load wx load vtk load std define IsoSurfaceWithControls author "laurent.guigues@creatis.insa-lyon.fr" description "Image iso-surface extractor with associated control panel (isovalue, opacity and colour)" category "image;mesh;widget;viewer" new LayoutLine controls new LayoutLine sliders new Surface surface new Slider isovalue new Slider opacity # new CommandButton colourButton new LayoutLine colourFrame new ColourSelectorButton colour new MultipleInputs refresh new Div div connect sliders.Widget controls.Widget1 connect colourFrame.Widget controls.Widget2 connect colour.Widget colourFrame.Widget1 #Button.Widget connect isovalue.Widget sliders.Widget1 connect opacity.Widget sliders.Widget2 connect isovalue.Out surface.Isovalue connect opacity.Out div.In1 set div.In2 100 connect div.Out surface.Opacity connect colour.Out surface.Colour connect isovalue.BoxChange refresh.In1 connect opacity.BoxChange refresh.In2 connect colour.BoxChange refresh.In3 # connect colourButton.BoxChange colour.BoxExecute set colourFrame.WinTitle "Colour" set controls.Orientation 0 set isovalue.Title "Isovalue" set opacity.Title "Opacity" set opacity.Min 0 set opacity.Max 100 set opacity.In 100 # set colourButton.Label "Colour" input Title controls.WinTitle "Title of the control panel" input In surface.In "Input image" input Opacity opacity.In "Initial opacity" input Isovalue isovalue.In "Initial isovalue" input Colour colour.In "Initial colour" input BoxExecute surface.BoxExecute "Box execution" input Vertical controls.Orientation "Set to 1 to have controls arranged vertically" output Out surface.Out "Output surface" output BoxChange refresh.Out "BoxChange" output Widget controls.Widget "Widget" endefine