/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifndef __HISTOGRAMSDIALOG__ #define __HISTOGRAMSDIALOG__ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wx headers inclusion. // For compilers that support precompilation, includes . // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #endif //--------------------- // Includes //---------------------- #include "HistogramWidget.h" #include "vtkImageData.h" //#include #include #include #if (VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 7) #include #else #include #endif #include //#include "../wxMPRWidget.h" #include "HistogramDialogComboBoxItem.h" #include #include class HistogramDialog:public wxDialog { public: /* Constructor */ HistogramDialog(wxWindow *parent,wxString title,vtkImageData* imageData,bool extracontrols=false); /* Constructor */ HistogramDialog(wxWindow *parent,wxString title,bool extracontrols=false); ~HistogramDialog(); /* Methods */ /* get number of points of the transference function */ int getSizeTransferenceFunction(); /* get number of points of the barColor */ int getSizeBarColor(); /* get a point of the transference function */ void getTransferenceFunctionPoint(int index,int& x,int& y); /* get a color int the bqr color */ void getDataBarColorPoint(int index,int&x, int& red,int& green,int& blue); /* get a point of the Histogram given the grey value */ int getHistogramPoint(int gValue); //-------------------- // bar Information //--------------------- /* Get the porcentage of the positions of the min,max and actual in the bar range */ float getMaxShowedPorcentage(); float getMinShowedPorcentage(); float getActualShowedPorcentage(); //--------------------------------------- // setting data in transferences function // and in bar color //---------------------------------------- /* Adds a point to the transference function */ bool addPointToTransferenceFunction(double x, double y); /* add a color point to the histogram @param x the level of grey to which the color is assigned @param red the level of red for the color @param green the level of red for the color @param blue the level of red for the color */ bool addColorPoint(double x,int red,int green, int blue); //------------------------ //Erase data //------------------------ /* Erase all the points that are in the transference function */ void erasePointsTransferenceFunction(); void eraseColorPoints(); //------------------- // Getter and setters //------------------- void setTransferenceFunctionHasPoints(bool hasPoints); void setTransferenceFunctionHasColor(bool hasColorPoints); //returns if the user has pressed refresh bool getRefreshed(); void setCTF(vtkColorTransferFunction* cf); void setTF(vtkPiecewiseFunction* tf); #if (VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 7) void setVolumeMapper(vtkVolumeRayCastMapper* volMapper); #else void setFixedPointVolumeMapper(vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper* volMapper); #endif void setVolume(vtkVolume* vol); //void setMPR3Dview(wxVtkMPR3DView *wxvtkmpr3Dview1); //void setClipping3DView(wxVtkClipping3DView *wxvtkclipping3Dview1); //-------------------- // plotter Information //--------------------- void updatePlotter(); //----------------------- //Handling events //----------------------- void OnSaveData(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnLoadData(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnRefreshBtn(wxCommandEvent& event); /** ** Initialize the histogram */ void initializeHistogram(vtkImageData* img); /** ** Returns two vectors, the grey level of the point and its value, the value is between [0,1] **/ void GetValuesPointsFunction(std::vector& greylevel,std::vector& value); /** ** Returns two vectors, the grey level of the point and its value, the red, green ** and blue value is between [0,1] **/ void GetValuesColorPointsFunction(std::vector& greylevel, std::vector& red, std::vector& green, std::vector& blue); void SetFunctions(vtkPiecewiseFunction* _opac, vtkColorTransferFunction* _color); /** ** Set to true in the constructor **/ void setInfoPanExtraControls(std::vector comboitems); /** * */ void OnEditColorsCombo(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDeleteColor(wxCommandEvent& event); std::vector getComboBoxItems(){return _comboitems;} void UpdateCurrentComboElement(); private: /* Histogram Widget */ HistogramWidget* histogramW; /** ** **/ /* ok Button */ //wxButton *okBtn; wxBitmapButton *okBtn; /* cancel Button */ //wxButton *cancelBtn; wxBitmapButton *cancelBtn; /* save Button */ wxButton *saveDataBtn; /* Load Button */ wxButton *loadDataBtn; /* Refresh Button */ wxButton *refreshBtn; wxPanel *_panextracontrols; // the user had pressed refresh bool refreshed; vtkColorTransferFunction *_ctfun; vtkPiecewiseFunction *_tfun; vtkVolumeRayCastMapper *volumeMapper; vtkVolume *newvol; //things to refresh //wxVtkMPR3DView *wxvtkmpr3Dview; //wxVtkClipping3DView *wxvtkclipping3Dview; wxSizer* getControls(bool extracontrols = false); // DECLARE_CLASS(HistogramDialog); // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro //DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() void initializeHistogramDialog(bool extracontrols); wxPanel* getPanExtraControls(); std::vector bitmapbuttonsvect; std::vector _comboitems; void setCurrentColorConfigurationIntoButton(); void AddNewBitmapButton(); wxSizer* getBitmapButtonDelete(wxBitmap bitmap); std::vector _deletebuttonsvector; int _maxgreyvalue; int _currentcolorselectedbitmap; }; #endif