/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /*========================================================================= Program: wxMaracas Module: $RCSfile: wxMaracasFrame.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2012/11/15 14:14:56 $ Version: $Revision: 1.2 $ Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003 License: This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ // PS -> #include "wxMaracasDataBrowser.h" #include "wxMaracasParametersDialog.h" #include "wxMaracasImageBrowser.h" #include "wxMaracasHelpDialog.h" #include "wxMaracasFrame.h" #include "marDictionary.h" #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Maracas "logic world" headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //#ifndef __WXMSW__ # include "res/bitmaps/connect.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/params.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/imagebrowser.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/3D.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/plans.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/quant.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/rotate.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/bright.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/pan.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/zoom.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/clear.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/intensity.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/help.xpm" # include "res/bitmaps/creatis_logo.xpm" # include "res/icons/maracas.xpm" //#endif BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( wxMaracasFrame, wxFrame ) // PS -> EVT_MENU( ID_TOOLBAR_DATA_BROWSER, wxMaracasFrame::OnLoadPatientData ) EVT_MENU( ID_TOOLBAR_PARAMETERS, wxMaracasFrame::OnParameters ) // PS -> EVT_MENU( ID_TOOLBAR_IMAGE_BROWSER, wxMaracasFrame::OnLoadImageData ) EVT_MENU( ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, wxMaracasFrame::OnStartExperiment ) // PS -> EVT_MENU( ID_TOOLBAR_HELP, wxMaracasFrame::OnHelp ) EVT_MENU( ID_TOOLBAR_PLANS, wxMaracasFrame::OnQuant ) // EED : This is not top !!!!!!!!!!! EVT_TOOL( 19999, wxMaracasFrame::OnRegenerateAll ) EVT_TOOL( 19998, wxMaracasFrame::OnRegenerateSplineAxe ) EVT_TOOL( 19997, wxMaracasFrame::OnCleanContours ) EVT_TOOL( 19996, wxMaracasFrame::OnRegenerateSignal ) EVT_CLOSE( wxMaracasFrame::OnQuit ) EVT_TOOL(wxSurfaceWidget::ID_BUTTON_NEW_AXIS, wxMaracasFrame::OnNewAxis ) EVT_TOOL(wxSurfaceWidget::ID_BUTTON_DELETE_AXIS, wxMaracasFrame::OnDeleteAxis ) END_EVENT_TABLE( ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxMaracasFrame::wxMaracasFrame( wxFrame *parent, wxWindowID id, marInterface *mar,marSimpleDicom *simpleDicom, char *dictionaryFileName, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxFrame( parent, id, title, pos, size, style) { _mar = mar; _marSimpleDicom = simpleDicom; _wxmaracasquantification = NULL; _wxmaracas3dbrowser = NULL; marDictionary marDict; // marDict.LoadDictionary_French(); marDict.LoadDictionary_English(); // marDict.LoadDictionary_Japanese(); /* if (!marDict.LoadDictionaryFile(dictionaryFileName)){ wxMessageBox( "Error: File(s) marDict.txt not found...", "DxMM : MARACAS", wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR , this); } */ //good luck ! vtkObject *a = vtkObject::New(); a->GlobalWarningDisplayOff(); a->Delete(); // At the begining, there were nothing, just a window... _actual_panel = NULL; // And the programmer said: let there be a status bar this->CreateStatusBar( ); this->GetStatusBar()->SetFieldsCount( 2 ); wxRect rect; this->GetStatusBar()->GetFieldRect(1, rect); //wxPoint pos; //wxSize size; //_progressGauge = new wxGauge( this->GetStatusBar(), -1, 100); // _progressGauge = new wxGauge( this->GetStatusBar(), -1, 50, // rect.GetPosition(), rect.GetSize()); this->GetStatusBar()->Show(); this->PositionStatusBar(); // And an icon (to be unique) //TODO change the icon to the real one! this->SetIcon( wxICON( maracas_icon ) ); // And a toolbar (for dummy users) this->RecreateToolbar( ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::RecreateToolbar( ) { wxToolBar* toolBar = this->GetToolBar( ); delete toolBar; this->SetToolBar( NULL ); toolBar = this->CreateToolBar( TOOLBAR_STYLE, ID_TOOLBAR ); // Set up toolbar wxBitmap toolBarBitmaps[ 22+1 ]; /** * wxBitmap vs. wxBITMAP -> add _xpm at the end of the file */ toolBarBitmaps[ 0 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_connect ); toolBarBitmaps[ 4 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_params ); toolBarBitmaps[ 7 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_imagebrowser ); toolBarBitmaps[ 9 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_triD ); toolBarBitmaps[ 10 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_plans ); toolBarBitmaps[ 11 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_quant ); toolBarBitmaps[ 12 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_rotate ); toolBarBitmaps[ 13 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_bright ); toolBarBitmaps[ 14 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_pan ); toolBarBitmaps[ 15 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_zoom ); toolBarBitmaps[ 16 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_clear ); toolBarBitmaps[ 17 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_intensity ); toolBarBitmaps[ 20 ] = wxBITMAP( toolbar_help ); toolBarBitmaps[ 22 ] = wxBITMAP( creatis_logo ); /* toolBarBitmaps[ 1 ] = wxBitmap( toolbar_loadexp ); toolBarBitmaps[ 2 ] = wxBitmap( toolbar_save ); toolBarBitmaps[ 3 ] = wxBitmap( toolbar_excel ); toolBarBitmaps[ 5 ] = wxBitmap( toolbar_wizard ); toolBarBitmaps[ 6 ] = wxBitmap( toolbar_back ); toolBarBitmaps[ 8 ] = wxBitmap( toolbar_subtract ); toolBarBitmaps[ 18 ] = wxBitmap( toolbar_linear ); toolBarBitmaps[ 19 ] = wxBitmap( toolbar_area ); */ // Set size & margins toolBar->SetMargins( 4, 4 ); // PS -> #ifdef DXMM toolBar->SetToolBitmapSize( wxSize( toolBarBitmaps[ 4 ].GetWidth( ), toolBarBitmaps[ 4 ].GetHeight( ) ) ); // PS -> #else // PS -> toolBar->SetToolBitmapSize( wxSize( toolBarBitmaps[ 0 ].GetWidth( ), toolBarBitmaps[ 0 ].GetHeight( ) ) ); // PS -> #endif // Adding tools // PS -> #ifndef DXMM // PS -> toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_DATA_BROWSER, toolBarBitmaps[ 0 ], "Patient data", "Load patient data: studies & series" ); // PS -> toolBar->AddSeparator( ); // PS -> toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_IMAGE_BROWSER, toolBarBitmaps[ 7 ], "Load image data", "Load DICOM images from disk" ); // PS -> toolBar->AddSeparator( ); // PS -> #endif toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, toolBarBitmaps[ 9 ], _T("Start 3D"), _T("Load 3D representation") ); toolBar->AddSeparator( ); toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_PLANS, toolBarBitmaps[ 10 ], _T("Plan"), _T("Planes") ); toolBar->AddSeparator( ); // toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_QUANT, toolBarBitmaps[ 11 ], "Quant", "Quant" ); // toolBar->AddSeparator( ); //The following has been commented out temporarlily /* toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_ROTATE, toolBarBitmaps[ 12 ], "Rotate", "Rotate" ); toolBar->AddSeparator( ); toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_BRIGHT, toolBarBitmaps[ 13 ], "Bright", "Bright" ); toolBar->AddSeparator( ); toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_PAN, toolBarBitmaps[ 14 ], "Pan", "Pan" ); toolBar->AddSeparator( ); toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_ZOOM, toolBarBitmaps[ 15 ], "Zoom", "Zoom" ); toolBar->AddSeparator( ); toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_CLEAR, toolBarBitmaps[ 16 ], "Clear", "Clear" ); toolBar->AddSeparator( ); toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_INTENSITY, toolBarBitmaps[ 17 ], "Intensity", "Intensity" ); toolBar->AddSeparator( );*/ toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_PARAMETERS, toolBarBitmaps[ 4 ], _T("Parameters"), _T("Load parameters for modifying") ); //toolBar->AddTool( ID_TOOLBAR_HELP, toolBarBitmaps[ 20 ], "Help", "Help" ); toolBar->AddSeparator( ); wxBitmapButton *btnCreatisLogo = new wxBitmapButton(toolBar,-1,toolBarBitmaps[ 22 ] ); btnCreatisLogo->SetSize(81+10,20+10); btnCreatisLogo->SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(0,0,153)); Connect(btnCreatisLogo->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED , (wxObjectEventFunction) &wxMaracasFrame::OnAboutCreatis ); toolBar->AddControl(btnCreatisLogo); toolBar->Realize( ); toolBar->SetRows( 1 ); toolBar->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, true); toolBar->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_PLANS, false); toolBar->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_QUANT, false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnAboutCreatis( wxCommandEvent& event ){ wxMaracasHelpDialog *dlg = new wxMaracasHelpDialog(this, -1, "Creatis", wxPoint(200,200), wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE); dlg->ShowModal(); dlg->Close(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnQuit( wxCloseEvent& event ){ DeletePanels(); if (_mar!