#include "vtkDijkstraImageData.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" #include "vtkIntArray.h" #include "vtkPointData.h" #include "vtkPriorityQueue.h" #include "vtkIdList.h" #include "vtkImageData.h" #include "vtkFloatArray.h" #include #include vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkDijkstraImageData,BoundaryScalars,vtkDataArray); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkDijkstraImageData* vtkDijkstraImageData::New() { // First try to create the object from the vtkObjectFactory vtkObject* ret = vtkObjectFactory::CreateInstance("vtkDijkstraImageData"); if(ret) { return (vtkDijkstraImageData*)ret; } // If the factory was unable to create the object, then create it here. return new vtkDijkstraImageData; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor sets default values vtkDijkstraImageData::vtkDijkstraImageData() { this->SourceID = 0; this->SinkID = 0; this->NumberOfInputPoints = 0; this->PathPointer = -1; this->StopWhenEndReached = 1; this->ShortestPathIdList = NULL; this->Parent = NULL; this->Visited = NULL; this->PQ = NULL; this->BoundaryScalars = NULL; this->UseInverseDistance = 0; this->UseInverseSquaredDistance = 0; this->UseInverseExponentialDistance = 1; this->UseSquaredDistance = 0; this->puntos = NULL; this->lineas = NULL; this->logger = NULL; //if ((this->logger = freopen("c:\\creatis\\maracas\\dijkstra.txt","w", stdout)) == NULL) // exit(-1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vtkDijkstraImageData::~vtkDijkstraImageData() { if (this->ShortestPathIdList) this->ShortestPathIdList->Delete(); if (this->Parent) this->Parent->Delete(); if(this->BoundaryScalars) this->BoundaryScalars->Delete(); //if (this->Visited) // this->Visited->Delete(); //if (this->PQ) // this->PQ->Delete(); //if (this->Heap) //this->Heap->Delete(); //if (this->p) //this->p->Delete(); //if(this->BoundaryScalars) //this->BoundaryScalars->Delete(); //DeleteGraph(); //if (this->CumulativeWeightFromSource) //this->CumulativeWeightFromSource->Delete(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned long vtkDijkstraImageData::GetMTime() { unsigned long mTime=this->MTime.GetMTime(); return mTime; } void vtkDijkstraImageData::SetInput(vtkImageData* data){ this->vtkProcessObject::SetNthInput(0, data); } vtkImageData* vtkDijkstraImageData::GetInput(){ return (vtkImageData *)(this->Inputs[0]); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void vtkDijkstraImageData::init(vtkImageData *inData) { if (this->ShortestPathIdList) this->ShortestPathIdList->Delete(); if (this->Parent) this->Parent->Delete(); if (this->Visited) this->Visited->Delete(); if (this->PQ) this->PQ->Delete(); this->ShortestPathIdList = vtkIdList::New(); this->Parent = vtkIntArray::New(); this->Visited = vtkIntArray::New(); this->PQ = vtkPriorityQueue::New(); CreateGraph(inData); int numPoints = inData->GetNumberOfPoints(); this->Parent->SetNumberOfComponents(1); this->Parent->SetNumberOfTuples(numPoints); this->Visited->SetNumberOfComponents(1); this->Visited->SetNumberOfTuples(numPoints); } void vtkDijkstraImageData::DeleteGraph() { /*const int npoints = this->GetNumberOfInputPoints(); if (this->Neighbors) { for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { if(this->Neighbors[i]) this->Neighbors[i]->Delete(); } delete [] this->Neighbors; } this->Neighbors = NULL; */ } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void vtkDijkstraImageData::CreateGraph(vtkImageData *inData) { //DeleteGraph(); //delete old arrays in case we are re-executing this filter int numPoints = inData->GetNumberOfPoints(); this->SetNumberOfInputPoints(numPoints); // initialization int *dim = inData->GetDimensions(); vtkDataArray *scalars = inData->GetPointData()->GetScalars(); vtkIdList *graphNodes = vtkIdList::New(); int graphSize = 0; // create the graph for(int k = 0; k UpdateProgress ((float) k / (2 * ((float) dim[2] - 1))); for(int j = 0; j GetTuple1(id); // only add neighbor if it is in the graph if(maskValue > 0) { // add to graph graphNodes->InsertNextId(id); graphSize++; } } } } this->SetNumberOfGraphNodes(graphSize); //printf("graph size %i \n ",graphSize); // fill the PQ PQ->Allocate(graphSize); for(int i=0; iInsert(VTK_LARGE_FLOAT,graphNodes->GetId(i)); } // free some memory graphNodes->Delete(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void vtkDijkstraImageData::RunDijkstra(vtkDataArray *scalars,int startv, int endv) { int i, u, v; printf("tipo de ponderacion de pesos : linear %i, squared %i, exponential %i\n",this->UseInverseDistance,this->UseInverseSquaredDistance,this->UseInverseExponentialDistance); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INICIALIZACION. