/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ======================================================================-====*/ #ifndef __clitkMultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration_h #define __clitkMultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration_h #include "itkImage.h" #include "itkImageToImageFilter.h" #include "itkPDEDeformableRegistrationFilter.h" #include "itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h" #include "itkMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter.h" #include "itkVectorResampleImageFilter.h" #include "itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.h" #include namespace clitk { template class ITK_EXPORT MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration : public itk::ImageToImageFilter { public: /** Standard class typedefs */ typedef MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration Self; typedef itk::ImageToImageFilter Superclass; typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ itkNewMacro(Self); /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ itkTypeMacro( MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration, ImageToImageFilter ); /** Fixed image type. */ typedef TFixedImage FixedImageType; typedef typename FixedImageType::Pointer FixedImagePointer; typedef typename FixedImageType::ConstPointer FixedImageConstPointer; /** Moving image type. */ typedef TMovingImage MovingImageType; typedef typename MovingImageType::Pointer MovingImagePointer; typedef typename MovingImageType::ConstPointer MovingImageConstPointer; /** Deformation field image type. */ typedef TDeformationField DeformationFieldType; typedef typename DeformationFieldType::Pointer DeformationFieldPointer; /** ImageDimension. */ itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension, unsigned int, FixedImageType::ImageDimension); /** Internal float image type. */ typedef itk::Image FloatImageType; /** The internal registration type. */ typedef itk::PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter< FloatImageType, FloatImageType, DeformationFieldType > RegistrationType; typedef typename RegistrationType::Pointer RegistrationPointer; /** The default registration type. */ typedef itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< FloatImageType, FloatImageType, DeformationFieldType > DefaultRegistrationType; /** The fixed multi-resolution image pyramid type. */ typedef itk::MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter< FixedImageType, FloatImageType > FixedImagePyramidType; typedef typename FixedImagePyramidType::Pointer FixedImagePyramidPointer; /** The moving multi-resolution image pyramid type. */ typedef itk::MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter< MovingImageType, FloatImageType > MovingImagePyramidType; typedef typename MovingImagePyramidType::Pointer MovingImagePyramidPointer; /** The deformation field expander type. */ typedef itk::VectorResampleImageFilter< DeformationFieldType, DeformationFieldType > FieldExpanderType; typedef typename FieldExpanderType::Pointer FieldExpanderPointer; /** Set the fixed image. */ virtual void SetFixedImage( const FixedImageType * ptr ); /** Get the fixed image. */ const FixedImageType * GetFixedImage(void) const; /** Set the moving image. */ virtual void SetMovingImage( const MovingImageType * ptr ); /** Get the moving image. */ const MovingImageType * GetMovingImage(void) const; /** Set initial deformation field to be used as is (no smoothing, no * subsampling at the coarsest level of the pyramid. */ virtual void SetInitialDeformationField( DeformationFieldType * ptr ) { this->m_InitialDeformationField=ptr; } /** Set initial deformation field. No assumption is made on the * input. It will therefore be smoothed and resampled to match the * images characteristics at the coarsest level of the pyramid. */ virtual void SetArbitraryInitialDeformationField( DeformationFieldType * ptr ) { this->SetInput( ptr ); } /** Get output deformation field. */ const DeformationFieldType * GetDeformationField(void) { return this->GetOutput(); } /** Get the number of valid inputs. For * MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration, this checks whether the * fixed and moving images have been set. While * MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration can take a third input * as an initial deformation field, this input is not a required input. */ virtual std::vector >::size_type GetNumberOfValidRequiredInputs() const; /** Set the internal registrator. */ itkSetObjectMacro( RegistrationFilter, RegistrationType ); /** Get the internal registrator. */ itkGetObjectMacro( RegistrationFilter, RegistrationType ); /** Set the fixed image pyramid. */ itkSetObjectMacro( FixedImagePyramid, FixedImagePyramidType ); /** Get the fixed image pyramid. */ itkGetObjectMacro( FixedImagePyramid, FixedImagePyramidType ); /** Set the moving image pyramid. */ itkSetObjectMacro( MovingImagePyramid, MovingImagePyramidType ); /** Get the moving image pyramid. */ itkGetObjectMacro( MovingImagePyramid, MovingImagePyramidType ); /** Set number of multi-resolution levels. */ virtual void SetNumberOfLevels( unsigned int num ); /** Get number of multi-resolution levels. */ itkGetConstReferenceMacro( NumberOfLevels, unsigned int ); /** Get the current resolution level being processed. */ itkGetConstReferenceMacro( CurrentLevel, unsigned int ); /** Set number of iterations per multi-resolution levels. */ itkSetVectorMacro( NumberOfIterations, unsigned int, m_NumberOfLevels ); /** Set the moving image pyramid. */ itkSetObjectMacro( FieldExpander, FieldExpanderType ); /** Get the moving image pyramid. */ itkGetObjectMacro( FieldExpander, FieldExpanderType ); /** Get number of iterations per multi-resolution levels. */ virtual const unsigned int * GetNumberOfIterations() const { return &(m_NumberOfIterations[0]); } /** Stop the registration after the current iteration. */ virtual void StopRegistration(); protected: MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration(); ~MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration() {} void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const; /** Generate output data by performing the registration * at each resolution level. */ virtual void GenerateData(); /** The current implementation of this class does not support * streaming. As such it requires the largest possible region * for the moving, fixed and input deformation field. */ virtual void GenerateInputRequestedRegion(); /** By default, the output deformation field has the same * spacing, origin and LargestPossibleRegion as the input/initial * deformation field. * * If the initial deformation field is not set, the output * information is copied from the fixed image. */ virtual void GenerateOutputInformation(); /** The current implementation of this class does not supprot * streaming. As such it produces the output for the largest * possible region. */ virtual void EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion( itk::DataObject *ptr ); /** This method returns true to indicate that the registration should * terminate at the current resolution level. */ virtual bool Halt(); private: MultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration(const Self&); //purposely not implemented void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented RegistrationPointer m_RegistrationFilter; FixedImagePyramidPointer m_FixedImagePyramid; MovingImagePyramidPointer m_MovingImagePyramid; FieldExpanderPointer m_FieldExpander; DeformationFieldPointer m_InitialDeformationField; unsigned int m_NumberOfLevels; unsigned int m_CurrentLevel; std::vector m_NumberOfIterations; /** Flag to indicate user stop registration request. */ bool m_StopRegistrationFlag; }; } // end namespace clitk #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION #include "clitkMultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration.txx" #endif #endif