//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class definition include //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pPlotterLayer.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WX headers inclusion. // For compilers that support precompilation, includes . // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #endif #include #include #include //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class implementation //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(pPlotterLayer, mpLayer) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** *@param name Label *@param flags Label alignment, pass one of #mpALIGN_NE, #mpALIGN_NW, #mpALIGN_SW, #mpALIGN_SE. */ pPlotterLayer:: pPlotterLayer(wxString name , int flags ) { SetName(name); m_flags = flags; points.DeleteContents(TRUE); offsetX=0; offsetY=0; } /* Draw the line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) only passing by the positive points in the line */ void pPlotterLayer::draw(wxDC & dc,mpWindow & w,double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2) { //intercepts float m=((float)(y2-y1))/(x2-x1); float x0=-y1/m+x1; float y0=-m*x1+y1; //analyzing the curve if(x1<=0 && x2>=0) { if(y2>=0 && y1>=0) dc.DrawLine(0,y0, x2,y2); else if(y2<=0 && y1>=0) { if(y0>=0 && x0>=0) dc.DrawLine(0,y0,x0,0 ); } else if(y2>=0 && y1<=0) { if(y0>=0) dc.DrawLine(0,y0,x2,y2 ); } } if(x1>=0 && x2>=0) { if(y1>=0 && y2>=0 ) dc.DrawLine(x1,y1, x2,y2); else if(y1>=0 && y2<=0) dc.DrawLine(x1,y1,x0,0 ); else if(y1<=0 && y2>=0) dc.DrawLine(x0,0,x2,y2); } } /** * Draw the function with th spline points * */ void pPlotterLayer::drawSplineCurve(wxDC & dc,mpWindow & w) { std::vector vx=getXSpline(); std::vector vy=getYSpline(); wxPoint* ppoints; int /*counter=0,*/ minX,maxX,minY,maxY; // JPRx /* This is the offset of every point scale to the window pixel */ int offsetpx=getOffsetPixelsXv(); int offsetpy=getOffsetPixelsYv(); // type of plotter int type=getmType(); wxPoint point; /***********/ getMaxShowed(maxX,maxY); getMinShowed(minX,minY); /***********/ if(type==2) { /* Fill the function if it represented an histogram */ ppoints=(wxPoint*)malloc(sizeof(int)*2*(vx.size()+2)); //initialize points point.x=-5000; point.y=-5000; ppoints[0]=point; ppoints[1]=point; } int size=vx.size(); int j=2; for(int i=0;(i+1)< size;i++) { double cxi=(vx.at(i)-minX-offsetX)*scaleX+offsetpx; double cyi=(vy.at(i)-minY-offsetY)*scaleY+offsetpy; double cxj=(vx.at(i+1)-minX-offsetX)*scaleX+offsetpx; double cyj=(vy.at(i+1)-minY-offsetY)*scaleY+offsetpy; if(type!=2) draw(dc,w,cxi,cyi,cxj,cyj); else if(type==2) { if(!initializePolygon(ppoints,cxi,cyi,cxj,cyj) && ((cxi<=0 && cxj>=0)||(cxi>=0 && cxj>=0))) { point.x=cxj; point.y=cyj; ppoints[j]=point; j++; } } } if(type==2) { //point.x=vx.at(size-1)* scaleX + offsetpx; point.x=ppoints[j-1].x; point.y=0; //ppoints[vx.size()]=point; ppoints[j]=point; /* Fill the function if it represented an histogram */ //ppoints=(wxPoint*)malloc(sizeof(int)*2*(vx.size()+1)); //settings for fill //point.x=vx.at(0)*scaleX + offsetpx; point.x=ppoints[0].x; point.y=0; //ppoints[vx.size()+1]=point; ppoints[j+1]=point; dc.SetBrush(wxBrush( wxColour(239,238,242) ,wxSOLID )); dc.SetPen(wxPen( wxColour(0,0,0) ,1,wxSOLID )); //dc.DrawPolygon(vx.size()+2,ppoints,0,0); dc.DrawPolygon(j+2,ppoints,0,0); } } /* it define the first point of the polygon for be drawing returns true if the first and second point of the polygon are set */ bool pPlotterLayer::initializePolygon(wxPoint* points,double x1, double y1,double x2, double y2) { bool setted=false; //intercepts float m=((float)(y2-y1))/(x2-x1); float x0=-y1/m+x1; float y0=-m*x1+y1; if(points[0].x<=0&& points[1].x<=0 && points[0].y<=0&& points[1].y<=0) { //int offsetpx=getOffsetPixelsXv(); //JPRx //analyzing the curve if(x1<=0 && x2>=0) { if(y2>=0 && y1>=0) { //dc.DrawLine(0,y0, x2,y2); points[0].x=0; points[0].y=y0; points[1].x=x2; points[1].y=y2; setted=true; } else if(y2<=0 && y1>=0) { if(y0>=0 && x0>=0) { //dc.DrawLine(0,y0,x0,0 ); points[0].x=0; points[0].y=y0; points[1].x=x0; points[1].y=0; setted=true; } } else if(y2>=0 && y1<=0) { if(y0>=0) { //dc.DrawLine(0,y0,x2,y2 ); points[0].x=0; points[0].y=y0; points[1].x=x2; points[1].y=y2; setted=true; } } } if(x1>=0 && x2>=0) { if(y1>=0 && y2>=0 ) { //dc.DrawLine(x1,y1, x2,y2); points[0].x=x1; points[0].y=y1; points[1].x=x2; points[1].y=y2; setted=true; } else if(y1>=0 && y2<=0) { //dc.DrawLine(x1,y1,x0,0 ); points[0].x=x1; points[0].y=y1; points[1].x=x0; points[1].y=0; setted=true; } else if(y1<=0 && y2>=0) { //dc.DrawLine(x0,0,x2,y2); points[0].x=x0; points[0].y=0; points[1].x=x2; points[1].y=y2; setted=true; } } else return setted; } else return setted; } /** * Draw the lines between the points of the function */ void pPlotterLayer::drawFunction(wxDC & dc,mpWindow & w) { int scrwX,scrwY,offsetpx,offsetpy,maxX,minX,maxY,minY; wxPoint* ppoints=NULL; /* This is the offset of every point scale to the window pixel */ offsetpx=getOffsetPixelsXv(); offsetpy=getOffsetPixelsYv(); Rewind(); dc.GetSize(&scrwX, &scrwY); //Lines between the points GetPoints(points); // type of plotter int type=getmType(); /***********/ getMaxShowed(maxX,maxY); getMinShowed(minX,minY); /***********/ //traslation //int xTraslation=getXTraslation(); //JPRx wxNode* node= points.GetFirst(); // int i=1;//points.GetCount()+1; //JPRx int j=2; /* Fill it if it is an histogram */ wxPoint point; // pFunctionPoint* pointk; //JPRx if(type==2) { /* Fill the function if it represented an histogram */ ppoints=(wxPoint*)malloc(sizeof(int)*2*(points.GetCount()+2)); //initialize points point.x=-5000; point.y=-5000; ppoints[0]=point; ppoints[1]=point; } while (node!=NULL && node->GetNext()!=NULL) { pFunctionPoint* pointi=(pFunctionPoint*)node->GetData(); wxNode* nextNode=node->GetNext(); pFunctionPoint* pointj=(pFunctionPoint*)nextNode->GetData(); // we do the offset int pxi=(pointi->getRealX()-minX)-offsetX; int pyi=(pointi->getRealY()-minY)-offsetY; int pxj=(pointj->getRealX()-minX)-offsetX; int pyj=(pointj->getRealY()-minY)-offsetY; int cxi=pxi* scaleX + offsetpx; //+ xTraslation; int cxj=pxj* scaleX + offsetpx; //+ xTraslation; int cyi=pyi* scaleY+ offsetpy ; int cyj=pyj* scaleY+ offsetpy ; //dc.DrawLine(pxi* scaleX + offsetpx,pyi* scaleY+ offsetpy, pxj* scaleX + offsetpx,pyj* scaleY+ offsetpy ); if(type!