# Find the bbtk package wx # The package is called 'bbwx' # It itself finds bbtk and automatically exports its dependency on it # Set 'FIND_PACKAGE_VERBOSE' to have information on the packages found SET(FIND_PACKAGE_VERBOSE 1) # Find FIND_PACKAGE(bbwx) # Use if found IF(bbwx_FOUND) INCLUDE(${bbwx_USE_FILE}) ENDIF(bbwx_FOUND) SET(USE_WXWIDGETS ON) CREA_FIND_AND_USE_LIBRARIES() SET(SAMPLE bbtkSampleInsertWxBlackBoxInOwnFrame) # main ADD_EXECUTABLE(${SAMPLE} WIN32 ${SAMPLE}) IF(WIN32) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${SAMPLE} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS /subsystem:console ) ENDIF(WIN32) # Link against bbwx TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${SAMPLE} ${BBTK_LIBRARIES} ${bbwx_LIBRARIES} ${WXWIDGETS_LIBRARIES})