/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /*========================================================================= Program: wxMaracas Module: $RCSfile: marExperiment.cpp,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2012/11/15 14:15:31 $ Version: $Revision: 1.3 $ Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003 License: This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ //#include "matrix.h" #include "marExperiment.h" #include "FonctionsGrales.h" #include "ExtractionAxe.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- marExperiment::marExperiment( marParameters* p ) : marObject( p ), _dynData( NULL ), _description( _T("NO DESCRIPTION") ) { _voi[ 0 ] = _voi[ 1 ] = _voi[ 2 ] = 0; _voi[ 3 ] = _voi[ 4 ] = _voi[ 5 ] = 0; _startPoint[ 0 ] = _startPoint[ 1 ] = _startPoint[ 2 ] = 0; _axes.push_back( NULL ); } marExperiment::~marExperiment( ) { reset( ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::initExperiment( kVolume* volume ) { { reset( ); _dynData = new marDynData( getParameters( ) ); _dynData->loadData( volume, _voi ); /* EED Borrame #ifndef DXMM _dynData->loadData( volume, _voi ); #else _dynData->loadDataDXMM( volume, _voi ); #endif */ } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::setStartPoint( int sx, int sy, int sz ) { // EED 22 sep 2006 // _startPoint[ 0 ] = ( int )( ( double )sx * getParameters( )->getVoxelSize( ) ); // _startPoint[ 1 ] = ( int )( ( double )sy * getParameters( )->getVoxelSize( ) ); // _startPoint[ 2 ] = ( int )( ( double )sz * getParameters( )->getVoxelSize( ) ); _startPoint[ 0 ] = sx; _startPoint[ 1 ] = sy; _startPoint[ 2 ] = sz; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::extractVascularTree( int sens , double *vit, int cleanLevel) { marAxis* tmpAxis; marAxis* tmpAxis2; #ifdef __LFV__GET__VASCULAR__TREE__ PPPOINTAXE pts = NULL; PARBREVASCULAIRE res = NULL; #else PPPOINTAXE res = NULL; double pt[ marAxis::INDX_count ]; #endif int n, i; res = ExtraireArbre( _startPoint[ 0 ], _startPoint[ 1 ], _startPoint[ 2 ], ( PPPVOLUME_USHORT )( _dynData->getVolume( )->castIdo( ) ), 1, 1, 1, _dynData->getVolume( )->getXdim( ) - 1, _dynData->getVolume( )->getYdim( ) - 1, _dynData->getVolume( )->getZdim( ) - 1, ( double )( getParameters( )->getIntParam( marParameters::e_roi_dimension ) ), ( double )( getParameters( )->getIntParam( marParameters::e_step ) ), getParameters( )->getDoubleParam( marParameters::e_gravity_distance ), getParameters( )->getDoubleParam( marParameters::e_distance_to_maximum_intensity ), getParameters( )->getDoubleParam( marParameters::e_flexion_coeficient ), getParameters( )->getDoubleParam( marParameters::e_tension_coeficient ), getParameters( )->getIntParam( marParameters::e_mass_power ), #ifdef __LFV__GET__VASCULAR__TREE__ pts, #else res, #endif &n , sens , vit); // Data treatment #ifdef __LFV__GET__VASCULAR__TREE__ for( n = 0; n < res->nomAxes; n++ ) { tmp = new marAxis( getParameters( ) ); tmp->set_points_disc( res->lstAxes[ n ] ); for( i = 0; i < res->lstAxes[ n ]->nomPoints; i++ ) tmp->AddAxisPoint( *( res->lstAxes[ n ]->lstPoints[ i ] ) ); tmp->doSpline( ); tmp->calculateSignal( _dynData->getVolume( ) ); _axes.push_back( tmp ); } // rof #else if (n>2){ // double voxSize = this->getParameters( )->getVoxelSize( ); tmpAxis = new marAxis( this->getParameters( ) ); std::string desc = "Axis N."; desc += _axes.size( ); tmpAxis->setDescription( desc ); tmpAxis->set_points_disc( res ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { memcpy( pt, res[ i ], sizeof( POINTAXE ) ); pt[ 0 ] *= voxSize; pt[ 1 ] *= voxSize; pt[ 2 ] *= voxSize; tmpAxis->addAxisPoint( pt ); } // rof tmpAxis->doSpline( ); tmpAxis->calculateSignal( _dynData->getVolume( ) ); // int jCount=0; tmpAxis2 = new marAxis( this->getParameters( ) ); tmpAxis2->setDescription( desc ); tmpAxis2->set_points_disc( res ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if (tmpAxis->getSignal(i)>=cleanLevel ){ jCount++; memcpy( pt, res[ i ], sizeof( POINTAXE ) ); pt[ 0 ] *= voxSize; pt[ 1 ] *= voxSize; pt[ 2 ] *= voxSize; tmpAxis2->addAxisPoint( pt ); } else { i=n; } } // for delete tmpAxis; if (jCount>2){ tmpAxis2->doSpline( ); tmpAxis2->calculateSignal( _dynData->getVolume( ) ); _axes.push_back( tmpAxis2 ); _axes[ 0 ] = tmpAxis2; } else { delete tmpAxis2; } } #endif // __LFV__GET__VASCULAR__TREE__ } //marContour* marExperiment::generateContour( int slice, int x, int y, std::vector< double* >* points) vtkPolyData* marExperiment::generateContour( int slice, int x, int y, std::vector< double* >* points) { /* vtkImageData* imagedata; imagedata = getSliceImage( slice ); vtkKitwareContourFilter* cntVTK = vtkKitwareContourFilter::New( ); cntVTK->SetInput( imagedata ); cntVTK->SetNumberOfContours( 1 ); //cntVTK->SetValue( 0, vmin ); cntVTK->SetValue( 0, 20 ); //cntVTK->SetValue( 1, vmax ); cntVTK->Update( ); return cntVTK;*/ // return(_axes[ 0 ]->setContour( slice, x, y, points)); return NULL; //return( _axes[ 0 ]->getContour( slice ) ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::applyChangeResolution( ) { int i; for( i = 1; i < _axes.size( ); i++ ) _axes[ i ]->changeAxisResolution( ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::prepareQuantification( ) { // EED borrame // _axes[0]->sliceVolumeAxis( _dynData->getVolume( ), true); if( _axes[ 0 ] ) _axes[ 0 ]->createEmptyVectors(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::backQuant( ) { //Cette m�thode n'existe plus: dommage // if ( _axes[0]->getQuantOn() ) { _axes[0]->setFinishQuant( _axes[0]->getFinishQuant() - 1); if ( _axes[0]->getFinishQuant() < 0 ) _axes[0]->setFinishQuant(0); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::reset( ) { int i; _description = _T(""); if( _dynData != NULL ) delete _dynData; _dynData = NULL; for( i = 1; i < _axes.size( ); i++ ){ if (_axes[ i ]!=NULL) delete _axes[ i ]; } _axes.clear( ); _axes.push_back( NULL ); // PS -> // PS Et les images ???? _quantificationImages } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::calculateAxesSignal( ) { int i; for( i = 1; i < _axes.size( ); i++ ) _axes[ i ]->calculateSignal( _dynData->getVolume( ) ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::prepareContourImages( ) { if( _axes[ 0 ] ) _axes[ 0 ]->sliceVolumeAxis( _dynData->getVolume( ) ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::copyFrom( const marObject& from ) { // TODO } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marExperiment::save( std::ofstream& os ) { int i; size_t st; st = _description.length( ); os.write( ( const char* )&st, sizeof( size_t ) ); os.write( ( const char* )_description.c_str( ), sizeof( char ) * st ); os.write( ( const char* )_startPoint, 3 * sizeof( int ) ); os.write( ( const char* )_voi, 6 * sizeof( int ) ); _dynData->save( os ); i = _axes.size( ) - 1; os.write( ( const char* )&i, sizeof( int ) ); for( i = 1; i < _axes.size( ); i++ ) _axes[ i ]->save( os ); return( true ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marExperiment::load( std::ifstream& is ) { int i, n; char ttmp[ 5000 ]; size_t st; marAxis* ax; reset( ); is.read( ( char* )&st, sizeof( size_t ) ); is.read( ( char* )ttmp, sizeof( char ) * st ); ttmp[ st ] = '\0'; // EED 05 join 2007 // _description = ttmp; _description = wxString(ttmp, wxConvUTF8); is.read( ( char* )_startPoint, 3 * sizeof( int ) ); is.read( ( char* )_voi, 6 * sizeof( int ) ); _dynData = new marDynData( getParameters( ) ); _dynData->load( is ); is.read( ( char* )&n, sizeof( int ) ); for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) { ax = new marAxis( getParameters( ) ); ax->load( is ); _axes.push_back( ax ); _axes[ 0 ] = ax; } // rof return( true ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::DeleteAxis( unsigned int index ) { /* Very naughty bug, when doing a - 1, where a is uint32_t result is still uint32_t, imaging when a=0 :) need to cast to int*/ int axesize=_axes.size( )-1; index=index+1; delete _axes[ index ]; for( int i = index; i < axesize; i++ ) _axes[ i ] = _axes[ i + 1 ]; _axes.pop_back( ); if (indexDelete(); if(_axes[ 0 ]) _axes[ 0 ]->Delete( ); _axes.erase(_axes.begin() + index); */ // PS -> // PS : traitement identique � la methode std::vector::erase(iterator) /* if(_axes[ 0 ]) _axes[ 0 ]->Delete( ); delete _axes[ index ]; */ } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::RegenerateSignal(){ marAxis *maraxis = getAxis(); if (maraxis!=NULL) { maraxis->calculateSignal( _dynData->getVolume( ) ); maraxis->eraseContourVectorsContent(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::ClearContours(){ marAxis *maraxis = getAxis(); if (maraxis!=NULL) maraxis->eraseContourVectorsContent(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::RegenerateAxis(){ if (getAxis()!=NULL){ int actualquant=getAxis()->getActualQuant(); DeleteAxis(0); extractVascularTree(); setAxis(0); getAxis()->setActualQuant(actualquant); getAxis()->createEmptyVectors(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marExperiment::RecalculateAxis(){ marAxis *maraxis = getAxis(); if (maraxis!=NULL){ maraxis->doSpline(); int nCnts = ( int ) maraxis->getNumberOfSplinePoints( ); getAxis()->setActualQuant(nCnts/2); getAxis()->createEmptyVectors(); } } // eof - experiment.cxx