/*========================================================================= Program: vv http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv Authors belong to: - University of LYON http://www.universite-lyon.fr/ - Léon Bérard cancer center http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr - CREATIS CNRS laboratory http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the copyright notices for more information. It is distributed under dual licence - BSD See included LICENSE.txt file - CeCILL-B http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html ======================================================================-====*/ #ifndef CLITKEXTRACTLYMPHSTATIONSFILTER_TXX #define CLITKEXTRACTLYMPHSTATIONSFILTER_TXX // clitk #include "clitkCommon.h" #include "clitkExtractLymphStationsFilter.h" #include "clitkAddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter.h" #include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h" #include "clitkAutoCropFilter.h" #include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h" #include "clitkSliceBySliceRelativePositionFilter.h" #include "clitkMeshToBinaryImageFilter.h" // itk #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // itk ENST #include "RelativePositionPropImageFilter.h" // vtk #include #include #include //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: ExtractLymphStationsFilter(): clitk::StructuresExtractionFilter() { this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs(1); SetBackgroundValue(0); SetForegroundValue(1); ComputeStationsSupportsFlagOn(); // Default values ExtractStation_3P_SetDefaultValues(); ExtractStation_2RL_SetDefaultValues(); ExtractStation_3A_SetDefaultValues(); ExtractStation_1RL_SetDefaultValues(); ExtractStation_4RL_SetDefaultValues(); ExtractStation_5_SetDefaultValues(); ExtractStation_6_SetDefaultValues(); // TODO ExtractStation_7_SetDefaultValues(); ExtractStation_8_SetDefaultValues(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: GenerateOutputInformation() { // Get inputs this->LoadAFDB(); m_Input = dynamic_cast(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0)); m_Mediastinum = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage ("Mediastinum"); // Clean some computer landmarks to force the recomputation this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("AntPostVesselsSeparation"); // Global supports for stations bool supportsExist = true; try { m_ListOfSupports["S1R"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S1R"); m_ListOfSupports["S1L"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S1L"); m_ListOfSupports["S2R"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S2R"); m_ListOfSupports["S2L"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S2L"); m_ListOfSupports["S4R"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S4R"); m_ListOfSupports["S4L"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S4L"); m_ListOfSupports["S3A"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S3A"); m_ListOfSupports["S3P"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S3P"); m_ListOfSupports["S5"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S5"); m_ListOfSupports["S6"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S6"); m_ListOfSupports["S7"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S7"); m_ListOfSupports["S8"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S8"); m_ListOfSupports["S9"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S9"); m_ListOfSupports["S10"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S10"); m_ListOfSupports["S11"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S11"); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject o) { supportsExist = false; } if (!supportsExist || GetComputeStationsSupportsFlag()) { this->StartNewStep("Supports for stations"); this->StartSubStep(); this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("CarinaZ"); this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("ApexOfTheChestZ"); this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("ApexOfTheChest"); this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("RightBronchus"); this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("LeftBronchus"); this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("SuperiorBorderOfAorticArchZ"); this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("SuperiorBorderOfAorticArch"); this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("InferiorBorderOfAorticArchZ"); this->GetAFDB()->RemoveTag("InferiorBorderOfAorticArch"); ExtractStationSupports(); this->StopSubStep(); } // Extract Stations ExtractStation_1RL(); ExtractStation_2RL(); ExtractStation_3P(); ExtractStation_3A(); ExtractStation_4RL(); ExtractStation_5(); ExtractStation_6(); // ---------- TODO ----------------------- // Extract Station8 ExtractStation_8(); // Extract Station7 this->StartNewStep("Station 7"); this->StartSubStep(); ExtractStation_7(); this->StopSubStep(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: GenerateInputRequestedRegion() { //DD("GenerateInputRequestedRegion (nothing?)"