/*# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Sant�) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /*========================================================================= Program: wxMaracas Module: $RCSfile: volume.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2012/11/15 14:16:13 $ Version: $Revision: 1.10 $ Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003 License: This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ // PS -> //#include //PS #include #include "volume.hxx" #ifdef KGFO_USE_VTK #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const vtkIdType kVolume::VTKTypes[] = { VTK_CHAR, VTK_FLOAT, VTK_DOUBLE, VTK_INT, VTK_SHORT, VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, VTK_UNSIGNED_INT, VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT }; #endif // KGFO_USE_VTK // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const void* kVolume::BLANK = ( void* ) 0; const void* kVolume::NOALLOC = ( void* )-1; const int kVolume::SIZETypes[] = { sizeof( char ), sizeof( float ), sizeof( double ), sizeof( int ), sizeof( short ), sizeof( uint8_t ), sizeof( uint32_t ), sizeof( uint16_t ) }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class FROM, class TO > static void convertCastT( FROM* src, TO* dest, ulong size ) { FROM* end = src + size; for( ; src < end; src++, dest++ ) *dest = ( TO )*src; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class FROM, class TO > static void convertScaleT( FROM *src, TO *dest, ulong size, double smin, double tmin, double slope ) { FROM* end = src + size; for( ; src < end; src++, dest++ ) *dest = ( TO )( ( double( *src ) - smin ) * slope + tmin ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< class TYPE > static void getMinMaxT( TYPE *src, ulong size, double& min, double& max ) { TYPE* end = src + size; TYPE m, M; bool st; m = ( TYPE )0; M = ( TYPE )0; for( st = true; src < end; src++, st = false ) { if( *src < m || st ) m = *src; if( *src > M || st ) M = *src; } // rof min = ( double )m; max = ( double )M; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- kVolume::kVolume( ) : _type( UCHAR ), _creator( SELF ), _raw( NULL ), _columns( NULL ), _images( NULL ) #ifdef KGFO_USE_VTK , _vtk( NULL ) #endif // KGFO_USE_VTK { _dims[ CX ] = 1; _dims[ CY ] = 1; _dims[ CZ ] = 1; _sizes[ CX ] = 1; _sizes[ CY ] = 1; _sizes[ CZ ] = 1; allocate( ); buildIndex( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- kVolume::kVolume( Type type, uint32_t xdim, uint32_t ydim, uint32_t zdim, double xsize, double ysize, double zsize, void* data ) : _type( type ), _creator( SELF ), _raw( NULL ), _columns( NULL ), _images( NULL ) #ifdef KGFO_USE_VTK , _vtk( NULL ) #endif // KGFO_USE_VTK { _dims[ CX ] = xdim; _dims[ CY ] = ydim; _dims[ CZ ] = zdim; _sizes[ CX ] = xsize; _sizes[ CY ] = ysize; _sizes[ CZ ] = zsize; if( data != NOALLOC ) { if( data != BLANK ) _raw = data; else allocate( ); buildIndex( ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- kVolume::kVolume( Type type, const uint32_t *dims, const double *sizes, void* data ) : _type( type ), _creator( SELF ), _raw( NULL ), _columns( NULL ), _images( NULL ) #ifdef KGFO_USE_VTK , _vtk( NULL ) #endif // KGFO_USE_VTK { memcpy( _dims, dims, 3 * sizeof( uint32_t ) ); memcpy( _sizes, sizes, 3 * sizeof( double ) ); if( data != NOALLOC ) { if( data != BLANK ) _raw = data; else allocate( ); buildIndex( ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- kVolume::kVolume( const kVolume& org ) : _type( UCHAR ), _creator( SELF ), _raw( NULL ), _columns( NULL ), _images( NULL ) #ifdef KGFO_USE_VTK , _vtk( NULL ) #endif // KGFO_USE_VTK { copyFrom( org ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- kVolume& kVolume::operator=( const kVolume& org ) { copyFrom( org ); return( *this ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kVolume::copyFrom( const kVolume& org ) { _type = org._type; _creator = SELF; _raw = 0; _columns = 0; _images = 0; memcpy( _dims, org._dims, 3 * sizeof( uint32_t ) ); memcpy( _sizes, org._sizes, 3 * sizeof( double ) ); if( org._raw ) { allocate( ); buildIndex( ); memcpy( _raw, org._raw, getRawSizeInBytes( ) ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool kVolume::sameDimension( const kVolume& comp ) { return( ( _dims[ CX ] == comp._dims[ CX ] && _dims[ CY ] == comp._dims[ CY ] && _dims[ CZ ] == comp._dims[ CZ ] ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- double kVolume::getPixel( uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z ) const { double p; switch( _type ) { case CHAR: p = ( double )( ( int8_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ]; break; case FLOAT: p = ( double )( ( float*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ]; break; case DOUBLE: p = ( double )( ( double*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ]; break; case INT: p = ( double )( ( int32_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ]; break; case SHORT: p = ( double )( ( int16_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ]; break; case UCHAR: p = ( double )( ( uint8_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ]; break; case UINT: p = ( double )( ( uint32_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ]; break; case USHORT: p = ( double )( ( uint16_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ]; break; default: p = 0.0; break; } // fswitch return( p ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kVolume::setPixel( double v, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z ) { switch( _type ) { case CHAR: ( ( int8_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ] = ( int8_t )v; break; case FLOAT: ( ( float*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ] = ( float )v; break; case DOUBLE: ( ( double*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ] = ( double )v; break; case INT: ( ( int32_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ] = ( int32_t )v; break; case SHORT: ( ( int16_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ] = ( int16_t )v; break; case UCHAR: ( ( uint8_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ] = ( uint8_t )v; break; case UINT: ( ( uint32_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ] = ( uint32_t )v; break; case USHORT: ( ( uint16_t*** )_images )[ z ][ y ][ x ] = ( uint16_t )v; break; default: break; } // fswitch } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kVolume::convertCast( Type type ) { if( _type != type ) { void* buffer; ulong size = getRawSize( ); buffer = ( void* )new uint8_t[ size * SIZETypes[ type ] ]; switch( _type ) { case CHAR: switch( type ) { case SHORT: convertCastT( ( char* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case INT: convertCastT( ( char* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case USHORT: convertCastT( ( char* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case UINT: convertCastT( ( char* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case FLOAT: convertCastT( ( char* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size ); break; case DOUBLE: convertCastT( ( char* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size ); break; case UCHAR: convertCastT( ( char* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size ); break; default : break; } // fswitch break; case SHORT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertCastT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size ); break; case INT: convertCastT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case USHORT: convertCastT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case UINT: convertCastT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case FLOAT: convertCastT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size ); break; case DOUBLE: convertCastT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size ); break; case UCHAR: convertCastT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size ); break; default : break; } // fswitch break; case INT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertCastT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size ); break; case SHORT: convertCastT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case USHORT: convertCastT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case UINT: convertCastT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case FLOAT: convertCastT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size ); break; case DOUBLE: convertCastT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size ); break; case UCHAR: convertCastT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size ); break; default : break; } // fswitch break; case USHORT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertCastT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size ); break; case SHORT: convertCastT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case INT: convertCastT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case UINT: convertCastT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case FLOAT: convertCastT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size ); break; case DOUBLE: convertCastT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size ); break; case UCHAR: convertCastT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size ); break; default : break; } // fswitch break; case UINT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertCastT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size ); break; case SHORT: convertCastT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case INT: convertCastT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case USHORT: convertCastT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case FLOAT: convertCastT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size ); break; case DOUBLE: convertCastT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size ); break; case UCHAR: convertCastT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size ); break; default : break; } // fswitch break; case FLOAT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertCastT( ( float* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size ); break; case SHORT: convertCastT( ( float* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case INT: convertCastT( ( float* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case USHORT: convertCastT( ( float* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case UINT: convertCastT( ( float* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case DOUBLE: convertCastT( ( float* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size ); break; case UCHAR: convertCastT( ( float* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size ); break; default : break; } // fswitch break; case