/*========================================================================= * * Copyright NumFOCUS * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *=========================================================================*/ #ifndef itkFastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase_h #define itkFastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase_h #include "itkFastMarchingBase.h" #include "itkFastMarchingTraits.h" namespace itk { /** *\class FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase \brief Fast Marching Method on QuadEdgeMesh The speed function is specified by the input mesh. Data associated to each point is considered as the speed function. The speed function is set using the method SetInput(). If the speed function is constant and of value one, fast marching results is an approximate geodesic function from the initial alive points. Implementation of this class is based on "Fast Marching Methods on Triangulated Domains", Kimmel, R., and Sethian, J.A., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 95, pp. 8341-8435, 1998. \ingroup ITKFastMarching */ template //2023-04-27-PG class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase : public FastMarchingBase class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterResultsBase : public FastMarchingBase { public: //ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE(FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase); ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE(FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterResultsBase); //using Self = FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase; using Self =FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterResultsBase; using Superclass = FastMarchingBase; using Pointer = SmartPointer; using ConstPointer = SmartPointer; using Traits = typename Superclass::Traits; /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ itkNewMacro(Self); /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ //itkTypeMacro(FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase, FastMarchingBase); itkTypeMacro(FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterResultsBase, FastMarchingBase); using InputMeshType = typename Superclass::InputDomainType; using InputMeshPointer = typename Superclass::InputDomainPointer; using InputPixelType = typename Superclass::InputPixelType; using InputPointType = typename InputMeshType::PointType; using InputPointIdentifierType = typename InputMeshType::PointIdentifier; using OutputMeshType = typename Superclass::OutputDomainType; using OutputMeshPointer = typename Superclass::OutputDomainPointer; using OutputPixelType = typename Superclass::OutputPixelType; using OutputPointType = typename OutputMeshType::PointType; using OutputVectorType = typename OutputPointType::VectorType; using OutputVectorRealType = typename OutputVectorType::RealValueType; using OutputQEType = typename OutputMeshType::QEType; using OutputPointIdentifierType = typename OutputMeshType::PointIdentifier; using OutputPointsContainer = typename OutputMeshType::PointsContainer; using OutputPointsContainerPointer = typename OutputPointsContainer::Pointer; using OutputPointsContainerIterator = typename OutputPointsContainer::Iterator; using OutputPointDataContainer = typename OutputMeshType::PointDataContainer; using OutputPointDataContainerPointer = typename OutputPointDataContainer::Pointer; using OutputCellsContainer = typename OutputMeshType::CellsContainer; using OutputCellsContainerPointer = typename OutputCellsContainer::Pointer; using OutputCellsContainerConstIterator = typename OutputCellsContainer::ConstIterator; using OutputCellType = typename OutputMeshType::CellType; using NodeType = typename Traits::NodeType; using NodePairType = typename Traits::NodePairType; using NodePairContainerType = typename Traits::NodePairContainerType; using NodePairContainerPointer = typename Traits::NodePairContainerPointer; using NodePairContainerConstIterator = typename Traits::NodePairContainerConstIterator; // using NodeContainerType = typename Traits::NodeContainerType; // using NodeContainerPointer = typename Traits::NodeContainerPointer; // using NodeContainerConstIterator = typename Traits::NodeContainerConstIterator; using LabelType = typename Superclass::LabelType; using NodeLabelMapType = std::map; using NodeLabelMapIterator = typename NodeLabelMapType::iterator; using NodeLabelMapConstIterator = typename NodeLabelMapType::const_iterator; protected: //FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase(); FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterResultsBase(); //~FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase() override = default; ~FastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterResultsBase() override = default; NodeLabelMapType m_Label; IdentifierType GetTotalNumberOfNodes() const override; void SetOutputValue(OutputMeshType * oMesh, const NodeType & iNode, const OutputPixelType & iValue) override; const OutputPixelType GetOutputValue(OutputMeshType * oMesh, const NodeType & iNode) const override; unsigned char GetLabelValueForGivenNode(const NodeType & iNode) const override; void SetLabelValueForGivenNode(const NodeType & iNode, const LabelType & iLabel) override; void UpdateNeighbors(OutputMeshType * oMesh, const NodeType & iNode) override; void UpdateValue(OutputMeshType * oMesh, const NodeType & iNode) override; const OutputVectorRealType Solve(OutputMeshType * oMesh, const NodeType & iId, const OutputPointType & iCurrentPoint, const OutputVectorRealType & iF, const NodeType & iId1, const OutputPointType & iP1, const bool & iIsFar1, const OutputVectorRealType iVal1, const NodeType & iId2, const OutputPointType & iP2, const bool & iIsFar2, const OutputVectorRealType & iVal2) const; const OutputVectorRealType ComputeUpdate(const OutputVectorRealType & iVal1, const OutputVectorRealType & iVal2, const OutputVectorRealType & iNorm1, const OutputVectorRealType & iSqNorm1, const OutputVectorRealType & iNorm2, const OutputVectorRealType & iSqNorm2, const OutputVectorRealType & iDot, const OutputVectorRealType & iF) const; bool UnfoldTriangle(OutputMeshType * oMesh, const OutputPointIdentifierType & iId, const OutputPointType & iP, const OutputPointIdentifierType & iId1, const OutputPointType & iP1, const OutputPointIdentifierType & iId2, const OutputPointType & iP2, OutputVectorRealType & oNorm, OutputVectorRealType & oSqNorm, OutputVectorRealType & oDot1, OutputVectorRealType & oDot2, OutputPointIdentifierType & oId) const; bool CheckTopology(OutputMeshType * oMesh, const NodeType & iNode) override; void InitializeOutput(OutputMeshType * oMesh) override; private: const InputMeshType * m_InputMesh; const InputMeshType * m_BackInputMesh; }; } // namespace itk #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION //# include "itkFastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase.hxx" # include "itkFastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterResultsBase.hxx" #endif #endif // itkFastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase_h