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: GenerateData() { // Final Step -> graft output (if SetNthOutput => redo) this->GraftOutput(m_ListOfStations["8"]); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: CheckForStation(std::string station) { // Compute Station name std::string s = "Station"+station; // Check if station already exist in DB bool found = false; if (this->GetAFDB()->TagExist(s)) { m_ListOfStations[station] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage(s); found = true; } // Define the starting support if (found && GetComputeStation(station)) { std::cout << "Station " << station << " already exists, but re-computation forced." << std::endl; } if (!found || GetComputeStation(station)) { m_Working_Support = m_Mediastinum = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Mediastinum", true); return true; } else { std::cout << "Station " << station << " found. I used it" << std::endl; return false; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: GetComputeStation(std::string station) { return (m_ComputeStationMap.find(station) != m_ComputeStationMap.end()); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: AddComputeStation(std::string station) { m_ComputeStationMap[station] = true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template class comparePointsX { public: bool operator() (PointType i, PointType j) { return (i[0] class comparePointsWithAngle { public: bool operator() (PairType i, PairType j) { return (i.second < j.second); } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void HypercubeCorners(std::vector > & out) { std::vector > previous; HypercubeCorners(previous); out.resize(previous.size()*2); for(unsigned int i=0; i p; if (i void HypercubeCorners<1>(std::vector > & out) { out.resize(2); out[0][0] = 0; out[1][0] = 1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void ComputeImageBoundariesCoordinates(typename ImageType::Pointer image, std::vector & bounds) { // Get image max/min coordinates const unsigned int dim=ImageType::ImageDimension; typedef typename ImageType::PointType PointType; typedef typename ImageType::IndexType IndexType; PointType min_c, max_c; IndexType min_i, max_i; min_i = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetIndex(); for(unsigned int i=0; iGetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[i] + min_i[i]; image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(min_i, min_c); image->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(max_i, max_c); // Get corners coordinates HypercubeCorners(bounds); for(unsigned int i=0; i void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: Remove_Structures(std::string station, std::string s) { try { this->StartNewStep("[Station"+station+"] Remove "+s); MaskImagePointer Structure = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage(s); clitk::AndNot(m_Working_Support, Structure, GetBackgroundValue()); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject e) { std::cout << s << " not found, skip." << std::endl; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: SetFuzzyThreshold(std::string station, std::string tag, double value) { m_FuzzyThreshold[station][tag] = value; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: SetThreshold(std::string station, std::string tag, double value) { m_Threshold[station][tag] = value; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template double clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: GetFuzzyThreshold(std::string station, std::string tag) { if (m_FuzzyThreshold.find(station) == m_FuzzyThreshold.end()) { clitkExceptionMacro("Could not find options for station "+station+" in the list (while searching for tag "+tag+")."); return 0.0; } if (m_FuzzyThreshold[station].find(tag) == m_FuzzyThreshold[station].end()) { clitkExceptionMacro("Could not find options "+tag+" in the list of FuzzyThreshold for station "+station+"."); return 0.0; } return m_FuzzyThreshold[station][tag]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template double clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: GetThreshold(std::string station, std::string tag) { if (m_Threshold.find(station) == m_Threshold.end()) { clitkExceptionMacro("Could not find options for station "+station+" in the list (while searching for tag "+tag+")."); return 0.0; } if (m_Threshold[station].find(tag) == m_Threshold[station].end()) { clitkExceptionMacro("Could not find options "+tag+" in the list of Threshold for station "+station+"."); return 0.0; } return m_Threshold[station][tag]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: FindLineForS7S8Separation(MaskImagePointType & A, MaskImagePointType & B) { // Create line from A to B with // A = upper border of LLL at left // B = lower border of bronchus intermedius (BI) or RightMiddleLobeBronchus try { this->GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("LineForS7S8Separation_Begin", A); this->GetAFDB()->GetPoint3D("LineForS7S8Separation_End", B); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject & o) { DD("FindLineForS7S8Separation"); // Load LeftLowerLobeBronchus and get centroid point MaskImagePointer LeftLowerLobeBronchus = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage ("LeftLowerLobeBronchus"); std::vector c; clitk::ComputeCentroids(LeftLowerLobeBronchus, GetBackgroundValue(), c); A = c[1]; // Load RightMiddleLobeBronchus and get superior point (not centroid here) MaskImagePointer RightMiddleLobeBronchus = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage ("RightMiddleLobeBronchus"); bool b = FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(RightMiddleLobeBronchus, GetBackgroundValue(), 2, false, B); if (!b) { clitkExceptionMacro("Error while searching most superior point in RightMiddleLobeBronchus. Abort"); } // Insert into the DB this->GetAFDB()->SetPoint3D("LineForS7S8Separation_Begin", A); this->GetAFDB()->SetPoint3D("LineForS7S8Separation_End", B); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template double clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: FindCarina() { double z; try { z = this->GetAFDB()->GetDouble("CarinaZ"); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject e) { DD("FindCarinaSlicePosition"); // Get Carina MaskImagePointer Carina = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Carina"); // Get Centroid and Z value std::vector centroids; clitk::ComputeCentroids(Carina, GetBackgroundValue(), centroids); // We dont need Carina structure from now this->GetAFDB()->template ReleaseImage("Carina"); // Put inside the AFDB this->GetAFDB()->SetPoint3D("CarinaPoint", centroids[1]); this->GetAFDB()->SetDouble("CarinaZ", centroids[1][2]); this->WriteAFDB(); z = centroids[1][2]; } return z; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template double clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: FindApexOfTheChest() { double z; try { z = this->GetAFDB()->GetDouble("ApexOfTheChestZ"); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject e) { DD("FindApexOfTheChestPosition"); MaskImagePointer Lungs = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Lungs"); MaskImagePointType p; p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0.0; // to avoid warning clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(Lungs, GetBackgroundValue(), 2, false, p); // We dont need Lungs structure from now this->GetAFDB()->template ReleaseImage("Lungs"); // Put inside the AFDB this->GetAFDB()->SetPoint3D("ApexOfTheChest", p); p[2] -= 5; // We consider 5 mm lower this->GetAFDB()->SetDouble("ApexOfTheChestZ", p[2]); this->WriteAFDB(); z = p[2]; } return z; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: FindLeftAndRightBronchi() { try { m_RightBronchus = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage ("RightBronchus"); m_LeftBronchus = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage ("LeftBronchus"); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject & o) { DD("FindLeftAndRightBronchi"); // The goal is to separate the trachea inferiorly to the carina into // a Left and Right bronchus. // Get the trachea MaskImagePointer Trachea = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Trachea"); // Get the Carina position double m_CarinaZ = FindCarina(); // Consider only inferiorly to the Carina MaskImagePointer m_Working_Trachea = clitk::CropImageRemoveGreaterThan(Trachea, 2, m_CarinaZ, true, // AutoCrop GetBackgroundValue()); // Labelize the trachea m_Working_Trachea = Labelize(m_Working_Trachea, 0, true, 1); // Carina position must at the first slice that separate the two // main bronchus (not superiorly). We thus first check that the // upper slice is composed of at least two labels MaskImagePointer RightBronchus; MaskImagePointer LeftBronchus; typedef itk::ImageSliceIteratorWithIndex SliceIteratorType; SliceIteratorType iter(m_Working_Trachea, m_Working_Trachea->GetLargestPossibleRegion()); iter.SetFirstDirection(0); iter.SetSecondDirection(1); iter.GoToReverseBegin(); // Start from the end (because image is IS not SI) int maxLabel=0; while (!iter.IsAtReverseEndOfSlice()) { while (!iter.IsAtReverseEndOfLine()) { if (iter.Get() > maxLabel) maxLabel = iter.Get(); --iter; } iter.PreviousLine(); } if (maxLabel < 2) { clitkExceptionMacro("First slice from Carina does not seems to seperate the two main bronchus. Abort"); } // Compute 3D centroids of both parts to identify the left from the // right bronchus std::vector c; clitk::ComputeCentroids(m_Working_Trachea, GetBackgroundValue(), c); ImagePointType C1 = c[1]; ImagePointType C2 = c[2]; ImagePixelType rightLabel; ImagePixelType leftLabel; if (C1[0] < C2[0]) { rightLabel = 1; leftLabel = 2; } else { rightLabel = 2; leftLabel = 1; } // Select LeftLabel (set one label to Backgroundvalue) RightBronchus = clitk::Binarize(m_Working_Trachea, rightLabel, rightLabel, GetBackgroundValue(), GetForegroundValue()); /* SetBackground(m_Working_Trachea, m_Working_Trachea, leftLabel, GetBackgroundValue(), false); */ LeftBronchus = clitk::Binarize(m_Working_Trachea, leftLabel, leftLabel, GetBackgroundValue(), GetForegroundValue()); /* SetBackground(m_Working_Trachea, m_Working_Trachea, rightLabel, GetBackgroundValue(), false); */ // Crop images RightBronchus = clitk::AutoCrop(RightBronchus, GetBackgroundValue()); LeftBronchus = clitk::AutoCrop(LeftBronchus, GetBackgroundValue()); // Insert int AFDB if need after this->GetAFDB()->template SetImage ("RightBronchus", "seg/rightBronchus.mhd", RightBronchus, true); this->GetAFDB()->template SetImage ("LeftBronchus", "seg/leftBronchus.mhd", LeftBronchus, true); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template double clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: FindSuperiorBorderOfAorticArch() { double z; try { z = this->GetAFDB()->GetDouble("SuperiorBorderOfAorticArchZ"); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject e) { DD("FindSuperiorBorderOfAorticArch"); MaskImagePointer Aorta = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Aorta"); MaskImagePointType p; p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0.0; // to avoid warning clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(Aorta, GetBackgroundValue(), 2, false, p); p[2] += Aorta->GetSpacing()[2]; // the slice above // We dont need Lungs structure from now this->GetAFDB()->template ReleaseImage("Aorta"); // Put inside the AFDB this->GetAFDB()->SetPoint3D("SuperiorBorderOfAorticArch", p); this->GetAFDB()->SetDouble("SuperiorBorderOfAorticArchZ", p[2]); this->WriteAFDB(); z = p[2]; } return z; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template double clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: FindInferiorBorderOfAorticArch() { double z; try { z = this->GetAFDB()->GetDouble("InferiorBorderOfAorticArchZ"); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject e) { DD("FindInferiorBorderOfAorticArch"); MaskImagePointer Aorta = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Aorta"); std::vector slices; clitk::ExtractSlices(Aorta, 2, slices); bool found=false; uint i = slices.size()-1; while (!found) { slices[i] = Labelize(slices[i], 0, false, 10); std::vector c; clitk::ComputeCentroids(slices[i], GetBackgroundValue(), c); if (c.size()>2) { found = true; } else { i--; } } MaskImageIndexType index; index[0] = index[1] = 0.0; index[2] = i+1; MaskImagePointType lower; Aorta->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(index, lower); // We dont need Lungs structure from now this->GetAFDB()->template ReleaseImage("Aorta"); // Put inside the AFDB this->GetAFDB()->SetPoint3D("InferiorBorderOfAorticArch", lower); this->GetAFDB()->SetDouble("InferiorBorderOfAorticArchZ", lower[2]); this->WriteAFDB(); z = lower[2]; } return z; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template typename clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter::MaskImagePointer clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: FindAntPostVesselsOLD() { // ----------------------------------------------------- /* Rod says: "The anterior border, as with the Atlas – UM, is posterior to the vessels (right subclavian