/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class definition include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pPlotter.h" // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WX headers inclusion. // For compilers that support precompilation, includes . // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class implementation //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_CLASS(pPlotter, wxPanel) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Generated events declaration and definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( wxEVT_NW_TEXT_MESAGGE, -1 ) END_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE( wxEVT_NW_TEXT_MESAGGE ) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handdled events from pColorBar // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_ADDED_POINT, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_REMOVED_POINT, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_MOVED_POINT, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_CHANGED_POINT, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_ON_COLOR_BAR, -1) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handdled events from plotter // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_PPLOTTER_CHANGED_FUNCTION, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_PPLOTTER_POINT_MOVE, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_PPLOTTER_POINT_ADD, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_PPLOTTER_POINT_DELETE, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_PPLOTTER_GUIDELINES, -1) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handdled events from max-min barrange // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR_ACTUAL, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR_START, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR_END, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TSBAR_MOVED, -1) DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_SELECTION_END, -1) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EVENT TABLE (->Connect: analogous) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(pPlotter, wxPanel) //OnSize //EVT_SIZE (pPlotter::OnSize) // Connectting the handled envents for the plotter to the corresponding methods EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_PPLOTTER_CHANGED_FUNCTION, pPlotter::onChangeFunction) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_PPLOTTER_POINT_MOVE, pPlotter::onMovePoint_Plotter) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_PPLOTTER_POINT_ADD, pPlotter::onAddedPoint_Plotter) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_PPLOTTER_POINT_DELETE, pPlotter::onRemovedPoint_Plotter) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_PPLOTTER_GUIDELINES, pPlotter::onGuideLines) // Connectting the handled envents for the color bar to the corresponding methods EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_ADDED_POINT, pPlotter :: onAdded_ColorPoint ) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_REMOVED_POINT, pPlotter :: onRemoved_ColorPoint ) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_MOVED_POINT, pPlotter :: onMoved_ColorPoint ) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_CHANGED_POINT, pPlotter :: onChanged_ColorPoint ) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_ON_COLOR_BAR, pPlotter :: onColorBar ) // Connectting the handled envents from the max-min barrange to the corresponding methods EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_TSBAR, pPlotter::onBarrange) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_SELECTION_END, pPlotter::onSelectionEnd) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_TSBAR_MOVED, pPlotter::onMovedBar) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_TSBAR_ACTUAL, pPlotter:: onActualChange_Bar) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_TSBAR_START, pPlotter::onStartChange_Bar) EVT_COMMAND (-1,wxEVT_TSBAR_END, pPlotter::onEndChange_Bar) END_EVENT_TABLE() //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors & Destructors //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Creates an integrated plotter instance * @param *parent Container window */ pPlotter :: pPlotter (wxWindow *parent,int nWidth, int nHeight) :wxPanel(parent,-1,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxTAB_TRAVERSAL) { SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(255,255,255)); m_plot = new pPlotterWindow( this, -1, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(nWidth,nHeight), wxSUNKEN_BORDER ); actualFunction =NULL; // Adding the axis layers to the plotter m_plot->AddLayer( new pPlotterScaleX() ); m_plot->AddLayer( new pPlotterScaleY() ); // Creating the log window /* m_log = new wxTextCtrl( panel, -1, wxT("This is the log window.