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1. Se marcan todos los vertices del grafo como no visitados. InitSingleSource(startv); // 2. Se marca el punto de arranque como visitado this->Visited->SetValue(startv, 1); // 3. Se obtiene el tamanio inicial de los vertices no visitados int initialSize = PQ->GetNumberOfItems(); int size = initialSize; int stop = 0; //Nota: PQ contiene los nodos del grafo no evaluados. //Segun Dijkstra, el algoritmo termina cuando todos los nodos tienen un valor de distancia minima. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PARA TODOS LOS VERTICES EN PQ (SIN EVALUAR) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ while ((PQ->GetNumberOfItems() > 0) && !stop) { this->UpdateProgress (0.5 + (float) (initialSize - size) / ((float) 2 * initialSize)); vtkFloatingPointType u_weight; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //1. Aqui obtiene el siguiente punto a evaluar. Al retirarlo de la cola // se asume que ya ha sido evaluado, se evaluaran sus vecinos. // u is now in S since the shortest path to u is determined //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (VTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 4 && VTK_MINOR_VERSION == 0) u = PQ->Pop(u_weight,0); #else u = PQ->Pop(0, u_weight); #endif //printf("Evaluando el nodo %i con prioridad %.2f\n",u,u_weight); //printPointData(u); //----------------------------------------- //2. Se marca "u" como ya visitado. //----------------------------------------- this->Visited->SetValue(u, 1); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //3. Si u es el nodo final el algoritmo se detiene. (despues de evaluar sus vecinos) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (u == endv && StopWhenEndReached) stop = 1; // Update all vertices v neighbors to u // find the neighbors of u //----------------------------------------- //4. Encontrar los vecinos de u //----------------------------------------- vtkIdList *list = vtkIdList::New(); this->FindNeighbors(list,u,scalars); //printf("%i tiene %i vecinos\n",u,list->GetNumberOfIds()); //----------------------------------------- // 5. Para cada vecino .... //----------------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < list->GetNumberOfIds(); i++) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // 5.1 Se obtiene su ID (el indice es el orden en la lista de vecinos) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- v = list->GetId(i); //printf("---> evaluando el vecino % i\n",v); // s is the set of vertices with determined shortest path...do not // use them again //----------------------------------------------------------------- // 5.2 Si ya ha sido visitado se descarta... //----------------------------------------------------------------- if (this->Visited->GetValue(v) != 1) { //printf("---> ---> el vecino %i no ha sido visitado\n",v); // Only relax edges where the end is not in s and edge // is in the front //--------------------------------------------------- // 5.2.1 Se obtiene el COSTO W //--------------------------------------------------- float w = EdgeCost(scalars, u, v); //--------------------------------------------------- // 5.2.2 //--------------------------------------------------- float v_weight = this->PQ->GetPriority(v); if(v == endv) { //printf("we have found endv %i, its weight is %f, neighbor is %i , weight is %f, edge weight is %f\n",v,v_weight,u,u_weight,w); //stop=1; //break; } //printf("---> ---> el costo de %i es %.2f\n",v,(w+u_weight)); //printf("---> ---> el costo previo de %i es %.2f\n",v,v_weight); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 5.2.3 Si se encuentra un camino menor, se reajusta el costo (Node Relaxation) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (v_weight > (u_weight + w)) { // Se elimina V de la cola de nodos por evaluar (PQ). Porque se encontro un costo mas bajo this->PQ->DeleteId(v); // Se inserta nuevamente V en la cola de nodos por evaluar con el nuevo costo. this->PQ->Insert((u_weight + w),v); //printf("---> ---> reajustando el peso de %i a %.2f\n",v,u_weight + w); //printf("u_weight=%.2f\n",u_weight); // se coloca V conectado con U (esto sirve para reconstruir el camino minimo) this->Parent->SetValue(v, u); //printf("setting parent of %i to be %i",v,u); } } else{ //printf("---> el vecino %i ya se visito\n",v); } } //------------------------------------------------------- // 6. Liberar la memoria ocupada por la lista de vecinos //------------------------------------------------------- list->Delete(); size--; } this->PQ->Delete(); this->Visited->Delete(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkDijkstraImageData::InitSingleSource(int