# ---------------------------------- # - BBTKGEditor v 1.4 BBS BlackBox Script # - /tmpEED/creaTools2/creatools_source/bbtk/packages/wxvtk/bbs/appli/exampleViewer2D.bbs # ---------------------------------- # BBTK GEditor Script # ---------------------- include std include itkvtk include vtk include wxvtk include wx author "laurent.guigues@creatis.insa-lyon.fr" description "Example of the box Viewer2D." category "example" new vtk:LoadHola reader new wxvtk:Viewer2D viewer set viewer.Slice "20" new wx:Slider Box02 new wx:LayoutSplit Box03 set Box03.Proportion "90" connect reader.Out viewer.In connect viewer.Widget Box03.Widget1 connect Box02.Widget Box03.Widget2 connect Box02.Out viewer.Slice connect Box02.BoxChange viewer.BoxExecute # Complex input ports exec Box03