\n"), wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(400,100), wxTE_MULTILINE ); // Sharing the log window of the application with the plotter widget m_plot->setmLog(m_log); */ // Creating a function for the plotter with given points x-vector and y-vector /* double vectX_F1 [] = { 0, 20, 50, 80, 100, 115, 120, 210, 220,250 }; // double vectX_F1 [] = { 0, 20, 50, 80, 100, 115, 120, 210, 220,250 }; double vectY_F1 [] = { 0, 40, 70, 100, 200, 100, 40, 170, 0, 50 }; pGraphicalFunction * f1 = m_plot ->getFunctionForVectors( vectX_F1, 10, vectY_F1, 10 ); // Including and drawing the created function in the plotter if (f1) { m_plot->addFunction( f1 ); m_plot->addFunctionToMove(f1); //m_plot->addFunctionToMove(f1); wxPen mypen1(*wxBLUE, 2, wxDOT_DASH ); mypen1.SetWidth(2); f1->SetPen( mypen1 ); } */ //=================== lines to sychronyze the bars width with the drawed plotter-------------------------- mpWindow* mplotWindow = ((mpWindow*)m_plot); float minReal_X = 0; //(float)mplotWindow->getMinScrX(); float maxReal_X =(float)mplotWindow->getMaxScrX(); //float scrX=(float)mplotWindow->GetScrX()-100; // JPRx //double scaleX=(scrX/(maxReal_X))* (mplotWindow->getZoomFactor()); // JPRx // Creating the color bar with values according to the plotter added widget color_bar = new pColorBar(this, (m_plot->GetSize()).GetWidth(),40, true); color_bar -> setRepresentedValues ((int)minReal_X, (int)maxReal_X); color_bar -> setDeviceBlitStart (70,0); color_bar -> setVisibleRange ((int)minReal_X,(int) maxReal_X); color_bar -> setDeviceEndMargin (50); // Creating the min-max barrange bar with values according to the plotter added widget barrange = new mBarRange(this, (m_plot->GetSize()).GetWidth(),30); barrange -> setVisibleLabels (false); barrange -> setRepresentedValues (minReal_X, maxReal_X); barrange -> setDeviceBlitStart (70,0); barrange -> setDeviceEndMargin (50); // Adding the components to the sizer /* if(m_plot->getActualFunction()) setAll(); */ wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer->Add( m_plot, 4, wxEXPAND); sizer->Add( color_bar,0, wxEXPAND ); sizer->Add( barrange, 0, wxEXPAND ); // sizer->Add( m_log, 0, wxEXPAND); // Stablishing the layout and sizer of the panel /*panel->*/SetAutoLayout(true); /*panel->*/SetSizer(sizer); /*panel->*/Layout(); /*panel->*/Refresh(); } pPlotter :: ~pPlotter () { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Set the bars according to the actual function */ void pPlotter::setAll() { actualFunction = m_plot->getActualFunction(); if (actualFunction != NULL) { barrange -> setActiveStateTo(true); color_bar -> setActiveStateTo(true); text.Clear(); text = _T("minX="); double realMin_X = actualFunction->getMinX(); //EED 2017-09-16 Migration wxWidgets 2.8 to 3.0 #if wxMAJOR_VERSION <= 2 text = text + realMin_X; #else text = text + wxString::FromDouble( realMin_X ); #endif text = text + _T(" maxX="); double realMax_X = actualFunction->getMaxX(); //EED 2017-09-16 Migration wxWidgets 2.8 to 3.0 #if wxMAJOR_VERSION <= 2 text = text + realMax_X; #else text = text + wxString::FromDouble( realMax_X ); #endif int minShowed = actualFunction->getMinXShowed(); int maxShowed = actualFunction->getMaxXShowed(); barrange -> setRepresentedValues (realMin_X, realMax_X); barrange->SetStart( minShowed ); barrange->SetEnd( maxShowed ); std::vector actualColorPoints; actualFunction->getColorPoints(actualColorPoints); if(actualColorPoints.empty()) { color_bar->reinitiateColorBar (realMin_X, realMax_X); } else { color_bar->reinitiateColorBarTo(actualColorPoints); } color_bar->setVisibleRange (minShowed, maxShowed); // Refresh color_bar->RefreshForce(); barrange->RefreshForce(); sendTMessage(text); } // if actualFunction } //***************************************************************************************************** // Color bar control methods //***************************************************************************************************** //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updating methods for occured events in the color bar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void pPlotter::onAdded_ColorPoint(wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); text = _T( "Last event was on color bar: Color point added, total#"); actualFunction = m_plot->getActualFunction(); if(actualFunction!