startv) { for (int v = 0; v < this->GetNumberOfInputPoints(); v++) { this->Parent->SetValue(v, -1); this->Visited->SetValue(v, 0); } PQ->DeleteId(startv); // re-insert the source with priority 0 PQ->Insert(0,startv); //printf("priority of startv %f",PQ->GetPriority(startv)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkDijkstraImageData::FindNeighbors(vtkIdList *list,int id, vtkDataArray *scalars) { // find i, j, k for that node vtkImageData *input = this->GetInput(); int *dim = input->GetDimensions(); int numPts = dim[0] * dim[1] * dim[2]; //printf("vecinos de %i :(",id); for(int vk = -1; vk<2; vk++) { for(int vj = -1; vj<2; vj++) { for(int vi = -1; vi<2; vi++) { int tmpID = id + (vk * dim[1]*dim[0]) + (vj * dim[0]) + vi; // check we are in bounds (for volume faces) if( tmpID >= 0 && tmpID < numPts && tmpID != 0) { float mask = scalars->GetTuple1(tmpID); // only add neighbor if it is in the graph if(mask > 0 && tmpID != id) { list->InsertUniqueId(tmpID); //printf("%i,",tmpID); //printPointData(tmpID); } } } } } //printf(")\n"); } float vtkDijkstraImageData::fuerzaAtraccion(int u, float w) { //1. Identificar las coordenadas del punto de inicio y del punto final (polos) double coordsSource[3]; double coordsSink[3]; double coordsPoint[3]; this->GetInput()->GetPoint(this->GetSourceID(), coordsSource); this->GetInput()->GetPoint(this->GetSinkID(), coordsSink); //2. Identificar las coordenadas del punto al cual se le quiere sacar el potencial electrico this->GetInput()->GetPoint(u, coordsPoint); //3 Calcular r1 y r2 float r1 = sqrt((coordsSource[0]-coordsPoint[0])*(coordsSource[0]-coordsPoint[0]) + (coordsSource[1]-coordsPoint[1])*(coordsSource[1]-coordsPoint[1]) + (coordsSource[2]-coordsPoint[2])*(coordsSource[2]-coordsPoint[2])); float r2 = sqrt((coordsSink[0]-coordsPoint[0])*(coordsSink[0]-coordsPoint[0]) + (coordsSink[1]-coordsPoint[1])*(coordsSink[1]-coordsPoint[1]) + (coordsSink[2]-coordsPoint[2])*(coordsSink[2]-coordsPoint[2])); float d = sqrt((coordsSink[0]-coordsSource[0])*(coordsSink[0]-coordsSource[0]) + (coordsSink[1]-coordsSource[1])*(coordsSink[1]-coordsSource[1]) + (coordsSink[2]-coordsSource[2])*(coordsSink[2]-coordsSource[2])); if (r2 < d && r1 > d){ return w/2; } else if ( r2 > d && r1 < d){ return w/2; } else if (r1 < d && r2 < d){ return w*w; } else return w/2; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The edge cost function should be implemented as a callback function to // allow more advanced weighting float vtkDijkstraImageData::EdgeCost(vtkDataArray *scalars, int u, int v) { float w; float dist2 = scalars->GetTuple1(v); //+ fuerzaAtraccion(v, scalars->GetTuple1(v)); float dist = sqrt(dist2); if(this->UseInverseDistance) w = (1.0/dist); else if(this->UseInverseSquaredDistance) w = (1.0/(dist2)); else if(this->UseInverseExponentialDistance) w = (1.0/exp(dist)); else if(this->UseSquaredDistance) w = dist2; return w; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkDijkstraImageData::BuildShortestPath(int start,int end) { int p = end; int next = 0; int i = 0; double punto[3]; this->puntos = vtkPoints::New(); this->lineas = vtkCellArray::New(); //printf("======================camino minimo========================\n"); //printf("Punto Inicial = %i, Punto Final = %i\n",start, end); while (p != start && p > 0) { printPointData(p); this->GetInput()->GetPoint(p,punto); this->puntos->InsertPoint(i,punto); //puntos y lineas usados como resultado (vtkPolyData) next = this->Parent->GetValue(p); this->GetInput()->GetPoint(next,punto); this->puntos->InsertPoint(i+1,punto); this->lineas->InsertNextCell(2); this->lineas->InsertCellPoint(i); this->lineas->InsertCellPoint(i+1); this->ShortestPathIdList->InsertNextId(p); p = next; i++; } this->ShortestPathIdList->InsertNextId(p); printPointData(p); //printf("===========================================================\n"); this->GetOutput()->SetPoints (this->puntos); this->GetOutput()->SetLines(this->lineas); this->GetOutput()->Modified(); //fclose(logger); } vtkIdList* vtkDijkstraImageData::GetShortestPathIdList() { return this->ShortestPathIdList; } void vtkDijkstraImageData::printPointData(int pointID) { double coords[3]; this->GetInput()->GetPoint(pointID, coords); double scalar = this->GetInput()->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple1(pointID); printf("Punto ID: %i ",pointID); printf("Coords[%.0f, %.0f, %.0f] ", coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]); printf("Scalar: %.2f\n", scalar); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ITERATOR