#File clitkExtractLungs.ggo package "clitkExtractLungs" version "1.0" purpose "Segment lungs in CT image. Need 'patient' mask." option "config" - "Config file" string no option "imagetypes" - "Display allowed image types" flag off option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off option "verboseStep" - "Verbose each step" flag off option "writeStep" w "Write image at each step" flag off option "verboseOption" - "Display options values" flag off option "verboseWarningOff" - "Do not display warning" flag off section "I/O" option "input" i "Input CT image filename" string yes option "patient" p "Input patient mask filename" string yes option "patientBG" - "Patient Background" int default="0" no option "output" o "Output lungs mask filename" string yes option "outputTrachea" t "Output trachea mask filename" string no section "Step 1 : Air remove" option "lower" - "Initial lower threshold" double no option "upper" - "Initial upper threshold" double no default="-300" option "minSize" - "Minimum component size in voxels" int no default="100" option "remove1" - "Labels not to keep in air mask (lungs)" int no multiple default="2" option "firstKeep1" - "First label to keep" int no default="1" option "lastKeep1" - "Last label to keep" int no section "Step 2 : find trachea" option "skipslices" - "Number of slices to skip before searching seed" int no default="0" option "upperThresholdForTrachea" - "Initial upper threshold for trachea" double no default="-900" option "multiplierForTrachea" - "Multiplier for the region growing" double no default="5" option "thresholdStepSizeForTrachea" - "Threshold step size" int no default="64" option "seed" - "Index of the trachea seed point" int no multiple section "Step 3 : auto extract lung" option "bins" - "Number of bins to use for the Otsu thresholding" int no default="500" option "remove2" - "Labels not to keep in air mask (gas)" int no multiple option "firstKeep2" - "First label to keep" int no default="1" option "lastKeep2" - "Last label to keep" int no section "Step 4 : remove trachea" option "radius" - "Radius for dilation" int no default="1" option "remove3" - "Labels not to keep in lungs mask (trachea)" int no multiple option "firstKeep3" - "First label to keep" int no default="1" option "lastKeep3" - "Last label to keep" int no default="2"