=NULL) { std::vector actualColorPoints; color_bar ->getAddedColorsPointsList(actualColorPoints); actualFunction -> setColorPoints(actualColorPoints); text << actualColorPoints.size(); sendTMessage(text); } } void pPlotter :: onRemoved_ColorPoint(wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); text = _T( "Last event on color bar: Color point removed total#"); actualFunction = m_plot->getActualFunction(); std::vector actualColorPoints; color_bar ->getAddedColorsPointsList(actualColorPoints); actualFunction -> setColorPoints(actualColorPoints); text << actualColorPoints.size(); sendTMessage(text); } void pPlotter :: onMoved_ColorPoint(wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); text = _T( "Last event was on color bar: Color point moved to: "); int lastReal_X = (int)(color_bar->getLastMovedColorPoint())->getRealX(); text << lastReal_X; barrange ->setRealX_vertical_line (lastReal_X); barrange -> RefreshForce(); m_plot->setRealGuideX (lastReal_X); m_plot->UpdateAll(); sendTMessage(text); } void pPlotter:: onChanged_ColorPoint(wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); sendTMessage(_T("Last event was on color bar: Color point changed color")); } void pPlotter :: onColorBar( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if( (barrange->getRealX_vertical_line())!=-1) { barrange ->setRealX_vertical_line (-1); m_plot->setRealGuideX (-1); barrange -> RefreshForce(); m_plot->UpdateAll(); } } //***************************************************************************************************** // Plotter control methods //***************************************************************************************************** /* * Method called when actual function is changed */ void pPlotter :: onChangeFunction (wxCommandEvent& event) { actualFunction = m_plot->getActualFunction(); if (actualFunction != NULL) { if( !barrange->isActive() ) { barrange -> setActiveStateTo(true); color_bar -> setActiveStateTo(true); } text.Clear(); text = _T("Last event was on plotter: function changed, minX="); double realMin_X = actualFunction->getMinX(); text << realMin_X; text << _T(" maxX="); double realMax_X = actualFunction->getMaxX(); text << realMax_X; int minShowed = actualFunction->getMinXShowed(); int maxShowed = actualFunction->getMaxXShowed(); barrange -> setRepresentedValues (realMin_X, realMax_X); barrange->SetStart( minShowed ); barrange->SetEnd( maxShowed ); std::vector actualColorPoints; actualFunction->getColorPoints(actualColorPoints); if(actualColorPoints.empty()) { color_bar->reinitiateColorBar (realMin_X, realMax_X); } else { color_bar->reinitiateColorBarTo(actualColorPoints); } color_bar->setVisibleRange ((int)realMin_X, maxShowed); // Refresh color_bar->RefreshForce(); barrange->RefreshForce(); sendTMessage(text); } // if actualFunction } /* * Method called when a point is added to the actual function on the plotter */ void pPlotter :: onAddedPoint_Plotter (wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); m_plot->writeInText(text); sendTMessage(text); } /* * Method called when a point is removed to the actual function on the plotter */ void pPlotter :: onRemovedPoint_Plotter (wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); m_plot->writeInText(text); sendTMessage(text); } /* * Method called when a point is moved from the actual function on the plotter */ void pPlotter :: onMovePoint_Plotter (wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); m_plot->writeInText(text); sendTMessage(text); } /* * Method called when turn off the guide line from the actual function on the plotter */ void