/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================**/ #ifndef __clitkBSplineDeformableTransform_txx #define __clitkBSplineDeformableTransform_txx #include "clitkBSplineDeformableTransform.h" //itk #include "itkContinuousIndex.h" #include "itkImageRegionIterator.h" #include "itkImageRegionConstIterator.h" #include "itkImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex.h" #include "itkIdentityTransform.h" namespace clitk { // Constructor with default arguments template BSplineDeformableTransform #if ITK_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 ::BSplineDeformableTransform():Superclass(0) #else ::BSplineDeformableTransform():Superclass(OutputDimension,0) #endif { unsigned int i; //JV default spline order for ( i=0;iSetLUTSamplingFactors(m_LUTSamplingFactors); m_VectorInterpolator->SetSplineOrders(m_SplineOrders); // Set Bulk transform to NULL (no bulk performed) m_BulkTransform = NULL; // Mask m_Mask=NULL; // Default grid size is zero typename RegionType::SizeType size; typename RegionType::IndexType index; size.Fill( 0 ); index.Fill( 0 ); m_GridRegion.SetSize( size ); m_GridRegion.SetIndex( index ); m_GridOrigin.Fill( 0.0 ); // default origin is all zeros m_GridSpacing.Fill( 1.0 ); // default spacing is all ones m_GridDirection.SetIdentity(); // default spacing is all ones m_InternalParametersBuffer = ParametersType(0); // Make sure the parameters pointer is not NULL after construction. m_InputParametersPointer = &m_InternalParametersBuffer; // Initialize coeffient images m_WrappedImage = CoefficientImageType::New(); m_WrappedImage->SetRegions( m_GridRegion ); m_WrappedImage->SetOrigin( m_GridOrigin.GetDataPointer() ); m_WrappedImage->SetSpacing( m_GridSpacing.GetDataPointer() ); m_WrappedImage->SetDirection( m_GridDirection ); m_CoefficientImage = NULL; // Variables for computing interpolation for (i=0; i SetRegions( m_GridRegion ); m_JacobianImage[i]->SetOrigin( m_GridOrigin.GetDataPointer() ); m_JacobianImage[i]->SetSpacing( m_GridSpacing.GetDataPointer() ); m_JacobianImage[i]->SetDirection( m_GridDirection ); } /** Fixed Parameters store the following information: * Grid Size * Grid Origin * Grid Spacing * Grid Direction */ //JV we add the splineOrders, LUTsamplingfactor, m_Mask and m_BulkTransform /* Spline orders Sampling factors m_Mask m_BulkTransform The size of these is equal to the NInputDimensions *********************************************************/ this->m_FixedParameters.SetSize ( NInputDimensions * (NInputDimensions + 5)+2 ); this->m_FixedParameters.Fill ( 0.0 ); for ( i=0; im_FixedParameters[2*NInputDimensions+i] = m_GridSpacing[i]; } for (unsigned int di=0; dim_FixedParameters[3*NInputDimensions+(di*NInputDimensions+dj)] = m_GridDirection[di][dj]; } } //JV add splineOrders for ( i=0; im_FixedParameters[ ( (3+NInputDimensions)*NInputDimensions)+i] = (this->GetSplineOrders())[i]; } //JV add LUTsamplingFactors for ( i=0; im_FixedParameters[( (4+NInputDimensions)*NInputDimensions)+i ] = this->GetLUTSamplingFactors()[i]; } // JV add the mask pointer this->m_FixedParameters[( (5+NInputDimensions)*NInputDimensions)]=(double)((size_t)m_Mask); // JV add the bulkTransform pointer this->m_FixedParameters[( (5+NInputDimensions)*NInputDimensions) +1]=(double)((size_t)m_BulkTransform); // Calculate the PointToIndex matrices DirectionType scale; for( unsigned int i=0; i::Zero; } // Destructor template BSplineDeformableTransform ::~BSplineDeformableTransform() { } // JV set Spline Order template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetSplineOrder(const unsigned int & splineOrder) { SizeType splineOrders; for (unsigned int i=0;iSetSplineOrders(splineOrders); } // JV set Spline Orders template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetSplineOrders(const SizeType & splineOrders) { if (m_SplineOrders!