vein, left brachiocephalic vein, right brachiocephalic vein, left subclavian artery, left common carotid artery and brachiocephalic trunk). These vessels are not included in the nodal station. The anterior border is drawn to the midpoint of the vessel and an imaginary line joins the middle of these vessels. Between the vessels, station 2 is in contact with station 3a." */ // Check if no already done bool found = true; MaskImagePointer binarizedContour; try { binarizedContour = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage ("AntPostVesselsSeparation"); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject e) { found = false; } if (found) { return binarizedContour; } /* Here, we consider the vessels form a kind of anterior barrier. We link all vessels centroids and remove what is post to it. - select the list of structure vessel1 = BrachioCephalicArtery vessel2 = BrachioCephalicVein (warning several CCL, keep most at Right) vessel3 = CommonCarotidArtery vessel4 = SubclavianArtery other = Thyroid other = Aorta - crop images as needed - slice by slice, choose the CCL and extract centroids - slice by slice, sort according to polar angle wrt Trachea centroid. - slice by slice, link centroids and close contour - remove outside this contour - merge with support */ // Read structures MaskImagePointer BrachioCephalicArtery = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("BrachioCephalicArtery"); MaskImagePointer BrachioCephalicVein = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("BrachioCephalicVein"); MaskImagePointer CommonCarotidArtery = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("CommonCarotidArtery"); MaskImagePointer SubclavianArtery = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("SubclavianArtery"); MaskImagePointer Thyroid = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Thyroid"); MaskImagePointer Aorta = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Aorta"); MaskImagePointer Trachea = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Trachea"); // Create a temporay support // From first slice of BrachioCephalicVein to end of 3A MaskImagePointer support = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_Sup_Carina"); MaskImagePointType p; p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0.0; // to avoid warning clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(BrachioCephalicVein, GetBackgroundValue(), 2, true, p); double inf = p [2]; clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S3A"), GetBackgroundValue(), 2, false, p); double sup = p [2]; support = clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis(support, 2, inf, sup, false, GetBackgroundValue()); // Resize all structures like support BrachioCephalicArtery = clitk::ResizeImageLike(BrachioCephalicArtery, support, GetBackgroundValue()); CommonCarotidArtery = clitk::ResizeImageLike(CommonCarotidArtery, support, GetBackgroundValue()); SubclavianArtery = clitk::ResizeImageLike(SubclavianArtery, support, GetBackgroundValue()); Thyroid = clitk::ResizeImageLike(Thyroid, support, GetBackgroundValue()); Aorta = clitk::ResizeImageLike(Aorta, support, GetBackgroundValue()); BrachioCephalicVein = clitk::ResizeImageLike(BrachioCephalicVein, support, GetBackgroundValue()); Trachea = clitk::ResizeImageLike(Trachea, support, GetBackgroundValue()); // Extract slices std::vector slices_BrachioCephalicArtery; clitk::ExtractSlices(BrachioCephalicArtery, 2, slices_BrachioCephalicArtery); std::vector slices_BrachioCephalicVein; clitk::ExtractSlices(BrachioCephalicVein, 2, slices_BrachioCephalicVein); std::vector slices_CommonCarotidArtery; clitk::ExtractSlices(CommonCarotidArtery, 2, slices_CommonCarotidArtery); std::vector slices_SubclavianArtery; clitk::ExtractSlices(SubclavianArtery, 2, slices_SubclavianArtery); std::vector slices_Thyroid; clitk::ExtractSlices(Thyroid, 2, slices_Thyroid); std::vector slices_Aorta; clitk::ExtractSlices(Aorta, 2, slices_Aorta); std::vector slices_Trachea; clitk::ExtractSlices(Trachea, 2, slices_Trachea); unsigned int n= slices_BrachioCephalicArtery.size(); // Get the boundaries of one slice std::vector bounds; ComputeImageBoundariesCoordinates(slices_BrachioCephalicArtery[0], bounds); // For all slices, for all structures, find the centroid and build the contour // List of 3D points (for debug) std::vector p3D; vtkSmartPointer append = vtkSmartPointer::New(); for(unsigned int