/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================**/ #ifndef __clitkSpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod_txx #define __clitkSpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod_txx #include "clitkSpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod.h" #include "clitkRecursiveSpatioTemporalMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter.h" namespace clitk { /** * Constructor */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod() { this->SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs( 1 ); // for the Transform m_FixedImage = 0; // has to be provided by the user. m_MovingImage = 0; // has to be provided by the user. m_Transform = 0; // has to be provided by the user. m_Interpolator = 0; // has to be provided by the user. m_Metric = 0; // has to be provided by the user. m_Optimizer = 0; // has to be provided by the user. // Use SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter as the default // image pyramids. m_FixedImagePyramid = FixedImagePyramidType::New(); m_MovingImagePyramid = MovingImagePyramidType::New(); m_NumberOfLevels = 1; m_CurrentLevel = 0; m_Stop = false; m_ScheduleSpecified = false; m_NumberOfLevelsSpecified = false; m_InitialTransformParameters = ParametersType(1); m_InitialTransformParametersOfNextLevel = ParametersType(1); m_LastTransformParameters = ParametersType(1); m_InitialTransformParameters.Fill( 0.0f ); m_InitialTransformParametersOfNextLevel.Fill( 0.0f ); m_LastTransformParameters.Fill( 0.0f ); TransformOutputPointer transformDecorator = static_cast< TransformOutputType * >( this->MakeOutput(0).GetPointer() ); this->ProcessObject::SetNthOutput( 0, transformDecorator.GetPointer() ); } /* * Initialize by setting the interconnects between components. */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > void SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::Initialize() throw (ExceptionObject) { // Sanity checks if ( !m_Metric ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Metric is not present" ); } if ( !m_Optimizer ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Optimizer is not present" ); } if( !m_Transform ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Transform is not present"); } if( !m_Interpolator ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Interpolator is not present"); } // Setup the metric m_Metric->SetMovingImage( m_MovingImagePyramid->GetOutput(m_CurrentLevel) ); m_Metric->SetFixedImage( m_FixedImagePyramid->GetOutput(m_CurrentLevel) ); m_Metric->SetTransform( m_Transform ); m_Metric->SetInterpolator( m_Interpolator ); m_Metric->SetFixedImageRegion( m_FixedImageRegionPyramid[ m_CurrentLevel ] ); m_Metric->Initialize(); // Setup the optimizer m_Optimizer->SetCostFunction( m_Metric ); m_Optimizer->SetInitialPosition( m_InitialTransformParametersOfNextLevel ); // // Connect the transform to the Decorator. // TransformOutputType * transformOutput = static_cast< TransformOutputType * >( this->ProcessObject::GetOutput(0) ); transformOutput->Set( m_Transform.GetPointer() ); } /* * Stop the Registration Process */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > void SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::StopRegistration( void ) { m_Stop = true; } /** * Set the schedules for the fixed and moving image pyramid */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > void SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::SetSchedules( const ScheduleType & fixedImagePyramidSchedule, const ScheduleType & movingImagePyramidSchedule ) { if( m_NumberOfLevelsSpecified ) { itkExceptionMacro( "SetSchedules should not be used " << "if numberOfLevelves are specified using SetNumberOfLevels" ); } m_FixedImagePyramidSchedule = fixedImagePyramidSchedule; m_MovingImagePyramidSchedule = movingImagePyramidSchedule; m_ScheduleSpecified = true; //Set the number of levels based on the pyramid schedule specified if ( m_FixedImagePyramidSchedule.rows() != m_MovingImagePyramidSchedule.rows()) { itkExceptionMacro("The specified schedules contain unequal number of levels"); } else { m_NumberOfLevels = m_FixedImagePyramidSchedule.rows(); } this->Modified(); } /** * Set the number of levels */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > void SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::SetNumberOfLevels( unsigned long numberOfLevels ) { if( m_ScheduleSpecified ) { itkExceptionMacro( "SetNumberOfLevels