=splineOrders) { m_SplineOrders=splineOrders; //update the interpolation function m_VectorInterpolator->SetSplineOrders(m_SplineOrders); //update the variables for computing interpolation for (unsigned int i=0; i Modified(); } } // JV set sampling factor template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetLUTSamplingFactor( const int & samplingFactor) { SizeType samplingFactors; for (unsigned int i=0; iSetLUTSamplingFactors(samplingFactors); } // JV set sampling factors template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetLUTSamplingFactors( const SizeType & samplingFactors) { if(m_LUTSamplingFactors!=samplingFactors) { for (unsigned int i=0; iSetLUTSamplingFactors(m_LUTSamplingFactors); this->Modified(); } } // Get the number of parameters template #if ITK_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 typename BSplineDeformableTransform::NumberOfParametersType #else unsigned int #endif BSplineDeformableTransform ::GetNumberOfParameters(void) const { // The number of parameters equal OutputDimension * number of // of pixels in the grid region. return ( static_cast( OutputDimension ) * static_cast( m_GridRegion.GetNumberOfPixels() ) ); } // Get the number of parameters per dimension template unsigned int BSplineDeformableTransform ::GetNumberOfParametersPerDimension(void) const { // The number of parameters per dimension equal number of // of pixels in the grid region. return ( static_cast( m_GridRegion.GetNumberOfPixels() ) ); } // Set the grid region template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetGridRegion( const RegionType & region ) { if ( m_GridRegion != region ) { m_GridRegion = region; // set regions for each coefficient and jacobian image m_WrappedImage->SetRegions( m_GridRegion ); for (unsigned int j=0; j SetRegions( m_GridRegion ); // Set the valid region // If the grid spans the interval [start, last]. // The valid interval for evaluation is [start+offset, last-offset] // when spline order is even. // The valid interval for evaluation is [start+offset, last-offset) // when spline order is odd. // Where offset = vcl_floor(spline / 2 ). // Note that the last pixel is not included in the valid region // with odd spline orders. typename RegionType::SizeType size = m_GridRegion.GetSize(); typename RegionType::IndexType index = m_GridRegion.GetIndex(); for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < NInputDimensions; j++ ) { index[j] += static_cast< typename RegionType::IndexValueType >( m_Offset[j] ); size[j] -= static_cast< typename RegionType::SizeValueType> ( 2 * m_Offset[j] ); m_ValidRegionLast[j] = index[j] + static_cast< typename RegionType::IndexValueType >( size[j] ) - 1; } m_ValidRegion.SetSize( size ); m_ValidRegion.SetIndex( index ); // If we are using the default parameters, update their size and set to identity. // Input parameters point to internal buffer => using default parameters. if (m_InputParametersPointer == &m_InternalParametersBuffer) { // Check if we need to resize the default parameter buffer. if ( m_InternalParametersBuffer.GetSize() != this->GetNumberOfParameters() ) { m_InternalParametersBuffer.SetSize( this->GetNumberOfParameters() ); // Fill with zeros for identity. m_InternalParametersBuffer.Fill( 0 ); } } this->Modified(); } } // Set the grid spacing template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetGridSpacing( const SpacingType & spacing ) { if ( m_GridSpacing != spacing ) { m_GridSpacing = spacing; // Set spacing for each coefficient and jacobian image m_WrappedImage->SetSpacing( m_GridSpacing.GetDataPointer() ); for (unsigned int j=0; j SetSpacing( m_GridSpacing.GetDataPointer() ); // Set scale DirectionType scale; for( unsigned int i=0; iModified(); } } // Set the grid direction template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetGridDirection( const DirectionType & direction ) { if ( m_GridDirection != direction ) { m_GridDirection = direction; // Set direction for each coefficient and jacobian image m_WrappedImage->SetDirection( m_GridDirection ); for (unsigned int j=0; j SetDirection( m_GridDirection ); // Set scale DirectionType scale; for( unsigned int i=0; iModified(); } } // Set the grid origin template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetGridOrigin( const OriginType& origin ) { if ( m_GridOrigin != origin ) { m_GridOrigin = origin; // Set origin for each coefficient and jacobianimage