=2) draw(dc,w,pxi* scaleX + offsetpx,pyi* scaleY+ offsetpy, pxj* scaleX + offsetpx,pyj* scaleY+ offsetpy ); //dc.DrawLine(pxi* scaleX + offsetpx,pyi* scaleY+ offsetpy, pxj* scaleX + offsetpx,pyj* scaleY+ offsetpy ); else if(type==2) { if(!initializePolygon(ppoints,cxi,cyi,cxj,cyj) && ((cxi<=0 && cxj>=0)||(cxi>=0 && cxj>=0))) { point.x=cxj; point.y=cyj; ppoints[j]=point; j++; } } node=node->GetNext(); } if(type==2) { //point.x=vx.at(size-1)* scaleX + offsetpx; point.x=ppoints[j-1].x; point.y=0; //ppoints[vx.size()]=point; ppoints[j]=point; /* Fill the function if it represented an histogram */ //ppoints=(wxPoint*)malloc(sizeof(int)*2*(vx.size()+1)); //settings for fill //point.x=vx.at(0)*scaleX + offsetpx; point.x=ppoints[0].x; point.y=0; //ppoints[vx.size()+1]=point; ppoints[j+1]=point; dc.SetBrush(wxBrush( wxColour(239,238,242) ,wxSOLID )); dc.SetPen(wxPen( wxColour(0,0,0) ,1,wxSOLID )); //dc.DrawPolygon(vx.size()+2,ppoints,0,0); dc.DrawPolygon(j+2,ppoints,0,0); } } /** * Draw the points of the function */ void pPlotterLayer::drawPoints(wxDC & dc,mpWindow & w) { Rewind(); double x, y; int minX,maxX,minY,maxY; /* This is the offset of every point scale to the window pixel */ int offsetpx=getOffsetPixelsXv(); int offsetpy=getOffsetPixelsYv(); //traslation int xTraslation=getXTraslation(); /*wxPen mypen(*wxBLACK, 5, wxSOLID); dc.SetPen(mypen);*/ /***********/ getMaxShowed(maxX,maxY); getMinShowed(minX,minY); /***********/ //we have to draw the points while (GetNextXY(x, y)) { //GetNextXY(x, y); //set the points of the polygons wxPoint points[4]; dc.SetBrush(wxBrush( wxColour(255,0,0),wxSOLID )); //dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(0,0,0),1,wxSOLID) ); points[0].x=((x-minX-offsetX)*scaleX + offsetpx-MOVE); points[0].y=((y-minY-offsetY)*scaleY+ offsetpy-MOVE); points[1].x=((x-minX-offsetX)*scaleX+ offsetpx+MOVE); points[1].y=((y-minY-offsetY)*scaleY+ offsetpy-MOVE); points[2].x=((x-minX-offsetX)*scaleX+ offsetpx+MOVE); points[2].y=((y-minY-offsetY)*scaleY+ offsetpy+MOVE); points[3].x=((x-minX-offsetX)*scaleX+ offsetpx-MOVE); points[3].y=((y-minY-offsetY)*scaleY+ offsetpy+MOVE); if((x-minX-offsetX)*scaleX >=0 && (y-minY-offsetY/*w.getMinScrY()*/)*scaleY>=0) dc.DrawPolygon(4,points,0,0); } } /** * Draw the line between the last point of the function * and the position of the mouse */ void pPlotterLayer::drawLineToMousePoint(wxDC & dc,mpWindow & w) { int x,y,sizeP,maxX,maxY,minX,minY; bool direction; Rewind(); getMousePoint(x,y); getDirection(direction); getSize(sizeP); //Lines betwen the points GetPoints(points); wxNode *node=points.GetLast(); wxNode *node1=points.GetFirst(); /* This is the offset of every point scale to the window pixel */ int offsetpx = getOffsetPixelsXv(); int offsetpy = getOffsetPixelsYv(); /***********/ getMaxShowed(maxX,maxY); getMinShowed(minX,minY); /***********/ //traslation int xTraslation=getXTraslation(); if(node) { pFunctionPoint* lastPoint=(pFunctionPoint*)node->GetData(); pFunctionPoint* firstPoint=(pFunctionPoint*)node1->GetData(); //LeftDrawing if(lastPoint->getRealX()=2) dc.DrawLine((lastPoint->getRealX()-minX-offsetX)*scaleX + offsetpx,(lastPoint->getRealY()-minY-offsetY)*scaleY+ offsetpy, (x-minX)*scaleX + offsetpx, (y-minY)*scaleY + offsetpy); //right drawing else if(firstPoint->getRealX()>x && !direction && sizeP >=2 ) dc.DrawLine((firstPoint->getRealX()-minX-offsetX)*scaleX+ offsetpx,(firstPoint->getRealY()-minY-offsetY)*scaleY+ offsetpy,(x-minX)*scaleX+ offsetpx, (y-minY)*scaleY+ offsetpy); //just a point else if(sizeP==1 ) { dc.DrawLine((lastPoint->getRealX()-minX-offsetX)*scaleX + offsetpx,(lastPoint->getRealY()-minY-offsetY)*scaleY+ offsetpy, (x-minX)*scaleX+ offsetpx, (y-minY)*scaleY+ offsetpy); } } if( w.drawGuideLines() ) { dc.SetPen(wxPen( wxColour(255,0,0),1,wxDOT )); // Drawing the horizontal guide line dc.DrawLine( 0, (y-minY)*scaleY + offsetpy, (x-minX)*scaleX + offsetpx, (y-minY)*scaleY + offsetpy); // Drawing the vertical guide line dc.DrawLine( (x-minX)*scaleX + offsetpx,0, (x-minX)*scaleX + offsetpx, (y-minY)*scaleY + offsetpy); } } /** Layer plot handler. This implementation will plot the locus in the visible area and put a label according to the aligment specified. */ void pPlotterLayer::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w) { bool show,drawing,actual; int scrwX,scrwY,maxX,maxY,minX,minY,type; float factorZoom; ifShowPoints(show); getDrawing(drawing); type=vGetType(); dc.SetPen( m_pen); /* * Managing the scale and zoom */ dc.GetSize(&scrwX, &scrwY); getIfActual(actual); //getMax(maxX, maxY); /***********/ getMaxShowed(maxX,maxY); getMinShowed(minX,minY); /***********/ getFactorZoom(factorZoom); getOffsets(offsetX,offsetY); /* maxX=w.getMaxScrX(); maxY=w.getMaxScrY(); minX=w.getMinScrX(); minY=w.getMinScrY(); */ if((maxX-minX)!=0 && (maxY-minY)!=0) { scaleX=(((double)scrwX-100)/(maxX-minX))*factorZoom; scaleY=(((double)scrwY-50)/(maxY-minY))*factorZoom; if(actual) { w.SetScaleX(scaleX); w.SetScaleY(scaleY); //w.setMinScrX(offsetX); //w.setMinScrY(offsetY); } } /* Managing the drawing */ int orgx=70; int orgy=w.GetScrY()-40; dc.SetDeviceOrigin( orgx ,orgy); dc.SetAxisOrientation(true,true); //if the user dont want to see the points of the function and if he stops drawing //we have to draw the function if(!show && !drawing && type==1) drawFunction(dc,w); else if(!show && !drawing && type==2) drawSplineCurve(dc,w); //we just draw the point that the user just clicked else if(drawing && type==1) { drawFunction(dc,w); drawLineToMousePoint(dc,w); drawPoints(dc,w); } else if(drawing && type==1) { drawSplineCurve(dc,w); drawLineToMousePoint(dc,w); drawPoints(dc,w); } else if(show && type==1) { drawFunction(dc,w); drawPoints(dc,w); } else if(show && type==2) { drawSplineCurve(dc,w); drawPoints(dc,w); } // Drawing the guides according to real values entered according to the integrated interaction (IS NOT WORKING!!!) if ( actual ) { dc.SetPen(wxPen( wxColour(255,0,0),1,wxDOT )); int offsetpx = getOffsetPixelsXv(); int offsetpy = getOffsetPixelsYv(); int realX_guide = w.getRealGuideX(); if( realX_guide!=-1 ) { dc.DrawLine( (realX_guide/*-w.getMinScrX()*/-offsetX)*scaleX + offsetpx, 0, (realX_guide/*-w.getMinScrX()*/-offsetX)*scaleX + offsetpx, scrwY); } int realY_guide = w.getRealGuideY(); if( realY_guide!=-1 ) { dc.DrawLine( 0,(realY_guide/*-w.getMinScrY()*/-offsetX)*scaleX + offsetpx, scrwX, (realY_guide/*-w.getMinScrY()*/-offsetX)*scaleX + offsetpx); } } }