#File clitkDemonsDeformableRegistration.ggo #Author: Jef Vandemeulebroucke #Date : Tue 13 Februari 2009 16.35 Package "clitk" Version "Apply Demons registration between (2D or 3D) images..." option "config" - "Config file" string no section "Run Time" option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off option "threads" - "Number of threads to use for intensive algorithms (default=min(cores,8))" int no option "debug" - "Give debug info" flag off section "Input" option "reference" r "Input reference image" string yes option "target" t "Input target image" string yes option "init" - "Input initial deformation field" string no section "Output" option "vf" - "Result DVF" string yes option "output" o "Deformed target image" string yes option "before" - "Difference image before " string no option "after" - "Difference image after " string no section "Demons" option "demons" - "Type: 0=normal, 1=symm, 2=fast symm, 3=diffeomorphic" int no default="3" option "levels" - "Number of resolution levels" int no default="1" option "maxIter" - "Maximum number of iterations at each resolution level" int no multiple default="50" option "maxRMSError" - "Maximum RMS error at each resolution level" double no multiple default="1" option "stop" - "Maximum oscillations at each resolution level (-1=unset)" int no multiple default="-1" option "sd" - "SD (in mm) for smoothing in each dimension" double no multiple default="2.0" option "maxStep" - "2,3: Maximum step size (mm)" double no default="2" option "scaleSD" - "Scale SD to coarse resolution levels" flag off option "scaleStep" - "2,3: Scale maximum step size to coarse resolution levels" flag off option "fluid" - "Smooth update field instead of deformation field" flag off option "spacing" - "Use image spacing for derivatives (non-isotropic voxels)" flag off option "intThreshold" - "0,1,2: Intensity threshold to consider intensity equal" double no default="0.001" option "movGrad" - "1: Use moving image gradient" flag off option "gradType" - "2,3: 0=Symmetric, 1=fixed, 2=warpedMoving, 3=mappedMoving" int no default="0" option "firstOrder" - "3: Use first order approx for exponential" flag off