m_WrappedImage->SetOrigin( m_GridOrigin.GetDataPointer() ); for (unsigned int j=0; j SetOrigin( m_GridOrigin.GetDataPointer() ); this->Modified(); } } // Set the parameters template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetIdentity() { if( m_InputParametersPointer ) { ParametersType * parameters = const_cast( m_InputParametersPointer ); parameters->Fill( 0.0 ); this->Modified(); } else { itkExceptionMacro( << "Input parameters for the spline haven't been set ! " << "Set them using the SetParameters or SetCoefficientImage method first." ); } } // Set the parameters template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetParameters( const ParametersType & parameters ) { // Check if the number of parameters match the // Expected number of parameters if ( parameters.Size() != this->GetNumberOfParameters() ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Mismatched between parameters size " << parameters.size() << " and region size " << m_GridRegion.GetNumberOfPixels() ); } // Clean up buffered parameters m_InternalParametersBuffer = ParametersType( 0 ); // Keep a reference to the input parameters m_InputParametersPointer = ¶meters; // Wrap flat array as images of coefficients this->WrapAsImages(); //Set input to vector interpolator m_VectorInterpolator->SetInputImage(this->GetCoefficientImage()); // Modified is always called since we just have a pointer to the // parameters and cannot know if the parameters have changed. this->Modified(); } // Set the Fixed Parameters template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetFixedParameters( const ParametersType & parameters ) { // JV number should be exact, no defaults for spacing if ( parameters.Size() != NInputDimensions * (5 + NInputDimensions)+2 ) { itkExceptionMacro(<< "Mismatched between parameters size " << parameters.size() << " and number of fixed parameters " << NInputDimensions * (5 + NInputDimensions)+2 ); } /********************************************************* Fixed Parameters store the following information: Grid Size Grid Origin Grid Spacing Grid Direction */ // JV we add the splineOrders, LUTsamplingfactor, mask pointer and bulktransform pointer /* Spline orders Sampling factors m_Mask m_BulkTransform The size of these is equal to the NInputDimensions *********************************************************/ /** Set the Grid Parameters */ SizeType gridSize; for (unsigned int i=0; i (parameters[i]); } RegionType bsplineRegion; bsplineRegion.SetSize( gridSize ); /** Set the Origin Parameters */ OriginType origin; for (unsigned int i=0; iSetGridSpacing( spacing ); this->SetGridDirection( direction ); this->SetGridOrigin( origin ); this->SetGridRegion( bsplineRegion ); //JV add the LUT parameters this->SetSplineOrders( splineOrders ); this->SetLUTSamplingFactors( samplingFactors ); } // Wrap flat parameters as images template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::WrapAsImages() { //JV Wrap parameter array in vectorial image, changed parameter order: A1x A1y A1z, A2x .... PixelType * dataPointer =reinterpret_cast( const_cast(m_InputParametersPointer->data_block() )) ; unsigned int numberOfPixels = m_GridRegion.GetNumberOfPixels(); m_WrappedImage->GetPixelContainer()->SetImportPointer( dataPointer,numberOfPixels);//InputDimension m_CoefficientImage = m_WrappedImage; //JV Wrap jacobian into OutputDimension X Vectorial images #if ITK_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 this->m_SharedDataBSplineJacobian.set_size( OutputDimension, this->GetNumberOfParameters() ); #else this->m_Jacobian.set_size( OutputDimension, this->GetNumberOfParameters() ); #endif // Use memset to set the memory #if ITK_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 JacobianPixelType * jacobianDataPointer = reinterpret_cast(this->m_SharedDataBSplineJacobian.data_block()); #else JacobianPixelType * jacobianDataPointer = reinterpret_cast(this->m_Jacobian.data_block()); #endif memset(jacobianDataPointer, 0, OutputDimension*numberOfPixels*sizeof(JacobianPixelType)); m_LastJacobianIndex = m_ValidRegion.GetIndex(); m_NeedResetJacobian = false; for (unsigned int j=0; jGetPixelContainer()-> SetImportPointer( jacobianDataPointer, numberOfPixels ); jacobianDataPointer += numberOfPixels; } } // Set the parameters by value template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetParametersByValue( const ParametersType & parameters ) { // Check if the number of parameters match the // Expected number of parameters if ( parameters.Size() != this->GetNumberOfParameters() ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Mismatched between parameters size " << parameters.size() << " and region size " << m_GridRegion.GetNumberOfPixels() ); } // Copy it m_InternalParametersBuffer = parameters; m_InputParametersPointer = &m_InternalParametersBuffer; // Wrap flat array as images of coefficients this->WrapAsImages(); // Modified is always called since we just have a pointer to the // Parameters and cannot know if the parameters have changed. this->Modified(); } // Get the parameters template const typename BSplineDeformableTransform ::ParametersType & BSplineDeformableTransform ::GetParameters( void ) const { /** NOTE: For efficiency, this class does not keep a copy of the parameters - * it just keeps pointer to input parameters. */ if (NULL == m_InputParametersPointer) { itkExceptionMacro( <<"Cannot GetParameters() because m_InputParametersPointer is NULL. Perhaps SetCoefficientImage() has been called causing the NULL pointer." ); } return (*m_InputParametersPointer); } // Get the parameters template const typename BSplineDeformableTransform ::ParametersType & BSplineDeformableTransform ::GetFixedParameters( void ) const { RegionType resRegion = this->GetGridRegion( ); for (unsigned int i=0; im_FixedParameters[i] = (resRegion.GetSize())[i]; } for (unsigned int i=0; im_FixedParameters[NInputDimensions+i] = (this->GetGridOrigin())[i]; } for (unsigned int i=0; im_FixedParameters[2*NInputDimensions+i] = (this->GetGridSpacing())[i]; } for (unsigned int di=0; dim_FixedParameters[3*NInputDimensions+(di*NInputDimensions+dj)] = (this->GetGridDirection())[di][dj]; } } //JV add splineOrders for (unsigned int i=0; im_FixedParameters[(3+NInputDimensions)*NInputDimensions+i] = (this->GetSplineOrders())[i]; } //JV add LUTsamplingFactor for (unsigned int i=0; im_FixedParameters[(4+NInputDimensions)*NInputDimensions+i] = (this->GetLUTSamplingFactors())[i]; } //JV add the mask this->m_FixedParameters[(5+NInputDimensions)*NInputDimensions]=(double)((size_t) m_Mask); //JV add the bulktransform pointer this->m_FixedParameters[(5+NInputDimensions)*NInputDimensions+1]=(double)((size_t) m_BulkTransform); return (this->m_FixedParameters); } // Set the B-Spline coefficients using input images template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetCoefficientImage( CoefficientImagePointer image ) { this->SetGridRegion( image->GetBufferedRegion() ); this->SetGridSpacing( image->GetSpacing() ); this->SetGridDirection( image->GetDirection() ); this->SetGridOrigin( image->GetOrigin() ); m_CoefficientImage = image; // Update the interpolator m_VectorInterpolator->SetInputImage(this->GetCoefficientImage()); // Clean up buffered parameters m_InternalParametersBuffer = ParametersType( 0 ); m_InputParametersPointer = NULL; } // Print self template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, itk::Indent indent) const { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent); os << indent << "GridRegion: " << m_GridRegion << std::endl; os << indent << "GridOrigin: " << m_GridOrigin << std::endl; os << indent << "GridSpacing: " << m_GridSpacing << std::endl; os << indent << "GridDirection: " << m_GridDirection << std::endl; os << indent << "IndexToPoint: " << m_IndexToPoint << std::endl; os << indent << "PointToIndex: " << m_PointToIndex << std::endl; os << indent << "CoefficientImage: [ "; os << m_CoefficientImage.GetPointer() << " ]" << std::endl; os << indent << "WrappedImage: [ "; os << m_WrappedImage.GetPointer() << " ]" << std::endl; os << indent << "InputParametersPointer: " << m_InputParametersPointer << std::endl; os << indent << "ValidRegion: " << m_ValidRegion << std::endl; os << indent << "LastJacobianIndex: " << m_LastJacobianIndex << std::endl; os << indent << "BulkTransform: "; os << m_BulkTransform << std::endl; if ( m_BulkTransform ) { os << indent << "BulkTransformType: " << m_BulkTransform->GetNameOfClass() << std::endl; } os << indent << "VectorBSplineInterpolator: "; os << m_VectorInterpolator.GetPointer() << std::endl; os << indent << "Mask: "; os << m_Mask<< std::endl; } // Verify template bool BSplineDeformableTransform ::InsideValidRegion( const ContinuousIndexType& index ) const { bool inside = true; if ( !m_ValidRegion.IsInside( index ) ) { inside = false; } //JV verify for each input dimension if ( inside) { typedef typename ContinuousIndexType::ValueType ValueType; for( unsigned int j = 0; j < InputDimension; j++ ) { if (m_SplineOrderOdd[j]) { if ( index[j] >= static_cast( m_ValidRegionLast[j] ) ) { inside = false; break; } } } } return inside; } // Transform a point template typename BSplineDeformableTransform ::OutputPointType BSplineDeformableTransform ::TransformPoint(const InputPointType &inputPoint) const { InputPointType transformedPoint; OutputPointType outputPoint; // BulkTransform if ( m_BulkTransform ) { transformedPoint = m_BulkTransform->TransformPoint( inputPoint ); } else { transformedPoint = inputPoint; } // Deformable transform if ( m_CoefficientImage ) { // Check if inside mask if(m_Mask && !(m_Mask->IsInside(inputPoint) ) ) { // Outside: no (deformable) displacement return transformedPoint; } // Check if inside valid region bool inside = true; ContinuousIndexType index; this->TransformPointToContinuousIndex( inputPoint, index ); inside = this->InsideValidRegion( index ); if ( !inside ) { // Outside: no (deformable) displacement return transformedPoint; } // Call the vector interpolator itk::Vector displacement=m_VectorInterpolator->EvaluateAtContinuousIndex(index); // Return the results outputPoint = transformedPoint+displacement; } else { itkWarningMacro( << "B-spline coefficients have not been set" ); outputPoint = transformedPoint; } return outputPoint; } //JV Deformably transform a point template typename BSplineDeformableTransform ::OutputPointType BSplineDeformableTransform ::DeformablyTransformPoint(const InputPointType &inputPoint) const { OutputPointType outputPoint; if ( m_CoefficientImage ) { // Check if inside mask if(m_Mask && !(m_Mask->IsInside(inputPoint) ) ) { // Outside: no (deformable) displacement return inputPoint; } // Check if inside bool inside = true; ContinuousIndexType index; this->TransformPointToContinuousIndex( inputPoint, index ); inside = this->InsideValidRegion( index ); if ( !inside ) { //outside: no (deformable) displacement return inputPoint; //return outputPoint; } // Call the vector interpolator itk::Vector displacement=m_VectorInterpolator->EvaluateAtContinuousIndex(index); // Return the results outputPoint = inputPoint+displacement; } // No coefficients available else { itkWarningMacro( << "B-spline coefficients have not been set" ); outputPoint = inputPoint; } return outputPoint; } // JV weights are identical as for transformpoint, could be done simultaneously in metric!!!! // Compute the Jacobian in one position #if ITK_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters(const InputPointType & point, JacobianType & jacobian) const { if (m_NeedResetJacobian) ResetJacobian(); //======================================================== // For each dimension, copy the weight to the support region //======================================================== // Check if inside mask if (m_Mask && !