/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "wxSphereView.h" wxSphereView::wxSphereView( wxWindow *parent, vtkMPRBaseData *vtkmprbasedata/*, vtkImageData *imageData */) : wxVtk2DBaseView(parent) { _delta = 1; _vtkmprbasedata = vtkmprbasedata; //EED 2016-08-31 // _imageDataOriginal = imageData; SetImage(); _imageSphere = vtkImageData::New(); _imageSphere->SetDimensions (150,150,500); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 //EED // _imageSphere->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedShort(); _imageSphere->SetScalarType( _imageDataOriginal->GetScalarType() ); _imageSphere->AllocateScalars(); _imageSphere->Update(); #else _imageSphere->AllocateScalars(_imageDataOriginal->GetScalarType(),1); #endif //EED ???? vtkBaseData no esta compartido con los otros objetos .. PLOP // vtkBaseData *vtkbasedata = new vtkBaseData(); // vtkbasedata->SetMarImageData( new marImageData(_imageSphere) ); // this->SetVtkBaseData(vtkbasedata); this->SetVtkBaseData(_vtkmprbasedata); _transform = vtkTransform::New(); _transform1 = vtkTransform::New(); _transform2 = vtkTransform::New(); _transform ->Identity(); _transform1->Identity(); _transform2->Identity(); _radio=25; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- wxSphereView::~wxSphereView() { _transform -> Delete(); _transform1 -> Delete(); _transform2 -> Delete(); ResetlstId(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::SetImage() { ResetlstId(); _imageDataOriginal=_vtkmprbasedata->GetImageData(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- double wxSphereView::GetRadio() { return _radio; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::SetRadio(double radio) { if (radio<0) { radio=0; } // if _radio=radio; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::Configure() { wxVtk2DBaseView::Configure(); vtkInteractorStyleBaseView2D *style2D = vtkInteractorStyleBaseView2D::New(); manualInteractorWindowLevel *_manualinteractorwindowlevel= new manualInteractorWindowLevel(); style2D->SetInteractorWindowLevel( _manualinteractorwindowlevel ); // vtkInteractorScrollZ *_vtkInteractorScrollZ = new vtkInteractorScrollZ(); // style2D->SetInteractorScrollZ(_vtkInteractorScrollZ); SetInteractorStyleImage( style2D ); _vtkinteractorstylesphere = new vtkInteractorStyleSphere(); ((vtkInteractorStyleBaseView*)GetInteractorStyleBaseView())->AddInteractorStyleMaracas( _vtkinteractorstylesphere ); double points[4][3]; // EED purify 12/sep/2006 int i,j; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { for (j=0;j<3;j++) { points[i][j]=0; } // for } // for InitSphere(points); DefineImageSphere(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::RefreshPoint() { double x = _vtkmprbasedata->GetX() - _centerX; double y = _vtkmprbasedata->GetY() - _centerY; double z = _vtkmprbasedata->GetZ() - _centerZ; double alpha= atan2(x,z); double beta = atan2( y , sqrt(z*z+x*x) ); alpha = alpha*180/3.1416; beta = beta*180/3.1416; _transform1->Identity(); _transform1->RotateY(alpha); _transform1->RotateX(-beta); _radio= sqrt(x*x + y*y +z*z); RefreshView(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::Refresh( ) { // ExtractPlane(); UpdateColorWindowLevel(); wxVtkBaseView::Refresh(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::RefreshView() { //EED //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->SetInput( _imageSphere ); #else _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->SetInputData( _imageSphere ); #endif DefineImageSphere(); // UpdateColorWindowLevel(); // wxVtk2DBaseView::Refresh(); Refresh(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::RotationEnd() { _transform1->RotateWXYZ(_ang,_vxb,_vyb,0); _transform2->Identity(); SetDeltaVoxel(1); ResetlstId(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::RotationStart(double vx, double vy, bool ok_v, bool ok_ang) { if (ok_ang==false) { _ang = -sqrt( vx*vx + vy*vy ) / 1.0; } // if