=NULL) { delete _mar; } _mar=NULL; marDictionary marDict; marDict.FreeDictionary(); // this->Show(FALSE); this->Destroy(); delete this; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PS -> void wxMaracasFrame::OnLoadPatientData( wxCommandEvent& event ) // PS -> { // PS -> wxBusyCursor wait; // PS -> wxToolBar* toolBar = this->GetToolBar( ); // PS -> //Disabling tool // PS -> //wxToolBar::EnableTool This function should only be called after Realize. // PS -> toolBar->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_IMAGE_BROWSER, false); // PS -> toolBar->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, true); // PS -> toolBar->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_PLANS, true); // PS -> toolBar->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_QUANT, false); // PS -> // PS -> // Create panel // PS -> if( _actual_panel != NULL ) delete _actual_panel; // PS -> wxMaracasDataBrowser* pnl = new wxMaracasDataBrowser( this, _mar, -1 ); // PS -> // PS -> _actual_panel = pnl; // PS -> // PS -> // cf.: http://www.wxwindows.org/manuals/2.4.0/wx490.htm // PS -> // Force a resize. This should probably be replaced by a call to a wxFrame // PS -> // function that lays out default decorations and the remaining content window. // PS -> wxSizeEvent myevent(wxSize(-1, -1), this->GetId()); // PS -> this->OnSize(myevent); // PS -> this->Show(true); // PS -> // PS -> // Load panel data // PS -> pnl->LoadData( ); // PS -> //this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, false); // PS -> } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnParameters( wxCommandEvent& event ) { /* EED Photo Maracas //-- wxWindowDC *wxwindc =new wxWindowDC(this); wxCoord w, h; wxwindc->GetSize(&w, &h); wxBitmap *wxbitmap =new wxBitmap(w, h); wxMemoryDC *wxmemorydc = new wxMemoryDC(); wxmemorydc->SelectObject(*wxbitmap); wxmemorydc->Blit(0,0,w,h,wxwindc,0,0); wxbitmap->SaveFile("c:/tmp/MaracasPlamavic.bmp", wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP ); delete wxwindc; delete wxbitmap; delete wxmemorydc; //-- */ wxMaracasParametersDialog *d = new wxMaracasParametersDialog( this, _mar ); d->ShowModal( ); d->Close(true); /* if (d->IfInitContour()==true){ } else { } if (d->GetInitContour()==true){ } wxmaracasquantification; if (wxmaracas3dbrowser!=NULL){ } */ } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PS -> void wxMaracasFrame::OnLoadImageData( wxCommandEvent& event ) // PS -> { // PS -> wxBusyCursor wait; // PS -> // PS -> // Create panel // PS -> if( _actual_panel != NULL ) delete _actual_panel; // PS -> wxMaracasImageBrowser* pnl = new wxMaracasImageBrowser( this, _mar, -1 ); // PS -> // PS -> // Resize // PS -> _actual_panel = pnl; // PS -> // PS -> // Load panel data // PS -> wxSizeEvent myevent(wxSize(-1, -1), this->GetId()); // PS -> this->OnSize(myevent); // PS -> //this->Show(true); // PS -> // PS -> //wxDialog dialog(this, -1, "coucou"); // PS -> //dialog.ShowModal(); // PS -> //dialog.Show(true); // PS -> //wxGauge gauge( this, -1, 50); // PS -> // PS -> /** // PS -> AS a first step I'll pass a wxGauge as parameter this doesn't // PS -> sound very good, should use EVT_TIMER instead... // PS -> */ // PS -> _mar->_dicom->loadActualSerie( this->_progressGauge ); // PS -> vtkImageData *dummy = _mar->_dicom->getVolume( )->castVtk(); // PS -> //float range[2]; // PS -> //dummy->GetScalarRange( range ); // PS -> // PS -> pnl->LoadData( dummy ); // PS -> //_view_image->ConstructVTK( (vtkImageData *)_mar->_dicom->getVolume( )); // PS -> //^ this is not working ??? I don't understand why, some VTK pipeline mystery // PS -> // PS -> this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_IMAGE_BROWSER, false); // PS -> this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, true); // PS -> //Add patient name to the frame title // PS -> this->SetTitle( "Patient Name : " + _mar->_dicom->GetPatientName() ); // PS -> } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnStartExperiment( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxBusyCursor wait; int voi[ 6 ]; // PS -> #ifndef DXMM // PS -> ((wxMaracasImageBrowser*)_actual_panel )->GetROI( voi ); // PS -> #else _marSimpleDicom->loadActualSerie( this->_progressGauge ); _mar->_dicom->SetVolume( _marSimpleDicom->getVolume() ); voi[0] = 0; voi[1] = (_mar->_dicom->getVolume( )->getXdim( ))-1; voi[2] = 0; voi[3] = (_mar->_dicom->getVolume( )->getYdim( ))-1; voi[4] = 0; voi[5] = (_mar->_dicom->getVolume( )->getZdim( ))-1; // PS -> #endif _mar->_experiment->setVOI( voi ); _mar->initExperiment( ); // Create panel DeletePanels(); _wxmaracas3dbrowser = new wxMaracas3DBrowser( this, _mar, -1 ,ID_TOOLBAR_PLANS); // Resize _actual_panel = _wxmaracas3dbrowser; wxSizeEvent myevent(wxSize(-1, -1), this->GetId()); this->OnSize(myevent); //this->Show(true); // Load panel data _wxmaracas3dbrowser->LoadData( ); // PS -> #ifndef DXMM // PS -> this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_IMAGE_BROWSER, true); // PS -> this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, false); // PS -> #else this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_PLANS, false); this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, false); this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_QUANT, false); // PS -> #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PS -> void wxMaracasFrame::OnHelp (wxCommandEvent& event ) // PS -> { // PS -> wxMaracasHelpDialog* help = new wxMaracasHelpDialog(this, -1); // PS -> // PS -> help->ShowModal(); // PS -> } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::DeletePanels ( ){ if (_wxmaracasquantification!=NULL){ delete _wxmaracasquantification; _wxmaracasquantification=NULL; } if (_wxmaracas3dbrowser!=NULL){ delete _wxmaracas3dbrowser; _wxmaracas3dbrowser=NULL; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnQuant (wxCommandEvent& event ){ int isovalue = 50; int opacity = 50; if (_wxmaracas3dbrowser!=NULL){ isovalue = _wxmaracas3dbrowser->GetIsovalue(); opacity = _wxmaracas3dbrowser->GetOpacity(); } DeletePanels(); _wxmaracasquantification = new wxMaracasQuantification( this, _mar, -1 ); _actual_panel = _wxmaracasquantification; wxSizeEvent myevent(wxSize(-1, -1), this->GetId()); this->OnSize(myevent); this->Show(true); // Load panel data _wxmaracasquantification->LoadData( ); _wxmaracasquantification->SetSlider_Isovalue_Opacity(isovalue,opacity); this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_PLANS, false); this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnNewAxis(wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_PLANS, true); this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, false); this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_QUANT, true); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnDeleteAxis(wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_PLANS, false); this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_3D_BROWSER, false); this->GetToolBar()->EnableTool(ID_TOOLBAR_QUANT, false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnRegenerateAll( wxCommandEvent& event ){ if (_wxmaracas3dbrowser!=NULL) { _wxmaracas3dbrowser->RegenerateAll(true); } if (_wxmaracasquantification!=NULL) { _wxmaracasquantification->RegenerateAll(true);} } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnRegenerateSplineAxe( wxCommandEvent& event ){ if (_wxmaracas3dbrowser!=NULL) { _wxmaracas3dbrowser->RegenerateAll(false); } if (_wxmaracasquantification!=NULL) { _wxmaracasquantification->RegenerateAll(false); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnCleanContours( wxCommandEvent& event ){ if (_wxmaracasquantification!=NULL) { _wxmaracasquantification->CleanContours(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMaracasFrame::OnRegenerateSignal( wxCommandEvent& event ){ if (_wxmaracasquantification!=NULL) { _wxmaracasquantification->RegenerateSignal(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------