(m_Mask->IsInside(point) ) ) { // Outside: no (deformable) displacement jacobian = m_SharedDataBSplineJacobian; return; } //Get index this->TransformPointToContinuousIndex( point, m_Index ); // NOTE: if the support region does not lie totally within the grid // we assume zero displacement and return the input point if ( !this->InsideValidRegion( m_Index ) ) { jacobian = m_SharedDataBSplineJacobian; return; } //Compute interpolation weights const WeightsDataType *weights = NULL; m_VectorInterpolator->EvaluateWeightsAtContinuousIndex( m_Index, &weights, m_LastJacobianIndex); m_SupportRegion.SetIndex( m_LastJacobianIndex ); //Reset the iterators unsigned int j = 0; for ( j = 0; j < OutputDimension; j++ ) m_Iterator[j] = IteratorType( m_JacobianImage[j], m_SupportRegion); // For each dimension, copy the weight to the support region while ( ! (m_Iterator[0]).IsAtEnd() ) { //copy weight to jacobian image for ( j = 0; j < OutputDimension; j++ ) { m_ZeroVector[j]=*weights; (m_Iterator[j]).Set( m_ZeroVector); m_ZeroVector[j]=itk::NumericTraits::Zero; ++(m_Iterator[j]); } // go to next coefficient in the support region weights++; } m_NeedResetJacobian = true; // Return the result jacobian = m_SharedDataBSplineJacobian; } #else template const typename BSplineDeformableTransform ::JacobianType & BSplineDeformableTransform ::GetJacobian( const InputPointType & point ) const { // Can only compute Jacobian if parameters are set via // SetParameters or SetParametersByValue // if( m_InputParametersPointer == NULL ) // { // itkExceptionMacro( <<"Cannot compute Jacobian: parameters not set" ); // } if (m_NeedResetJacobian) ResetJacobian(); //======================================================== // For each dimension, copy the weight to the support region //======================================================== // Check if inside mask if(m_Mask && !(m_Mask->IsInside(point) ) ) { // Outside: no (deformable) displacement return this->m_Jacobian; } //Get index this->TransformPointToContinuousIndex( point, m_Index ); // NOTE: if the support region does not lie totally within the grid // we assume zero displacement and return the input point if ( !this->InsideValidRegion( m_Index ) ) { return this->m_Jacobian; } //Compute interpolation weights const WeightsDataType *weights=NULL; m_VectorInterpolator->EvaluateWeightsAtContinuousIndex( m_Index, &weights, m_LastJacobianIndex); m_SupportRegion.SetIndex( m_LastJacobianIndex ); //Reset the iterators unsigned int j = 0; for ( j = 0; j < OutputDimension; j++ ) m_Iterator[j] = IteratorType( m_JacobianImage[j], m_SupportRegion); // For each dimension, copy the weight to the support region while ( ! (m_Iterator[0]).IsAtEnd() ) { //copy weight to jacobian image for ( j = 0; j < OutputDimension; j++ ) { m_ZeroVector[j]=*weights; (m_Iterator[j]).Set( m_ZeroVector); m_ZeroVector[j]=itk::NumericTraits::Zero; ++(m_Iterator[j]); } // go to next coefficient in the support region weights++; } m_NeedResetJacobian = true; // Return the result return this->m_Jacobian; } #endif template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::TransformPointToContinuousIndex( const InputPointType & point, ContinuousIndexType & index ) const { unsigned int j; itk::Vector tvector; for ( j = 0; j < OutputDimension; j++ ) { tvector[j] = point[j] - this->m_GridOrigin[j]; } itk::Vector cvector; cvector = m_PointToIndex * tvector; for ( j = 0; j < OutputDimension; j++ ) { index[j] = static_cast< typename ContinuousIndexType::CoordRepType >( cvector[j] ); } } template unsigned BSplineDeformableTransform ::SetJacobianImageData(JacobianPixelType * jacobianDataPointer, unsigned dim) { unsigned int numberOfPixels = m_GridRegion.GetNumberOfPixels(); m_JacobianImage[dim]->GetPixelContainer()->SetImportPointer(jacobianDataPointer, numberOfPixels); return numberOfPixels; } template void BSplineDeformableTransform ::ResetJacobian() const { //======================================================== // Zero all components of jacobian //======================================================== // JV not thread safe (m_LastJacobianIndex), instantiate N transforms // NOTE: for efficiency, we only need to zero out the coefficients // that got fill last time this method was called. unsigned int j = 0; //Define the region for each jacobian image m_SupportRegion.SetIndex(m_LastJacobianIndex); //Initialize the iterators for (j = 0; j < OutputDimension; j++) m_Iterator[j] = IteratorType(m_JacobianImage[j], m_SupportRegion); //Set the previously-set to zero while (!(m_Iterator[0]).IsAtEnd()) { for (j = 0; j < OutputDimension; j++) { m_Iterator[j].Set(m_ZeroVector); ++(m_Iterator[j]); } } m_NeedResetJacobian = false; } } // namespace #endif