should not be used " << "if schedules have been specified using SetSchedules method " ); } m_NumberOfLevels = numberOfLevels; m_NumberOfLevelsSpecified = true; this->Modified(); } /** * Stop the Registration Process */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > void SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::PreparePyramids( void ) { if( !m_Transform ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Transform is not present"); } m_InitialTransformParametersOfNextLevel = m_InitialTransformParameters; if ( m_InitialTransformParametersOfNextLevel.Size() != m_Transform->GetNumberOfParameters() ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Size mismatch between initial parameter and transform"); } // Sanity checks if( !m_FixedImage ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"FixedImage is not present"); } if( !m_MovingImage ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"MovingImage is not present"); } if( !m_FixedImagePyramid ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Fixed image pyramid is not present"); } if( !m_MovingImagePyramid ) { itkExceptionMacro(<<"Moving image pyramid is not present"); } // Setup the fixed and moving image pyramid if( m_NumberOfLevelsSpecified ) { m_FixedImagePyramid->SetNumberOfLevels( m_NumberOfLevels ); m_MovingImagePyramid->SetNumberOfLevels( m_NumberOfLevels ); } if( m_ScheduleSpecified ) { m_FixedImagePyramid->SetNumberOfLevels( m_FixedImagePyramidSchedule.rows()); m_FixedImagePyramid->SetSchedule( m_FixedImagePyramidSchedule ); m_MovingImagePyramid->SetNumberOfLevels( m_MovingImagePyramidSchedule.rows()); m_MovingImagePyramid->SetSchedule( m_MovingImagePyramidSchedule ); } m_FixedImagePyramid->SetInput( m_FixedImage ); m_FixedImagePyramid->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion(); // Setup the moving image pyramid m_MovingImagePyramid->SetInput( m_MovingImage ); m_MovingImagePyramid->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion(); typedef typename FixedImageRegionType::SizeType SizeType; typedef typename FixedImageRegionType::IndexType IndexType; ScheduleType schedule = m_FixedImagePyramid->GetSchedule(); std::cout << "FixedImage schedule: " << schedule << std::endl; ScheduleType movingschedule = m_MovingImagePyramid->GetSchedule(); std::cout << "MovingImage schedule: " << movingschedule << std::endl; SizeType inputSize = m_FixedImageRegion.GetSize(); IndexType inputStart = m_FixedImageRegion.GetIndex(); const unsigned long numberOfLevels = m_FixedImagePyramid->GetNumberOfLevels(); m_FixedImageRegionPyramid.reserve( numberOfLevels ); m_FixedImageRegionPyramid.resize( numberOfLevels ); // Compute the FixedImageRegion corresponding to each level of the // pyramid. This uses the same algorithm of the ShrinkImageFilter // since the regions should be compatible. for ( unsigned int level=0; level < numberOfLevels; level++ ) { SizeType size; IndexType start; for ( unsigned int dim = 0; dim < TFixedImage::ImageDimension; dim++) { const float scaleFactor = static_cast( schedule[ level ][ dim ] ); size[ dim ] = static_cast( vcl_floor(static_cast( inputSize[ dim ] ) / scaleFactor ) ); if( size[ dim ] < 1 ) { size[ dim ] = 1; } start[ dim ] = static_cast( vcl_ceil(static_cast( inputStart[ dim ] ) / scaleFactor ) ); } m_FixedImageRegionPyramid[ level ].SetSize( size ); m_FixedImageRegionPyramid[ level ].SetIndex( start ); } } /* * Starts the Registration Process */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > void SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::StartRegistration( void ) { // StartRegistration is an old API from before // this egistrationMethod was a subclass of ProcessObject. // Historically, one could call StartRegistration() instead of // calling Update(). However, when called directly by the user, the // inputs to the RegistrationMethod may not be up to date. This // may cause an unexpected behavior. // // Since we cannot eliminate StartRegistration for backward // compability reasons, we check whether StartRegistration was // called directly or whether Update() (which in turn called // StartRegistration()). if (!m_Updating) { this->Update(); } else { m_Stop = false; this->PreparePyramids(); for ( m_CurrentLevel = 0; m_CurrentLevel < m_NumberOfLevels; m_CurrentLevel++ ) { // Invoke an iteration event. // This allows a UI to reset any of the components between // resolution level. this->InvokeEvent( IterationEvent() ); // Check