#File clitkConvertBSplineDeformableTransformToVF.ggo package "clitkConvertBSplineDeformableTransformToVF" version "1.0" purpose "Convert a BSpline transform to a DVF with given properties" option "config" - "Config file" string no option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off section "IO" option "input" i "Input coefficient image filename" string yes option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes section "Output Image Properties" option "like" - "Make output like this image" string no option "origin" - "Origin for the output image" double multiple no default="0.0" option "size" - "Size for the output image" int multiple no default="100" option "spacing" - "Spacing for the output image" double multiple no default="1.0" section "Transform" option "order" - "Spline order" int multiple no option "mask" - "Mask image filename" string no option "shape" - "Transform shape: 0=egg, 1=diamond" int no default="0"