#include "PlanesOperations.h" /******************************************************************************************** ** Start of data viewmanagerData *********************************************************************************************/ using namespace std; PlanesOperations::PlanesOperations() { } PlanesOperations::~PlanesOperations() { } double* PlanesOperations::getCrossProduct(double* vect0,double* vect1) { double* vectCross; vectCross = new double[3]; vectCross[0] = vect0[1]*vect1[2]-(vect0[2]*vect1[1]); vectCross[1] = -(vect0[0]*vect1[2]-(vect0[2]*vect1[0])); vectCross[2] = vect0[0]*vect1[1]-(vect0[1]*vect1[0]); return vectCross; } /** ** Returns the magnitud of the given vector **/ double PlanesOperations::getMagnitud(double* vect) { double mag; mag = sqrt(pow(vect[0],2) + pow(vect[1],2) + pow(vect[2],2)); //std::cout<<"mag "< PlanesOperations::getCrossProduct(vector vect0,vector vect1){ vector vectCross; for(unsigned i = 0; i < vect0.size(); i++){ unsigned ii = (i + 1 == vect0.size())? 0: i + 1; unsigned iii = (ii + 1 == vect0.size())? 0: ii + 1; vectCross.push_back( vect0[ii]*vect1[iii]- vect0[iii]*vect1[ii] ); } return vectCross; } double PlanesOperations::getDotProduct(vector vect0,vector vect1){ double sum = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < vect0.size(); i++) sum += vect0[i]*vect1[i]; return sum; } vector PlanesOperations::getNormal(vector vect){ vector vectnorm; double mag = getMagnitud(vect); for(unsigned i = 0; i < vect.size(); i++){ if(mag != 0){ vectnorm.push_back(vect[i]/mag); }else{ vectnorm.push_back(0); } } return vectnorm; } double PlanesOperations::getMagnitud(vector vect){ double mag = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < vect.size(); i++) mag += pow(vect[i], 2); mag = sqrt(mag); //std::cout<<"mag "< PlanesOperations::makeVector(vector podouble0, vector podouble1){ vector vector; for(unsigned i = 0; i < podouble0.size(); i++){ vector.push_back(podouble1[i] - podouble0[i]); } return vector; } /** * Adds to vectors, the result is in vectres; *@param double* vect0, the first vector *@param double* vect1, the second vector *@param double* vectres, the resulting vector */ vector PlanesOperations::addVectors(vector vect0, vector vect1){ vector vectres; for(unsigned i = 0; i < vect0.size(); i++){ vectres.push_back(vect0[i] + vect1[i]); } return vectres; } /** * multiply a vector with a given scalar *@param double* vect0, the vector *@param double scalar, the scalar value *@param double* vectres, the resulting vector */ vector PlanesOperations::scalarVector(vector vect0, double scalar){ vector vectres; for(unsigned i = 0; i < vect0.size(); i++){ vectres.push_back(vect0[i]*scalar); } return vectres; }