/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ======================================================================-====*/ #ifndef _clitkNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric_h #define _clitkNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric_h // First make sure that the configuration is available. // This line can be removed once the optimized versions // gets integrated into the main directories. #include "itkConfigure.h" #ifdef ITK_USE_OPTIMIZED_REGISTRATION_METHODS #include "clitkOptNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric.h" #else #include "itkImageToImageMetric.h" #include "itkCovariantVector.h" #include "itkPoint.h" namespace clitk { template < class TFixedImage, class TMovingImage > class ITK_EXPORT NormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric : public itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage> { public: /** Standard class typedefs. */ typedef NormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric Self; typedef itk::ImageToImageMetric Superclass; typedef itk::SmartPointer Pointer; typedef itk::SmartPointer ConstPointer; /** Method for creation through the object factory. */ itkNewMacro(Self); /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */ itkTypeMacro(NormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric, itk::Object); /** Types transferred from the base class */ typedef typename Superclass::RealType RealType; typedef typename Superclass::TransformType TransformType; typedef typename Superclass::TransformPointer TransformPointer; typedef typename Superclass::TransformParametersType TransformParametersType; typedef typename Superclass::TransformJacobianType TransformJacobianType; typedef typename Superclass::GradientPixelType GradientPixelType; typedef typename Superclass::OutputPointType OutputPointType; typedef typename Superclass::InputPointType InputPointType; typedef typename Superclass::MeasureType MeasureType; typedef typename Superclass::DerivativeType DerivativeType; typedef typename Superclass::FixedImageType FixedImageType; typedef typename Superclass::MovingImageType MovingImageType; typedef typename Superclass::FixedImageConstPointer FixedImageConstPointer; typedef typename Superclass::MovingImageConstPointer MovingImageConstPointer; /** Get the derivatives of the match measure. */ void GetDerivative( const TransformParametersType & parameters, DerivativeType & Derivative ) const; /** Get the value for single valued optimizers. */ MeasureType GetValue( const TransformParametersType & parameters ) const; /** Get value and derivatives for multiple valued optimizers. */ void GetValueAndDerivative( const TransformParametersType & parameters, MeasureType& Value, DerivativeType& Derivative ) const; /** Set/Get SubtractMean boolean. If true, the sample mean is subtracted * from the sample values in the cross-correlation formula and * typically results in narrower valleys in the cost fucntion. * Default value is false. */ itkSetMacro( SubtractMean, bool ); itkGetConstReferenceMacro( SubtractMean, bool ); itkBooleanMacro( SubtractMean ); protected: NormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric(); virtual ~NormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric() {}; void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const; private: NormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric(const Self&); //purposely not implemented void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented bool m_SubtractMean; }; } // end namespace clitk #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION #include "clitkNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric.txx" #endif #endif // opt #endif // _clitkNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric.txx