/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class definition include //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "OsirixParser.h" #include OsirixParser::OsirixParser(std::string xsdfile, double* spacing, int* extent) { schema=xsdfile; OSIRIX_DICT = "dict"; OSIRIX_KEY = "key"; OSIRIX_IMAGES = "Images"; OSIRIX_ARRAY = "array"; OSIRIX_IMAGEINDEX = "ImageIndex"; OSIRIX_INTEGER = "integer"; OSIRIX_NUMBEROFROIS = "NumberOfROIs"; OSIRIX_ROIS = "ROIs"; OSIRIX_POINT_MM = "Point_mm"; OSIRIX_POINT_PX = "Point_px"; OSIRIX_STRING = "string"; OSIRIX_NAME = "Name"; if(spacing != NULL){ _spacing[0] = spacing[0]; _spacing[1] = spacing[1]; _spacing[2] = spacing[2]; }else{ _spacing[0] = 1; _spacing[1] = 1; _spacing[2] = 1; } if(extent != NULL){ _extent[0] = extent[0]; _extent[1] = extent[1]; _extent[2] = extent[2]; _extent[3] = extent[3]; _extent[4] = extent[4]; _extent[5] = extent[5]; }else{ _extent[0] = 1; _extent[1] = 1; _extent[2] = 1; _extent[3] = 1; _extent[4] = 1; _extent[5] = 1; } /*HEADER*/ CREACONTOUR = "--CreaContour--"; CREACONTOUR_VERSION = "Version 1.0.2"; CREACONTOUR_IMAGEDIMENSIONS = "ImageDimensions"; CREACONTOUR_IMAGESPACING = "ImageSpacing"; CREACONTOUR_NUMBEROFCONTOURS = "NumberOfContours"; /*FOR EACH CONTOUR*/ CREACONTOUR_INSTANT = "Instant"; CREACONTOUR_TYPEMODEL = "TypeModel"; CREACONTOUR_NUMBEROFCONTROLPOINTS = "NumberOfControlPoints"; CREACONTOUR_TYPEVIEW = "TypeView"; /*STATICCONTOURS*/ CREACONTOUR_NUMBEROFCONTOURSSTATIC = "NumberOfContoursStatic"; TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE = ""; #ifdef WIN32 char currentPath[_MAX_PATH]; wchar_t currentPath2[512]; long result = GetModuleFileName(NULL, currentPath2, pathsize); // GetModuleFileName(NULL, currentPath, _MAX_PATH); int ret = wcstombs ( currentPath, currentPath2, sizeof(pname) ); TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE = currentPath; TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE = TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE.substr(0,TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE.find_last_of("\\")); TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE.append("\\data\\TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE.roi"); #else char * pPath; pPath = getenv ("HOME"); if(pPath){ TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE.append(pPath); }else{ TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE.append("."); } TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE.append("/.creaContourDataTemp/TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE.roi"); #endif } OsirixParser::~OsirixParser(){ } int OsirixParser::ParseFile(const char* xmlfile){ xercesc::DOMDocument *doc; try { XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize(); } catch (const XMLException& toCatch) { char* message = XMLString::transcode(toCatch.getMessage()); cout << "Error during initialization! :\n" << message << "\n"; XMLString::release(&message); return 1; } XercesDOMParser* OsirixParser = new XercesDOMParser(); OsirixParser->setDoNamespaces(true); OsirixParser->setDoSchema(true); OsirixParser->setValidationScheme(XercesDOMParser::Val_Always ); OsirixParser->setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(XMLString::transcode(schema.c_str())); OsirixParser->setValidationSchemaFullChecking(true); OsirixParser->setValidationConstraintFatal(true); OsirixParser->setExitOnFirstFatalError(true); ErrorHandler* errHandler = (ErrorHandler*) new