/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifndef __pCOLOR_BAR__ #define __pCOLOR_BAR__ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WX headers inclusion. // For compilers that support precompilation, includes . // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Includes //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include "marTypes.h" #include "pColorPoint.h" #include "LogicalColorBar.h" //#include "DegradeRectangle.h" #include "pFigure.h" #include "wx/colordlg.h" #define TRIANGLE 3 #define RECTANGLE 4 //in pixels /* * Attribute that determines the width of each color point */ #define FIGURE_WIDTH 3 BEGIN_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( wxEVT_ADDED_POINT, -1 ) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( wxEVT_REMOVED_POINT, -1 ) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( wxEVT_MOVED_POINT, -1 ) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( wxEVT_CHANGED_POINT, -1 ) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( wxEVT_ON_COLOR_BAR, -1 ) END_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enum declarations //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Command IDs used by pColorPoint */ enum { cntID_ADD_COLOR_POINT = 6000, cntID_DEL_COLOR_POINT, cntID_CHANGE_COLOR_POINT, cntID_DEGRADE_CONTROL, cntID_CHANGE_FIGURE, cntID_TRIANGLES_UP, cntID_TRIANGLES_DOWN, cntID_TRIANGLES_LEFT, cntID_TRIANGLES_RIGHT, cntID_RECTANGLES, }; /** file pColorBar.h */ class creaMaracasVisu_EXPORT pColorBar :public wxScrolledWindow{ public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructors & Destructors //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Creates a colorBar instance * param *parent Container event listener window * param _w Width of the color bar drawing area * param _h Height of the color bar drawing area * param _bar_orientation VERTICAL (false) or HORIZONTAL (true) direction to set */ pColorBar (wxWindow *parent, int _w, int _h, bool _bar_orientation); ~pColorBar (); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Color bar proccessed events methods //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void OnSize( wxSizeEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ); /** * Reacts to the mouse movement inside the color bar for moving the clicked color point in the x-axis. * Informs the result of the handled event like a wxCommandEvent wxEVT_MOVED_POINT if a point was moved. * param event The mouse actioned event */ void onMouseMove ( wxMouseEvent& event ); /* * Reacts to the event of drawing the bar and draws it * param &WXUNUSED(event) The correspondig wxPaintEvent actioned event */ void onPaint ( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_ADD_COLOR_POINT wxCommandEvent and adds a color degrade point to the color bar. * Informs the result of the handled event like a wxCommandEvent wxEVT_ADDED_POINT if the point was inserted succesfully. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onAddColorPoint ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_DEL_POINT wxCommandEvent and deletes a color degrade point of the color bar. * Informs the result of the handled event like a wxCommandEvent wxEVT_REMOVED_POINT if the point was succesfully removed. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onDeleteColorPoint ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_CHANGE_COLOR_POINT wxCommandEvent and changes the assigned color to the selected color degrade point of the color bar. * Informs the result of the handled event like a wxCommandEvent wxEVT_CHANGED_POINT if the point was succesfully removed. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onChangeColourSelectedPoint ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_TRIANGLES_UP wxCommandEvent and changes the assigned figure to -triangles up- for the color points of the color bar. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onTrianglesUp_Figure ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_TRIANGLES_DOWN wxCommandEvent and changes the assigned figure to -triangles down- for the color points of the color bar. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onTrianglesDown_Figure ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_TRIANGLES_LEFT wxCommandEvent and changes the assigned figure to -triangles left- for the color points of the color bar. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onTrianglesLeft_Figure ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_TRIANGLES_RIGHT wxCommandEvent and changes the assigned figure to -triangles right- for the color points of the color bar. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onTrianglesRight_Figure ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_RECTANGLES wxCommandEvent and changes the assigned figure to -rectangles- for the color points of the color bar. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onRectangles_Figure ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the cntID_DEGRADE_CONTROL wxCommandEvent and turns on/off the degrade in the color bar. * param & anEvent The wxCommandEvent actioned event */ void onDegradeControl ( wxCommandEvent& anEvent ); /** * Reacts to the wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK wxMouseEvent and adds a color degrade point to the color bar. * Informs the result of the handled event like a wxCommandEvent wxEVT_ADDED_POINT if the point was succesfully inserted. * param & event The wxMouseEvent actioned event */ void onLeftButtonDClick (wxMouseEvent& event); /** * Shows the popup menu */ void onShowPopupMenu (wxMouseEvent& event); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Other methods //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Set active state * param activeNow The new state */ void setActiveStateTo (bool activeNow); /** * Gets the active state of the bar * return activeState The actual state */ bool isActive(); /** * Gets the real-x value to draw a vertical line * return realX_vertical_line The real x value for the vertical line */ int getRealX_vertical_line(); /** * Sets the real-x value to draw a vertical line * param realX_vertical_line The new real x value for the vertical line */ void setRealX_vertical_line(int newReal_x); /** * Method that reinitiates attributes of the color bar to the given points * param minRealValue The minimum represented value (real value) * param maxRealValue The maximum represented value (real value) */ void reinitiateColorBar(double minRealValue, double maxRealValue); /** * Method that reinitiates attributes of the color bar and set the points given by parameter * param newPointsList Pointer to the list of the new points */ void reinitiateColorBarTo (std::vector pointsVector); /** *Method that sets a copy of the points of the color bar to the given pointer parameter * param pointsList The list for getting the points */ void getPointsListWithTemps (std::vector &pointsVector); /** * Method that sets a copy of the points of the color bar to the given pointer parameter, and sets the default values to the needeed attributes, it doesn't * includes the teporal points created * param pointsVector The list for getting the points */ void getAddedColorsPointsList (std::vector& pointsVector); /** * Adds a color degrade point to the color bar. * param xRealValue The real xValue of the point * param theColour The assigned color for the point * param temporalStart Indicates if the inserted point is the temporal startShowing point * param temporalEnd Indicates if the inserted point is the temporal startShowing point * return Returns true if the point was succesfully inserted. */ bool addColorPoint (double xRealValue, wxColour theColour/*, bool temporalStart=false, bool temporalEnd=false*/); /** * Delets a color degrade point to the color bar. * param xRealValue The real xValue of the point to delete * return Returns true if the point was succesfully inserted. */ bool deleteColorPoint (double xRealValue); /** * Changes the color degrade point color value. * Informs the result of the handled event like a wxCommandEvent wxEVT_CHANGED_COLOR_POINT if the point changed its colour. * param clickedValue The x-coord pixel value of the point to which the color change interests * return Returns true if the color point was succesfully updated. */ bool changeColor ( int clickedValue ); /** * Repaints the color bar in direction mode of the orientation assigned * param createTempPoints True for creating temporal points for start and end when a visible range changes */ void repaintView ( ); /** * Forces the refresh view of the color bar */ void RefreshForce (); void Refresh(bool eraseBackground = true, const wxRect* rect = NULL); /** * Draws the color bar with its degrades * param recentlyChangedOrientation indicates if the orientation has been changed before calling this method */ void drawColorBar ( bool recentlyChangedOrientation); /** * Changes the figure of the color points according to the parameter * param theFigure Is the corresponding number for identifying the figure * RECTANGLE = 4,TRIANGLE LEFT = -4, TRIANGLE RIGHT = -6, TRIANGLE UP = -8, TRIANGLE DOWN = -2 */ void changeFigure(int theFigure); /** * Changes the figure number of edges used for the degreade color points to the indicated one by parameter * param figEdges Is the constant that represents the figure number of edges (TRIANGLE | RECTANGLE) */ void changePointsFigure_Edges (int figEdges); /** * Gets the constant that represents the figure number of edges used for the degreade color points * return figureEdges Is the constant that represents the figure number of edges (TRIANGLE | RECTANGLE) */ int getPointsFigure_Edges (); /** * Sets the height of the drawing bar area * param _h The height to set */ void setHeight (int _h); /** * Sets the height of the drawing bar area * return _h The height to get */ int getHeight(); /** * Sets the width of the drawing bar area * param _w The width to set */ void setWidth (int _w); /** * Gets the width of the drawing bar area * param width The width to get */ int getWidth (); /** * Sets the height of the containing rectangle bar * param _h The height to set */ void setBarHeight (int _h); /** * Gets the height of the containing rectangle bar * return bar_height The height to get */ int getBarHeight(); /** * Sets the width