#ifndef __FPA__BASE__MINIMUMSPANNINGTREE__HXX__ #define __FPA__BASE__MINIMUMSPANNINGTREE__HXX__ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class B > const unsigned long fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, B >::INF_VALUE = std::numeric_limits< unsigned long >::max( ) >> 1; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class B > void fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, B >:: SetCollisions( const TCollisions& collisions ) { this->m_Collisions = collisions; // Prepare fronts graph using Floyd-Warshall unsigned long nSeeds = this->m_Collisions.size( ); _TMatrix dist( nSeeds, _TRow( nSeeds, Self::INF_VALUE ) ); this->m_FrontPaths = dist; for( unsigned long i = 0; i < nSeeds; ++i ) { for( unsigned long j = 0; j < nSeeds; ++j ) { if( this->m_Collisions[ i ][ j ].second ) { dist[ i ][ j ] = 1; dist[ j ][ i ] = 1; this->m_FrontPaths[ i ][ j ] = j; this->m_FrontPaths[ j ][ i ] = i; } // fi } // rof dist[ i ][ i ] = 0; this->m_FrontPaths[ i ][ i ] = i; } // rof for( unsigned long k = 0; k < nSeeds; ++k ) { for( unsigned long i = 0; i < nSeeds; ++i ) { for( unsigned long j = 0; j < nSeeds; ++j ) { if( ( dist[ i ][ k ] + dist[ k ][ j ] ) < dist[ i ][ j ] ) { dist[ i ][ j ] = dist[ i ][ k ] + dist[ k ][ j ]; this->m_FrontPaths[ i ][ j ] = this->m_FrontPaths[ i ][ k ]; } // fi } // rof } // rof } // rof this->Modified( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class B > void fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, B >:: GetPath( std::vector< V >& path, const V& a, const V& b ) const { typename TDecorated::const_iterator aIt = this->Get( ).find( a ); typename TDecorated::const_iterator bIt = this->Get( ).find( b ); if( aIt == this->Get( ).end( ) || bIt == this->Get( ).end( ) ) return; short fa = aIt->second.second; short fb = bIt->second.second; if( fa == fb ) { std::vector< V > ap, bp; this->_Path( ap, a ); this->_Path( bp, b ); // Ignore common part typename std::vector< V >::const_reverse_iterator raIt, rbIt; raIt = ap.rbegin( ); rbIt = bp.rbegin( ); while( *raIt == *rbIt && raIt != ap.rend( ) && rbIt != bp.rend( ) ) { ++raIt; ++rbIt; } // elihw if( raIt != ap.rbegin( ) ) --raIt; if( rbIt != bp.rbegin( ) ) --rbIt; // Add part from a typename std::vector< V >::const_iterator iaIt = ap.begin( ); for( ; iaIt != ap.end( ) && *iaIt != *raIt; ++iaIt ) path.push_back( *iaIt ); // Add part from b for( ; rbIt != bp.rend( ); ++rbIt ) path.push_back( *rbIt ); } else { // Use this->m_FrontPaths from Floyd-Warshall if( this->m_FrontPaths[ fa ][ fb ] != Self::INF_VALUE ) { // Compute front path std::vector< long > fpath; fpath.push_back( fa ); while( fa != fb ) { fa = this->m_FrontPaths[ fa ][ fb ]; fpath.push_back( fa ); } // elihw // Continue only if both fronts are connected unsigned int N = fpath.size( ); if( 0 < N ) { // First path: from start vertex to first collision this->GetPath( path, a, this->m_Collisions[ fpath[ 0 ] ][ fpath[ 1 ] ].first ); // Intermediary paths for( unsigned int i = 1; i < N - 1; ++i ) { this->GetPath( path, this->m_Collisions[ fpath[ i ] ][ fpath[ i - 1 ] ].first, this->m_Collisions[ fpath[ i ] ][ fpath[ i + 1 ] ].first ); } // rof // Final path: from last collision to end point this->GetPath( path, this->m_Collisions[ fpath[ N - 1 ] ][ fpath[ N - 2 ] ].first, b ); } // fi } // fi } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class B > template< class I, class P > void fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, B >:: GetPathFromImage( std::vector< P >& path, const V& a, const V& b, const I* image, unsigned int kernel ) const { std::vector< V > vertices; this->GetPath( vertices, a, b ); path.clear( ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size( ); ++i ) { P p; image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( vertices[ i ], p ); path.push_back( p ); } // rof // Lowpass filter if( kernel > 0 ) { int k = int( kernel ) >> 1; std::vector< P > lowpass_path; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < path.size( ); ++i ) { P p; p.Fill( ( typename P::ValueType )( 0 ) ); unsigned int c = 0; for( int j = -k; j <= k; ++j ) { int l = int( i ) + j; if( l >= 0 && l < path.size( ) ) { p += path[ l ].GetVectorFromOrigin( ); c++; } // fi } // rof if( c > 0 ) for( unsigned int d = 0; d < P::PointDimension; ++d ) p[ d ] /= ( typename P::ValueType )( c ); lowpass_path.push_back( p ); } // rof path = lowpass_path; } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class B > fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, B >:: MinimumSpanningTree( ) : Superclass( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class B > fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, B >:: ~MinimumSpanningTree( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class V, class C, class B > void fpa::Base::MinimumSpanningTree< V, C, B >:: _Path( std::vector< V >& path, const V& a ) const { typename TDecorated::const_iterator dIt = this->Get( ).find( a ); if( dIt != this->Get( ).end( ) ) { do { path.push_back( dIt->first ); dIt = this->Get( ).find( dIt->second.first ); } while( dIt->first != dIt->second.first && dIt != this->Get( ).end( ) ); if( dIt != this->Get( ).end( ) ) path.push_back( dIt->first ); } // fi } #endif // __FPA__BASE__MINIMUMSPANNINGTREE__HXX__ // eof - $RCSfile$