/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "wxVtkMPR2DView.h" #include "vtkInteractorStyleBaseView.h" #include "vtkCellArray.h" #include "vtkImageActor.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include using namespace gtm; #endif wxVtkMPR2DView::wxVtkMPR2DView( wxWindow *parent, int direction) :wxVtk2DBaseView(parent) { _backX = -99999; _backY = -99999; _backZ = -99999; _direction = direction; _ptsA = NULL; _lineAActor = NULL; _lineAMapper = NULL; _pdA = NULL; _ptsB = NULL; _lineBActor = NULL; _lineBMapper = NULL; _pdB = NULL; _interactorstylemprview = NULL; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- wxVtkMPR2DView::~wxVtkMPR2DView() { if (_ptsA!=NULL) { _ptsA->Delete(); } if (_lineAActor!=NULL) { _lineAActor->Delete(); } if (_lineAMapper!=NULL) { _lineAMapper->Delete(); } if (_pdA!=NULL) { _pdA->Delete(); } if (_ptsB!=NULL) { _ptsB->Delete(); } if (_lineBActor!=NULL) { _lineBActor->Delete(); } if (_lineBMapper!=NULL) { _lineBMapper->Delete(); } if (_pdB!=NULL) { _pdB->Delete(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkMPRBaseData *wxVtkMPR2DView::GetVtkmprbasedata() { return (vtkMPRBaseData*)GetVtkBaseData(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVtkMPR2DView::Configure() { wxVtk2DBaseView::Configure(); int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2; GetVtkmprbasedata() -> GetDimensionExtention(&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2,&z1,&z2); double spc[3]; vtkImageData* img = GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetImageData(); if(_interactorstylemprview==NULL) { _interactorstylemprview = new vtkInteractorStyleMPRView(); ((vtkInteractorStyleBaseView*)GetInteractorStyleBaseView())->AddInteractorStyleMaracas( _interactorstylemprview ); } if(img!=NULL) { double* origin = img->GetOrigin(); img->GetExtent(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2); img->GetSpacing(spc); x1 += origin[0]; x2 += origin[0]; y1 += origin[1]; y2 += origin[1]; z1 += origin[2]; z2 += origin[2]; x1 = (int)(x1*spc[0]); y1 = (int)(y1*spc[1]); z1 = (int)(z1*spc[2]); x2 = (int)(x2*spc[0]); y2 = (int)(y2*spc[1]); z2 = (int)(z2*spc[2]); _visibleAxis = true; } // Axe A if(_lineAActor==NULL){ _lineAActor = vtkActor::New(); _lineAActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(1,0,0); _lineAActor->GetProperty()->SetLineWidth(0.5); _ptsA = vtkPoints::New(); _ptsA->SetNumberOfPoints(2); _ptsA->SetPoint(0, -1000 , -1000 , -1000 ); _ptsA->SetPoint(1, 1000 , 1000 , 1000 ); _pdA = vtkPolyData::New(); _lineAMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New(); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 _lineAMapper->SetInput(_pdA); _lineAMapper->ImmediateModeRenderingOn(); #else _lineAMapper->SetInputData(_pdA); #endif _lineAActor->SetMapper(_lineAMapper); } vtkCellArray *linesA = vtkCellArray::New(); linesA->InsertNextCell(2); linesA->InsertCellPoint(0); linesA->InsertCellPoint(1); _pdA->SetPoints( _ptsA ); _pdA->SetLines( linesA ); linesA->Delete(); //do not delete lines ?? // _lineAActor->GetProperty()->BackfaceCullingOn(); // Axe B if(_lineBActor==NULL) { _lineBActor = vtkActor::New(); _lineBActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(1,0,0); _lineBActor->GetProperty()->SetLineWidth(0.5); _lineBMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New(); _lineBActor->SetMapper(_lineBMapper); _ptsB = vtkPoints::New(); _ptsB->SetNumberOfPoints(2); _ptsB->SetPoint(0, -1000 , -1000 , -1000 ); _ptsB->SetPoint(1, 1000 , 1000 , 1000 ); // _lineBActor->GetProperty()->BackfaceCullingOn(); } vtkCellArray *linesB; linesB = vtkCellArray::New(); linesB->InsertNextCell(2); linesB->InsertCellPoint(0); linesB->InsertCellPoint(1); _pdB = vtkPolyData::New(); _pdB->SetPoints( _ptsB ); _pdB->SetLines( linesB ); linesB->Delete(); //do not delete lines ?? //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 _lineBMapper->SetInput(_pdB); _lineBMapper->ImmediateModeRenderingOn(); #else _lineBMapper->SetInputData(_pdB); #endif if(_imageViewer2XYZ) { _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->GetRenderer()->AddActor( _lineAActor ); _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->GetRenderer()->AddActor( _lineBActor ); vtkCamera *camera =_imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera(); //EED 17Avril2009 //EED 21 mars 2012 FLIP problem ..PLOP.. if (_direction==0) { // YZ camera->SetViewUp ( 0 , 0 , 1 ); camera->SetPosition ( 10000,(y1+y2)/2 , (z1+z2)/2 ); camera->SetFocalPoint ( 0 , (y1+y2)/2 , (z1+z2)/2 ); camera->SetParallelScale( (z2-z1)/3.0 ); } if (_direction==1) { // XZ camera->SetViewUp ( 0 , 0 , 1 ); camera->SetPosition ((x1+x2)/2 , -10000 , (z1+z2)/2 ); camera->SetFocalPoint ((x1+x2)/2 , 0 , (z1+z2)/2 ); camera->SetParallelScale( (x2-x1)/3.0 ); } if (_direction==2) { // XY camera->SetViewUp ( 0 , -1 , 0 ); camera->SetPosition ((x1+x2)/2 , (y1+y2)/2 , -10000); camera->SetFocalPoint ((x1+x2)/2 , (y1+y2)/2 , 0 ); camera->SetParallelScale( (x2-x1)/3.0 ); } /* if (_direction==0) { // YZ camera->SetViewUp ( 0 , 1 , 0 ); camera->SetPosition ( 10000,(y1+y2)/2 , (z1+z2)/2 ); camera->SetFocalPoint ( 0 , (y1+y2)/2 , (z1+z2)/2 ); camera->SetParallelScale( (z2-z1)/3.0 ); } if (_direction==1) { // XZ camera->SetViewUp ( 0 , 0 , -1 ); camera->SetPosition ((x1+x2)/2 , 10000 , (z1+z2)/2 ); camera->SetFocalPoint ((x1+x2)/2 , 0 , (z1+z2)/2 ); camera->SetParallelScale( (x2-x1)/3.0 ); } if (_direction==2) { // XY camera->SetViewUp ( 0 , 1 , 0 ); camera->SetPosition ((x1+x2)/2 , (y1+y2)/2 , 10000); camera->SetFocalPoint ((x1+x2)/2 , (y1+y2)/2 , 0 ); camera->SetParallelScale( (x2-x1)/3.0 ); } */ // _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->SetColorWindow (160); // _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->SetColorLevel (800); } } void wxVtkMPR2DView::SetVisibleAxis(bool ok) { if (ok!=_visibleAxis) { _visibleAxis=ok; if (_visibleAxis==true) { _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->GetRenderer()->AddActor( _lineAActor ); _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->GetRenderer()->AddActor( _lineBActor ); } if (_visibleAxis==false) { _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->GetRenderer()->RemoveActor( _lineAActor ); _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->GetRenderer()->RemoveActor( _lineBActor ); } // if visible } // ok } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVtkMPR2DView::Refresh() { //wxVtk2DBaseView::Refresh(); int x1 = 0,x2 = 0,y1 = 0,y2 = 0,z1 = 0,z2 = 0; //EED 02/08/2013 // int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; int xx = 0, yy = 0, zz = 0; double *spc = 0; double *origin = 0; double xx1,yy1,zz1,xx2,yy2,zz2; bool fixAxis2D; double opacityAxis; vtkImageData* img = GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetImageData(); if(img!=NULL) { origin = img->GetOrigin(); img->GetExtent(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2); spc = img->GetSpacing(); x1 += origin[0]; x2 += origin[0]; y1 += origin[1]; y2 += origin[1]; z1 += origin[2]; z2 += origin[2]; xx1 = x1*spc[0]; yy1 = y1*spc[1]; zz1 = z1*spc[2]; xx2 = x2*spc[0]; yy2 = y2*spc[1]; zz2 = z2*spc[2]; x1 = (int)(x1*spc[0]); y1 = (int)(y1*spc[1]); z1 = (int)(z1*spc[2]); x2 = (int)(x2*spc[0]); y2 = (int)(y2*spc[1]); z2 = (int)(z2*spc[2]); xx = (int)(GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetX()); yy = (int)(GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetY()); zz = (int)(GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetZ()); //EED 02/08/2013 // x = round(xx*spc[0]); // y = round(yy*spc[1]); // z = round(zz*spc[2]); x = xx*spc[0]; y = yy*spc[1]; z = zz*spc[2]; fixAxis2D = GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetFixAxis2D(); opacityAxis = GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetOpacityAxis(); if ((xx!=_backX) || (yy!=_backY) || (zz!=_backZ) || (fixAxis2D!=_backFixAxis2D) || (opacityAxis!=_backOpacityAxis)) { double position[3]; double focalpoint[3]; GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetPosition(position); GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->GetFocalPoint(focalpoint); if (_direction==0) { // YZ if(_imageViewer2XYZ) { _imageViewer2XYZ->SetXSlice( (int)(GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetX()) ); } //EED 21 mars 2012 FLIP probleme ..PLOP.. //_ptsA->SetPoint(0, x2, y1 , z ); //_ptsA->SetPoint(1, x2, y2 , z ); //_ptsB->SetPoint(0, x2, y , z1); //_ptsB->SetPoint(1, x2, y , z2); _ptsA->SetPoint(0, xx2, yy1 , z ); _ptsA->SetPoint(1, xx2, yy2 , z ); _ptsB->SetPoint(0, xx2, y , zz1); _ptsB->SetPoint(1, xx2, y , zz2); position[1] = y; position[2] = z; focalpoint[1] = y; focalpoint[2] = z; } if (_direction==1) { // XZ if(_imageViewer2XYZ) { _imageViewer2XYZ->SetYSlice( (int)(GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetY()) ); } //EED 21 mars 2012 FLIP probleme ..PLOP.. //_ptsA->SetPoint(0, x1 , y2 , z ); //_ptsA->SetPoint(1, x2 , y2 , z ); //_ptsB->SetPoint(0, x , y2 , z1); //_ptsB->SetPoint(1, x , y2 , z2); _ptsA->SetPoint(0, xx1 , y1 , z ); _ptsA->SetPoint(1, xx2 , y1 , z ); _ptsB->SetPoint(0, x , y1 , zz1); _ptsB->SetPoint(1, x , y1 , zz2); position[0] = x; position[2] = z; focalpoint[0] = x; focalpoint[2] = z; } if (_direction==2) { // XY if(_imageViewer2XYZ) { _imageViewer2XYZ->SetZSlice( (int)(GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetZ()) ); } // _ptsA->SetPoint(0, x1 , y , -z2 ); // _ptsA->SetPoint(1, x2 , y , -z2 ); // _ptsB->SetPoint(0, x , y1, -z2 ); // _ptsB->SetPoint(1, x , y2, -z2 ); //EED 21 mars 2012 FLIP probleme ..PLOP.. //_ptsA->SetPoint(0, x1 , y , z2 ); //_ptsA->SetPoint(1, x2 , y , z2 ); //_ptsB->SetPoint(0, x , y1, z2 ); //_ptsB->SetPoint(1, x , y2, z2 ); _ptsA->SetPoint(0, xx1 , y , z1 ); _ptsA->SetPoint(1, xx2 , y , z1 ); _ptsB->SetPoint(0, x , yy1, z1 ); _ptsB->SetPoint(1, x , yy2, z1 ); position[0] = x; position[1] = y; focalpoint[0] = x; focalpoint[1] = y; } // if back //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 // .. #else _ptsA->Modified(); _ptsB->Modified(); #endif if (fixAxis2D == true) { GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetPosition(position); GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera()->SetFocalPoint(focalpoint); } // if GetFixAxis2D _lineAActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity( opacityAxis ); _lineBActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity( opacityAxis ); _backX = xx; _backY = yy; _backZ = zz; _backFixAxis2D = fixAxis2D; _backOpacityAxis= opacityAxis; } // if image //EED 2016/02/19 vtkImageActor *imageactor = _imageViewer2XYZ->GetVtkImageViewer2()->GetImageActor(); imageactor->SetInterpolate( GetVtkBaseData()->GetInterpolate() ); //EED 01nov2012 UpdateColorWindowLevel(); wxVtkBaseView::Refresh(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- int wxVtkMPR2DView::GetActualSlice() // virtual { int result; if (_direction==0) { result = (int)(GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetX()); } if (_direction==1) { result = (int)(GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetY()); } if (_direction==2) { result = (int)(GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetZ()); } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVtkMPR2DView::SetActualSlice(int slice) // virtual { if (_direction==0) { GetVtkmprbasedata()->SetX(slice); } if (_direction==1) { GetVtkmprbasedata()->SetY(slice); } if (_direction==2) { GetVtkmprbasedata()->SetZ(slice); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxVtkMPR2DView::IfMouseTouchX(double x, double y, double z) { double delta=5; bool result=false; if (_direction==0) { } if (_direction==1) { if (( xGetX()+delta ) && ( x>GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetX()-delta )) { result = true; } } if (_direction==2) { if (( xGetX()+delta ) && ( x>GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetX()-delta )) { result = true; } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxVtkMPR2DView::IfMouseTouchY(double x, double y, double z) { double delta=5; bool result=false; if (_direction==0) { if (( yGetY()+delta ) && ( y>GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetY()-delta )) { result = true; } } if (_direction==1) { } if (_direction==2) { if (( yGetY()+delta ) && ( y>GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetY()-delta )) { result = true; } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxVtkMPR2DView::IfMouseTouchZ(double x, double y, double z) { double