of the containing rectangle bar * param _w The width to set */ void setBarWidth (int _w); /** * Gets the width of the containing rectangle bar * return bar_width The width to get */ int getBarWidth (); /** * Sets the orientation of the color bar * param _orientation The orientation to set VERTICAL = false, HORIZONTAL = true */ void setOrientation (bool _orientation); /** * Gets the orientation of the color bar * return bar_orientation The bar orientation assigned */ bool getOrientation (); /** * Sets the collection of color points * param _points The new points to set, each one of data type pColorPoint ( xValue, wxColour_assigned) */ void setPoints (std::vector _points); /** * Gets the last clickedX pixel coord inside the bar. * return clickedX The x-coord pixel value */ int getClickedX(); /** * Sets the last clickedX pixel coord inside the bar. * param xCoordPixel The x-coord value to set */ void setClickedX(int xCoordPixel); /** * Gets the last clickedY pixel coord inside the bar. * return clickedY The y-coord pixel value */ int getClickedY(); /** * Sets the last clickedY pixel coord inside the bar. * param yCoordPixel The y-coord pixel value to set */ void setClickedY(int yCoordPixel); /** * Gets the real x value for a givex x-pixel value using the rule real_x = (x_pixel * (maxX_represented_Tshow - minXRepresented) ) / bar_width * param x_Pixel The pixel value to convert into real value with respect to the x scale * return realX The real-x value corresponding to the xPixel */ double convertToRealValue ( int x_Pixel ); /** * Gets the x-pixel value for a given x_real value using the rule x_pixel = (x_real * bar_width)/(maxX_represented_Tshow - minX_represented_Tshow) * param x_Pixel The pixel value to convert into real value with respect to the x scale * return realX The real-x value corresponding to the xPixel */ int convertToPixelValue ( double x_real ); /** * Gets the selected color and updates the state of the okSelectedColor * return selectedColor Is the selected rbg color */ wxColour getSelectedColour(); /** * Sets the represented minimum and maximunm values * param minRealValue The minimum represented value (real value) * param maxRealValue The maximum represented value (real value) */ void setRepresentedValues ( double minRealValue, double maxRealValue); /** * Gets the data of the last point moving * return pointData Is a pColorPoint with the data of las moved color */ pColorPoint * getLastMovedColorPoint(); /** * Sets the gap values for the color bar bitmap * param gap_x Gap in x * param gap_y Gap in y */ void setGapValues (int gap_x, int gap_y); /** * Sets the degrade state of the color bar * param newState The degrade stare to set */ void setDegradeState(bool newState); /* * Sets the visible range of the bar and repaints the bar according to it, the min value must be less than the max value. * param minToShow Is the minimum value to show in the colorbar * param maxToShow Is the maximum value to show in the colorbar */ void setVisibleRange(int minToShow, int maxToShow); /** * Gets the degrade state of the color bar * return doingDegrade is the actual degrade state of the bar */ bool getDegradeState(); /** * Sets the state of static or not for the limit color points * pamar areStatic Is the state to set for the limits */ void setStaticLimitsTo(bool areStatic); /** * Gets the state of static or not for the limit color points * return staticLimits Is the state for limits */ bool getStaticLimits(); /** * Sets the device start drawing left-superior (pixel) start point and draws automatically the color bar * param deviceStart_x Pixel start for x-coord * param deviceStart_y Pixel start for y-coord */ void setDeviceBlitStart ( wxCoord deviceStart_x, wxCoord deviceStart_y ); /** * Clears the temporal color points of the list */ void clearTemporalColors(); /** * Gets the device value form the end of this panel to the end of the drawing area in the device in pixels * return deviceEndMargin The value asigned to the right margin */ int getDeviceEndX(); /** * Sets the new device (deviceEndMargin) value form the end of this panel to the end of the drawing area in the device * param newDeviceEnd_pixels The new pixel value to asign to the right margin in pixels */ void setDeviceEndX(int newDeviceEnd_pixels); /** * Sets the new device (deviceEndMargin) value form the end of this panel to the end of the drawing area in the device * param newDeviceEnd_pixels The new pixel value to asign to the right(horizontal view), underneath(vertical view) margin in pixels */ void setDeviceEndMargin(int newDeviceEnd_pixels); /** * Method that creates and send the given id-event to the event handler * param theEventType Is the event id type identification for generating the event */ void createAndSendEvent(WXTYPE theEventType); /** * Returns the number of points that the bar color has * return */ int getColorPointsSize(); /** Get the RGB values of the color point that is in the index given */ void getDataAt(int index, double& x,int& red,int& green,int& blue); /** * Sets the guide line color * param theNwGuideLineColor The color to set to the guideLineColor */ void setGuideLineColour(wxColour