/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "marDicomBase.h" #include #include #include #include "vtkMetaImageWriter.h" marFilesBase::marFilesBase( marParameters* p ) : marObject( p ) { _volume=NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- marFilesBase::~marFilesBase(){ freeVolume( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- kVolume* marFilesBase::getVolume( ){ return( _volume ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marFilesBase::SetVolume( kVolume* volume ){ _volume=volume; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marFilesBase::volumeLoaded( ){ return( _volume != NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marFilesBase::freeVolume( ){ if( _volume ) delete _volume; _volume = NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector < std::string*> *marFilesBase::GetListImages() { return &_lstString; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marFilesBase::CleanListImages() { int i,size; size=this->_lstString.size(); for(i=0;icastVtk(); void *p_vol=(void*)getVolume( )->castVtk()->GetScalarPointer(0,0,i); vol->GetDimensions(dim); int dataSize = sizeof(unsigned short)*dim[0]*dim[1]; bool ok=true; /* std::string *ss = _lstString[i]; FILE *ff=fopen( (char*)(ss->c_str()) , "r+" ); fread( (char*)p_vol , dataSize,1, ff); fclose(ff); */ std::string *ss = _lstString[i]; vtkVolume16Reader *reader = vtkVolume16Reader::New (); reader->SetDataDimensions ( dim[0] , dim[1] ); if (_littreEndianBigEndian == 0) { reader->SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian ( ); } else { reader->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian(); } reader->SetFilePrefix ( (char*)(ss->c_str()) ); reader->SetFilePattern("%s"); reader->SetImageRange ( 0, 0 ); reader->SetDataSpacing ( 1, 1, 1 ); reader->Update (); void *pp_vol=(void*)reader->GetOutput()->GetScalarPointer(0,0,0); memcpy(p_vol,pp_vol,dataSize); reader->Delete(); /* std::string *ss = _lstString[i]; vtkGsmisReader *reader = vtkGsmisReader::New(); reader->SetFileName( (char*)(ss->c_str()) ); vtkImageData *ima=reader->GetOutput(); ima->Update(); void *pp_vol=(void*)ima->GetScalarPointer(0,0,0); memcpy(p_vol,pp_vol,dataSize); // reader->Delete(); */ /* int ii; char tmp; char *pp = (char*)p_vol; unsigned short *valueA; dataSize = dim[0]*dim[1]; for (ii=0;ii=32000) { *valueA=0; } pp = pp+2; } */ if (ok==false) { _lstFileNotReaded.push_back( (char*)(ss->c_str()) ); } return ok; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //EED 9 oct 2006 void marRAWFiles::loadActualSerie(wxGauge* gauge ) { // Read File List FILE *ff; ff = fopen( _lstString[0] -> c_str() , "r"); std::string directory(*(_lstString[1]) ); char tmp[255]; fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); //int type = atoi(tmp); // 0 // JPRx fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int wx = atoi(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int wy = atoi(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double spx = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double spy = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double spz = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int LB = atoi(tmp); this->SetLittreEndianBigEndian(LB); int wz=0; this->CleanListImages(); while ( !feof(ff) ) { fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); std::string *tmpStr = new std::string(tmp); (*tmpStr) = "/"+(*tmpStr); (*tmpStr) = (directory)+(*tmpStr); _lstString.push_back( tmpStr); wz++; } fclose(ff); // Create Free Memory block image freeVolume(); if (wz==0) { wz=1; } kVolume *vol =new kVolume( kVolume::USHORT, wx, wy, wz,spx, spy, spz, malloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*wx*wy*wz ) ); SetVolume( vol ); // Define Spacing getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_voxel_x_dimension, spx ); getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_voxel_y_dimension, spy ); getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_voxel_z_dimension, spz ); // Define Intercept Slope getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_RescaleIntercept , 0 ); getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_RescaleSlope , 1 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marRAWFiles::SetLittreEndianBigEndian(int value) { _littreEndianBigEndian = value; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int marRAWFiles::GetLittreEndianBigEndian() { return _littreEndianBigEndian; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marRAWFiles::reset( ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marRAWFiles::copyFrom( const marObject& from ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marRAWFiles::save( std::ofstream& os ) { return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marRAWFiles::load( std::ifstream& is ) { return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- marRAW2AsciiFiles::marRAW2AsciiFiles(marParameters* p) : marRAWFiles(p) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- marRAW2AsciiFiles::~marRAW2AsciiFiles() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marRAW2AsciiFiles::loadImage(int i) // virtual { return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //EED 9 oct 2006 void marRAW2AsciiFiles::loadActualSerie(wxGauge* gauge ) { // Read File List FILE *ff; ff = fopen( _lstString[0] -> c_str() , "r"); char tmp[255]; // type fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); //int type = atoi(tmp); // 300 // JPRx //size x,y,z fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int wx = atoi(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int wy = atoi(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int wz = atoi(tmp); // spacing x,y,z fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double spx = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double spy = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double spz = atof(tmp); // Intercept Slope fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double intercept = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double slope = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); std::string file(tmp); std::string namefile( *_lstString[1] ); // directory namefile=namefile+"/"; // + namefile=namefile+file; // file fclose(ff); this->CleanListImages(); // Create Free Memory block image freeVolume(); if (wz==0) { wz=1; } kVolume *vol =new kVolume( kVolume::USHORT, wx, wy, wz,spx, spy, spz, malloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*wx*wy*wz ) ); SetVolume( vol ); // Define Spacing getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_voxel_x_dimension, spx ); getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_voxel_y_dimension, spy ); getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_voxel_z_dimension, spz ); // Define Intercept Slope getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_RescaleIntercept , 0 ); getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_RescaleSlope , 1 ); void *p_vol = (void*)getVolume( )->castVtk()->GetScalarPointer(0,0,0); short *pp = (short*)p_vol; FILE *fff=fopen( (char*)namefile.c_str() , "r+" ); long int ii, dataSize = wx*wy*wz; float value; for (ii=0;iicastVtk() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- marRAW2Files::marRAW2Files(marParameters* p) : marRAWFiles(p) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- marRAW2Files::~marRAW2Files() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marRAW2Files::loadImage(int i) // virtual { return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //EED 9 oct 2006 void marRAW2Files::loadActualSerie(wxGauge* gauge ) { // Read File List FILE *ff; ff = fopen( _lstString[0] -> c_str() , "r"); char tmp[255]; // type fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); //int type = atoi(tmp); // 200 // JPRx //size x,y,z fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int wx = atoi(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int wy = atoi(tmp); // fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); // fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); // int wz = atoi(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int wz1 = atoi(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int wz2 = atoi(tmp); int wz = wz2-wz1; // spacing x,y,z fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double spx = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double spy = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double spz = atof(tmp); // Intercept Slope fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double intercept = atof(tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); double slope = atof(tmp); // L/B fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int littleBig = atoi(tmp); // bits fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); int bits = atoi(tmp); if ((bits!=8) && (bits!