/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================**/ #ifndef __clitkBSplineDeformableTransform_h #define __clitkBSplineDeformableTransform_h #include "clitkVectorBSplineResampleImageFunctionWithLUT.h" //itk include #include "itkTransform.h" #include "itkImage.h" #include "itkImageRegion.h" #include "itkSpatialObject.h" namespace clitk { // Forward declaration needed for friendship template class ITK_EXPORT MultipleBSplineDeformableTransform; template < class TCoordRep = double, // Data type for scalars, coordinate representation,vectors unsigned int NInputDimensions = 3, // Number of input dimensions unsigned int NOutputDimensions = 3 > // Number of output dimensions class ITK_EXPORT BSplineDeformableTransform : public itk::Transform< TCoordRep, NInputDimensions, NOutputDimensions > { public: //==================================================================== // Typedefs //==================================================================== typedef BSplineDeformableTransform Self; typedef itk::Transform< TCoordRep, NInputDimensions, NOutputDimensions > Superclass; typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; /** New macro for creation of through the object factory.*/ itkNewMacro( Self ); /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ itkTypeMacro( BSplineDeformableTransform, Transform ); /** Dimension of the domain space. */ itkStaticConstMacro(OutputDimension, unsigned int, NOutputDimensions); /** Dimension of the input model. */ itkStaticConstMacro(InputDimension, unsigned int, NInputDimensions); /** Standard scalar type for this class. */ typedef typename Superclass::ScalarType ScalarType; /** Standard parameters container. */ typedef typename Superclass::ParametersType ParametersType; /** Standard Jacobian container. */ typedef typename Superclass::JacobianType JacobianType; /** Standard vector type for this class. */ typedef itk::Vector InputVectorType; typedef itk::Vector OutputVectorType; /** Standard covariant vector type for this class. */ typedef itk::CovariantVector InputCovariantVectorType; typedef itk::CovariantVector OutputCovariantVectorType; /** Standard vnl_vector type for this class. */ typedef vnl_vector_fixed InputVnlVectorType; typedef vnl_vector_fixed OutputVnlVectorType; /** Standard coordinate point type for this class. */ typedef itk::Point InputPointType; typedef itk::Point OutputPointType; //JV Parameters as images with OutputDimension number of components per Pixel typedef typename ParametersType::ValueType ParametersValueType; typedef typename itk::Vector PixelType; typedef itk::Image CoefficientImageType; typedef typename CoefficientImageType::Pointer CoefficientImagePointer; /** Typedefs for specifying the extend to the grid. */ typedef itk::ImageRegion RegionType; typedef typename RegionType::IndexType IndexType; typedef typename RegionType::SizeType SizeType; typedef typename CoefficientImageType::SpacingType SpacingType; typedef typename CoefficientImageType::DirectionType DirectionType; typedef typename CoefficientImageType::PointType OriginType; typedef itk::ContinuousIndex ContinuousIndexType; //JV added for the BLUT interpolator //typedef itk::Vector OutputSpacingType; //JV m_VectorInterpolator typedef VectorBSplineResampleImageFunctionWithLUT VectorInterpolatorType; typedef typename VectorInterpolatorType::CoefficientDataType CoefficientDataType; typedef typename VectorInterpolatorType::CoefficientDataType WeightsDataType; /** Typedef of the bulk transform. */ typedef itk::Transform BulkTransformType; typedef BulkTransformType* BulkTransformPointer; /** Typedef of the mask */ typedef itk::SpatialObject< InputDimension > MaskType; typedef MaskType* MaskPointer; //==================================================================== // Set et Gets //==================================================================== //JV added for the BLUT interpolator void SetSplineOrder(const unsigned int & splineOrder); void SetSplineOrders(const SizeType & splineOrders); itkGetMacro( SplineOrders, SizeType ); itkGetConstMacro( SplineOrders, SizeType ); void SetLUTSamplingFactor(const int & samplingFactor); void SetLUTSamplingFactors(const