/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://www.centreleonberard.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ===========================================================================*/ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: ExtractStation_4RL_SI_Limits() { /* Station 4R: right lower paratracheal nodes From superior to inferior, the delineation of Station 4R starts at the top of the aortic arch (Fig. 2D) and ends at the upper lobe bronchus or where the right pulmonary artery crosses the midline of the mediastinum (Fig. 3E,F). On the left side, Station 4R is defined by the midline of the trachea (Fig. 2D). On the right side, it is contained within the pleural envelope in the upper part, medial to the superior vena cava and the arch of the azygos vein in the intermediate section (Fig. 2I and 3A,B) and the right upper lobe pulmonary vein in its very caudal part. Anteriorly, it is limited most supe- riorly by the right brachiocephalic vein (Fig. 2D–H), fol- lowed by the superior vena cava and the arch or ascending section of the aorta (Figs. 2I and 3A–E). In between the superior vena cava and the aorta, we recommend delineating Station 4R so that it extends halfway between the two vessels where it will contact Station 3A or 6 (Figs. 2H,I and 3A–D). Posteriorly, Station 4R is defined at its superior extent by an imaginary horizontal line running along the posterior wall of the trachea (Fig. 2E). Inferiorly, it remains anterior to the right main stem bronchus, filling the soft- tissue space between the vessels. */ StartNewStep("[Station 4R]Inf/Sup mediastinum limits with aortic arch/upperLBronchus"); /* SupInf limits : - top of aortic arch - ends at the upper lobe bronchus or where the right pulmonary artery crosses the midline of the mediastinum */ // Local variables double m_TopOfAorticArchInMM; double m_UpperLobeBronchusZPositionInMM; double m_RightPulmoArteyrCrossesMidMediastinumZPositionInMM; // Get Inputs m_TopOfAorticArchInMM = GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("TopOfAorticArch", 2); DD(m_TopOfAorticArchInMM); m_UpperLobeBronchusZPositionInMM = GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("RightUpperLobeBronchus", 2); DD(m_UpperLobeBronchusZPositionInMM); m_RightPulmoArteyrCrossesMidMediastinumZPositionInMM = GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("RightPulmoArteryCrossesMidMediastinum", 2); DD(m_RightPulmoArteyrCrossesMidMediastinumZPositionInMM); /* Crop support */ double inf = std::max(m_UpperLobeBronchusZPositionInMM, m_RightPulmoArteyrCrossesMidMediastinumZPositionInMM); m_Working_Support = clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis(m_Mediastinum, 2, inf, m_TopOfAorticArchInMM, true, GetBackgroundValue()); StopCurrentStep(m_Working_Support); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: ExtractStation_4RL_LR_Limits() { // 4R first // Left : midline of the trachea // Right : "- upper part : contained within the pleural envelope //- intermediate section : medial to the superior vena cava and the arch of the azygos vein // - very caudal part : right upper lobe pulmonary vein" // AAV ?? // Left -> midline of the trachea // slice by slice, find X coord of 2D centroid (?) // check with previous line in order to not move too fast // ---------------------------------------------------------- StartNewStep("[Station 4R] Left limits with midline of trachea "); /* Two possible approaches 1) use trachea skeleton (clitkExtractAirwaysTreeInfo) -> but need to analyse the tree to remove "false" bifurcation -> need to track from top to bottom, with each bronchus -> how to stay on the main path ? 2) analyse slice by slice the trachea, labelize and take the first or two first connected components -> find centroids. -> not really "smooth" when bronchus slicing lead to "splated" region ==> we choose 2 */ // Crop the trachea like the current support MaskImagePointer Trachea = GetAFDB()->template GetImage ("Trachea"); MaskImagePointer crop_trachea = clitk::ResizeImageLike(Trachea, m_Working_Support, GetBackgroundValue()); writeImage(crop_trachea, "croptrachea.mhd"); // Extract all the slices std::vector bronchi_slices; clitk::ExtractSlices(crop_trachea, 2, bronchi_slices); // List of midpoints std::vector midpoints; // Add mid points below carina, from foot to head for(uint i=0; iGetLargestPossibleRegion().GetIndex(); for(uint i=0; i<3; i++) { p[i] += Trachea->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[i]; } MaskImagePointType q; Trachea->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(p, q); double maxZ = q[2]; double m_CarinaZ = GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("Carina", 2); MaskImagePointer m_above_carina = clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis(Trachea, 2, m_CarinaZ, maxZ, true, GetBackgroundValue()); writeImage(m_above_carina, "above.mhd"); // Extract all the slices std::vector trachea_slices; clitk::ExtractSlices(m_above_carina, 2, trachea_slices); // Find centroid of the trachea in each slice