/*========================================================================= Program: wxMaracas Module: $RCSfile: wxMaracasSuperposition.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2009/06/03 13:47:07 $ Version: $Revision: 1.3 $ Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003 License: This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "wxMaracasSuperposition.h" #include "creaWx.h" #include "vtkMetaImageReader.h" #include "wx/artprov.h" wxMaracasSuperposition* wxMaracasSuperposition::instance=NULL; wxMaracasSuperposition::wxMaracasSuperposition( wxWindow* parent, std::vector imgs): wxPanel(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize) { m_mgr.SetManagedWindow(this); _superposition1 = NULL; _superposition2 = NULL; _superposition3 = NULL; _images = imgs; // set up default notebook style m_notebook_style =wxAUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT | wxAUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE | wxNO_BORDER; m_notebook_theme = 0; _notebook = this->createNotebook(); createPanels(); configurePanels(); } wxMaracasSuperposition::~wxMaracasSuperposition() { _notebook->Destroy(); m_mgr.UnInit(); } wxMaracasSuperposition* wxMaracasSuperposition :: getInstance ( wxWindow* parent, std::vector imgs) { if(instance == NULL) { instance = new wxMaracasSuperposition(parent, imgs); } return instance; } wxMaracasSuperposition* wxMaracasSuperposition :: getInstance() { return instance; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Creational and initialization methods using WxAui //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wxAuiNotebook * wxMaracasSuperposition :: createNotebook() { wxSize client_size = GetClientSize(); wxAuiNotebook* noteBook = new wxAuiNotebook(this, -1, wxPoint(client_size.x, client_size.y), wxSize(430,200), m_notebook_style); wxBitmap page_bmp = wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_NORMAL_FILE, wxART_OTHER, wxSize(16,16)); return noteBook; } void wxMaracasSuperposition :: configurePanels() { if( _superposition1!=NULL ) { _notebook->AddPage( _superposition1, wxT(" Superoposition 1 ") ); m_mgr.Update(); } if( _superposition2!=NULL ) { _notebook->AddPage( _superposition2, wxT(" Superoposition 2 ") ); m_mgr.Update(); } if( _superposition3!=NULL ) { _notebook->AddPage( _superposition3, wxT(" Superoposition 3 ") ); m_mgr.Update(); } m_mgr.AddPane(_notebook, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("notebook_content")).CenterPane().PaneBorder(false)); m_mgr.Update(); SetMinSize(wxSize(300,300)); m_mgr.Update(); } void wxMaracasSuperposition :: createPanels() { if( _superposition1==NULL ) { createSuperpositionPanel(1); } else if( _superposition1!=NULL ) { } if( _superposition2==NULL ) { createSuperpositionPanel(2); } else if( _superposition2!=NULL ) { } if( _superposition3==NULL ) { createSuperpositionPanel(3); } else if( _superposition3!=NULL ) { } } void wxMaracasSuperposition :: createSuperpositionPanel(int type) { if (type=1) { _superposition1 = new wxMaracasSuperpositionPanel ( _images, _notebook ); } if (type=2) { _superposition2 = new wxMaracasSuperpositionPanel ( _images, _notebook ); } if (type=3) { _superposition3 = new wxMaracasSuperpositionPanel ( _images, _notebook ); } } void wxMaracasSuperposition :: changeImages(std::vector imgs) { _images = imgs; createPanels(); configurePanels(); } std::vector wxMaracasSuperposition :: getImages( ) { return _images; }