pPlotter::onGuideLines(wxCommandEvent& event) { } //***************************************************************************************************** // Max-Min Barrange control methods //***************************************************************************************************** /* * */ void pPlotter::onBarrange(wxCommandEvent& event) { } /* * */ void pPlotter::onActualChange_Bar(wxCommandEvent& event) { int lastActual_X = barrange->GetActual(); color_bar ->setRealX_vertical_line (lastActual_X); color_bar -> RefreshForce(); m_plot->setRealGuideX(lastActual_X); m_plot->UpdateAll(); text.Clear(); text = _T( "Last event was on min-max bar: Actual triangle moved to: " ); text << lastActual_X; sendTMessage(text); } /* * Method called when the start triangle is moved. Adjusts the plotter and color bar view-range. */ void pPlotter::onStartChange_Bar(wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); text = _T( "Last event was on min-max bar: Start triangle moved to: "); int realMin_X = barrange->GetStart(); text += wxString::Format(_T("%d"), realMin_X); double realMax_X = m_plot->getMaxScrX(); color_bar -> setVisibleRange (realMin_X, (int)realMax_X); m_plot->actualizeViewRange(realMin_X, (int)realMax_X); //setting the plotter for draw the functions that //it has to move. float startP = (float)barrange->getStartShowPorcentage(); float endP = (float)barrange->getEndShowPorcentage(); m_plot->moveFunctions(startP,endP); //Updating color_bar -> RefreshForce(); m_plot -> UpdateAll(); sendTMessage(text); } void pPlotter::onEndChange_Bar(wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); text += _T("Last event was on min-max bar: End triangle moved to: "); int realMax_X = barrange->GetEnd(); text += wxString::Format(_T("%d"),realMax_X); double realMin_X = m_plot->getMinScrX(); color_bar -> setVisibleRange ((int)realMin_X, realMax_X); m_plot->actualizeViewRange((int)realMin_X,realMax_X); float startP = (float)barrange->getStartShowPorcentage(); float endP = (float)barrange->getEndShowPorcentage(); m_plot->moveFunctions(startP,endP); color_bar -> RefreshForce(); m_plot -> UpdateAll(); sendTMessage(text); } void pPlotter :: onSelectionEnd(wxCommandEvent& event) { if( (color_bar->getRealX_vertical_line())!=-1) { color_bar ->setRealX_vertical_line (-1); m_plot->setRealGuideX (-1); color_bar -> RefreshForce(); m_plot->UpdateAll(); } } void pPlotter :: onMovedBar(wxCommandEvent& event) { text.Clear(); text = _T( "Last event was on min-max bar: Moved bar to min:" ); int realMin_X = barrange->GetStart(); text += wxString::Format(_T("%d"),realMin_X); text += _T(" max:"); int realMax_X = barrange->GetEnd(); text += wxString::Format(_T("%d"),realMax_X); color_bar -> setVisibleRange (realMin_X, realMax_X); float startP=(float)barrange->getStartShowPorcentage(); float endP=(float)barrange->getEndShowPorcentage(); m_plot->moveFunctions(startP,endP); color_bar -> RefreshForce(); m_plot -> UpdateAll(); sendTMessage(text); } /* * Method for sending a text message to the container window * @param theText Is the text of the message */ void pPlotter :: sendTMessage(wxString theText) { //Creating a message event wxCommandEvent puntualMSG_Event( wxEVT_NW_TEXT_MESAGGE, GetId() ); puntualMSG_Event.SetEventObject(this); //Sending the event GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( puntualMSG_Event ); } /* * Sets the text message * @param nMessage Is the text message to set */ void pPlotter :: setTextMessage(wxString nMessage) { text = nMessage; } /* * Gets the text message * @param text Is the actual text message */ wxString pPlotter :: getTextMessage() { return text; } /** * Add a function to the plotter * when the function doesnt come from window */ int pPlotter:: addFunction(pGraphicalFunction * function) { return m_plot->addFunction(function); } /** * Creates and returns a graphical funcion according to the indicated vectors. */ pGraphicalFunction* pPlotter::getFunctionForVectors( double* vectorX, int sizeX,double * vectorY, int sizeY ) { return m_plot->getFunctionForVectors(vectorX,sizeX, vectorY, sizeY ); } /* Set Type */ void pPlotter::setType(int t) { m_plot->setType(t); } /* Get a function in the plotter given the index */ pGraphicalFunction* pPlotter:: getFunction(int index) { return m_plot->getFunction(index); } /* Adds function to move with the bar min max */ int pPlotter::addFunctionToMove(pGraphicalFunction * function) { return m_plot->addFunctionToMove(function); } /* move the functions that the user wants to move and that were setted in functionsToMove @param porcentageMinX:the porcentage that the minShowed of the funcntions have to be move @param porcentageMaxX:the porcentage that the maxShowed of the funcntions have to be move */ void pPlotter:: moveFunctions(float porcentageMinX,float porcentageMaxX) { m_plot->moveFunctions(porcentageMinX,porcentageMaxX); } /* * deletes the function from the plotter */ /* bool pPlotter::deleteFunction(pGraphicalFunction * function); { return m_plot->deleteFunction(function); } */ //-------------------- // Color information //--------------------- /** Returns the number of points that the bar color has */ int pPlotter::getColorPointsSize() { return color_bar->getColorPointsSize(); } /* Get the RGB values of the color point that is in the index given */ void pPlotter::getBarColorDataAt(int index,double& x, int& red,int& green,int& blue) { color_bar->getDataAt(index,x,red,green,blue); } /* add a color Point returns true if the point was succesfully added PRE: 0<=red<=255 0<=green<=255 0<=blue<=255 */ bool pPlotter::addColorPoint(int x,int red,int green, int blue) { wxColour color= wxColour(red,green,blue); return color_bar->addColorPoint((double)x, color); } void pPlotter::eraseColorPoints() { int min=(int)color_bar->getMinValue(); int max=(int)color_bar->getMaxValue(); color_bar->reinitiateColorBar(min,max); } //-------------------- // bar Information //--------------------- float pPlotter::getMaxShowedPorcentage() { return barrange->getEndShowPorcentage(); } float pPlotter::getMinShowedPorcentage() { return barrange->getStartShowPorcentage(); } float pPlotter::getActualShowedPorcentage() { return barrange->getActualShowPorcentage(); } //-------------------- // plotter Information //--------------------- void pPlotter::setActual(pGraphicalFunction* nActual) { m_plot->setActualFunction(nActual); } void pPlotter::update() { //if it is a plotter of histograms if(m_plot->getType()==2) { pGraphicalFunction* tf= m_plot->getActualFunction(); if(tf->getType()==2) { tf->clearSplineVectors(); tf->addSplinesPoints(); tf->initializeSplineVectors(); } } m_plot->UpdateAll(); } //---------------------------- //Handling Options Menu //---------------------------- void pPlotter::setPopUpMenu(bool startD,bool stopD,bool smooth,bool line, bool zoomIn, bool zoomOut,bool showPoints,bool noShowPoints,bool changeColor, bool addP, bool delPoint,bool load,bool save) { m_plot->setPopUpMenu(startD, stopD, smooth, line, zoomIn, zoomOut, showPoints, noShowPoints, changeColor, addP, delPoint, load, save); } /* if the user resize the window */ /* void pPlotter::OnSize( wxSizeEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { int scrX,scrY; GetClientSize(&scrX,&scrY); m_plot->SetSize(scrX,scrY); pGraphicalFunction* actual=m_plot->getActualFunction(); if(actual!=NULL) { actual->setScreens(scrX,scrY); actual->setScales(); } } */ /** ** Returns two vectors, the grey level of the point and its value, the value is between [0,1] **/ void pPlotter::GetValuesPointsFunction(std::vector& greylevel,std::vector& value, int histogramsize) { if(actualFunction != NULL) { double* xval = actualFunction->getX_RealValues(); double* yval = actualFunction->getY_RealValues(); actualFunction->getScaleY(); for(int i = 0; i < actualFunction->getSizePoints();i++) { greylevel.push_back(xval[i]); value.push_back(yval[i]/histogramsize); } // for } // if } /** ** Returns two vectors, the grey level of the point and its value, the red, green ** and blue value is between [0,1] **/ void pPlotter::GetValuesColorPointsFunction(std::vector& greylevel, std::vector& red, std::vector& green, std::vector& blue) { if(color_bar != NULL) { std::vector colors; color_bar->getAddedColorsPointsList(colors); for(int i = 0; i < colors.size();i++) { pColorPoint* pcolor = colors[i]; greylevel.push_back(pcolor->getRealX()); wxColour colour = pcolor->getColor(); double _red = (double)(colour.Red())/255.0; double _green = (double)(colour.Green())/255.0; double _blue = (double)(colour.Blue())/255.0; red.push_back(_red); green.push_back(_green); blue.push_back(_blue); } // for } // if }