/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ======================================================================-====*/ #ifndef CLITKLIST_TXX #define CLITKLIST_TXX #include "clitkList.h" using namespace std; namespace clitk { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template void List< ListItemType>::Read(const string& filename, bool verbose) { std::ifstream is; openFileForReading(is, filename); this->resize(0); ListItemType item; ValueType x; if(verbose)std::cout<<"Reading "<> x; item[dim]=x; } while (!is.eof()) { this->push_back(item); for (unsigned int dim=0; dim> x; item[dim]=x; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // ReadPointPairs (specific for DARS- IX point list format) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template void List::ReadAndConvertPointPairs(const std::string& fileName, List& correspList, const typename ImageType::Pointer referenceImage, bool verbose) { // Init this->resize(0); correspList.resize(0); // Tags IndexType item1, item2; itk::Point point1,point2; unsigned int pointNumber=0; bool veryUnsure=false; // Read first point bool pointWasFound=ReadPointPair(fileName, pointNumber, item1, item2, veryUnsure); // Loop over all points while (pointWasFound) { // Store the values if(veryUnsure) { if (verbose) std::cout<<"Omitting item "<TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(item1, point1); referenceImage->TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(item2, point2); if (verbose) std::cout<<"Converted items "<push_back(point1); correspList.push_back(point2); } // Next point pointNumber++; pointWasFound=ReadPointPair(fileName, pointNumber, item1, item2, veryUnsure); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read one point //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool List< ListItemType>::ReadPointPair(const std::string& fileName, const unsigned int& pointNumber, IndexType& item1, IndexType& item2, bool& veryUnsure) { // bool bool pointWasFound=false; veryUnsure=false; item1.Fill(0.0); item2.Fill(0.0); // Open the file ifstream listStream(fileName.c_str()); string line; if(!listStream.is_open()){ std::cerr << "ERROR: Couldn't open file " << fileName << " in List::Read" << std::endl; return false; } // Skip the configuration lines while ( !listStream.eof()) { // Get the line skipComment(listStream); getline(listStream, line); // Get the line type unsigned int endIndexItemType= line.find_first_of ("_",0)-1; string typeString= line.substr(0 , endIndexItemType+1); // Check if (typeString=="Point") break; } // Get the point number unsigned int beginIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("_",0)+1; unsigned int endIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("->",0)-1; stringstream numberString( line.substr(beginIndexItemNumber , endIndexItemNumber-beginIndexItemNumber+1) ); unsigned int itemNumber; numberString>> itemNumber; // FF to the pointNumber while ( (itemNumber != pointNumber) && (!listStream.eof()) ) { // Skipcomment skipComment(listStream); // Get Line getline(listStream, line); // Get the point number beginIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("_",0)+1; endIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("->",0)-1; stringstream numberString( line.substr(beginIndexItemNumber , endIndexItemNumber-beginIndexItemNumber+1) ); numberString>> itemNumber; } // Go over all fields of the pointNumber while (itemNumber == pointNumber && (!listStream.eof()) ) { // point found pointWasFound=true; // Get the tag unsigned int beginIndexItemTag= line.find_first_of ("->",0)+2; unsigned int endIndexItemTag= line.find_first_of ("=",0)-1; string itemTag= line.substr(beginIndexItemTag , endIndexItemTag-beginIndexItemTag+1); // Get the point Value unsigned int beginIndexItemValue= line.find_first_of ("=",0)+1; stringstream valueString( line.substr(beginIndexItemValue) ); double itemValue; valueString>> itemValue; // Fill the items if (itemTag=="X") item1[0]=itemValue; if (itemTag=="Y") item1[1]=itemValue; if (itemTag=="Z") item1[2]=itemValue; if (itemTag=="X_Corresp") item2[0]=itemValue; if (itemTag=="Y_Corresp") item2[1]=itemValue; if (itemTag=="Z_Corresp") item2[2]=itemValue; if (itemTag=="VeryUnsure") veryUnsure=itemValue; // Get the next line skipComment(listStream); getline(listStream, line); // Get the point number unsigned int beginIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("_",0)+1; unsigned int endIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("->",0)-1; stringstream numberString( line.substr(beginIndexItemNumber , endIndexItemNumber-beginIndexItemNumber+1) ); numberString >> itemNumber; } return pointWasFound; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template void List< ListItemType>::Print() { for (unsigned int i=0; i< this->size(); i++) std::cout<at(i)< void List::Write(const string fileName, const bool verbose) { ofstream listStream(fileName.c_str()); if(!listStream.is_open()){ cerr << "ERROR: Couldn't open file " << fileName << " in List::Write" << endl; return; } typename ListType::iterator it=this->begin(); while(it!=this->end()) { listStream << (*it)[0]; for (unsigned int i=1; i< this->at(0).Size(); i++) listStream <<" "<< (*it)[i]; listStream<< endl; it++; } listStream.close(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Norm //--------------------------------------------------------------------- template List > List< ListItemType>::Norm() { List > norm; itk::FixedArray n; unsigned int d; for (unsigned int i=0; i< this->size(); i++) { n[0]=0; for (d=0; d< Dimension; d++) n[0]+=this->at(i)[d] * this->at(i)[d]; n[0]=sqrt(n[0]); norm.push_back(n); } return norm; } } #endif //#define CLITKLIST // // Open the file // ifstream listStream(fileName.c_str()); // ListItemType item; // string line; // if(!listStream.is_open()){ // std::cerr << "ERROR: Couldn't open file " << fileName << " in List::Read" << std::endl; // return; // } // skipComment(listStream); // // Skip the configuration lines // while (true) // { // // Get the line // skipComment(listStream); // getline(listStream, line); // // Get the line type // unsigned int endIndexItemType= line.find_first_of ("_",0)-1; // string typeString= line.substr(0 , endIndexItemType+1); // // Check // if (typeString=="Point") // break; // } // // Get the point number // unsigned int beginIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("_",0)+1; // unsigned int endIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("->",0)-1; // stringstream numberString( line.substr(beginIndexItemNumber , endIndexItemNumber-beginIndexItemNumber+1) ); // unsigned int itemNumber; // numberString>> itemNumber; // // Go over all the lines // while(!listStream.eof()) // { // // Stored data // itk::Point point1, point2; // point1.Fill(0.); // point2.Fill(0.); // bool veryUnsure=false; // // Retrieved data // itk::ContinuousIndex item1, item2; // item1.Fill(0.); // item2.Fill(0.); // // Go over all lines corresponding to this point // unsigned int currentNumber=itemNumber; // while (itemNumber == currentNumber && (!listStream.eof()) ) // { // // Get the tag // unsigned int beginIndexItemTag= line.find_first_of ("->",0)+2; // unsigned int endIndexItemTag= line.find_first_of ("=",0)-1; // string itemTag= line.substr(beginIndexItemTag , endIndexItemTag-beginIndexItemTag+1); // // Get the point Value // unsigned int beginIndexItemValue= line.find_first_of ("=",0)+1; // stringstream valueString( line.substr(beginIndexItemValue) ); // double itemValue; // valueString>> itemValue; // // Fill the items // if (itemTag=="X") // item1[0]=itemValue; // if (itemTag=="Y") // item1[1]=itemValue; // if (itemTag=="Z") // item1[2]=itemValue; // if (itemTag=="X_Corresp") // item2[0]=itemValue; // if (itemTag=="Y_Corresp") // item2[1]=itemValue; // if (itemTag=="Z_Corresp") // item2[2]=itemValue; // if (itemTag=="VeryUnsure") // veryUnsure=itemValue; // // Get the next line // skipComment(listStream); // getline(listStream, line); // // Get the point number // unsigned int beginIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("_",0)+1; // unsigned int endIndexItemNumber= line.find_first_of ("->",0)-1; // stringstream numberString( line.substr(beginIndexItemNumber , endIndexItemNumber-beginIndexItemNumber+1) ); // numberString>> itemNumber; // }