std::vector points; typedef typename MaskSliceType::PointType SlicePointType; SlicePointType previous; // Start from patient top (head) for(uint i=0; i(trachea_slices[i], GetBackgroundValue(), true, 10); // Get centroid std::vector c; clitk::ComputeCentroids(trachea_slices[i], GetBackgroundValue(), c); // Keep first one (first connected component label) and convert to 3D MaskImagePointType p; p[2] = m_above_carina->GetOrigin()[2] + i*m_above_carina->GetSpacing()[2]; p[0] = c[1][0]; p[1] = c[1][1]; midpoints.push_back(p); } // DEBUG POINTS std::ofstream osp; openFileForWriting(osp, "mp.txt"); osp << "LANDMARKS1" << std::endl; for(uint i=0; i(m_Working_Support); m_RightSupport = clitk::NewImageLike(m_Working_Support); // Loop on current support, slice by slice typedef itk::ImageSliceIteratorWithIndex SliceIteratorType; SliceIteratorType iter = SliceIteratorType(m_Working_Support, m_Working_Support->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); SliceIteratorType iterL = SliceIteratorType(m_LeftSupport, m_LeftSupport->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); SliceIteratorType iterR = SliceIteratorType(m_RightSupport, m_RightSupport->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); iter.SetFirstDirection(0); iter.SetSecondDirection(1); iter.GoToBegin(); iterL.SetFirstDirection(0); iterL.SetSecondDirection(1); iterL.GoToBegin(); iterR.SetFirstDirection(0); iterR.SetSecondDirection(1); iterR.GoToBegin(); int slice=0; // Assert starting of image has the same Z than first midpoints while (midpoints[slice][2] != m_Working_Support->GetOrigin()[2]) { slice++; if ((uint)slice >= midpoints.size()) { clitkExceptionMacro("Bug while searching for first midpoint to use"); } } // Start loop while (!iter.IsAtEnd()) { ImageIndexType index; m_Working_Support->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(midpoints[slice], index); while (!iter.IsAtEndOfSlice()) { // convert into index while (!iter.IsAtEndOfLine()) { // if indexcourant (m_LeftSupport, GetBackgroundValue()); m_RightSupport = clitk::AutoCrop(m_RightSupport, GetBackgroundValue()); writeImage(m_LeftSupport, "lsac.mhd"); writeImage(m_RightSupport, "rsac.mhd"); StopCurrentStep(m_RightSupport); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constraint at right from the SVC. Must be after MidTrachea limits // (if not, bronchus can be split, midposition is false) StartNewStep("[Station 4R] R limits with SVC "); MaskImagePointer svc = GetAFDB()->template GetImage("SVC"); typedef clitk::AddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter RelPosFilterType; typename RelPosFilterType::Pointer relPosFilter = RelPosFilterType::New(); /* relPosFilter->SetVerboseStep(false); relPosFilter->SetInput(m_RightSupport); // only right here ... relPosFilter->SetInputObject(svc); relPosFilter->SetOrientationType(RelPosFilterType::RightTo); relPosFilter->SetIntermediateSpacing(2); relPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(0.3); relPosFilter->Update(); m_RightSupport = relPosFilter->GetOutput(); */ /* ==> TODO RIGHT TO MEDIAL TO SVC : get centroid, cut in X direction to get medial ==> REDO OPERATOR to find extrma points ? centroid or skeleton ? */ relPosFilter = RelPosFilterType::New(); relPosFilter->VerboseStepFlagOff(); relPosFilter->SetInput(m_RightSupport); // only right here ... relPosFilter->SetInputObject(svc); relPosFilter->AddOrientationType(RelPosFilterType::AntTo); relPosFilter->InverseOrientationFlagOn(); relPosFilter->SetIntermediateSpacing(2); // this is important to put it low relPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(0.6); relPosFilter->Update(); m_RightSupport = relPosFilter->GetOutput(); // AutoCrop m_RightSupport = clitk::AutoCrop(m_RightSupport, GetBackgroundValue()); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: ExtractStation_4RL_AP_Limits() { /* post of S4R - sup part -> cut line post wall trachea - inf part (where ???) -> remains anterior to the right main stem bronchus ==> bo */ // Post (not Ant) to Aorta MaskImagePointer aorta = GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Aorta"); // Crop according to current support aorta = clitk::ResizeImageLike(aorta, m_RightSupport, GetBackgroundValue()); typedef clitk::AddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter RelPosFilterType; typename RelPosFilterType::Pointer relPosFilter = RelPosFilterType::New(); relPosFilter = RelPosFilterType::New(); relPosFilter->VerboseStepFlagOff(); relPosFilter->SetInput(m_RightSupport); // only right here ... relPosFilter->SetInputObject(aorta); relPosFilter->AddOrientationType(RelPosFilterType::PostTo); // relPosFilter->NotFlagOn(); relPosFilter->SetIntermediateSpacing(2); // this is important to put it low relPosFilter->SetFuzzyThreshold(0.6); relPosFilter->Update(); m_RightSupport = relPosFilter->GetOutput(); m_ListOfStations["4R"] = m_RightSupport; StopCurrentStep(m_RightSupport); // POST -> horizontal lines bronchus --> points dectection in S7 to store. } //--------------------------------------------------------------------