SizeType & samplingFactors); itkGetMacro( LUTSamplingFactors, SizeType ); itkGetConstMacro( LUTSamplingFactors,SizeType ); //void SetOutputSpacing(const OutputSpacingType & outputSpacing); //itkGetMacro( OutputSpacing, OutputSpacingType ); //itkGetConstMacro( OutputSpacing, OutputSpacingType ); void SetParameters(const ParametersType & parameters); void SetFixedParameters(const ParametersType & parameters); void SetParametersByValue(const ParametersType & parameters); void SetIdentity(); /** Get the Transformation Parameters. */ virtual const ParametersType& GetParameters(void) const; /** Get the Transformation Fixed Parameters. */ virtual const ParametersType& GetFixedParameters(void) const; // The coefficientImage virtual CoefficientImagePointer GetCoefficientImage() { return m_CoefficientImage; } virtual const CoefficientImagePointer GetCoefficientImage() const { return m_CoefficientImage; } virtual void SetCoefficientImage(CoefficientImagePointer image); /** This method specifies the region over which the grid resides. */ virtual void SetGridRegion( const RegionType& region ); itkGetMacro( GridRegion, RegionType ); itkGetConstMacro( GridRegion, RegionType ); /** This method specifies the grid spacing or resolution. */ virtual void SetGridSpacing( const SpacingType& spacing ); itkGetMacro( GridSpacing, SpacingType ); itkGetConstMacro( GridSpacing, SpacingType ); /** This method specifies the grid directions . */ virtual void SetGridDirection( const DirectionType & spacing ); itkGetMacro( GridDirection, DirectionType ); itkGetConstMacro( GridDirection, DirectionType ); /** This method specifies the grid origin. */ virtual void SetGridOrigin( const OriginType& origin ); itkGetMacro( GridOrigin, OriginType ); itkGetConstMacro( GridOrigin, OriginType ); // Set the bulk transform, real pointer // itkSetConstObjectMacro( BulkTransform, BulkTransformType ); // itkGetConstObjectMacro( BulkTransform, BulkTransformType ); void SetBulkTransform(BulkTransformPointer b){m_BulkTransform=b;} BulkTransformPointer GetBulkTransform(void) {return m_BulkTransform;} // Set mask, inside transform applies, outside zero, real pointer void SetMask(MaskPointer m){m_Mask=m;} MaskPointer GetMask(void){return m_Mask;} // itkSetConstObjectMacro( Mask, MaskType ); // itkGetConstObjectMacro( Mask, MaskType ); /** Transform points by a BSpline deformable transformation. */ OutputPointType TransformPoint(const InputPointType &point ) const; // JV added for just the deformable part, without bulk OutputPointType DeformablyTransformPoint(const InputPointType &point ) const; /** Parameter index array type. */ typedef itk::Array ParameterIndexArrayType; /** Transform points by a BSpline deformable transformation. * On return, weights contains the interpolation weights used to compute the * deformation and indices of the x (zeroth) dimension coefficient parameters * in the support region used to compute the deformation. * Parameter indices for the i-th dimension can be obtained by adding * ( i * this->GetNumberOfParametersPerDimension() ) to the indices array. */ // JV not implemented // virtual void TransformPoint( const InputPointType & inputPoint, // OutputPointType & outputPoint, // WeightsType & weights, // ParameterIndexArrayType & indices, // bool & inside ) const; // virtual void DeformablyTransformPoint( const InputPointType & inputPoint, // OutputPointType & outputPoint, // WeightsType & weights, // ParameterIndexArrayType & indices, // bool & inside ) const; // virtual void GetJacobian( const InputPointType & inputPoint, // WeightsType & weights, // ParameterIndexArrayType & indices // ) const; /** Method to transform a vector - * not applicable for this type of transform. */ virtual OutputVectorType TransformVector(const InputVectorType &) const { itkExceptionMacro(<< "Method not applicable for deformable transform." ); return OutputVectorType(); } /** Method to transform a vnl_vector - * not applicable for this type of transform */ virtual OutputVnlVectorType TransformVector(const InputVnlVectorType &) const { itkExceptionMacro(<< "Method not applicable for deformable transform. "); return OutputVnlVectorType(); } /** Method