/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifndef __mBAR__RANGE__ #define __mBAR__RANGE__ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/colordlg.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wx headers inclusion. // For compilers that support precompilation, includes . // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #endif #include "marTypes.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //DECLARING THE NEW EVENT //wxEVT_TSBAR= event of the two side bar //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR,-1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR_ACTUAL,-1) // DECLARE_EXPORTED_EVENT_TYPE(MARACASVISULIB_EXPORTS,wxEVT_TSBAR_ACTUAL,-1) // extern creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT const wxEventType wxEVT_TSBAR_ACTUAL; DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR_START,-1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR_END,-1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR_MOVED,-1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_SELECTION_END,-1) END_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enum declarations //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Command IDs used by pColorPoint */ enum { cntID_CHANGE_COLOR = 7000, cntID_ENABLE_ACTUAL, cntID_MOVABLE_ACTUAL_BAR, }; class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT mBarRange :public wxPanel{ //EED-2019-10-25 class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT mBarRange :public wxScrolledWindow{ public: //------------------------------------ //Constructors & Destructors //------------------------------------ mBarRange(wxWindow *parent, int w, int h); ~mBarRange(); //------------------------------------ // Bar Methods //------------------------------------ void Refresh(bool eraseBackground = true, const wxRect* rect = NULL); void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ); void OnSize( wxSizeEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ); void RefreshHorizontalView(); void RefreshVerticalView(); void RefreshForce(); void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event ); void onKey(wxKeyEvent& event); void DrawBar(); //------------------------------------ // Getters & Setters //------------------------------------ //Actual triangle int GetPixelActual(); void SetPixelActual(int i); //Start of the bar int GetPixelStart(); void SetPixelStart(int i); //End of the bar int GetPixelEnd(); void SetPixelEnd(int i); //Logical Max double GetMax(); void SetMax(double i); //Logical Min double GetMin(); void SetMin(double i); //Rectangule Height int GetHeight(); void SetHeight(int h); //Width int GetWidth(); void SetWidth(int w); int filtreValue(int value); //Logical Start int GetStart(); void SetStart(int newstart); //Logical End int GetEnd(); void SetEnd(int newend); //logical actual int GetActual(); void SetActual(int newactual); //The triangles half width managment int GetTrianglesHalfWidth(); void SetTrianglesHalfWidth(int nwTriHalfWidth); //Orientation (false for vertical, true is default for horizontal) bool GetOrientation(); void SetOrientation(bool orientation); //Manage the property of the actual triangle to be between de start and the end bool GetInRangeProperty(); void SetInRangeProperty(bool in); //Inform if the actual triangle is between the start and the end triangles bool IsActualInRange(); /* * Sets the property for viewing or not the bar labels information */ void setVisibleLabels (bool setVisible); /* * Sets the property for viewing or not the bar labels information * return _visibleLables The state of visible labels or not */ bool getIfVisibleLabels (); /* * Sets the represented minimum and maximunm values * param minRealValue The minimum represented value (real value) * param maxRealValue The maximum represented value (real value) */ void setRepresentedValues(double minRealValue,double maxRealValue); /** * Sets the device start drawing left-superior (pixel) start point * param deviceStart_x Pixel start for x-coord * param deviceStart_y Pixel start for y-coord */ void setDeviceBlitStart ( wxCoord deviceStart_x, wxCoord deviceStart_y ); /* * Set active state * param activeNow The new state */ void setActiveStateTo (bool activeNow); /* * Gets the active state of the bar * return isActive The actual state */ bool isActive(); /* * Gets the real-x value to draw a vertical line * return realX_vertical_line The real x value for the vertical line */ int getRealX_vertical_line(); /* * Sets the real-x value to draw a vertical line * param realX_vertical_line The new real x value for the vertical line */ void setRealX_vertical_line(int newReal_x); //******************************************************************************************************* // Event methods //******************************************************************************************************* /** * Shows the popup menu */ void onShowPopupMenu (wxMouseEvent& event); /** * Reacts to the cntID_CHANGE_COLOR wxCommandEvent and adds a color degrade point to the color bar. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onChangePartColor ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_ENABLE_ACTUAL wxCommandEvent enables the actual to be between the the range. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onEnableRange_Actual ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_MOVABLE_ACTUAL_BAR wxCommandEvent by enabling or disabling the property of moving the actual triangle with the bar, just when it is inside of it. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onMovable_ActualWithBar ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /* * Gets the device value form the end of this panel to the end of the drawing area in the device in pixels * return deviceEndMargin The value asigned to the right margin */ int getDeviceEndX(); /* * Sets the new device (deviceEndMargin) value form the end of this panel to the end of the drawing area in the device * param newDeviceEnd_pixels The new pixel value to asign to the right(horizontal view), underneath(vertical view) margin in pixels */ void setDeviceEndMargin(int newDeviceEnd_pixels); /* * Gets the last clickedX pixel coord inside the bar with respect to the container panel. * return clickedX The x-coord pixel value */ int getClickedX(); /* * Sets the last clickedX pixel coord inside the bar with respect to the container panel. * param nwClickX The x-coord pixel value */ void setClickedX(int nwClickX); /* * Gets the start porcentage with respect to the represented values of the bar * return The porcentage represented by the start showing point */ float getStartShowPorcentage(); /* * Gets the end porcentage with respect to the represented values of the bar * return The porcentage represented by the end showing point */ float getEndShowPorcentage(); /* * Gets the actual porcentage with respect to the represented values of the bar * return The porcentage represented by the actual showing point */ float getActualShowPorcentage(); /* * Gets the logic value of a pixel point that comes in the coords of the container panel. * param thePixel Is the pixel to convert * return Is the correspondig value to the given pixel-value in logic bar coords */ int getLogicValueofPixel(int thePixel); /* * Sets the condition for knowing if the actual triangle is being drawed or not * param drawActual The condition to set for drawing or not the actual control (true for drawing) */ void setIfWithActualDrawed(bool drawActual); /* * Gets the condition for knowing if the actual triangle is being drawed or not * return withActualDrawed The condition for drawing or not the actual control */ bool getIfWithActualDrawed(); /* * Method that creates and send the given id-event to the event handler * param theEventType Is the event id type identification for generating the event */ void createAndSendEvent(WXTYPE theEventType); /* * Sets the background color od the bar * theColor The color to set to the backgroundColor */ void setBackgroundColor(wxColour theColor); /* * Sets the guide line color * param theNwGuideLineColor The color to set to the guideLineColor */ void setGuideLineColour(wxColour theNwGuideLineColor); /* * Gets the guide line color * return guideLineColor The color of the guideLine */ wxColour getGuideLineColour(); void onLeftClicDown(wxMouseEvent& event ); void onLeftClickUp(wxMouseEvent& event ); private: //Rectangle width int _w; //Rectangle Height int _h; //Actual value int _actual; //Start of the rectangule int _start; //End of the rectangule int _end; //Logical Max double _max; //Logical Min double _min; //Initial point when moving the rectangule bar according to bar reference int _initialPoint; /* * Represents the id of the selected moving part of the bar where: * 1 is for Start triangle, 2 for end triangle, 3 for actual triangle and 4 for the bar */ int _selectionMoveId; //orientation of the rectangle is true when is horizontal and is the default value bool _orientation; /* * The property for identifying if the actual triangle needs to be or not between the limit triangles */ bool _in_rangeProperty; /* * The property for setting the acutal triangle to move with the bar keeping proportions with the limits */ bool _moveActualWithBar; /* * The property for setting visible or not the bar labels information */ bool _visibleLables; /* * X-Coord for left-superior device visible drawing */ wxCoord deviceStart_x; /* * Y-Coord for left-superior device visible drawing */ wxCoord deviceStart_y; /* * X-Coord for right device margin */ wxCoord deviceEndMargin; /* * Represents the active state of the bar */ bool activeState; /* * Represents the option of activating or not the drawing of the actual triangle, that in default value is true for drawing it * The dafault value is true (use the actual triangle) */ bool withActualDrawed; /* * The colour of the start triangle */ wxColour start_Colour; /* * The colour of the actual triangle */ wxColour actual_Colour; /* * The colour of the end triangle */ wxColour end_Colour; /* * The colour of the bar */ wxColour bar_Colour; /* * Represents the real-x value to draw a vertical line */ int realX_vertical_line; /* * Represents the last clickedX coord inside the bar. */ int clickedX; /* * Represents the orientation for the numbers view label in the information bitmap. * Where -4:left, -6:right, -8:up, -2: down respect to the bar */ int numberOrientation; /* * Represents the logic initial reference start point used for dragging */ int logicInitial_start; /* * Represents the logic intial reference end point used for dragging */ int logicInitial_end; /* * Represents the logic initial reference actual point used for dragging */ int logicInitial_actual; /* * Represents the pixel value assigned to as half of the width of the triangles */ int trianglesHalfWidth; /* * Represents the background color of the panel (this) where the bar is. The default color is the imediately parent background color */ wxColour backgroundColor; /* * Represents the color of the dot-line use as guides. The default color is RED. */ wxColour guideLineColor; bool acceptedClick; /* * The color bar pop menu */ wxMenu b_popmenu; //the bar bitmap device wxBitmap *_bitmap_bar; //the info bitmap device wxBitmap *_bitmap_info; DECLARE_CLASS(BarRange) // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif