/*========================================================================= Program: wxMaracas Module: $RCSfile: wxMaracasApp02.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2008/11/21 17:24:42 $ Version: $Revision: 1.2 $ Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003 License: This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ /** * \mainpage wxMaracas version wxWindows * * \section intro Introduction * * This is the introduction. * * \section install Installation * * \subsection step1 Step 1: Opening the box * * etc... */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wx headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include #ifndef WX_PRECOMP # include #endif #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "wxMaracasFrame02.h" #include "wxMaracasApp02.h" #include "marGdcmDicom.h" #ifdef __WXGTK__ # include #endif //EED // http://lists.wxwidgets.org/archive/wx-dev/msg30449.html wxString getExecutablePath() { char buf[512]; char* slash; #if defined(WIN32) GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, 511); slash = strrchr(buf, '\\'); if (slash) { *slash = 0; } #elif defined(__LINUX__) int res; res = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, 512); if (res == -1) return _T(""); buf[res] = 0; slash = strrchr(buf, '/'); if (slash) { *slash = 0; } #else return ""; #endif return wxString(buf, wxConvUTF8 ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This macro implements the entry point (main function) for the application // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_APP( wxMaracasApp02 ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The `main program' equivalent, creating the windows and returning the // main frame bool wxMaracasApp02::OnInit( ) { #ifdef __WXGTK__ //See http://www.wxwindows.org/faqgtk.htm#locale setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); #endif /* #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ //static wxLogWindow * myLogWindow=new wxLogWindow(NULL,"Log Window",false,false); static wxLogWindow * myLogWindow=new wxLogWindow(NULL,"Log Window",true,false); wxLog::SetActiveTarget(myLogWindow); myLogWindow->ClearTraceMasks(); #endif wxLogDebug("---------------------------------------------------"); wxLogDebug("----------- Initialising application"); */ // int nSize=_MAX_PATH; // LPTSTR lpFilename=(LPTSTR) (new char[nSize]); // GetModuleFileName(NULL,lpFilename,nSize); // wxString moduleFileName( lpFilename ); wxString moduleFileName = getExecutablePath(); wxString paramFileName=moduleFileName.BeforeLast( wxChar(92) ) // caracter '\' +wxString( wxChar(92) ) +wxString( MAR_DEFAULT_FILE_PARAMETERS , wxConvUTF8 ); wxString dictionaryFileName=moduleFileName.BeforeLast( wxChar(92) ) +wxString( wxChar(92) ) +wxString( MAR_DEFAULT_FILE_DICTIONARY, wxConvUTF8 ); // Initialize MARACAS _mar = new marInterface(); _mar->SetParamFileName( (const char*)(paramFileName.mb_str()) ); _mar->loadParameters(); /* // Initialize MARACASCT _marCT = new marInterfaceCT(); _marCT->SetParamFileName(paramFileName.c_str()); _marCT->loadParameters(); */ // EED ILPD //EED 4 oct 2006 // _mar->SetDicom( new marGdcmDicomILPD( _mar->_parameters ) ); // _marCT->SetDicom( new marGdcmDicomILPD( _marCT->getParameters() ) ); // _mar->SetDicom( new marGdcmDicom( _mar->_parameters ) ); /* //-- // Create the main frame window wxMaracasFrame02* frame = new wxMaracasFrame02( ( wxFrame* )NULL, -1 , _mar, _marCT, (const char*)dictionaryFileName.mb_str()); frame->Show( true ); frame->Maximize( ); this->SetTopWindow( frame ); //If no dir was set for DICOM force user to set it ! wxString dirHome = _mar->_parameters->getStringParam( marParameters::e_dicom_images_directory ); if( dirHome == "NO_DIRECTORY" || dirHome == "") { // _mar->_parameters->setStringParam( // marParameters::e_dicom_images_directory, "c:\\temp" ); wxDirDialog dialog( frame, "Choose a DICOM directory...", ( !dirHome.IsEmpty( ) )? dirHome: wxGetHomeDir( ) ); if( dialog.ShowModal( ) == wxID_OK ) { _mar->_parameters->setStringParam( marParameters::e_dicom_images_directory, dialog.GetPath( ) ); _marCT->getParameters()->setStringParam( marParameters::e_dicom_images_directory, dialog.GetPath( ) ); } } else { _marCT->getParameters()->setStringParam( marParameters::e_dicom_images_directory, dirHome ); } wxCommandEvent cmd; frame->OnLoadPatientData( cmd ); _mar->saveParameters( ); _marCT->saveParameters( ); //EED initialized=true; // PS -> #ifndef DXMM // PS -> // GO ! // PS -> SetExitOnFrameDelete(true); // PS -> m_pFrame->Show( true ); // PS -> #else // SetExitOnFrameDelete(true); // PS -> #endif //-- */ //-- string tmpstring = (const char*) (dictionaryFileName.mb_str()); wxMaracasFrame03 *frame03 = new wxMaracasFrame03( (wxFrame*) NULL, -1 , _mar, (char*)tmpstring.c_str() ); frame03->SetTitle(_T("Maracas - Evaluation version 1 July 2008 - Use limited to the research team - (Creatis-LRMN,Uniandes)")); frame03->Show( true ); frame03->Maximize( ); this->SetTopWindow( frame03 ); //-- /* wxDateTime date; int year=date.GetCurrentYear(); int month=date.GetCurrentMonth()+1; if (!((year==2006) && (month==01))) { wxMessageDialog msg(frame03, "ERROR EED:1010", "Message box", wxOK ); msg.ShowModal(); return false; } */ return( true ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int wxMaracasApp02::OnExit(){ if (_mar!=NULL) { delete _mar; } //EED vtkDebugLeaks::PrintCurrentLeaks ( ) ; return true; } // EOF - wxMaracasApp02.cxx