DOUBLE: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertCastT( ( double* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size ); break; case SHORT: convertCastT( ( double* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case INT: convertCastT( ( double* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case USHORT: convertCastT( ( double* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case UINT: convertCastT( ( double* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case FLOAT: convertCastT( ( double* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size ); break; case UCHAR: convertCastT( ( double* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size ); break; default : break; } // fswitch break; case UCHAR: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertCastT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size ); break; case SHORT: convertCastT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case INT: convertCastT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case USHORT: convertCastT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size ); break; case UINT: convertCastT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size ); break; case FLOAT: convertCastT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size ); break; case DOUBLE: convertCastT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size ); break; default : break; } // fswitch break; } // fswitch _type = type; deallocate( ); _creator = SELF; _raw = buffer; buildIndex( ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kVolume::convertScale( Type type, double min, double max ) { double tmin, tmax, smin, smax; // PS -> //tmin = GSL_MIN( min, max ); //PS tmin= ((min //tmax = GSL_MAX( min, max ); //PS tmax= ((min>max)?min:max); getMinMax( smin, smax ); // compute scaling slope double a = ( tmax - tmin ) / ( smax - smin ); void* buffer; ulong size = getRawSize( ); buffer = ( void* )new uint8_t[ size * SIZETypes[ type ] ]; switch( _type ) { case CHAR: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertScaleT( ( int8_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case SHORT: convertScaleT( ( int8_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case INT: convertScaleT( ( int8_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case USHORT: convertScaleT( ( int8_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UINT: convertScaleT( ( int8_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case FLOAT: convertScaleT( ( int8_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case DOUBLE: convertScaleT( ( int8_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UCHAR: convertScaleT( ( int8_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; } // fswitch break; case SHORT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertScaleT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case SHORT: convertScaleT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case INT: convertScaleT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case USHORT: convertScaleT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UINT: convertScaleT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case FLOAT: convertScaleT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case DOUBLE: convertScaleT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UCHAR: convertScaleT( ( int16_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; } // fswitch break; case INT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertScaleT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case SHORT: convertScaleT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case INT: convertScaleT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case USHORT: convertScaleT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UINT: convertScaleT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case FLOAT: convertScaleT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case DOUBLE: convertScaleT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UCHAR: convertScaleT( ( int32_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; } // fswitch break; case USHORT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertScaleT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case SHORT: convertScaleT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case INT: convertScaleT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case USHORT: convertScaleT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UINT: convertScaleT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case FLOAT: convertScaleT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case DOUBLE: convertScaleT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UCHAR: convertScaleT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; } // fswitch break; case UINT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertScaleT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case SHORT: convertScaleT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case INT: convertScaleT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case USHORT: convertScaleT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UINT: convertScaleT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case FLOAT: convertScaleT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case DOUBLE: convertScaleT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UCHAR: convertScaleT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; } // fswitch break; case UCHAR: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertScaleT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case SHORT: convertScaleT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case INT: convertScaleT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case USHORT: convertScaleT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UINT: convertScaleT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case FLOAT: convertScaleT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case DOUBLE: convertScaleT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UCHAR: convertScaleT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; } // fswitch break; case DOUBLE: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertScaleT( ( double* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case SHORT: convertScaleT( ( double* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case INT: convertScaleT( ( double* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case USHORT: convertScaleT( ( double* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UINT: convertScaleT( ( double* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case FLOAT: convertScaleT( ( double* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case DOUBLE: convertScaleT( ( double* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UCHAR: convertScaleT( ( double* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; } // fswitch break; case FLOAT: switch( type ) { case CHAR: convertScaleT( ( float* )_raw, ( int8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case SHORT: convertScaleT( ( float* )_raw, ( int16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case INT: convertScaleT( ( float* )_raw, ( int32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case USHORT: convertScaleT( ( float* )_raw, ( uint16_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UINT: convertScaleT( ( float* )_raw, ( uint32_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case FLOAT: convertScaleT( ( float* )_raw, ( float* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case DOUBLE: convertScaleT( ( float* )_raw, ( double* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; case UCHAR: convertScaleT( ( float* )_raw, ( uint8_t* )buffer, size, smin, tmin, a ); break; } // fswitch break; } // fswitch _type = type; deallocate( ); _creator = SELF; _raw = buffer; buildIndex( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kVolume::getMinMax( double& min, double& max ) const { ulong size = getRawSize( ); switch( _type ) { case CHAR: getMinMaxT( ( int8_t* )_raw, size, min, max ); break; case FLOAT: getMinMaxT( ( float* )_raw, size, min, max ); break; case DOUBLE: getMinMaxT( ( double* )_raw, size, min, max ); break; case INT: getMinMaxT( ( int32_t* )_raw, size, min, max ); break; case SHORT: getMinMaxT( ( int16_t* )_raw, size, min, max ); break; case UCHAR: getMinMaxT( ( uint8_t* )_raw, size, min, max ); break; case UINT: getMinMaxT( ( uint32_t* )_raw, size, min, max ); break; case USHORT: getMinMaxT( ( uint16_t* )_raw, size, min, max ); break; } // fswitch } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- double kVolume::getMin( ) const { double m, M; getMinMax( m, M ); return( m ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- double kVolume::getMax( ) const { double m, M; getMinMax( m, M ); return( M ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*double kVolume::GetMaxIntSphere( double* p, double r ) { int minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ; gslobj_vector vP( p, 3 ), v( 3 ); double maxint, tmp; bool start; minX = int( floor( p[ 0 ] - r ) ); minY = int( floor( p[ 1 ] - r ) ); minZ = int( floor( p[ 2 ] - r ) ); maxX = int( ceil( p[ 0 ] + r ) ); maxY = int( ceil( p[ 1 ] + r ) ); maxZ = int( ceil( p[ 2 ] + r ) ); minX = GSL_MAX( minX, 0 ); minY = GSL_MAX( minY, 0 ); minZ = GSL_MAX( minZ, 0 ); maxX = GSL_MIN( maxX, this->getXdim( ) - 1 ); maxY = GSL_MIN( maxY, this->getYdim( ) - 1 ); maxZ = GSL_MIN( maxZ, this->getZdim( ) - 1 ); maxint = 0.0; start = true; for( v( 0 ) = minX; v( 0 ) <= maxX; v( 0 )++ ) for( v( 1 ) = minY; v( 1 ) <= maxY; v( 1 )++ ) for( v( 2 ) = minZ; v( 2 ) <= maxZ; v( 2 )++ ) if( ( v - vP ).norm2( ) <= r ) { tmp = this->getPixel( ( uint32_t )v(0), ( uint32_t )v(1), ( uint32_t )v(2)); maxint = ( tmp > maxint || start )? tmp: maxint; start = false; } // fi return( maxint ); }*/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned short kVolume::GetMaxIntSphere2( double* p, double r ) { /** * unsigned short range : 0 -> 65535 * unsigned int range : 0 -> 2147483647 // 2^31 - 1 */ int minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ; unsigned int v[3]; unsigned short maxint = 0, tmp; minX = int( floor( p[ 0 ] - r ) ); minY = int( floor( p[ 1 ] - r ) ); minZ = int( floor( p[ 2 ] - r ) ); maxX = int( ceil( p[ 0 ] + r ) ); maxY = int( ceil( p[ 1 ] + r ) ); maxZ = int( ceil( p[ 2 ] + r ) ); // PS -> //minX = GSL_MAX( minX, 0 );//PS // PS -> //minY = GSL_MAX( minY, 0 );//PS // PS -> //minZ = GSL_MAX( minZ, 0 );//PS minX=((minX>0)?minX:0); minY=((minY>0)?minY:0); minZ=((minZ>0)?minZ:0); // PS -> //maxX = GSL_MIN( maxX, this->getXdim( ) - 1 );//PS // PS -> //maxY = GSL_MIN( maxY, this->getYdim( ) - 1 );//PS // PS -> //maxZ = GSL_MIN( maxZ, this->getZdim( ) - 1 );//PS int xDim=this->getXdim( ) - 