_ThrowEvents ) this->Superclass::InvokeEvent( e ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: AddSeed( const TVertex& s, const TResult& r ) { _TNode ns; ns.Parent = s; ns.Result = r; ns.FrontId = this->m_SeedVertices.size( ); ns.Label = Self::FrontLabel; this->m_Seeds[ s ] = ns; this->m_SeedVertices.push_back( s ); this->Modified( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: TVertex& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: GetSeed( const unsigned int& id ) const { return( this->m_SeedVertices[ id ] ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: ClearSeeds( ) { this->m_Seeds.clear( ); this->m_SeedVertices.clear( ); this->Modified( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > unsigned long fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: GetNumberOfSeeds( ) const { return( this->m_Seeds.size( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: Algorithm( ) : Superclass( ), m_ThrowEvents( false ), m_StopAtOneFront( false ) { this->m_MinimumSpanningTreeIndex = this->GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( ); this->SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( this->m_MinimumSpanningTreeIndex + 1 ); this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( this->m_MinimumSpanningTreeIndex, TMinimumSpanningTree::New( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: ~Algorithm( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: GenerateData( ) { unsigned long N = this->m_Seeds.size( ); if( N == 0 ) return; this->InvokeEvent( TStartEvent( ) ); this->_BeforeGenerateData( ); this->m_Collisions.clear( ); this->m_Collisions. resize( N, _TCollisionsRow( N, _TCollision( TVertex( ), false ) ) ); this->_InitResults( ); this->_InitMarks( ); this->_InitQueue( ); this->_Loop( ); this->_AfterGenerateData( ); this->InvokeEvent( TEndEvent( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _Loop( ) { this->InvokeEvent( TStartLoopEvent( ) ); this->_BeforeLoop( ); while( !( this->_IsQueueEmpty( ) ) ) { // Get next candidate TVertex vertex; _TNode node; this->_QueuePop( vertex, node ); if( this->_Node( vertex ).Label == Self::AliveLabel ) continue; // Mark it as "Alive" and update final result node.Label = Self::AliveLabel; this->_Mark( vertex, node ); this->_SetResult( vertex, node ); this->InvokeEvent( TAliveEvent( vertex, node.FrontId ) ); // Check if a forced stop condition arises if( !( this->_NeedToStop( ) ) ) { // Compute neighborhood _TVertices neighborhood; this->_Neighborhood( neighborhood, vertex ); // Iterate over neighbors typename _TVertices::iterator nIt = neighborhood.begin( ); while( nIt != neighborhood.end( ) ) { _TNode neighbor = this->_Node( *nIt ); if( neighbor.Label == Self::AliveLabel ) { // Update collisions if( this->_UpdateCollisions( vertex, *nIt ) ) { this->_QueueClear( ); nIt = neighborhood.end( ); continue; } // fi } else { // Add new candidate to queue if( this->_ComputeNeighborResult( neighbor.Result, *nIt, vertex ) ) { neighbor.FrontId = node.FrontId; neighbor.Parent = vertex; neighbor.Label = Self::FrontLabel; this->_QueuePush( *nIt, neighbor ); this->_Mark( *nIt, neighbor ); this->InvokeEvent( TFrontEvent( *nIt, node.FrontId ) ); } else this->InvokeEvent( TFreezeEvent( *nIt, node.FrontId ) ); } // fi ++nIt; } // elihw } else this->_QueueClear( ); } // elihw this->_AfterLoop( ); this->InvokeEvent( TEndLoopEvent( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _BeforeGenerateData( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _AfterGenerateData( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _BeforeLoop( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _AfterLoop( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _UpdateCollisions( const TVertex& a, const TVertex& b ) { bool ret = false; _TNode na = this->_Node( a ); _TNode nb = this->_Node( b ); long fa = na.FrontId; long fb = nb.FrontId; if( fa != fb ) { // Mark collision, if it is new bool exists = this->m_Collisions[ fa ][ fb ].second; exists &= this->m_Collisions[ fb ][ fa ].second; if( !exists ) { this->m_Collisions[ fa ][ fb ].first = a; this->m_Collisions[ fa ][ fb ].second = true; this->m_Collisions[ fb ][ fa ].first = b; this->m_Collisions[ fb ][ fa ].second = true; // Stop if one front is desired if( this->m_StopAtOneFront ) { // Perform a depth-first iteration on front graph unsigned long N = this->GetNumberOfSeeds( ); unsigned long count = 0; std::vector< bool > m( N, false ); std::queue< unsigned long > q; q.push( 0 ); while( !q.empty( ) ) { unsigned long f = q.front( ); q.pop( ); if( m[ f ] ) continue; m[ f ] = true; count++; for( unsigned int n = 0; n < N; ++n ) if( this->m_Collisions[ f ][ n ].second && !m[ n ] ) q.push( n ); } // elihw ret = ( count == N ); } // fi } // fi } // fi return( ret ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > bool fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _NeedToStop( ) const { return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _TNode& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _Node( const TVertex& v ) { typename _TNodes::iterator vIt = this->m_Marks.find( v ); if( vIt == this->m_Marks.end( ) ) { _TNode new_node; new_node.Parent = v; new_node.Result = TResult( 0 ); new_node.FrontId = -1; new_node.Label = Self::FarLabel; this->m_Marks[ v ] = new_node; vIt = this->m_Marks.find( v ); } // fi return( vIt->second ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > const typename fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _TNode& fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _Node( const TVertex& v ) const { typename _TNodes::const_iterator vIt = this->m_Marks.find( v ); return( vIt->second ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _InitMarks( ) { this->m_Marks.clear( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _Mark( const TVertex& v, const _TNode& node ) { this->m_Marks[ v ] = node; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class R, class VC, class B > void fpa::Base::Algorithm< V, C, R, VC, B >:: _InitQueue( ) { this->_QueueClear( ); for( typename _TNodes::const_iterator sIt = this->m_Seeds.begin( ); sIt != this->m_Seeds.end( ); sIt++ ) { this->_QueuePush( sIt->first, sIt->second ); this->_Mark( sIt->first, sIt->second ); } // rof } #endif // __FPA__BASE__ALGORITHM__HXX__ // eof - $RCSfile$