to transform a CovariantVector - * not applicable for this type of transform */ virtual OutputCovariantVectorType TransformCovariantVector( const InputCovariantVectorType &) const { itkExceptionMacro(<< "Method not applicable for deformable transfrom. "); return OutputCovariantVectorType(); } /** Compute the Jacobian Matrix of the transformation at one point */ virtual const JacobianType& GetJacobian(const InputPointType &point ) const; /** Return the number of parameters that completely define the Transfom */ virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfParameters(void) const; /** Return the number of parameters per dimension */ unsigned int GetNumberOfParametersPerDimension(void) const; /** Return the region of the grid wholly within the support region */ itkGetConstReferenceMacro( ValidRegion, RegionType ); /** Indicates that this transform is linear. That is, given two * points P and Q, and scalar coefficients a and b, then * * T( a*P + b*Q ) = a * T(P) + b * T(Q) */ virtual bool IsLinear() const { return false; } //unsigned int GetNumberOfAffectedWeights() const; protected: /** Print contents of an BSplineDeformableTransform. */ void PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, itk::Indent indent) const; BSplineDeformableTransform(); virtual ~BSplineDeformableTransform(); /** Wrap flat array into images of coefficients. */ void WrapAsImages(); /** Convert an input point to a continuous index inside the BSpline grid */ void TransformPointToContinuousIndex( const InputPointType & point, ContinuousIndexType & index ) const; private: BSplineDeformableTransform(const Self&); //purposely not implemented void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented /** The bulk transform. */ BulkTransformPointer m_BulkTransform; MaskPointer m_Mask; // JV added for BLUT interpolator SizeType m_SplineOrders; SizeType m_LUTSamplingFactors; /** Variables defining the coefficient grid extend. */ RegionType m_GridRegion; SpacingType m_GridSpacing; DirectionType m_GridDirection; OriginType m_GridOrigin; DirectionType m_PointToIndex; DirectionType m_IndexToPoint; RegionType m_ValidRegion; /** Variables defining the interpolation support region. */ SizeType m_Offset; itk::FixedArray m_SplineOrderOdd; SizeType m_SupportSize; IndexType m_ValidRegionLast; /** Array holding images wrapped from the flat parameters. */ CoefficientImagePointer m_WrappedImage; /** Vector image representing the B-spline coefficients * in each dimension. */ CoefficientImagePointer m_CoefficientImage; /** Jacobian as OutputDimension number of images. */ typedef typename JacobianType::ValueType JacobianValueType; typedef typename itk::Vector JacobianPixelType; typedef itk::Image JacobianImageType; typename JacobianImageType::Pointer m_JacobianImage[OutputDimension]; typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator IteratorType; /** Keep track of last support region used in computing the Jacobian * for fast resetting of Jacobian to zero. */ //JV for J calculation mutable RegionType m_SupportRegion; mutable IndexType m_SupportIndex; mutable IndexType m_LastJacobianIndex; mutable IteratorType m_Iterator[OutputDimension]; mutable JacobianPixelType m_ZeroVector; mutable ContinuousIndexType m_Index; mutable bool m_NeedResetJacobian; /** Keep a pointer to the input parameters. */ const ParametersType * m_InputParametersPointer; /** Internal parameters buffer. */ ParametersType m_InternalParametersBuffer; //JV the BLUT interpolator typename VectorInterpolatorType::Pointer m_VectorInterpolator; /** Check if a continuous index is inside the valid region. */ bool InsideValidRegion( const ContinuousIndexType& index ) const; // VD Use external data container for JacobianImage unsigned SetJacobianImageData(JacobianPixelType * jacobianDataPointer, unsigned dim); // VD Reset Jacobian void ResetJacobian() const; // VD Add MultipleBSplineDeformableTransform as friend to facilitate wrapping friend class MultipleBSplineDeformableTransform; }; //class BSplineDeformableTransform } // namespace itk #if ITK_TEMPLATE_TXX # include "clitkBSplineDeformableTransform.txx" #endif #endif // __clitkBSplineDeformableTransform_h