# ---------------------------------- # - BBTKGEditor v 1.3 BBS BlackBox Script # - /home/daniel/Documents/TrabajosCreaTools/Proyectos/PlugPackageBBS/GUIPlugPackage.bbs # ---------------------------------- # BBTK GEditor Script # ---------------------- include std include itkvtk include wx include std author "Daniel Gonzalez" description "Plug Package Script" category "Core Script" new DirectorySelector directorySelect set directorySelect.Message "Select the location of the package" set directorySelect.Title "Select Package" new LayoutLine Layout set Layout.WinHeight "200" set Layout.WinTitle "Plug Package" set Layout.WinWidth "500" new OutputText title set title.In "Plug package directory: " new ExecSystemCommand execution new CommandButton plugButton set plugButton.In "print $lineToExecute.Out$;" set plugButton.Label "Plug it!" new ConcatStrings lineToExecute set lineToExecute.In1 "bbPlugPackage " new OutputText pathText new StringSelect resultString set resultString.In0 "Packaged Successfully Plugged" set resultString.In1 "An error occurred while plugging the package. Please check the command line." set resultString.In2 "An error 2 occurred while plugging the package. Please check the command line." set resultString.In3 "An error 3 occurred while plugging the package. Please check the command line." set resultString.In4 "An error 4 occurred while plugging the package. Please check the command line." set resultString.In5 "An error 5 occurred while plugging the package. Please check the command line." set resultString.In6 "An error 6 occurred while plugging the package. Please check the command line." set resultString.In7 "An error 7 occurred while plugging the package. Please check the command line." set resultString.In8 "An error 8 occurred while plugging the package. Please check the command line." set resultString.In9 "An error 9 occurred while plugging the package. Please check the command line." new LayoutLine resultDialog set resultDialog.WinDialog "true" set resultDialog.WinHeight "100" set resultDialog.WinTitle "Result" set resultDialog.WinWidth "400" new OutputText textLabel connect title.Widget Layout.Widget1 connect lineToExecute.Out execution.In connect plugButton.Widget Layout.Widget3 connect directorySelect.Out lineToExecute.In2 connect directorySelect.Out pathText.In connect pathText.Widget Layout.Widget2 connect plugButton.BoxChange execution.BoxExecute connect textLabel.Widget resultDialog.Widget1 connect plugButton.BoxChange resultDialog.BoxExecute connect plugButton.BoxChange textLabel.BoxExecute connect execution.Return resultString.In connect resultString.Out textLabel.In connect plugButton.BoxChange resultString.BoxExecute exec directorySelect exec Layout