PART void vtkDijkstraImageData::InitTraversePath(){ this->PathPointer = -1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkDijkstraImageData::GetNumberOfPathNodes(){ return this->ShortestPathIdList->GetNumberOfIds(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkDijkstraImageData::GetNextPathNode(){ this->PathPointer = this->PathPointer + 1; if(this->PathPointer < this->GetNumberOfPathNodes()) { //printf("this->GetPathNode(this->PathPointer) %i",this->GetPathNode(this->PathPointer)); return this->ShortestPathIdList->GetId(this->PathPointer); } else { return -1; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // find closest scalar to id that is non-zero int vtkDijkstraImageData::findClosestPointInGraph(vtkDataArray *scalars,int id,int dim0,int dim1, int dim2) { int kFactor = dim0 * dim1; int jFactor = dim0; int numPoints = kFactor * dim2; vtkIdList* Q = vtkIdList::New(); Q->InsertNextId(id); int pointer = 0; int foundID = -1; while(Q->GetNumberOfIds() != 0) { int current = Q->GetId(pointer); pointer = pointer + 1; //printf("we are looking at id %i \n",current); // check to see if we found something in the graph if(scalars->GetTuple1(current) >0) { //printf("before return"); return current; } else { // set it to -1 to show that we already looked at it scalars->SetTuple1(current,-1); // put the neighbors on the stack // top if (current + kFactor GetTuple1(current + kFactor) != -1){ //printf("expand k+1 %i",current + kFactor); Q->InsertNextId(current+kFactor); } } // bottom if (current - kFactor >= 0){ if(scalars->GetTuple1(current - kFactor) != -1){ //printf("expand k-1 %i", current - kFactor); Q->InsertNextId(current-kFactor); } } // front if (current + jFactor < numPoints) { if(scalars->GetTuple1(current + jFactor) != -1){ //printf("expand j+1 %i",current + jFactor); Q->InsertNextId(current + jFactor); } } // back if (current - jFactor >= 0) { if(scalars->GetTuple1(current - jFactor) != -1){ //printf("expand j-1 %i",current - jFactor); Q->InsertNextId(current - jFactor); } } // left if (current+1 GetTuple1(current + 1) != -1){ //printf("expand i+1 %i",current+1); Q->InsertNextId(current + 1); } } // right if (current -1 >= 0) { if(scalars->GetTuple1(current - 1) != -1){ //printf("expand i-1 %i",current - 1); Q->InsertNextId(current - 1); } } } } Q->Delete(); return foundID; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is passed a input and output Data, and executes the filter // algorithm to fill the output from the input. // It just executes a switch statement to call the correct function for // the Datas data types. // -- sp 2002-09-05 updated for vtk4 void vtkDijkstraImageData::Execute() { vtkImageData *inData = this->GetInput(); vtkPolyData *outData = this->GetOutput(); // Components turned into x, y and z if (inData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() > 3) { vtkErrorMacro("This filter can handle upto 3 components"); return; } //printf("*************** vtkDijkstraImageData Execute **************\n\n\n"); this->init(inData); //printf("*************** after init ****************\n\n\n"); int *dim = inData->GetDimensions(); vtkDataArray *scalars = inData->GetPointData()->GetScalars(); // find closest point in graph to source and sink if their value is not 0 printf("source ID %i value is %f\n",this->GetSourceID(),scalars->GetTuple1(this->GetSourceID())); if(scalars->GetTuple1(this->GetSourceID()) == 0) { vtkFloatArray *copyScalars = vtkFloatArray::New(); copyScalars->DeepCopy(inData->GetPointData()->GetScalars()); this->SetSourceID(this->findClosestPointInGraph(copyScalars,this->GetSourceID(),dim[0],dim[1],dim[2])); copyScalars->Delete(); printf("NEW source ID %i value is %f\n",this->GetSourceID(),scalars->GetTuple1(this->GetSourceID())); } printf("sink ID %i value is %f\n",this->GetSinkID(),scalars->GetTuple1(this->GetSinkID())); if(scalars->GetTuple1(this->GetSinkID()) == 0) { vtkFloatArray *copyScalars2 = vtkFloatArray::New(); copyScalars2->DeepCopy(inData->GetPointData()->GetScalars()); this->SetSinkID(this->findClosestPointInGraph(copyScalars2,this->GetSinkID(),dim[0],dim[1],dim[2])); copyScalars2->Delete(); printf("NEW sink ID %i value is %f\n",this->GetSinkID(),scalars->GetTuple1(this->GetSinkID())); } this->RunDijkstra(scalars,this->GetSourceID(),this->GetSinkID()); this->BuildShortestPath(this->GetSourceID(),this->GetSinkID()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkDijkstraImageData::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); os << indent << "Source ID: ( " << this->GetSourceID() << " )\n"; os << indent << "Sink ID: ( " << this->GetSinkID() << " )\n"; }