#ifndef __FPA__IMAGE__DIJKSTRAWITHSPHEREBACKTRACKING__HXX__ #define __FPA__IMAGE__DIJKSTRAWITHSPHEREBACKTRACKING__HXX__ #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class I, class C > fpa::Image::DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking< I, C >:: DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking( ) : Superclass( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class I, class C > fpa::Image::DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking< I, C >:: ~DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class I, class C > void fpa::Image::DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking< I, C >:: _BeforeMainLoop( ) { const I* img = this->GetInput( ); typename I::SpacingType spac = img->GetSpacing( ); double max_spac = spac[ 0 ]; for( unsigned int d = 1; d < I::ImageDimension; ++d ) max_spac = ( max_spac < double( spac[ d ] ) )? double( spac[ d ] ): max_spac; max_spac *= double( 3 ); // Correct seeds for( unsigned int s = 0; s < this->m_Seeds.size( ); ++s ) { _TNode seed = this->m_Seeds[ s ]; _TRegion region = this->_Region( seed.Vertex, max_spac ); itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< I > iIt( img, region ); iIt.GoToBegin( ); _TPixel max_value = iIt.Get( ); for( ++iIt; !iIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++iIt ) { if( iIt.Get( ) > max_value ) { seed.Vertex = iIt.GetIndex( ); seed.Parent = seed.Vertex; max_value = iIt.Get( ); } // fi } // rof this->m_Seeds[ s ] = seed; } // rof // End initialization this->Superclass::_BeforeMainLoop( ); this->m_Candidates.clear( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class I, class C > void fpa::Image::DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking< I, C >:: _AfterMainLoop( ) { typedef itk::Image< bool, I::ImageDimension > _TMarkImage; // Finish base algorithm this->Superclass::_AfterMainLoop( ); this->m_FinalTree.clear( ); this->m_EndPoints.clear( ); this->m_BifurcationPoints.clear( ); if( this->m_Candidates.size( ) == 0 ) return; this->InvokeEvent( TEndEvent( ) ); // Get some input values const I* input = this->GetInput( ); typename I::SpacingType spac = input->GetSpacing( ); double max_spac = spac[ 0 ]; for( unsigned int d = 1; d < I::ImageDimension; ++d ) max_spac = ( max_spac < double( spac[ d ] ) )? double( spac[ d ] ): max_spac; max_spac *= double( 3 ); // Prepare an object to hold marks typename _TMarkImage::Pointer marks = _TMarkImage::New( ); marks->SetLargestPossibleRegion( input->GetLargestPossibleRegion( ) ); marks->SetRequestedRegion( input->GetRequestedRegion( ) ); marks->SetBufferedRegion( input->GetBufferedRegion( ) ); marks->SetOrigin( input->GetOrigin( ) ); marks->SetSpacing( input->GetSpacing( ) ); marks->SetDirection( input->GetDirection( ) ); marks->Allocate( ); marks->FillBuffer( false ); // Iterate over the candidates, starting from the candidates that // are near thin branches typename _TCandidates::const_reverse_iterator cIt = this->m_Candidates.rbegin( ); for( int backId = 0; cIt != this->m_Candidates.rend( ); ++cIt ) { // If pixel hasn't been visited, continue TVertex v = cIt->second; if( marks->GetPixel( v ) ) continue; // Compute nearest start candidate _TRegion region = this->_Region( v, max_spac ); itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< I > iIt( input, region ); iIt.GoToBegin( ); TVertex max_vertex = iIt.GetIndex( ); _TPixel max_value = iIt.Get( ); for( ++iIt; !iIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++iIt ) { _TPixel value = iIt.Get( ); if( value > max_value ) { max_value = value; max_vertex = iIt.GetIndex( ); } // fi } // rof // Keep endpoint if( marks->GetPixel( max_vertex ) ) continue; backId++; this->m_EndPoints.push_back( max_vertex ); // Construct path (at least the part that hasn't been iterated) bool terminate = false; do { if( this->m_FinalTree.find( max_vertex ) == this->m_FinalTree.end( ) ) { // Mark a sphere around current point as visited double dist = std::sqrt( double( input->GetPixel( max_vertex ) ) ); region = this->_Region( max_vertex, dist * double( 1.25 ) ); itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< _TMarkImage > mIt( marks, region ); for( mIt.GoToBegin( ); !mIt.IsAtEnd( ); ++mIt ) mIt.Set( true ); // Next vertex in current path this->InvokeEvent( TBacktrackingEvent( max_vertex, backId ) ); this->m_FinalTree[ max_vertex ] = this->_Parent( max_vertex ); } else { // A bifurcation point has been reached! this->m_BifurcationPoints.push_back( max_vertex ); terminate = true; } // fi max_vertex = this->_Parent( max_vertex ); } while( max_vertex != this->_Parent( max_vertex ) && !terminate ); if( !terminate ) { this->m_FinalTree[ max_vertex ] = max_vertex; this->InvokeEvent( TEndBacktrackingEvent( backId ) ); } // fi } // rof } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class I, class C > bool fpa::Image::DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking< I, C >:: _UpdateNeigh( _TNode& nn, const _TNode& n ) { C nc = this->_Cost( nn.Vertex, n.Vertex ); if( TCost( 0 ) < nc ) { nc += TCost( 1 ); nn.Cost = n.Cost + ( TCost( 1 ) / std::pow( nc, 4 ) ); nn.Result = nn.Cost; return( true ); } else return( false ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class I, class C > bool fpa::Image::DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking< I, C >:: _UpdateResult( _TNode& n ) { bool ret = this->Superclass::_UpdateResult( n ); if( ret ) { TCost nc = this->_Cost( n.Vertex, n.Parent ); if( TCost( 0 ) < nc ) { TCost cc = n.Cost / nc; this->m_Candidates.insert( _TCandidate( cc, n.Vertex ) ); /* TODO: debug code this->GetOutput( )->SetPixel( n.Vertex, cc ); */ } // fi } // fi return( ret ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class I, class C > typename fpa::Image::DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking< I, C >:: _TRegion fpa::Image::DijkstraWithSphereBacktracking< I, C >:: _Region( const TVertex& c, const double& r ) { typename I::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput( ); typename I::SpacingType spac = input->GetSpacing( ); _TRegion region = input->GetLargestPossibleRegion( ); typename I::IndexType idx0 = region.GetIndex( ); typename I::IndexType idx1 = idx0 + region.GetSize( ); // Compute region size and index typename I::IndexType i0, i1; _TSize size; for( unsigned int d = 0; d < I::ImageDimension; ++d ) { long s = long( std::ceil( r / double( spac[ d ] ) ) ); i0[ d ] = c[ d ] - s; i1[ d ] = c[ d ] + s; if( i0[ d ] < idx0[ d ] ) i0[ d ] = idx0[ d ]; if( i1[ d ] < idx0[ d ] ) i1[ d ] = idx0[ d ]; if( i0[ d ] > idx1[ d ] ) i0[ d ] = idx1[ d ]; if( i1[ d ] > idx1[ d ] ) i1[ d ] = idx1[ d ]; size[ d ] = i1[ d ] - i0[ d ]; } // rof // Prepare region and return it region.SetIndex( i0 ); region.SetSize( size ); return( region ); } #endif // __FPA__IMAGE__DIJKSTRAWITHSPHEREBACKTRACKING__HXX__ // eof - $RCSfile$