OsirixParserErrorHandler(); OsirixParser->setErrorHandler(errHandler); try { OsirixParser->parse(xmlfile); if(OsirixParser->getErrorCount() > 0){ errorline = ((OsirixParserErrorHandler*)OsirixParser->getErrorHandler())->getErrorMsg(); delete OsirixParser; delete errHandler; return -2; } } catch (const XMLException& toCatch) { char* message = XMLString::transcode(toCatch.getMessage()); cout << "Exception message is: \n" << message << "\n"; XMLString::release(&message); delete OsirixParser; delete errHandler; return -1; } catch (const DOMException& toCatch) { char* message = XMLString::transcode(toCatch.msg); cout << "Exception message is: \n" << message << "\n"; XMLString::release(&message); delete OsirixParser; delete errHandler; return -1; } catch (...) { cout << "Unexpected Exception \n" ; delete OsirixParser; delete errHandler; return -1; } std::cout<<"parsing document..."<getDocument(); // DOMNodeList* list = doc->getChildNodes(); getUserData(doc->getDocumentElement()); saveCreaContoursFormat(); delete OsirixParser; delete errHandler; return 0; } void OsirixParser::setErrorLine(DOMNodeList* list){ DOMNode* node = list->item(0); this->errorline = XMLString::transcode(node->getTextContent()); } DOMNode* OsirixParser::getLastNode(DOMNodeList* list){ DOMNode* node; /*for(int i = list->getLength()-1; i >= 0 ;i--){ node = list->item(i); if(node->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE){ i = -1; } }*/ node = list->item(list->getLength()-1); if(node->getChildNodes()->getLength()>0){ return getLastNode(node->getChildNodes()); } return node; } void OsirixParser::getUserData(DOMElement* element){ parseOSIRIX_DICT(element->getElementsByTagName(XMLString::transcode(OSIRIX_DICT))); } void OsirixParser::parseOSIRIX_DICT(DOMNodeList* list){ int i, j; DOMNode* node, *childnode, *childnode1, *childarray; std::string point_mm, point_px, osirixinteger, imageindex, temp; DOMNodeList* childlist; point_mm = OSIRIX_POINT_MM; point_px = OSIRIX_POINT_PX; imageindex = OSIRIX_IMAGEINDEX; osirixinteger = OSIRIX_INTEGER; std::string osirixstring = OSIRIX_STRING; std::string osirixname = OSIRIX_NAME; for(i = 0; i < (int)(list->getLength()); i++){ node = list->item(i); childlist = node->getChildNodes(); for(j = 0; j < (int)(childlist->getLength());j++){ childnode = childlist->item(j); temp = XMLString::transcode(childnode->getTextContent()); if(point_mm.compare(temp)==0){ childarray = childlist->item(j+2); //temp = XMLString::transcode(childarray->getNodeName()); if(childarray != 0){ parseOSIRIX_POINT_MM(childarray->getChildNodes()); } }else if(point_px.compare(temp)==0){ childarray = childlist->item(j+2); //temp = XMLString::transcode(childarray->getNodeName()); if(childarray != 0){ parseOSIRIX_POINT_PX(childarray->getChildNodes()); } }else if(imageindex.compare(temp) == 0){ childnode1 = childlist->item(j+2); if(childnode1 != NULL && osirixinteger.compare(XMLString::transcode(childnode1->getNodeName())) == 0){ _imageindex = atoi(XMLString::transcode(childnode1->getTextContent())); } } else if(osirixname.compare(temp) == 0) { // keep information about the name of the ROI childnode1 = childlist->item(j+2); if(childnode1 != NULL && osirixstring.compare(XMLString::transcode(childnode1->getNodeName())) == 0){ char* roiname = XMLString::transcode(childnode1->getTextContent()); _roiname = string(roiname); } } } } } void OsirixParser::parseOSIRIX_POINT_MM(DOMNodeList* list){ int