// ========================================================================= // @author Leonardo Florez Valencia // @email florez-l@javeriana.edu.co // ========================================================================= #ifndef __fpa__Common__SliceBySliceRandomWalker__hxx__ #define __fpa__Common__SliceBySliceRandomWalker__hxx__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TImage, class _TLabels, class _TScalarImage > fpa::Common::SliceBySliceRandomWalker< _TImage, _TLabels, _TScalarImage >:: SliceBySliceRandomWalker( ) : Superclass( ) { ivqITKInputConfigureMacro( InputLabels, TLabels ); ivqITKInputConfigureMacro( InputVesselness, TScalarImage ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TImage, class _TLabels, class _TScalarImage > fpa::Common::SliceBySliceRandomWalker< _TImage, _TLabels, _TScalarImage >:: ~SliceBySliceRandomWalker( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TImage, class _TLabels, class _TScalarImage > void fpa::Common::SliceBySliceRandomWalker< _TImage, _TLabels, _TScalarImage >:: GenerateData( ) { typedef itk::Image< TPixel, TImage::ImageDimension - 1 > _TSliceImage; typedef itk::Image< TLabel, TImage::ImageDimension - 1 > _TSliceLabels; typedef itk::Image< TScalar, TImage::ImageDimension - 1 > _TSliceScalarImage; // Preare I/O objects const TImage* input = this->GetInput( ); const TLabels* labels = this->GetInputLabels( ); const TScalarImage* vesselness = this->GetInputVesselness( ); this->AllocateOutputs( ); // Some values typename TImage::RegionType region = input->GetRequestedRegion( ); typename TImage::SizeType regionIndex = region.GetIndex( ); typename TImage::SizeType sliceSize = region.GetSize( ); int numSlices = sliceSize[ 2 ]; sliceSize[ 2 ] = 0; this->m_VesselnessValue = this->m_VesselnessThreshold * this->m_VesselnessMax / TScalar( 100 ); // Composite image typename TScalarImage::Pointer composite = TScalarImage::New( ); composite->CopyInformation( vesselness ); composite->SetBufferedRegion( vesselness->GetBufferedRegion( ) ); composite->Allocate( ); this->_Composite( composite, labels, vesselness ); // Extract slices std::vector< typename _TSliceImage::Pointer > data3D( numSlices ); std::vector< typename _TSliceLabels::Pointer > binaryTree( numSlices ); std::vector< typename _TSliceScalarImage::Pointer > fusion( numSlices ); for( int i = 0; i < numSlices; ++i ) { // Prepare extraction region typename TImage::IndexType sliceIndex = regionIndex; sliceIndex[ 2 ] += i; typename TImage::RegionType sliceRegion( sliceIndex, sliceSize ); // Extract regions typename _TSliceImage::Pointer input_slice; typename _TSliceLabels::Pointer labels_slice; typename _TSliceScalarImage::Pointer composite_slice; this->_Slice( input_slice, input, sliceRegion ); this->_Slice( labels_slice, labels, sliceRegion ); this->_Slice( composite_slice, composite, sliceRegion ); // Update vectors with each image data3D[ i ] = input_slice; binaryTree[ i ] = labels_slice; fusion[ i ] = composite_slice; } // rof // Random walker slice-by-slice this->_GoDown( binaryTree, data3D, fusion, numSlices ); this->_GoUp( binaryTree, data3D, fusion, numSlices ); // Join results typedef itk::JoinSeriesImageFilter< _TSliceImage, TImage > _TJoin; typename _TJoin::Pointer join = _TJoin::New( ); for( int i = 0; i < numSlices; ++i ) join->SetInput( i, binaryTree[ i ] ); join->Update( ); this->GetOutput( )->Graft( join->GetOutput( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TImage, class _TLabels, class _TScalarImage > void fpa::Common::SliceBySliceRandomWalker< _TImage, _TLabels, _TScalarImage >:: _Composite( typename TScalarImage::Pointer& composite, const TLabels* labels, const TScalarImage* vesselness ) { // Min-Max vesselness values typedef itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator< TScalarImage > _TMinMax; typename _TMinMax::Pointer minMax = _TMinMax::New( ); minMax->SetImage( vesselness ); minMax->Compute( ); TScalar maxVess = minMax->GetMaximum( ); typename TScalarImage::RegionType region = labels->GetRequestedRegion( ); // Composite image typename TScalarImage::Pointer composite = TScalarImage::New( ); composite->CopyInformation( vesselness ); composite->SetBufferedRegion( vesselness->GetBufferedRegion( ) ); composite->Allocate( ); itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< TScalarImage > v( vesselness, region ); itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< TLabels > l( labels, region ); itk::ImageRegionIterator< TScalarImage > c( composite, region ); v.GoToBegin( ); l.GoToBegin( ); c.GoToBegin( ); for( ; !v.IsAtEnd( ); ++v, ++l, ++c ) c.Set( ( l.Get( ) != 0 )? maxVess: v.Get( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TImage, class _TLabels, class _TScalarImage > template< class _TSlicePtr, class _TInput > void fpa::Common::SliceBySliceRandomWalker< _TImage, _TLabels, _TScalarImage >:: _Slice( _TSlicePtr& slice, const _TInput* input, typename _TInput::RegionType region ) { typedef typename _TSlicePTr::ObjectType _TSlice; typedef itk::ExtractImageFilter< _TInput, _TSlice > _TExtract; typename _TExtract::Pointer extract = _TExtract::New( ); extract->SetInput( input ); extract->SetExtractionRegion( region ); extract->SetDirectionCollapseToIdentity( ); extract->Update( ); slice = extract->GetOutput( ); slice->DisconnectPipeline( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TImage, class _TLabels, class _TScalarImage > template< class _TBinaryTree, class _TData3D, class _TFusion > void fpa::Common::SliceBySliceRandomWalker< _TImage, _TLabels, _TScalarImage >:: _GoDown( _TBinaryTree& binaryTree, const _TData3D& data3D, const _TFusion& fusion, int numSlices ) { typedef typename _TBinaryTree::value_type _TSliceBinaryPtr; typedef typename _TData3D::value_type _TSliceData3DPtr; typedef typename _TFusion::value_type _TSliceFusionPtr; typedef typename _TSliceBinaryPtr::ObjectType _TSliceBinary; typedef typename _TSliceData3DPtr::ObjectType _TSliceData3D; typedef typename _TSliceFusionPtr::ObjectType _TSliceFusion; typedef typename _TSliceFusion::PixelType _TSliceScalar; int z = -1; while( z < numSlices - 2 ) { z++; _TSliceBinaryPtr tmp = binaryTree[ z ]; _TSliceBinaryPtr next = binaryTree[ z + 1 ]; _TSliceData3DPtr data = data3D[ z + 1 ]; _TSliceFusionPtr vess = fusion[ z + 1 ]; typename _TSliceBinary::RegionType region = tmp->GetRequestedRegion( ); // Create seeds and background _TSliceBinaryPtr seeds = _TSliceBinary::New( ); seeds->CopyInformation( tmp ); seeds->SetRequestedRegion( region ); seeds->Allocate( ); seeds->FillBuffer( 0 ); itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< _TSliceBinary > tIt( tmp, region ); itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< _TSliceFusion > vIt( vess, region ); itk::ImageRegionIterator< _TSliceBinary > sIt( seeds, region ); tIt.GoToBegin( ); vIt.GoToBegin( ); sIt.GoToBegin( ); int len = 0; int numO = 0; int numB = 0; for( ; !tIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++tIt, ++vIt, ++sIt ) { if( tIt.Get( ) != 0 ) { len++; if( vIt.Get( ) > this->m_VesselnessValue ) { sIt.Set( 1 ); numO++; } // fi } // fi if( vIt.Get( ) < this->m_VesselnessValue ) { sIt.Set( 2 ); numB++; } // fi } // rof if( len == 0 ) continue; // Random walker function typedef fpa::Functors::Dijkstra::Image::Gaussian< _TSliceData3D, _TSliceScalar > _TFunction; typename TFunction::Pointer edge = TFunction::New( ); edge->SetBeta( this->m_Beta ); edge->SetEpsilon( this->m_Eps ); edge->TreatAsWeightOff( ); // Real random walker typedef fpa::Common::RandomWalker< _TSliceData3D, _TSliceBinary, _TSliceScalar > _TRandomWalker; typename _TRandomWalker::Pointer rw = _TRandomWalker::New( ); rw->SetInput( data ); rw->SetInputLabels( seeds ); rw->SetEdgeFunction( edge ); // Keep maximum /* TODO typedef itk::MaximumImageFilter MaxFilterType; MaxFilterType::Pointer maxFilter = MaxFilterType::New(); maxFilter->SetInput(0, img2); maxFilter->SetInput(1, next); maxFilter->Update(); SliceType::Pointer sth = maxFilter->GetOutput(); ImageAlgorithm::Copy(sth.GetPointer(), binaryTree[z + 1].GetPointer(), sth->GetRequestedRegion(), binaryTree[z + 1]->GetRequestedRegion()); delete[] probs; */ } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TImage, class _TLabels, class _TScalarImage > template< class _TBinaryTree, class _TData3D, class _TFusion > void _GoUp( _TBinaryTree& binaryTree, const _TData3D& data3D, const _TFusion& fusion, int numSlices ) { } #endif // __fpa__Common__SliceBySliceRandomWalker__hxx__ // eof - $RCSfile$