=16)){ bits=16; } fscanf(ff,"%s",tmp); std::string file(tmp); std::string namefile( *_lstString[1] ); // directory namefile=namefile+"/"; // + namefile=namefile+file; // file fclose(ff); this->CleanListImages(); // Create Free Memory block image freeVolume(); if (wz==0) { wz=1; } kVolume *vol =new kVolume( kVolume::USHORT, wx, wy, wz,spx, spy, spz, malloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*wx*wy*wz ) ); SetVolume( vol ); // Define Spacing getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_voxel_x_dimension, spx ); getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_voxel_y_dimension, spy ); getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_voxel_z_dimension, spz ); // Define Intercept Slope getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_RescaleIntercept , 0 ); getParameters( )->setDoubleParam( marParameters::e_RescaleSlope , 1 ); void *p_vol=(void*)getVolume( )->castVtk()->GetScalarPointer(0,0,0); FILE *fff=fopen( (char*)namefile.c_str() , "r+" ); if (bits==16) { fseek( fff , wx*wy*wz1*2 , SEEK_CUR ); fread( (char*)p_vol , wx*wy*wz*2,1, fff); fclose(fff); // littleBigEndien if (littleBig==1){ long int ii; char tmpB; char *pp = (char*)p_vol; unsigned short *valueA; long int dataSize = wx*wy*wz; for (ii=0;ii=32000) { *valueA=0; } pp = pp+2; } } unsigned short *pp = (unsigned short*)p_vol; int tmpInt; int ii, dataSize = wx*wy*wz; for (ii=0;ii65535) { tmpInt=65535; } (*pp) = (unsigned short)tmpInt; pp = pp+1; } } else { unsigned short *pShort=(unsigned short*)p_vol; int i8bitImage,size8bitImage = wx*wy*wz; unsigned char *pChar=(unsigned char*)malloc( size8bitImage ); fseek( fff , wx*wy*wz1 , SEEK_CUR ); fread( (unsigned char*)pChar , size8bitImage,1, fff); fclose(fff); double tmpDouble; for ( i8bitImage=0 ; i8bitImage < size8bitImage ; i8bitImage++ ) { tmpDouble=(float)pChar[ i8bitImage ]; tmpDouble=tmpDouble*slope+intercept; if (tmpDouble<0) { tmpDouble=0; } pShort[ i8bitImage ] = (unsigned short)tmpDouble; } free (pChar); } // Y- Flip FlipY( getVolume( )->castVtk() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marRAW2Files::FlipY(vtkImageData *imagedata) { vtkImageData *vtkimagedata = imagedata; //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 vtkimagedata->Update(); #else //... #endif int dim[3]; vtkimagedata->GetDimensions(dim); unsigned short tmp; unsigned short *pp=(unsigned short*)vtkimagedata->GetScalarPointer(0,0,0); int xx,yy,zz; int sizeX = dim[0]; int sizeY = dim[1]; int sizeY2 = sizeY/2; int sizeZ = dim[2]; long int deltaZ; long int deltaA; long int deltaB; for ( zz=0 ; zzUpdate(); #else vtkimagedata->Modified(); #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EED 23 Janvier 2007 void marRAW2Files::saveVolume( std::string directory, std::string name, vtkImageData *imagedata,int voi[6], double slope, double intercept) // virtual { std::string filename = directory+"/"+name; // Crop vtkExtractVOI *crop = vtkExtractVOI::New(); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 crop->SetInput( imagedata ); #else crop->SetInputData( imagedata ); #endif crop->SetVOI( voi ); crop->Update(); int dim[3]; int ext[6]; double spc[3]; crop->GetOutput()->GetDimensions(dim); crop->GetOutput()->GetSpacing(spc); crop->GetOutput()->GetExtent(ext); vtkImageChangeInformation* change = vtkImageChangeInformation::New(); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 change->SetInput( crop->GetOutput() ); #else change->SetInputData( crop->GetOutput() ); #endif // change->SetExtentTranslation( -ext[0], -ext[2], -ext[4] ); change->SetOutputSpacing ( spc[0] , spc[1] , spc[2] ); change->Update(); //important // change->SetExtentTranslation( ext[0], ext[2], ext[4] ); // change->Update(); // write mdh file std::string nameMW = filename+".mhd"; vtkMetaImageWriter *writer = vtkMetaImageWriter::New( ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 writer->SetInput( change->GetOutput() ); #else writer->SetInputData( change->GetOutput() ); #endif writer->SetFileName( nameMW.c_str() ); writer->SetFileDimensionality( 3 ); writer->Write( ); // write maracas file std::string nameM=filename+".maracas"; FILE *ff; ff=fopen(nameM.c_str(),"w"); fprintf(ff,"MaracasType 200\n" ); fprintf(ff,"sizeX %d\n",dim[0] ); fprintf(ff,"sizeY %d\n",dim[1] ); fprintf(ff,"sizeZ1 %d\n",0 ); fprintf(ff,"sizeZ2 %d\n",dim[2] ); fprintf(ff,"spcX %f\n",spc[0] ); fprintf(ff,"spcY %f\n",spc[1] ); fprintf(ff,"spcZ %f\n",spc[2] ); fprintf(ff,"intercept %f\n",intercept ); fprintf(ff,"slope %f\n",slope ); fprintf(ff,"LB %d\n",0 ); fprintf(ff,"bits %d\n",16 ); fprintf(ff,"%s.raw\n", name.c_str() ); fclose(ff); writer -> Delete(); change -> Delete(); crop -> Delete(); }