i, stringfound0, stringfound1; DOMNode* node; string temp, osirix_string, numx, numy, numz; vector* vectorx; vector* vectory; vector* vectorz; vectorXYZ vectorxyz; double x, y, z; vectorx = new vector; vectory = new vector; vectorz = new vector; osirix_string = OSIRIX_STRING; for(i = 0; i < (int)(list->getLength()); i++){ node = list->item(i); if(osirix_string.compare(XMLString::transcode(node->getNodeName()))==0){ temp = XMLString::transcode(node->getTextContent()); stringfound0 = temp.find(",",0); numx = temp.substr(1, stringfound0-1); stringfound1 = temp.find(",",stringfound0+1); numy = temp.substr(stringfound0+1, stringfound1-stringfound0-1); stringfound0 = temp.find(")",stringfound1+1); numz = temp.substr(stringfound1+1, stringfound0-stringfound1-1); x = atof(numx.c_str()); y = atof(numy.c_str()); z = atof(numz.c_str()); vectorx->push_back(x); vectory->push_back(y); vectorz->push_back(z); } } if(vectorx->size() > 0){ vectorxyz.push_back(*vectorx); vectorxyz.push_back(*vectory); vectorxyz.push_back(*vectorz); contoursmapMM.insert(pair(contoursmapMM.size(), vectorxyz)); contoursnameMM.insert(pair(contoursnameMM.size(), _roiname)); } } void OsirixParser::parseOSIRIX_POINT_PX(DOMNodeList* list){ int i, stringfound0, stringfound1; DOMNode* node; string temp, osirix_string, numx, numy; vector* vectorx; vector* vectory; vector* vectorz; vectorXYZ vectorxyz; double x, y, z; vectorx = new vector; vectory = new vector; vectorz = new vector; osirix_string = OSIRIX_STRING; for(i = 0; i < (int)(list->getLength()); i++){ node = list->item(i); if(osirix_string.compare(XMLString::transcode(node->getNodeName()))==0){ temp = XMLString::transcode(node->getTextContent()); stringfound0 = temp.find(",",0); numx = temp.substr(1, stringfound0-1); stringfound1 = temp.find(")",stringfound0+1); numy = temp.substr(stringfound0+1, stringfound1-stringfound0-1); x = atof(numx.c_str()); y = atof(numy.c_str()); vectorx->push_back(x); vectory->push_back(y); vectorz->push_back(_imageindex); } } if(vectorx->size() > 0){ vectorxyz.push_back(*vectorx); vectorxyz.push_back(*vectory); vectorxyz.push_back(*vectorz); contoursmapPX.insert(pair(contoursmapPX.size(), vectorxyz)); contoursnamePX.insert(pair(contoursnamePX.size(), _roiname)); } } void OsirixParser::getData(DOMNodeList* list, std::vector& vect, std::string tagname){ for(int i = 0; i < (int)(list->getLength()); i++){ DOMNode* node = list->item(i); if(tagname.compare(XMLString::transcode(node->getNodeName()))==0){ std::cout<<"NODENAME "<getTextContent())<getTextContent())); } } } void OsirixParser::saveCreaContoursFormat(){ FILE *pFile=fopen(TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE.c_str(),"w+"); if(pFile){ writeHeader(pFile); writeContours(pFile); writeContoursStatic(pFile); fclose(pFile); } } void OsirixParser::writeContoursStatic(FILE* pFile){ fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_IMAGEDIMENSIONS); fprintf(pFile, " %d %d %d\n", _extent[1] - _extent[0],_extent[3] - _extent[2], _extent[5] - _extent[4]); fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_IMAGESPACING); fprintf(pFile, " %f %f %f\n", _spacing[0], _spacing[1], _spacing[2]); fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_NUMBEROFCONTOURSSTATIC); fprintf(pFile, " 0\n"); } void OsirixParser::writeContours(FILE* pFile){ map::iterator itPX; vector vectx, vecty, vectz; int i, valuez; int dimz = 0, dimy = 0; if(_extent != 0){ dimz = _extent[5] - _extent[4] + 1; dimy = _extent[3] - _extent[2] + 1; } /*for (itMM = contoursmapMM.begin(), itPX = contoursmapPX.begin(); itMM != contoursmapMM.end(), itPX != contoursmapPX.end(); itMM++, itPX++ ){*/ for (itPX = contoursmapPX.begin(); itPX != contoursmapPX.end(); itPX++ ){ vectx = ((*itPX).second)[0]; vecty = ((*itPX).second)[1]; vectz = ((*itPX).second)[2]; if(!vectz.empty()){ valuez = (int) vectz[0] / _spacing[2]; fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_INSTANT); fprintf(pFile, " 1 %d 1 1 1 1\n",dimz - valuez); fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_TYPEMODEL); fprintf(pFile, " 1\n"); fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_NUMBEROFCONTROLPOINTS); fprintf(pFile, " %d\n", vectz.size()); for(i = 0; i < vectx.size(); i++){ fprintf(pFile, "%f %f 900.00\n", vectx[i]/ _spacing[0], dimy - vecty[i]/ _spacing[1]); // fprintf(pFile, "%f %f %f\n", vectx[i] , vecty[i], vectz[i]); } fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_TYPEVIEW); fprintf(pFile, " 1\n"); } } } void OsirixParser::writeHeader(FILE* pFile){ fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR); fprintf(pFile, "\n"); fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_VERSION); fprintf(pFile, "\n"); fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_IMAGEDIMENSIONS); fprintf(pFile, " %d %d %d\n", _extent[1] - _extent[0],_extent[3] - _extent[2], _extent[5] - _extent[4]); fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_IMAGESPACING); fprintf(pFile, " %f %f %f\n", _spacing[0], _spacing[1], _spacing[2]); fprintf(pFile, CREACONTOUR_NUMBEROFCONTOURS); fprintf(pFile, " %d\n", contoursmapPX.size()); } std::string OsirixParser::getContoursFileName(){ return TEMPIMPORTOSIRIXFILE; } /** ** The Error Handler's interface implementation **/ /** ** Default Constructor **/ OsirixParserErrorHandler::OsirixParserErrorHandler() : ErrorHandler(){ } /** ** Desctructor by defect **/ OsirixParserErrorHandler::~OsirixParserErrorHandler(){ } void OsirixParserErrorHandler::warning (const SAXParseException &exc){ } void OsirixParserErrorHandler::error (const SAXParseException &exc){ char c[1000]; errormsg = "Column "; // errormsg += itoa(exc.getColumnNumber(),c,10); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf_s(c,"%d",(int)(exc.getColumnNumber())); #else sprintf(c,"%d",(int)(exc.getColumnNumber())); #endif errormsg += std::string(c); errormsg += " Line "; // errormsg += itoa(exc.getLineNumber(),c,10); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf_s(c,"%d",(int)(exc.getLineNumber())); #else sprintf(c,"%d",(int)(exc.getLineNumber())); #endif errormsg += std::string(c); errormsg += " "; errormsg += XMLString::transcode(exc.getMessage()); } void OsirixParserErrorHandler::fatalError (const SAXParseException &exc){ char c[1000]; errormsg = "Column "; // errormsg += itoa(exc.getColumnNumber(),c,10); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf_s(c,"%d",(int)(exc.getColumnNumber())); #else sprintf(c,"%d",(int)(exc.getColumnNumber())); #endif errormsg += std::string(c); errormsg += " Line "; // errormsg += itoa(exc.getLineNumber(),c,10); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf_s(c,"%d",(int)(exc.getLineNumber())); #else sprintf(c,"%d",(int)(exc.getLineNumber())); #endif errormsg += std::string(c); errormsg += " "; errormsg += XMLString::transcode(exc.getMessage()); } void OsirixParserErrorHandler::resetErrors (){ } std::string OsirixParserErrorHandler::getErrorMsg(){ return this->errormsg; }