i=0; i(slices_CommonCarotidArtery[i], GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1); slices_SubclavianArtery[i] = Labelize(slices_SubclavianArtery[i], GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1); slices_BrachioCephalicArtery[i] = Labelize(slices_BrachioCephalicArtery[i], GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1); slices_BrachioCephalicVein[i] = Labelize(slices_BrachioCephalicVein[i], GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1); slices_Thyroid[i] = Labelize(slices_Thyroid[i], GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1); slices_Aorta[i] = Labelize(slices_Aorta[i], GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1); // Search centroids std::vector points2D; std::vector centroids1; std::vector centroids2; std::vector centroids3; std::vector centroids4; std::vector centroids5; std::vector centroids6; ComputeCentroids(slices_CommonCarotidArtery[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids1); ComputeCentroids(slices_SubclavianArtery[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids2); ComputeCentroids(slices_BrachioCephalicArtery[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids3); ComputeCentroids(slices_Thyroid[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids4); ComputeCentroids(slices_Aorta[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids5); ComputeCentroids(slices_BrachioCephalicVein[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids6); // BrachioCephalicVein -> when it is separated into two CCL, we // only consider the most at Right one if (centroids6.size() > 2) { if (centroids6[1][0] < centroids6[2][0]) centroids6.erase(centroids6.begin()+2); else centroids6.erase(centroids6.begin()+1); } // BrachioCephalicVein -> when SubclavianArtery has 2 CCL // (BrachioCephalicArtery is divided) -> forget BrachioCephalicVein if ((centroids3.size() ==1) && (centroids2.size() > 2)) { centroids6.clear(); } for(unsigned int j=1; j centroids_trachea; ComputeCentroids(slices_Trachea[i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids_trachea); typedef std::pair PointAngleType; std::vector angles; for(unsigned int j=0; j0) angle = atan(y/x); if ((x<0) && (y>=0)) angle = atan(y/x)+M_PI; if ((x<0) && (y<0)) angle = atan(y/x)-M_PI; if (x==0) { if (y>0) angle = M_PI/2.0; if (y<0) angle = -M_PI/2.0; if (y==0) angle = 0; } angle = clitk::rad2deg(angle); // Angle is [-180;180] wrt the X axis. We change the X axis to // be the vertical line, because we want to sort from Right to // Left from Post to Ant. if (angle>0) angle = (270-angle); if (angle<0) { angle = -angle-90; if (angle<0) angle = 360-angle; } PointAngleType a; a.first = points2D[j]; a.second = angle; angles.push_back(a); } // Do nothing if less than 2 points --> n if (points2D.size() < 3) { //continue; continue; } // Sort points2D according to polar angles std::sort(angles.begin(), angles.end(), comparePointsWithAngle()); for(unsigned int j=0; j toadd; unsigned int index = 0; double dmax = 5; while (indexdmax) { MaskSlicePointType b; b[0] = a[0]+(c[0]-a[0])/2.0; b[1] = a[1]+(c[1]-a[1])/2.0; // Compute distance to trachea centroid MaskSlicePointType m = centroids_trachea[1]; double da = m.EuclideanDistanceTo(a); double db = m.EuclideanDistanceTo(b); //double dc = m.EuclideanDistanceTo(c); // Mean distance, find point on the line from trachea centroid // to b double alpha = (da+db)/2.0; MaskSlicePointType v; double n = sqrt( pow(b[0]-m[0], 2) + pow(b[1]-m[1], 2)); v[0] = (b[0]-m[0])/n; v[1] = (b[1]-m[1])/n; MaskSlicePointType r; r[0] = m[0]+alpha*v[0]; r[1] = m[1]+alpha*v[1]; points2D.insert(points2D.begin()+index+1, r); } else { index++; } } // DDV(points2D, points2D.size()); // Add some points to close the contour // - H line towards Right MaskSlicePointType p = points2D[0]; p[0] = bounds[0][0]; points2D.insert(points2D.begin(), p); // - corner Right/Post p = bounds[0]; points2D.insert(points2D.begin(), p); // - H line towards Left p = points2D.back(); p[0] = bounds[2][0]; points2D.push_back(p); // - corner Right/Post p = bounds[2]; points2D.push_back(p); // Close contour with the first point points2D.push_back(points2D[0]); // DDV(points2D, points2D.size()); // Build 3D points from the 2D points std::vector points3D; clitk::PointsUtils::Convert2DListTo3DList(points2D, i, support, points3D); for(unsigned int x=0; x mesh = Build3DMeshFrom2DContour(points3D); append->AddInput(mesh); } // DEBUG: write points3D clitk::WriteListOfLandmarks(p3D, "vessels-centroids.txt"); // Build the final 3D mesh form the list 2D mesh append->Update(); vtkSmartPointer mesh = append->GetOutput(); // Debug, write the mesh /* vtkSmartPointer w = vtkSmartPointer::New(); w->SetInput(mesh); w->SetFileName("bidon.vtk"); w->Write(); */ // Compute a single binary 3D image from the list of contours clitk::MeshToBinaryImageFilter::Pointer filter = clitk::MeshToBinaryImageFilter::New(); filter->SetMesh(mesh); filter->SetLikeImage(support); filter->Update(); binarizedContour = filter->GetOutput(); // Crop clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(binarizedContour, GetForegroundValue(), 2, true, p); inf = p[2]; DD(p); clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(binarizedContour, GetForegroundValue(), 2, false, p); sup = p[2]; DD(p); binarizedContour = clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis(binarizedContour, 2, inf, sup, false, GetBackgroundValue()); // Update the AFDB writeImage(binarizedContour, "seg/AntPostVesselsSeparation.mha"); this->GetAFDB()->SetImageFilename("AntPostVesselsSeparation", "seg/AntPostVesselsSeparation.mha"); this->WriteAFDB(); return binarizedContour; /* // Inverse binary mask if needed. We test a point that we know must be in FG. If it is not, inverse ImagePointType p = p3D[2]; // This is the first centroid of the first slice p[1] += 50; // 50 mm Post from this point must be kept ImageIndexType index; binarizedContour->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(p, index); bool isInside = (binarizedContour->GetPixel(index) != GetBackgroundValue()); // remove from support typedef clitk::BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter BoolFilterType; typename BoolFilterType::Pointer boolFilter = BoolFilterType::New(); boolFilter->InPlaceOn(); boolFilter->SetInput1(m_Working_Support); boolFilter->SetInput2(binarizedContour); boolFilter->SetBackgroundValue1(GetBackgroundValue()); boolFilter->SetBackgroundValue2(GetBackgroundValue()); if (isInside) boolFilter->SetOperationType(BoolFilterType::And); else boolFilter->SetOperationType(BoolFilterType::AndNot); boolFilter->Update(); m_Working_Support = boolFilter->GetOutput(); */ // End //StopCurrentStep(m_Working_Support); //m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support; //m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template typename clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter::MaskImagePointer clitk::ExtractLymphStationsFilter:: FindAntPostVessels2() { // ----------------------------------------------------- /* Rod says: "The anterior border, as with the Atlas – UM, is posterior to the vessels (right subclavian vein, left brachiocephalic vein, right brachiocephalic vein, left subclavian artery, left common carotid artery and brachiocephalic trunk). These vessels are not included in the nodal station. The anterior border is drawn to the midpoint of the vessel and an imaginary line joins the middle of these vessels. Between the vessels, station 2 is in contact with station 3a." */ // Check if no already done bool found = true; MaskImagePointer binarizedContour; try { binarizedContour = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage ("AntPostVesselsSeparation"); } catch(clitk::ExceptionObject e) { found = false; } if (found) { return binarizedContour; } /* Here, we consider the vessels form a kind of anterior barrier. We link all vessels centroids and remove what is post to it. - select the list of structure vessel1 = BrachioCephalicArtery vessel2 = BrachioCephalicVein (warning several CCL, keep most at Right) vessel3 = CommonCarotidArtery vessel4 = SubclavianArtery other = Thyroid other = Aorta - crop images as needed - slice by slice, choose the CCL and extract centroids - slice by slice, sort according to polar angle wrt Trachea centroid. - slice by slice, link centroids and close contour - remove outside this contour - merge with support */ // Read structures std::map MapOfStructures; typedef std::map::iterator MapIter; MapOfStructures["BrachioCephalicArtery"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("BrachioCephalicArtery"); MapOfStructures["BrachioCephalicVein"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("BrachioCephalicVein"); MapOfStructures["CommonCarotidArteryLeft"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("LeftCommonCarotidArtery"); MapOfStructures["CommonCarotidArteryRight"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("RightCommonCarotidArtery"); MapOfStructures["SubclavianArteryLeft"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("LeftSubclavianArtery"); MapOfStructures["SubclavianArteryRight"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("RightSubclavianArtery"); MapOfStructures["Thyroid"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Thyroid"); MapOfStructures["Aorta"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Aorta"); MapOfStructures["Trachea"] = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Trachea"); std::vector