/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "manualBaseModel.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- manualBaseModel::manualBaseModel() { //EED2017 _sizePointsContour = 100; //JSTG 25-02-08 The change in the inisialization of these variable is critical. _label = ""; _label2 = "UU"; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- manualBaseModel::~manualBaseModel() { int i,size=_lstPoints.size(); for (i=0;iSetPoint(x,y,z); AddManualPoint(mp); return _lstPoints.size()-1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int manualBaseModel::InsertPoint(double x,double y,double z) { double dd,ddmin=9999999; int ibak=0; double xx,x1,x2; double yy,y1,y2; double zz,z1,z2; int i,ii,iii,size=_lstPoints.size(); double j,MaxDivisions=20,porcentage; int sizeB=size; double jbak; for ( i=0 ; iGetX(); y1=_lstPoints[ii]->GetY(); z1=_lstPoints[ii]->GetZ(); x2=_lstPoints[iii]->GetX(); y2=_lstPoints[iii]->GetY(); z2=_lstPoints[iii]->GetZ(); for (j=0; j<=MaxDivisions; j++) { porcentage=(j/MaxDivisions); xx=(x2-x1)*porcentage+x1; yy=(y2-y1)*porcentage+y1; zz=(z2-z1)*porcentage+z1; dd=sqrt( (xx-x)*(xx-x) + (yy-y)*(yy-y) + (zz-z)*(zz-z) ); if ( ddSetPoint(x,y,z); std::vector::iterator itNum = _lstPoints.begin() + id; _lstPoints.insert(itNum,mp); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::DeletePoint(int i) { std::vector::iterator itNum = _lstPoints.begin() + i; _lstPoints.erase(itNum); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::DeleteAllPoints() { int i,size=_lstPoints.size(); for (i=0;iGetX()+dx; double y=mp->GetY()+dy; double z=mp->GetZ()+dz; mp->SetPoint(x,y,z); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::MoveLstPoints(double dx,double dy,double dz) { // ToDo } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::MoveAllPoints(double dx,double dy,double dz) { int i,size=_lstPoints.size(); for (i=0;iGetX(); yy=mp->GetY(); zz=mp->GetZ(); if (type==-1) { if ((fabs(xx-x)GetX(); yy=mp->GetY(); //RaC Be Careful!! Cast to have a point like the one in the params 27-09-09 if(x==(int)xx && y==(int)yy ) { exists=true; } } return exists; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- manualPoint* manualBaseModel::GetManualPoint(int id) { return _lstPoints[id]; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int manualBaseModel::GetSizeLstPoints() { return _lstPoints.size(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- manualBaseModel * manualBaseModel :: Clone() // virtual { manualBaseModel * clone = new manualBaseModel(); CopyAttributesTo(clone); return clone; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int manualBaseModel::GetTypeModel() //virtual { // 0 spline // 1 spline // 2 rectangle // 3 circle // 4 BullEye // 5 BullEyeSector // 6 Line // 7 Points return 7; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::CopyAttributesTo( manualBaseModel * cloneObject) { int i, size = GetSizeLstPoints(); for( i=0; iAddManualPoint( GetManualPoint( i )->Clone() ); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::AddManualPoint( manualPoint* theManualPoint ) { _lstPoints.push_back( theManualPoint ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::Open(FILE *ff) // virtual { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::Save(FILE *ff) // virtual { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::SaveData(FILE *ff)// virtual { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::SetNumberOfPointsSpline(int size) { _sizePointsContour = size; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- double manualBaseModel::GetPathSize(double *spc) { return 0.0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::Transform_Ax_Plus_B (double Ax, double Bx, double Ay, double By) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::GetSpline_i_Point(int i, double *x, double *y, double *z) { //RaC 20-09-09 IF it's a points contour if(GetTypeModel()==7){ if (_lstPoints.size()==0) { *x = 0; *y = 0; *z = 0; } else { manualPoint *mp; mp = _lstPoints[i]; *x = mp->GetX(); *y = mp->GetY(); *z = mp->GetZ(); } } } void manualBaseModel::GetSpline_t_Point(double t, double *x, double *y, double *z) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int manualBaseModel::GetNumberOfPointsSpline() { //RaC 20-09-09 IF it's a points contour if(GetTypeModel()==7){ return _lstPoints.size(); } return _sizePointsContour; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::UpdateSpline() { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector manualBaseModel::ExploseModel( ) { std::vector lstTmp; lstTmp.push_back(this); return lstTmp; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- double manualBaseModel::GetPathArea( double *spc ) { return 0.0; } void manualBaseModel::GetNearestPointAndNormal(double *p, double *rp, double *rn) { } void manualBaseModel::SetCloseContour(bool closeContour) { } bool manualBaseModel::IfCloseContour() { return false; } //CMRU 17-08-09---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void manualBaseModel::SetRealSize(double newRealSize) { } double manualBaseModel::GetRealSize() { return -1; } void manualBaseModel::OpenData(FILE *ff) { } void manualBaseModel::SetLabel(std::string newLabel) { _label = newLabel; } std::string manualBaseModel::GetLabel() { return _label; } void manualBaseModel::SetLabel2(std::string newLabel) { _label2 = newLabel; } std::string manualBaseModel::GetLabel2() { return _label2; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------