theNwGuideLineColor); /** * Gets the guide line color * return guideLineColor The color of the guideLine */ wxColour getGuideLineColour(); /** * Sets the background color * param theNwBackColor The color to set to the colourParent */ void setBackGroundColour(wxColour theNwBackColor); /** * Gets the background color * return colourParent The color of the background */ wxColour getBackGroundColour(); /** * Gets the min value of the color bar */ double getMinValue(); /** * Gets the max value of the color bar */ double getMaxValue(); /** * Updates the colors of the first nonTemporal point in the list and the last nonTemporal point * That logically corresponds always to the the first and last nodes of the color bar */ void updateExtremeColors(); void onLeftClicDown(wxMouseEvent& event ); void onLeftClickUp(wxMouseEvent& event ); void updatePointsToDraw(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Attributes declaration //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: /* * */ bool acceptedClick; /* * Represents the logical bar instance */ LogicalColorBar * _logicalBar; /* * Represents the margin gap on x */ int gapX; /* * Represents the margin gap on x */ int gapY; /* * Represents the height of the color bar drawing area */ int height; /* * Represents the width of the color bar drawing area */ int width; /* * Represents the height of the bar */ int bar_height; /* * Represents the width of the bar */ int bar_width; /* * Represents the collection of degrade definition points */ std::deque showedColorPoints; /* * The orientation of the rectangule is true when is horizontal, false for vertical */ //bool bar_orientation; /* * The points figure orientation UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGTH */ int points_orientation; /* * The minimum represented real value used for calculating the scaling for point by the rule real_x = (x_pixel * (maxX_represented_Tshow_Tshow - minX_represented_Tshow) ) / bar_width */ int minX_represented_Tshow; /** * The maximum represented real value used for calculating the scaling for point by the rule real_x = (x_pixel * (maxX_represented_Tshow_Tshow - minXRepresented_Tshow) ) / bar_width */ int maxX_represented_Tshow; /** * The minimum represented real value used for calculating the scaling for point by the rule real_x = (x_pixel * (maxX_represented_Tshow_Tshow - minX_represented_Tshow) ) / bar_width */ int temporalMinXToShow; /* * The maximum represented real value used for calculating the scaling for point by the rule real_x = (x_pixel * (maxX_represented_Tshow_Tshow - minXRepresented_Tshow) ) / bar_width */ int temporalMaxXToShow; /** * Indicates the first node to show */ pColorPoint * startNode_show; /** * Indicates the last node to show */ pColorPoint * lastNode_show; /** * Indicates the amount of temporal initial color points */ int accumTemporalPoints; /** * Represents the state of viewing a range */ bool viewingRange; /** * Is the constant that represents the figure number of edges (TRIANGLE | RECTANGLE) */ pFigure* figure; /** * Represents the last clickedX coord inside the bar. */ int clickedX; /* * Represents the last clickedY coord inside the bar. */ int clickedY; /** * Represents the movind index of the last moving point in the colorPoints list */ int movingPointIndex; /** * Indicates if in the last colour selection the ok button was clicked */ bool okSelectedColor; /** * Represents the statc or movable state of limit start and end color points, default value true for static */ bool staticLimits; /** * Indicates the last node moving in the coloPoints list */ pColorPoint * movingNodePoint; // pDegradeRectangle * degrade; /** * Is the bitmap for the bar color */ wxBitmap * colorBar_Bitmap; /** * Is the bitmap of the information associated to the bar color */ wxBitmap * information_Bitmap; /** * Represents the state of doing or not the degrade in the bar (default value true for doing degrade) */ bool doingDegrade; /** * Represents that the minimum value for the visible range has been found in the original color points */ bool minFound; /** * Represents that the maximum value for the visible range has been found in the original color points */ bool maxFound; /** * X-Coord for left-superior device visible drawing */ wxCoord deviceStart_x; /** * Y-Coord for left-superior device visible drawing */ wxCoord deviceStart_y; /* * X-Coord for left-superior device margin, important for horizontal view */ wxCoord deviceEndMargin; /** * Y-Coord for left-superior device margin, important for vertical view */ wxCoord deviceEnd_y; /** * Represents the active state of the bar */ bool activeState; int avaliablePointToMove; /** * Represents the real-x value to draw a vertical line */ int realX_vertical_line; /** * Represents the color of the dot-line use as guides. The default color is RED. */ wxColour guideLineColor; /* * Represents the color of the backGround. Default color is the parent color. */ wxColour colourParent; /* * The color bar pop menu */ wxMenu c_popmenu; /* * The figure changes submenu */ wxMenu * changesMenu; DECLARE_CLASS(pColorBar) // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif