/*========================================================================= Program: wxMaracas Module: $RCSfile: marAxis.h,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2010/04/20 16:11:41 $ Version: $Revision: 1.2 $ Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003 License: This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef __MAR__KERNEL__AXIS__HXX__ #define __MAR__KERNEL__AXIS__HXX__ #include #include #include //In an ideal future we should get rid of gslobj to get rid of gsl... // PS -> //#include "gslobj.hxx" //PS #include "curve.hxx" #include "volume.hxx" #include "marContour.h" #include "marObject.h" #include "ExtractionAxe.h" #include #include class vtkPoints; class vtkCellArray; /** * \brief class describing an axe in Maracas * \todo marAxis ...miss some stuff... */ class MAR_KERNEL_EXPORT marAxis : public marObject, public kCurve { public: /** An enum. * * More detailed enum description. */ enum AxisStateVectorIndexes { INDX_X = 0, /*!< X coordinate of an axis point. */ INDX_Y, /*!< Y coordinate of an axis point. */ INDX_Z, /*!< Z coordinate of an axis point. */ INDX_V1X, /*!< X coordinate of the first eigen vector. */ INDX_V1Y, /*!< Y coordinate of the first eigen vector. */ INDX_V1Z, /*!< Z coordinate of the first eigen vector. */ INDX_V2X, /*!< X coordinate of the second eigen vector. */ INDX_V2Y, /*!< Y coordinate of the second eigen vector. */ INDX_V2Z, /*!< Z coordinate of the second eigen vector. */ INDX_V3X, /*!< X coordinate of the third eigen vector. */ INDX_V3Y, /*!< Y coordinate of the third eigen vector. */ INDX_V3Z, /*!< Z coordinate of the third eigen vector. */ INDX_LAMBDA1, /*!< Value of the first eigen value. */ INDX_LAMBDA2, /*!< Value of the second eigen value. */ INDX_LAMBDA3, /*!< Value of the third eigen value. */ INDX_MASSE, /*!< Weight of the optimal sphere. */ INDX_RAYON, /*!< Radius of the optimal sphere. */ INDX_INERTIE, /*!< Inertia of the optimal sphere. */ INDX_PTAGEMASSE, /*!< X coordinate of an axis point. */ INDX_PTAGERAYON, /*!< X coordinate of an axis point. */ INDX_SIGNALVALUE, /*!< X coordinate of an axis point. */ INDX_count /*!< Allow counting of this enum. */ }; public: /** * Cstor */ marAxis( marParameters* p = NULL ); /** * Destructor */ ~marAxis( ) { reset( ); }; /** * Return description as a std::string */ std::string& getDescription( ) { return( _description ); }; /** * Set description as a std::string */ void setDescription( std::string& d ) { _description = d; }; /** * Add a point to the axis * \warning no check is done */ void addAxisPoint( double* p ); void changeAxisResolution( ); void calculateSignal( kVolume* vol ); int getActualQuant( ) { return _actualQuant; } float getSignal( uint32_t slice ) { return( _signal[ slice ] ); }; double* getSplinePoint( uint32_t i ) { return ( _points[ i ] ); }; int getHealthySlice( ) { return( _healthySlice ); }; int getHealthySliceStart( ) { return( _healthySliceStart ); }; int getHealthySliceEnd( ) { return( _healthySliceEnd ); }; void setActualQuant(int act) { _actualQuant=act; }; void setHealthySlice( int hsS, int hs, int hsE ); void setStartQuant( int sq ); void setFinishQuant( int fq ); int getStartQuant( ) { return _startQuant; }; int getFinishQuant( ) { return _finishQuant; }; void start( ); void next( ) { _actualQuant++; }; void stop( ) { _actualQuant = _finishQuant + 1; }; bool isFinished( ) { return( _actualQuant >= _startQuant && _actualQuant <= _finishQuant ); } void doSpline ( ); void cut( int slice, bool up ); // EED Ojo eduardo esto toca borrarlo void sliceVolumeAxis( kVolume* vol, bool forceCnt = true ); double* getNormal( unsigned int slice ); int getNumberOfContours( ); int getNumberOfSplinePoints( ); // EED Ojo Eduardo esto toca redefinirlo o partilo en dos o algo.. // vtkPolyData* setContour( int i, int x = -1, int y = -1, std::vector< double* >* points = NULL, marContour* c = NULL ); // EED borrame /* marContour* getContour( int i ) { return( _contours[ i ] ); }; kVolume* getSlice( int i ) { return( _slices[ i ] ); }; vtkProbeFilter* get3DSlice( int i ) { return( _3Dslices[ i ] ); }; vtkImageData* getSliceImage( int i ) { return(_quantificationImages[ i ]); }; */ bool if3DcontourExist(int i); void Save3Dcontour(FILE *ff,int i); void SaveExisting3DContours(FILE *ff); marContour* getContour( int i , kVolume* vol ); // DATA-MODEL-2D kVolume* getSlice( int i , kVolume* vol ); // DATA-MODEL-Voxel XxYx1 vtkProbeFilter* get3DSlice( int i , kVolume* vol ); // VISUALISATION-VTK 3D vtkPoints* get3Dcontour( int i , kVolume* vol ); // VISUALISATION-VTK 3D vtkImageData* getSliceImage( int i , kVolume* vol ); // VISUALISATION-VTK 2D vtkPolyData* get2Dcontour( int i , kVolume* vol ); // VISUALISATION-VTK 2D vtkPoints* get2DDiameterMin( int i , kVolume* vol ); // VISUALISATION-VTK 3D vtkPoints* get2DDiameterMax( int i , kVolume* vol ); // VISUALISATION-VTK 3D void replaceContour2D(int i,int size,double *vx,double *vy); void EraseContour(int i); void createEmptyVectors(); void clearAllVectors(); void eraseContourVectorsContent(); void set_points_disc ( PPPOINTAXE p ) { _points_disc = p; }; double getTotalLength(); double getSubAxisLength(); double getReferenceArea(kVolume* vol); double getReferenceAverDiam(kVolume* vol); double getAverageArea(int pIni, int pEnd, kVolume* vol); /** * General methods */ void reset( ); void copyFrom( const marObject& from ); /** * Persistence methods */ bool save( std::ofstream& os ); bool load( std::ifstream& is ); vtkPolyData *Draw( ); vtkPolyData *GetAxisData(); void Delete( ); double* getPoints(int i) { return _points[i]; }; void AddPointToList(double x, double y, double z, int signal); private: double _totalAxisLenght; double _subAxisLenght; double _referenceArea; double _referenceAverDiam; std::string _description; // Axis description std::vector< double* > _points; // Axis spline points std::vector< marContour* > _contours; // DATA-MODEL-2D Axis Contours std::vector< kVolume* > _slices; // DATA-MODEL-Voxel XxYx1 Axis perpendicular Slice std::vector< vtkProbeFilter* > _3Dslices; // VISUALISATION_VTK 3D Axis perpendicular Slice std::vector< vtkPoints* > _3Dcontour; // VISUALISATION_VTK 3D Axis perpendicular Contour std::vector< vtkImageData* > _quantificationImages; // VISUALISATION_VTK 2D Axis perpendicular Coup std::vector< vtkPolyData* > _2Dcontours; // VISUALISATION_VTK 2D Axis perpendicular Contour std::vector< vtkPoints* > _2DDiameterMin; // VISUALISATION_VTK 2D Line diameter Minimum std::vector< vtkPoints* > _2DDiameterMax; // VISUALISATION_VTK 2D Line diameter Maximum std::vector< int > _signal; // Axis intensity signal int _healthySlice; // Healthy slice, if -1 then is unselected int _healthySliceStart; int _healthySliceEnd; int _startQuant; int _finishQuant; int _actualQuant; PPPOINTAXE _points_disc; vtkPolyData* _allData; // Properties from marObject //marParameters* _parameters; // Properties from kCurve // std::vector< double* > _controlPoints; // Axis calculated points void calculateTotalAxisLenght(); void calculateSubAxisLength(); void calculateReferenceArea(kVolume* vol ); void calculateReferenceAverDiam(kVolume* vol ); void createContour( int i , kVolume* vol ); void createSlice( int i , kVolume* vol ); void create3DSlice( int i , kVolume* vol ); void create3Dcontour( int i , kVolume* vol ); void createSliceImage( int i , kVolume* vol ); void create2Dcontour( int i , kVolume* vol ); void create2DDiameterMin(int i , kVolume* vol ); void create2DDiameterMax(int i , kVolume* vol ); double getAxisLenght( int pIni, int pEnd); protected: std::vector quantContours; std::vector vesselPoints; std::vector lumenContour; bool calibration; // std::vector pointContours; }; #endif // __MAR__KERNEL__AXIS__HXX__