// ========================================================================= // @author Leonardo Florez Valencia // @email florez-l@javeriana.edu.co // ========================================================================= #ifndef __fpa__Filters__Algorithm__hxx__ #define __fpa__Filters__Algorithm__hxx__ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > itk::ModifiedTimeType fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: GetMTime( ) const { itk::ModifiedTimeType q = this->Superclass::GetMTime( ); itk::ModifiedTimeType t; for( itk::Object* o: this->m_AssociatedObjects ) { if( o != NULL ) { t = o->GetMTime( ); q = ( q < t )? q: t; } // fi } // rof return( q ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > void fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e ) { TEvent a; if( a.CheckEvent( &e ) ) { if( this->m_VisualDebug ) this->Superclass::InvokeEvent( e ); } else this->Superclass::InvokeEvent( e ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > void fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: InvokeEvent( const itk::EventObject& e ) const { TEvent a; if( a.CheckEvent( &e ) ) { if( this->m_VisualDebug ) this->Superclass::InvokeEvent( e ); } else this->Superclass::InvokeEvent( e ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: Algorithm( ) : Superclass( ), TTraits::TMarksInterface( this ), TTraits::TSeedsInterface( this ), m_VisualDebug( false ), m_InitValue( TOutputValue( 0 ) ), m_FillValue( std::numeric_limits< TOutputValue >::max( ) ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: ~Algorithm( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > void fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: GenerateData( ) { // Init algorithm this->InvokeEvent( itk::StartEvent( ) ); this->_BeforeGenerateData( ); this->_ConfigureOutputs( ); this->_PrepareSeeds( this->_GetReferenceInput( ) ); this->_InitCollisions( this->GetSeeds( ).size( ) ); // Init queue for( TNode seed: this->GetSeeds( ) ) { seed.Value = this->m_InitValue; this->_QueuePush( seed ); this->InvokeEvent( TEvent( seed.Vertex, seed.FrontId, true ) ); } // rof // Main loop while( this->_QueueSize( ) > 0 ) { // Get next candidate TNode node = this->_QueuePop( ); this->InvokeEvent( TEvent( node.Vertex, node.FrontId, false ) ); if( this->_IsNotMarked( node ) ) { // Update output value and mark vertex this->_PostComputeOutputValue( node ); this->_AssignOutputValue( node ); this->_Mark( node ); // The actual node was effectively marked? if( node.FrontId > 0 ) { // Add neighborhood TNeighborhood neighbors = this->_GetNeighbors( node.Vertex ); typename TNeighborhood::const_iterator nIt = neighbors.begin( ); bool coll = false; while( nIt != neighbors.end( ) && !coll ) { if( this->_IsMarked( *nIt ) ) { // Invoke stop at collisions if( this->_Collisions( node.Vertex, *nIt ) ) { this->_QueueClear( ); coll = true; } // fi } else { TNode nnode; nnode.Vertex = *nIt; nnode.Parent = node.Vertex; nnode.FrontId = node.FrontId; this->_PreComputeOutputValue( nnode ); this->_QueuePush( nnode ); this->InvokeEvent( TEvent( nnode.Vertex, nnode.FrontId, true ) ); } // fi ++nIt; } // elihw } // fi } // fi this->_Reinitialize( ); } // elihw // Finish algorithm this->_AfterGenerateData( ); this->InvokeEvent( itk::EndEvent( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > void fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _Associate( itk::Object* o ) { if( this->m_AssociatedObjects.insert( o ).second ) this->Modified( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > void fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _Deassociate( itk::Object* o ) { std::set< itk::Object* >::iterator i = this->m_AssociatedObjects.find( o ); if( i != this->m_AssociatedObjects.end( ) ) { this->m_AssociatedObjects.erase( i ); this->Modified( ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > void fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _DeassociateAll( ) { if( this->m_AssociatedObjects.size( ) > 0 ) this->Modified( ); this->m_AssociatedObjects.clear( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > void fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _BeforeGenerateData( ) { typedef fpa::Functors::BaseVertexFunction< TVertex > _TFunction; const itk::DataObject* input = this->GetInput( ); for( itk::Object* o: this->m_AssociatedObjects ) { _TFunction* f = dynamic_cast< _TFunction* >( o ); if( f != NULL ) f->SetDataObject( input ); } // rof } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > void fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _AfterGenerateData( ) { // Nothing to do at this level } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > typename fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: TInputValue fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _GetInputValue( const TNode& n ) const { return( this->_GetInputValue( n.Vertex ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > typename fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: TOutputValue fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _GetOutputValue( const TNode& n ) const { return( this->_GetOutputValue( n.Vertex ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > typename fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: TNeighborhood fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _GetNeighbors( const TNode& n ) const { return( this->_GetNeighbors( n.Vertex ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > const itk::DataObject* fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _GetReferenceInput( ) const { return( this->GetInput( ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > bool fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _IsMarked( const TNode& n ) const { return( this->_IsMarked( n.Vertex ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > bool fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _IsNotMarked( const TVertex& v ) const { return( !( this->_IsMarked( v ) ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > bool fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _IsNotMarked( const TNode& n ) const { return( this->_IsNotMarked( n.Vertex ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class _TTraits > void fpa::Filters::Algorithm< _TTraits >:: _Reinitialize( ) { // Nothing to do at this level } #endif // __fpa__Filters__Algorithm__hxx__ // eof - $RCSfile$