1; maxX= (maxXgetYdim( ) - 1; maxY= (maxYgetZdim( ) - 1; maxZ= (maxZgetPixel( v[0], v[1], v[2] ); maxint = ( tmp > maxint ) ? tmp : maxint; } return( maxint ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kVolume::allocate( ) { ulong size = getRawSizeInBytes( ); if( _creator == SELF ) { _raw = ( void* )new uint8_t[ size ]; memset( _raw, 0, size ); } // fi } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kVolume::buildIndex( ) { ulong size; size = ( _dims[ CZ ] * sizeof( uint8_t** ) ) + ( _dims[ CZ ] * _dims[ CY ] * sizeof( void* ) ); _images = ( void*** )new uint8_t[ size ]; _columns = ( void** )( _images + _dims[ CZ ] ); void** plane = _columns; for( uint32_t z = 0; z < _dims[ CZ ]; z++ ) { _images[ z ] = plane; plane += _dims[ CY ]; } // rof void* line = _raw; for( uint32_t y = 0; y < _dims[ CZ ] * _dims[ CY ]; y++ ) { _columns[ y ] = line; line = ( void* )( ( uint8_t* ) line + _dims[ CX ] * SIZETypes[ _type ] ); } // rof #ifdef KGFO_USE_VTK vtkCharArray *carray; vtkDoubleArray *darray; vtkFloatArray *farray; vtkIntArray *iarray; vtkShortArray *sarray; vtkUnsignedCharArray *ucarray; vtkUnsignedIntArray *uiarray; vtkUnsignedShortArray *usarray; size = _dims[ CX ] * _dims[ CY ] * _dims[ CZ ]; if( _creator == SELF || _creator == IDO ) { _vtk = vtkImageData::New( ); _vtk->SetDimensions( _dims[ CX ], _dims[ CY ], _dims[ CZ ] ); _vtk->SetSpacing( _sizes[ CX ], _sizes[ CY ], _sizes[ CZ ] ); if (_type==CHAR) { carray = vtkCharArray::New( ); carray->SetArray( ( char* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 carray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_CHAR ); #else vtkInformation* infoC=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoC, VTK_CHAR, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( carray ); carray->Delete( ); } if (_type==UCHAR) { ucarray = vtkUnsignedCharArray::New( ); ucarray->SetArray( ( uint8_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 ucarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR ); #else vtkInformation* infoUC=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoUC, VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( ucarray ); ucarray->Delete( ); } if (_type==SHORT) { sarray = vtkShortArray::New( ); sarray->SetArray( ( int16_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 sarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_SHORT ); #else vtkInformation* infoS=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoS, VTK_SHORT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( sarray ); sarray->Delete( ); } if (_type==INT) { iarray = vtkIntArray::New( ); iarray->SetArray( ( int32_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 iarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_INT ); #else vtkInformation* infoI=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoI, VTK_INT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( iarray ); iarray->Delete( ); } if (_type==USHORT) { usarray = vtkUnsignedShortArray::New( ); usarray->SetArray( ( uint16_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 usarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT ); #else vtkInformation* infoUS=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoUS, VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( usarray ); usarray->Delete( ); } if (_type==UINT) { uiarray = vtkUnsignedIntArray::New( ); uiarray->SetArray( ( uint32_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 uiarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_UNSIGNED_INT ); #else vtkInformation* infoUI=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoUI, VTK_UNSIGNED_INT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( uiarray ); uiarray->Delete( ); } if (_type==FLOAT) { farray = vtkFloatArray::New( ); farray->SetArray( ( float* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 farray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_FLOAT ); #else vtkInformation* infoF=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoF, VTK_FLOAT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( farray ); farray->Delete( ); } if (_type==DOUBLE) { darray = vtkDoubleArray::New( ); darray->SetArray( ( double* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 darray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_DOUBLE ); #else vtkInformation* infoD=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoD, VTK_DOUBLE, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( darray ); darray->Delete( ); } /* switch( _type ) { case CHAR: carray = vtkCharArray::New( ); carray->SetArray( ( char* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 //#if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 carray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_CHAR ); #else vtkInformation* infoC=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoC, VTK_CHAR, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( carray ); carray->Delete( ); break; case UCHAR: ucarray = vtkUnsignedCharArray::New( ); ucarray->SetArray( ( uint8_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 ucarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR ); #else vtkInformation* infoUC=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoUC, VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( ucarray ); ucarray->Delete( ); break; case SHORT: sarray = vtkShortArray::New( ); sarray->SetArray( ( int16_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 sarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_SHORT ); #else vtkInformation* infoS=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoS, VTK_SHORT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( sarray ); sarray->Delete( ); break; case INT: iarray = vtkIntArray::New( ); iarray->SetArray( ( int32_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 iarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_INT ); #else vtkInformation* infoI=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoI, VTK_INT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( iarray ); iarray->Delete( ); break; case USHORT: usarray = vtkUnsignedShortArray::New( ); usarray->SetArray( ( uint16_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 usarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT ); #else vtkInformation* infoUS=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoUS, VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( usarray ); usarray->Delete( ); break; case UINT: uiarray = vtkUnsignedIntArray::New( ); uiarray->SetArray( ( uint32_t* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 uiarray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_UNSIGNED_INT ); #else vtkInformation* infoUI=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoUI, VTK_UNSIGNED_INT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( uiarray ); uiarray->Delete( ); break; case FLOAT: farray = vtkFloatArray::New( ); farray->SetArray( ( float* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 farray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_FLOAT ); #else vtkInformation* infoF=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoF, VTK_FLOAT, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( farray ); farray->Delete( ); break; case DOUBLE: darray = vtkDoubleArray::New( ); darray->SetArray( ( double* )( _raw ), size, 1 ); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 darray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 ); _vtk->SetScalarType( VTK_DOUBLE ); #else vtkInformation* infoD=_vtk->GetInformation(); vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(infoD, VTK_DOUBLE, 1); #endif _vtk->GetPointData( )->SetScalars( darray ); darray->Delete( ); break; } // fswitch */ } // fi #endif // KGFO_USE_VTK } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kVolume::deallocate( ) { #ifdef KGFO_USE_VTK if( _vtk ) _vtk->Delete(); _vtk = NULL; #endif // KGFO_USE_VTK delete[] ( uint8_t* )_images; if( _raw && _creator == SELF ) //EED purify 12/sept/2006 // delete[] ( uint8_t* )_raw; free ( _raw ); _creator = SELF; _raw = NULL; _columns = NULL; _images = NULL; } #ifdef KGFO_USE_VTK // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- kVolume::kVolume( vtkImageData* org ) : _creator( VTK ), _raw( 0 ), _columns( 0 ), _images( 0 ), _vtk( 0 ) { //int i, j, k, y; int itmp[ 3 ]; double ftmp[ 3 ]; //double v; switch( org->GetScalarType( ) ) { case VTK_CHAR: _type = CHAR; break; case VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR: _type = UCHAR; break; case VTK_SHORT: _type = SHORT; break; case VTK_INT: _type = INT; break; case VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT: _type = USHORT; break; case VTK_UNSIGNED_INT: _type = UINT; break; case VTK_FLOAT: _type = FLOAT; break; case VTK_DOUBLE: _type = DOUBLE; break; default: break; } // fswitch org->GetDimensions( itmp ); _dims[ CX ] = ( uint32_t )itmp[ 0 ]; _dims[ CY ] = ( uint32_t )itmp[ 1 ]; _dims[ CZ ] = ( uint32_t )itmp[ 2 ]; org->GetSpacing( ftmp ); _sizes[ CX ] = ( double )ftmp[ 0 ]; _sizes[ CY ] = ( double )ftmp[ 1 ]; _sizes[ CZ ] = ( double )ftmp[ 2 ]; _raw = org->GetPointData( )->GetScalars( )->GetVoidPointer( 0 ); //_vtk = org; _vtk = vtkImageData::New(); _vtk->ShallowCopy( org ); buildIndex( ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- kVolume& kVolume::operator=( vtkImageData* org ) { copyFrom( org ); return( *this ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kVolume::copyFrom( vtkImageData* org ) { int i, j, k;//, y; int itmp[ 3 ]; int ext[ 6 ]; double ftmp[ 3 ]; double v; deallocate( ); //#ifdef KGFO_USE_IDO // _privateIdo = NULL; //#endif // KGFO_USE_IDO _vtk = NULL; _raw = NULL; _columns = NULL; _images = NULL; _creator = SELF; switch( org->GetScalarType( ) ) { case VTK_CHAR: _type = CHAR; break; case VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR: _type = UCHAR; break; case VTK_SHORT: _type = SHORT; break; case VTK_INT: _type = INT; break; case VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT: _type = USHORT; break; case VTK_UNSIGNED_INT: _type = UINT; break; case VTK_FLOAT: _type = FLOAT; break; case VTK_DOUBLE: _type = DOUBLE; break; default: break; } // fswitch org->GetDimensions( itmp ); _dims[ CX ] = ( uint32_t )itmp[ 0 ]; _dims[ CY ] = ( uint32_t )itmp[ 1 ]; _dims[ CZ ] = ( uint32_t )itmp[ 2 ]; org->GetSpacing( ftmp ); _sizes[ CX ] = ( double )ftmp[ 0 ]; _sizes[ CY ] = ( double )ftmp[ 1 ]; _sizes[ CZ ] = ( double )ftmp[ 2 ]; allocate( ); buildIndex( ); // This avoids vtk extent crap conversion... org->GetExtent( ext ); for( i = ext[ 0 ]; i <= ext[ 1 ]; i++ ) { for( j = ext[ 2 ]; j <= ext[ 3 ]; j++ ) { for( k = ext[ 4 ]; k <= ext[ 5 ]; k++ ) { v = org->GetScalarComponentAsDouble( i, j, k, 0 ); setPixel( v, i - ext[ 0 ], j - ext[ 2 ], k - ext[ 4 ] ); } // rof } // rof } // rof } #endif // KGFO_USE_VTK // eof - volume.cxx