ok_ang if (ok_v==false){ _vxb=-vy; _vyb=vx; } // if ok_v _transform2->Identity(); _transform2->RotateWXYZ(_ang,_vxb,_vyb,0); SetDeltaVoxel(3); ResetlstId(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::GetPointSphere(double p[3],double r1,double angA,double angB) { double in[3],out[3]; in[0]=0; in[1]=r1; in[2]=0; vtkTransform *transform = vtkTransform::New(); transform->Identity(); transform->RotateX(angB); transform->RotateZ(angA); transform->TransformPoint(in,out); p[0]=out[0]; p[1]=out[1]; p[2]=out[2]; transform->Delete(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::RotatePointOverTheSphere( double pp[3], double p[3],double cc[3]) { double out[3]; _transform->TransformPoint(p,out); pp[0] = out[0] + cc[0]; pp[1] = out[1] + cc[1]; pp[2] = out[2] + cc[2]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::ResetlstId() { int i,size=_lstId.size(); for (i=size-1;i>=0;i--) { delete _lstId[i]; } _lstId.clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int wxSphereView::GetIdOfImage(double radio) { int id=0; int dim[3]; _imageSphere->GetDimensions(dim); int sizeMaxList = dim[2]; // Search in list >> alpha beta radio int i,size=_lstId.size(); for (i=0; i_radio==radio) && (_lstId[i]->_deltavoxel==_delta)) { return _lstId[i]->_id; } } if (size>sizeMaxList) { delete _lstId[size-1]; _lstId.pop_back(); } if (size!=0){ id=_lstId[0]->_id+1; id = id % sizeMaxList; } else { id = 0; } FiltreImage(id,radio); _lstId.insert(_lstId.begin(),1,new idAlBeRa(id,radio,_delta) ); return id; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::DefineImageSphere() { int id; id=GetIdOfImage( _radio ); //EED // GetVtkBaseData()->SetZ( id ); _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->SetSlice ( id ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::SetDeltaVoxel(int delta) { _delta=delta; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::SetVoxel(double i, double j, int delta,double id, double gris) { int ii,jj,delta2; unsigned short *pRes; int dimRes[3]; _imageSphere->GetDimensions(dimRes); delta2=delta-1; for ( ii=(int)(i-delta2) ; ii<=(int)(i+delta2) ; ii++ ) { for ( jj=(int)(j-delta2) ; jj<=(int)(j+delta2) ; jj++ ) { if ( (ii>=0)&&(ii=0)&&(jjGetScalarPointer( ii , jj , (int)id ); // *pRes=gris; _imageSphere->SetScalarComponentFromDouble( ii , jj , (int)id , 0, gris ); } } // for jj } // for ii } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::SetXYZtoParent(double i, double j) { double factor = 0.75; double radio2 = _radio*_radio; double pxx,pyy,d2x,d2y; double cc[3],p[3],pp[3]; cc[0]=_centerX; cc[1]=_centerY; cc[2]=_centerZ; double aa; int dimRes[3],dimOrig[3]; _imageSphere->GetDimensions(dimRes); d2x=dimRes[0]/2; d2y=dimRes[1]/2; _imageDataOriginal->GetDimensions(dimOrig); p[0] = (i - d2x)*factor; pxx=p[0]*p[0]; p[1] = (j - d2y)*factor; pyy=p[1]*p[1]; aa = pxx + pyy; if (radio2>aa){ aa=radio2-aa; p[2] = sqrt(aa); RotatePointOverTheSphere( pp, p,cc); if ( (pp[0]>=0) && (pp[0]=0) && (pp[1]=0) && (pp[2]SetX(pp[0]); _vtkmprbasedata->SetY(pp[1]); _vtkmprbasedata->SetZ(pp[2]); } } // if pp } // if radio } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::FiltreImageB(int id, double radio, bool ok,int deltaTMP) { double value; double factor = 0.75; double radioB = radio/3; double radio2 = radio*radio; double pxx,pyy,d2x,d2y; double cc[3],p[3],pp[3]; cc[0]=_centerX; cc[1]=_centerY; cc[2]=_centerZ; double aa; unsigned short *pOrig; int dimRes[3],dimOrig[3]; double i,j; int ext[6]; _imageSphere->GetExtent(ext); _imageSphere->GetDimensions(dimRes); //JCP 24 - 04 -09 //_imageSphere->SetExtent(0,dimRes[0]-1,0,dimRes[1]-1,0,dimRes[2]-1); _imageSphere->SetExtent(ext); //JCP 24 - 04 -09 d2x=dimRes[0]/2; d2y=dimRes[1]/2; _imageDataOriginal->GetDimensions(dimOrig); int start,end; int limitA,limitB; limitA = (int) ( (-radioB/factor)+d2x ); limitB = (int) ( (radioB/factor)+d2x ); if (ok==true){ start = limitA; end = limitB; } else { start=0; end=dimRes[0]; } for ( i=start ; ilimitA) && (ilimitA) && (jaa){ aa=radio2-aa; p[2] = sqrt(aa); RotatePointOverTheSphere( pp, p,cc); if ( (pp[0]>=0) && (pp[0]=0) && (pp[1]=0) && (pp[2]GetScalarPointer( (int)(pp[0]) , (int)(pp[1]) , (int)(pp[2]) ); // SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,*pOrig); value=_imageDataOriginal->GetScalarComponentAsDouble( (int)(pp[0]) , (int)(pp[1]) , (int)(pp[2]), 0); SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,value); } else { SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,2000); } } else { SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,0); } } } } _imageSphere->Modified(); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 _imageSphere->Update(); #else // .. #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::FiltreImage(int id, double radio) { _transform -> Identity(); _transform -> Concatenate(_transform1); _transform -> Concatenate(_transform2); FiltreImageB(id,radio,false, _delta); FiltreImageB(id,radio,true, 1); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* void wxSphereView::FiltreImage(int id, double radio) { double radio2 = radio*radio; double radio2TMP= (radio/2)*(radio/2); double pxx,pyy,d2x,d2y; double cc[3],p[3],pp[3]; cc[0]=_centerX; cc[1]=_centerY; cc[2]=_centerZ; double aa; unsigned short *pOrig; int dimRes[3],dimOrig[3]; double i,j; _imageSphere->GetDimensions(dimRes); _imageSphere->SetExtent(0,dimRes[0]-1,0,dimRes[1]-1,0,dimRes[2]-1); d2x=dimRes[0]/2; d2y=dimRes[1]/2; double deltaTMP=_delta; _imageDataOriginal->GetDimensions(dimOrig); for ( i=0 ; iradio2TMP) { if (radio2>aa){ aa=radio2-aa; p[2] = sqrt(aa); RotatePointOverTheSphere( pp, p,cc); if ( (pp[0]>=0) && (pp[0]=0) && (pp[1]=0) && (pp[2]GetScalarPointer( pp[0] , pp[1] , pp[2] ); SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,*pOrig); } else { SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,2000); } } else { SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,0); } } } } deltaTMP=1; for ( i=0 ; iaa){ aa=radio2-aa; p[2] = sqrt(aa); RotatePointOverTheSphere( pp, p,cc); if ( (pp[0]>=0) && (pp[0]=0) && (pp[1]=0) && (pp[2]GetScalarPointer( pp[0] , pp[1] , pp[2] ); SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,*pOrig); } else { SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,2000); } } else { SetVoxel(i,j,deltaTMP,id,0); } } } } _imageSphere->Modified(); _imageSphere->Update(); } */ /* void wxSphereView::FiltreImage(vtkImageData *imageSphere) { int dim[3],i,j,k; imageSphere->GetDimensions(dim); for (i=0;iGetScalarPointer (i,j,k); *pRes=0; } } } double deltaA=90; double cc[3],p1[3],p2[3],pp1[3],pp2[3]; cc[0]=_centerX; cc[1]=_centerY; cc[2]=_centerZ; double r1 = _sl_radio->GetValue() - _sl_thickness->GetValue()/2; double r2 = _sl_radio->GetValue() + _sl_thickness->GetValue()/2; if (r1<10) { r1=10; } double alpha= _sl_alpha->GetValue(); double beta = _sl_beta->GetValue(); double angA,angB; for (angA=-deltaA;angAGetDimensions(dimOrg); image->GetDimensions(dimRes); int i; double x1=pp1[0]; double y1=pp1[1]; double z1=pp1[2]; int xx=-1,yy=-1,zz=-1; for (i=0;i=0) && (xx=0) && (yy=0) && (zz=0) && (AngX=0) && (AngY=0) && (zGetScalarPointer (xx,yy,zz); unsigned short *pRes=(unsigned short*)image->GetScalarPointer( (int)AngX , (int)AngY , z ); *pRes=*pOrg; } } } */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSphereView::InitSphere(double points[4][3]) { double cc[3]; double r = SphereFindCenter(points,cc); // 4-points , center if (r > 0) { _centerX = (int)(cc[0]); _centerY = (int)(cc[1]); _centerZ = (int)(cc[2]); } else { int dim[3]; _imageDataOriginal->GetDimensions(dim); _centerX = (int)(dim[0]/2); _centerY = (int)(dim[1]/2); _centerZ = (int)(dim[2]/2); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate center and radius of sphere given four points // http://home.att.net/~srschmitt/script_sphere_solver.html // source code HTML