if there has been a stop request if ( m_Stop ) { break; } try { // initialize the interconnects between components this->Initialize(); } catch( ExceptionObject& err ) { m_LastTransformParameters = ParametersType(1); m_LastTransformParameters.Fill( 0.0f ); // pass exception to caller throw err; } try { // do the optimization m_Optimizer->StartOptimization(); } catch( ExceptionObject& err ) { // An error has occurred in the optimization. // Update the parameters m_LastTransformParameters = m_Optimizer->GetCurrentPosition(); // Pass exception to caller throw err; } // get the results m_LastTransformParameters = m_Optimizer->GetCurrentPosition(); m_Transform->SetParameters( m_LastTransformParameters ); // setup the initial parameters for next level if ( m_CurrentLevel < m_NumberOfLevels - 1 ) { m_InitialTransformParametersOfNextLevel = m_LastTransformParameters; } } } } /* * PrintSelf */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > void SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const { Superclass::PrintSelf( os, indent ); os << indent << "Metric: " << m_Metric.GetPointer() << std::endl; os << indent << "Optimizer: " << m_Optimizer.GetPointer() << std::endl; os << indent << "Transform: " << m_Transform.GetPointer() << std::endl; os << indent << "Interpolator: " << m_Interpolator.GetPointer() << std::endl; os << indent << "FixedImage: " << m_FixedImage.GetPointer() << std::endl; os << indent << "MovingImage: " << m_MovingImage.GetPointer() << std::endl; os << indent << "FixedImagePyramid: "; os << m_FixedImagePyramid.GetPointer() << std::endl; os << indent << "MovingImagePyramid: "; os << m_MovingImagePyramid.GetPointer() << std::endl; os << indent << "NumberOfLevels: "; os << m_NumberOfLevels << std::endl; os << indent << "CurrentLevel: "; os << m_CurrentLevel << std::endl; os << indent << "InitialTransformParameters: "; os << m_InitialTransformParameters << std::endl; os << indent << "InitialTransformParametersOfNextLevel: "; os << m_InitialTransformParametersOfNextLevel << std::endl; os << indent << "LastTransformParameters: "; os << m_LastTransformParameters << std::endl; os << indent << "FixedImageRegion: "; os << m_FixedImageRegion << std::endl; for(unsigned int level=0; level< m_FixedImageRegionPyramid.size(); level++) { os << indent << "FixedImageRegion at level " << level << ": "; os << m_FixedImageRegionPyramid[level] << std::endl; } os << indent << "FixedImagePyramidSchedule : " << std::endl; os << m_FixedImagePyramidSchedule << std::endl; os << indent << "MovingImagePyramidSchedule : " << std::endl; os << m_MovingImagePyramidSchedule << std::endl; } /* * Generate Data */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > void SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::GenerateData() { this->StartRegistration(); } template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > unsigned long SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::GetMTime() const { unsigned long mtime = Superclass::GetMTime(); unsigned long m; // Some of the following should be removed once ivars are put in the // input and output lists if (m_Transform) { m = m_Transform->GetMTime(); mtime = (m > mtime ? m : mtime); } if (m_Interpolator) { m = m_Interpolator->GetMTime(); mtime = (m > mtime ? m : mtime); } if (m_Metric) { m = m_Metric->GetMTime(); mtime = (m > mtime ? m : mtime); } if (m_Optimizer) { m = m_Optimizer->GetMTime(); mtime = (m > mtime ? m : mtime); } if (m_FixedImage) { m = m_FixedImage->GetMTime(); mtime = (m > mtime ? m : mtime); } if (m_MovingImage) { m = m_MovingImage->GetMTime(); mtime = (m > mtime ? m : mtime); } return mtime; } /* * Get Output */ template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > const typename SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod::TransformOutputType * SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::GetOutput() const { return static_cast< const TransformOutputType * >( this->ProcessObject::GetOutput(0) ); } template < typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage > DataObject::Pointer SpatioTemporalMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod ::MakeOutput(unsigned int output) { switch (output) { case 0: return static_cast(TransformOutputType::New().GetPointer()); break; default: itkExceptionMacro("MakeOutput request for an output number larger than the expected number of outputs"); return 0; } } } // end namespace clitk #endif