/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /*========================================================================= Program: wxMaracas Module: $RCSfile: marParameters.cpp,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2012/11/15 14:16:12 $ Version: $Revision: 1.4 $ Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003 License: This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "marParameters.h" #include #include static const char* BoolParamNames[] = { // PS -> "e_debug_window_visible" , // PS -> "e_debug_console_visible" , // PS -> "e_calculate_mip_default" , // PS -> "e_choose_all_slices_default" , "e_debug_isocontour" , "e_debug_diameters" , "e_debug_fill_area" , "e_invest_slice_order" , // PS -> "e_show_cell" , // PS -> "e_show_int_cell" }; static const char* DoubleParamNames[] = { "e_gravity_distance" , "e_axis_discret_step" , "e_distance_to_maximum_intensity" , "e_cell_coeficient" , "e_flexion_coeficient" , "e_tension_coeficient" , "e_voxel_x_dimension" , "e_voxel_y_dimension" , "e_voxel_z_dimension" , "e_scale" , // PS -> "e_sampling" , "e_threshold_isocontour" , "e_threshold_snake_isocontour" , "e_sigma" , // PS -> "e_gradient_coeficient" , // PS -> "e_extern_coeficient" , // PS -> "e_ballon_coeficient" , // PS -> "e_back_color_3D_r" , // PS -> "e_back_color_3D_g" , // PS -> "e_back_color_3D_b" , // PS -> "e_axis_color_r" , // PS -> "e_axis_color_g" , // PS -> "e_axis_color_b" "e_RescaleIntercept" , "e_RescaleSlope" , }; static const char* IntParamNames[] = { "e_roi_dimension" , "e_step" , "e_step_coeficient" , "e_mass_power" , "e_algorithm_type" , "e_mask_size" , "e_number_of_points_for_snake" , "e_quantification_type" , "e_stenosis_type" , // PS -> "e_number_of_iterations_snake_isocontour" , // PS -> "e_number_of_iterations_snake_deriche" , "e_voxel_type" , // PS -> "e_coef_cell_max_int" }; static const char* StringParamNames[] = { "e_installation_directory" , "e_dicom_images_directory" }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- double marParameters::getVoxelSize( ) { /* OLD CODE: double ret = 1.0; if( _intValues[ e_voxel_type ] == VOX_TYPE_MINIMUM ) { ret = _doubleValues[ e_voxel_x_dimension ]; ret = GTM_MIN( _doubleValues[ e_voxel_y_dimension ], ret ); ret = GTM_MIN( _doubleValues[ e_voxel_z_dimension ], ret ); } // fi return( ret ); */ //EEDx1 double ret = 1.0; //Juan Carrillo 03/06/2005 if( _intValues[ e_voxel_type ] == VOX_TYPE_MINIMUM ) { ret = _doubleValues[ e_voxel_x_dimension ]; ret = ( _doubleValues[ e_voxel_y_dimension ] < ret )? _doubleValues[ e_voxel_y_dimension ]: ret; ret = ( _doubleValues[ e_voxel_z_dimension ] < ret )? _doubleValues[ e_voxel_z_dimension ]: ret; } // fi return( ret*1 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- double marParameters::getDimIma( ) { double scale = _doubleValues[ e_scale ]; double roiDim = ( double )( _intValues[ e_roi_dimension ] ); return( scale * roiDim ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int marParameters::getSizeIma( ) { // TODO : There should be a formal way to calculate a good image size. return( 128 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- double marParameters::getImaRatio( ) { return( getDimIma( ) / ( double )( getSizeIma( ) ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::setROIStep( double width ) { _intValues[ e_roi_dimension ] = ( int )ceil( _doubleValues[ e_cell_coeficient ] * width ); _intValues[ e_step ] = ( int )floor( ( double )_intValues[ e_roi_dimension ] / ( double )_intValues[ e_step_coeficient ] ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- float marParameters::getRescaleSlope(){ return (float) _doubleValues[ e_RescaleSlope ]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- float marParameters::getRescaleIntercept(){ return (float) _doubleValues[ e_RescaleIntercept ]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::setRescaleSlope(float slope){ _doubleValues[ e_RescaleSlope ]= slope; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::setRescaleIntercept(float intercept){ _doubleValues[ e_RescaleIntercept ]= intercept; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::copyFrom( const marParameters& from ) { int i; memcpy( _boolValues, from._boolValues, e_bool_cont * sizeof( bool ) ); memcpy( _intValues, from._intValues, e_int_cont * sizeof( int ) ); memcpy( _doubleValues, from._doubleValues, e_double_cont * sizeof( double ) ); for( i = 0; i < e_string_cont; i++ ) _stringValues[ i ] = from._stringValues[ i ]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::reset( ) { // PS -> _boolValues[ e_debug_window_visible ] = false; // PS -> _boolValues[ e_debug_console_visible ] = false; // PS -> _boolValues[ e_calculate_mip_default ] = false; // PS -> _boolValues[ e_choose_all_slices_default ] = true; _boolValues[ e_debug_isocontour ] = true; _boolValues[ e_debug_diameters ] = true; _boolValues[ e_debug_fill_area ] = false; _boolValues[ e_invest_slice_order ] = false; // PS -> _boolValues[ e_show_cell ] = true; // PS -> _boolValues[ e_show_int_cell ] = true; _doubleValues[ e_gravity_distance ] = 1.0; _doubleValues[ e_axis_discret_step ] = 2.0; _doubleValues[ e_distance_to_maximum_intensity ] = 0.0; _doubleValues[ e_cell_coeficient ] = 1.2; _doubleValues[ e_flexion_coeficient ] = 0.1; _doubleValues[ e_tension_coeficient ] = 0.3; _doubleValues[ e_voxel_x_dimension ] = 1.0; _doubleValues[ e_voxel_y_dimension ] = 1.0; _doubleValues[ e_voxel_z_dimension ] = 1.0; _doubleValues[ e_scale ] = 4.0; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_sampling ] = 4.0; _doubleValues[ e_threshold_isocontour ] = 40.0; _doubleValues[ e_threshold_snake_isocontour ] = 40.0; _doubleValues[ e_sigma ] = 0.1; _doubleValues[ e_RescaleIntercept ] = 0; _doubleValues[ e_RescaleSlope ] = 1; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_extern_coeficient ] = 0.3; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_gradient_coeficient ] = 0.3; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_ballon_coeficient ] = 0.02; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_back_color_3D_r ] = 0.0; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_back_color_3D_g ] = 0.0; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_back_color_3D_b ] = 0.0; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_axis_color_r ] = 1.0; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_axis_color_g ] = 0.0; // PS -> _doubleValues[ e_axis_color_b ] = 0.0; _intValues[ e_roi_dimension ] = 10; _intValues[ e_step ] = 3; _intValues[ e_step_coeficient ] = 2; _intValues[ e_mass_power ] = 2; _intValues[ e_algorithm_type ] = ISOCONTOURS; _intValues[ e_mask_size ] = 5; _intValues[ e_number_of_points_for_snake ] = 20; _intValues[ e_quantification_type ] = TYPE_AREA; _intValues[ e_stenosis_type ] = TYPE_AREA; // PS -> _intValues[ e_number_of_iterations_snake_isocontour ] = 5; // PS -> _intValues[ e_number_of_iterations_snake_deriche ] = 700; _intValues[ e_voxel_type ] = VOX_TYPE_NORMAL; // PS -> _intValues[ e_coef_cell_max_int ] = 2; _stringValues[ e_installation_directory ] = _T("NO_DIRECTORY"); _stringValues[ e_dicom_images_directory ] = _T("NO_DIRECTORY"); //MAZV CT compatibility _contourThresh = 10; _lumenPercentage = 86; _calcPercentage = 90; _standardDeviation = 3; _radius = 3; //end MAZV CT compatibility } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marParameters::save( std::ofstream& os ) { int i, s; try { os.write( ( const char* )_boolValues, e_bool_cont * sizeof( bool ) ); os.write( ( char* )_intValues, e_int_cont * sizeof( int ) ); os.write( ( const char* )_doubleValues, e_double_cont * sizeof( double ) ); for( i = 0; i < e_string_cont; i++ ) { s = _stringValues[ i ].length( ); os.write( ( const char* )&s, sizeof( int ) ); os.write( ( const char* )_stringValues[ i ].c_str( ), s * sizeof( char ) ); } // rof return( true ); } catch (...) { return(false); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marParameters::load( std::ifstream& is ) { int i, s; try { char tmp[500]; is.read( ( char* )_boolValues, e_bool_cont * sizeof( bool ) ); is.read( ( char* )_intValues, e_int_cont * sizeof( int ) ); is.read( ( char* )_doubleValues, e_double_cont * sizeof( double ) ); for( i = 0; i < e_string_cont; i++ ) { is.read( ( char* )&s, sizeof( int ) ); _stringValues[ i ].resize( s ); //EED 2017-09-16 Migration wxWidgets 2.8 to 3.0 #if wxMAJOR_VERSION <= 2 is.read( ( char* )_stringValues[ i ].c_str( ), s * sizeof( char ) ); #else is.read( tmp , s * sizeof( char ) ); _stringValues[ i ]=wxString(tmp); #endif } // rof return( true ); } catch (...) { return(false); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marParameters::save( wxString& nw ) { std::ofstream os( (const char*)nw.mb_str( ) ,std::ios::out |std::ios::binary ); //EEDxx2.4 DEBuG // wxLogDebug("Saving parameters to file " + nw); //EED2016-12-22 // if( os==NULL ) if( os.is_open()==false ) { wxString errorMsg; errorMsg= _T("Error : Cannot open file ")+nw+_T(" to save parameters"); //EEDxx2.4 DEBuG // wxLogDebug(errorMsg); return( false ); } if (save( os )) { os.close( ); //EEDxx2.4 DEBuG // wxLogDebug("Parameters saved to file " + nw); return( true ); } else { os.close( ); //EEDxx2.4 DEBuG // wxLogDebug("Error : Cannot save parameters to file "+nw); return(false); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool marParameters::load( wxString& nr ) { std::ifstream is( (const char*)nr.mb_str( ),std::ios::binary|std::ios::in); //EEDxx2.4 DEBuG // wxLogDebug("Laoding parameters from file " + nr); //EED 2016-12-22 // if( is==NULL ) if( is.is_open()==false ) { wxString errorMsg; errorMsg= _T("Error : Cannot open file ")+nr+_T(" to load parameters"); //EEDxx2.4 DEBuG // wxLogDebug(errorMsg); return( false ); } if (load( is )) { is.close( ); //EEDxx2.4 DEBuG // wxLogDebug("Parameters loaded from file " + nr); return( true ); } else { is.close( ); //EEDxx2.4 DEBuG // wxLogDebug("Error : Cannot load parameters from file "+nr+": file may be corrupted"); return(false); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxArrayString marParameters::getRelationalArray( ) { // Allocate memory for pairs of data plus one end NULL array // wxStringList ret; wxArrayString ret; wxString str; int i, j; for( i = 0, j = 0; i < e_bool_cont; i++, j += 2 ) { ret.Add( wxString( BoolParamNames[ i ], wxConvUTF8) ); str.Printf( _T("%d"), ( _boolValues[ i ] )? 1: 0 ); ret.Add( str ); } // rof for( i = 0; i < e_double_cont; i++, j += 2 ) { ret.Add( wxString( DoubleParamNames[ i ], wxConvUTF8) ); str.Printf( _T("%f"), _doubleValues[ i ] ); ret.Add( str ); } // rof for( i = 0; i < e_int_cont; i++, j += 2 ) { ret.Add( wxString( IntParamNames[ i ], wxConvUTF8) ); str.Printf( _T("%d"), _intValues[ i ] ); ret.Add( str ); } // rof for( i = 0; i < e_string_cont; i++, j += 2 ) { ret.Add( wxString( StringParamNames[ i ], wxConvUTF8) ); //EED 2017-09-16 Migration wxWidgets 2.8 to 3.0 #if wxMAJOR_VERSION <= 2 ret.Add( wxString( _stringValues[ i ].c_str( ), wxConvUTF8 ) ); #else ret.Add( wxString( _stringValues[ i ] ) ); #endif } // rof return( ret ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //void marParameters::setRelationalArray( wxStringList& arr ) void marParameters::setRelationalArray( wxArrayString& arr ) { int i = 0, j; bool cont; // while( arr[ i ] != NULL ) { while( !arr.IsEmpty() ) { cont = true; for( j = 0; j < e_string_cont && cont; j++ ) { if( strcmp( StringParamNames[ j ], (const char*)arr[ i ].mb_str() ) == 0 ) { _stringValues[ j ] = ( wxString )arr[ i + 1 ]; cont = false; } // fi } // rof for( j = 0; j < e_bool_cont && cont; j++ ) { if( strcmp( BoolParamNames[ j ], (const char*)arr[ i ].mb_str() ) == 0 ) { _boolValues[ j ] = ( strcmp( (const char*)arr[ i + 1 ].mb_str(), "1" ) == 0 ); cont = false; } // fi } // rof for( j = 0; j < e_int_cont && cont; j++ ) { if( strcmp( IntParamNames[ j ], (const char*)arr[ i ].mb_str() ) == 0 ) { _intValues[ j ] = atoi( (const char*)arr[ i + 1 ].mb_str() ); cont = false; } // fi } // rof for( j = 0; j < e_double_cont && cont; j++ ) { if( strcmp( DoubleParamNames[ j ], (const char*)arr[ i ].mb_str() ) == 0 ) { ( ( wxString )arr[ i + 1 ] ).ToDouble( &_doubleValues[ j ] ); cont = false; } // fi } // rof i += 2; } // fwhile } bool marParameters::getInvestSliceOrder(){ return _boolValues[ e_invest_slice_order ]; } //MAZV - Added for CT compatibility // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int marParameters::getContourThresh() { return _contourThresh; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::setContourThresh( int thresh ) { _contourThresh = thresh; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- double marParameters::getStandardDeviation() { return _standardDeviation; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- double marParameters::getRadius() { return _radius; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::setStandardDeviation( double dev ) { _standardDeviation = dev; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::setRadius( double rad ) { _radius = rad; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::setLumenPercentage(int percentage) { _lumenPercentage = percentage; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void marParameters::setCalcPercentage(int percentage) { _calcPercentage = percentage; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int marParameters::getLumenPercentage() { return _lumenPercentage; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int marParameters::getCalcPercentage() { return _calcPercentage; } //MAZV end of addition // eof - parameters.cxx