delta=5; bool result=false; if (_direction==0) { if (( zGetZ()+delta ) && ( z>GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetZ()-delta )) { result = true; } } if (_direction==1) { if (( zGetZ()+delta ) && ( z>GetVtkmprbasedata()->GetZ()-delta )) { result = true; } } if (_direction==2) { } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVtkMPR2DView::MoveX(double x, double y, double z) { if (_direction==0) { } if (_direction==1) { GetVtkmprbasedata()->SetX(x); } if (_direction==2) { GetVtkmprbasedata()->SetX(x); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVtkMPR2DView::MoveY(double x, double y, double z) { if (_direction==0) { GetVtkmprbasedata()->SetY(y); } if (_direction==1) { } if (_direction==2) { GetVtkmprbasedata()->SetY(y); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVtkMPR2DView::MoveZ(double x, double y, double z) { if (_direction==0) { GetVtkmprbasedata()->SetZ(z); } if (_direction==1) { GetVtkmprbasedata()->SetZ(z); } if (_direction==2) { } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVtkMPR2DView::ChangeAxisColor(double x, double y, double z) { double c1r=1,c1g=1,c1b=0; double c2r=1,c2g=0,c2b=0; if (_direction==0) { if (IfMouseTouchY(x,y,z)==true) { _lineBActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c1r,c1g,c1b); } else { _lineBActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c2r,c2g,c2b); } if (IfMouseTouchZ(x,y,z)==true) { _lineAActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c1r,c1g,c1b); } else { _lineAActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c2r,c2g,c2b); } } if (_direction==1) { if (IfMouseTouchX(x,y,z)==true) { _lineBActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c1r,c1g,c1b); } else { _lineBActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c2r,c2g,c2b); } if (IfMouseTouchZ(x,y,z)==true) { _lineAActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c1r,c1g,c1b); } else { _lineAActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c2r,c2g,c2b); } } if (_direction==2) { if (IfMouseTouchX(x,y,z)==true) { _lineBActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c1r,c1g,c1b); } else { _lineBActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c2r,c2g,c2b); } if (IfMouseTouchY(x,y,z)==true) { _lineAActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c1r,c1g,c1b); } else { _lineAActor->GetProperty()->SetDiffuseColor(c2r,c2g,c2b); } } Refresh(); } //EED 5 juin 2009 //void wxVtkMPR2DView::TransfromCoordViewWorld(double &X, double &Y, double &Z, int type) // virtual void wxVtkMPR2DView::TransFromCoordScreenToWorld(double &X, double &Y, double &Z, bool keepNormalDirection, int type) //virtual //keepNormalDirection=false, type=2 { wxVtkBaseView::TransFromCoordScreenToWorld(X,Y,Z,keepNormalDirection,_direction); if ((_direction==0) && (keepNormalDirection==true) ) { X = ((vtkMPRBaseData*)GetVtkBaseData())->GetX(); } if ((_direction==1) && (keepNormalDirection==true) ) { Y = ((vtkMPRBaseData*)GetVtkBaseData())->GetY(); } if ((_direction==2) && (keepNormalDirection==true) ) { Z = ((vtkMPRBaseData*)GetVtkBaseData())->GetZ(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- int wxVtkMPR2DView::GetDirection() // virtual { return _direction; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- //void boxVolumeObserver::Execute(vtkObject *wdg, unsigned long eventId, void* calldata) { // virtual // if (eventId==vtkCommand::StartInteractionEvent){ // _renWin->SetDesiredUpdateRate(10); // } // if (eventId==vtkCommand::InteractionEvent){ // _renWin->SetDesiredUpdateRate(0.001); // } // if (eventId==vtkCommand::EndInteractionEvent){ // vtkPlanes *planes = vtkPlanes::New(); // vtkBoxWidget *boxwidget = reinterpret_cast(wdg); // boxwidget->GetPlanes(planes); // _volumeMapper->SetClippingPlanes(planes); // planes -> Delete(); // } //} //------------------------------------------------------------------- //void boxVolumeObserver::SetRenWin( vtkRenderWindow *renWin ){ // _renWin = renWin; //} //------------------------------------------------------------------- //void boxVolumeObserver::SetVolumeMapper(vtkVolumeRayCastMapper *volumeMapper){ // _volumeMapper = volumeMapper; //}