ListOfStructuresNames; // Create a temporay support // From first slice of BrachioCephalicVein to end of 3A or end of 2RL MaskImagePointer support = this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_Sup_Carina"); MaskImagePointType p; p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0.0; // to avoid warning clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(MapOfStructures["BrachioCephalicVein"], GetBackgroundValue(), 2, true, p); double inf = p[2]; clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S3A"), GetBackgroundValue(), 2, false, p); MaskImagePointType p2; clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(this->GetAFDB()->template GetImage("Support_S2L"), GetBackgroundValue(), 2, false, p2); if (p2[2] > p[2]) p = p2; double sup = p[2]+support->GetSpacing()[2];//one slice more ? support = clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis(support, 2, inf, sup, false, GetBackgroundValue()); // Resize all structures like support for (MapIter it = MapOfStructures.begin(); it != MapOfStructures.end(); ++it) { it->second = clitk::ResizeImageLike(it->second, support, GetBackgroundValue()); } // Extract slices typedef std::vector SlicesType; std::map MapOfSlices; for (MapIter it = MapOfStructures.begin(); it != MapOfStructures.end(); ++it) { SlicesType s; clitk::ExtractSlices(it->second, 2, s); MapOfSlices[it->first] = s; } unsigned int n= MapOfSlices["Trachea"].size(); // Get the boundaries of one slice std::vector bounds; ComputeImageBoundariesCoordinates(MapOfSlices["Trachea"][0], bounds); // LOOP ON SLICES // For all slices, for all structures, find the centroid and build the contour // List of 3D points (for debug) std::vector p3D; vtkSmartPointer append = vtkSmartPointer::New(); for(unsigned int i=0; ifirst][i]; s = clitk::Labelize(s, GetBackgroundValue(), true, 1); } // Search centroids std::vector points2D; typedef std::vector CentroidsType; std::map MapOfCentroids; for (MapIter it = MapOfStructures.begin(); it != MapOfStructures.end(); ++it) { std::string structure = it->first; MaskSlicePointer & s = MapOfSlices[structure][i]; CentroidsType c; clitk::ComputeCentroids(s, GetBackgroundValue(), c); MapOfCentroids[structure] = c; } // BrachioCephalicVein -> when it is separated into two CCL, we // only consider the most at Right one CentroidsType & c = MapOfCentroids["BrachioCephalicVein"]; if (c.size() > 2) { if (c[1][0] < c[2][0]) c.erase(c.begin()+2); else c.erase(c.begin()+1); } /* // BrachioCephalicVein -> when SubclavianArtery has 2 CCL // (BrachioCephalicArtery is divided) -> forget BrachioCephalicVein if ((MapOfCentroids["BrachioCephalicArtery"].size() ==1) && (MapOfCentroids["SubclavianArtery"].size() > 2)) { MapOfCentroids["BrachioCephalicVein"].clear(); } */ // Add all 2D points for (MapIter it = MapOfStructures.begin(); it != MapOfStructures.end(); ++it) { std::string structure = it->first; if (structure != "Trachea") { // do not add centroid of trachea CentroidsType & c = MapOfCentroids[structure]; for(unsigned int j=1; j centroids_trachea; //ComputeCentroids(MapOfSlices["Trachea"][i], GetBackgroundValue(), centroids_trachea); CentroidsType centroids_trachea = MapOfCentroids["Trachea"]; typedef std::pair PointAngleType; std::vector angles; for(unsigned int j=0; j0) angle = atan(y/x); if ((x<0) && (y>=0)) angle = atan(y/x)+M_PI; if ((x<0) && (y<0)) angle = atan(y/x)-M_PI; if (x==0) { if (y>0) angle = M_PI/2.0; if (y<0) angle = -M_PI/2.0; if (y==0) angle = 0; } angle = clitk::rad2deg(angle); // Angle is [-180;180] wrt the X axis. We change the X axis to // be the vertical line, because we want to sort from Right to // Left from Post to Ant. if (angle>0) angle = (270-angle); if (angle<0) { angle = -angle-90; if (angle<0) angle = 360-angle; } PointAngleType a; a.first = points2D[j]; a.second = angle; angles.push_back(a); } // Do nothing if less than 2 points --> n if (points2D.size() < 3) { //continue; continue; } // Sort points2D according to polar angles std::sort(angles.begin(), angles.end(), comparePointsWithAngle()); for(unsigned int j=0; j toadd; unsigned int index = 0; double dmax = 5; while (indexdmax) { MaskSlicePointType b; b[0] = a[0]+(c[0]-a[0])/2.0; b[1] = a[1]+(c[1]-a[1])/2.0; // Compute distance to trachea centroid MaskSlicePointType m = centroids_trachea[1]; double da = m.EuclideanDistanceTo(a); double db = m.EuclideanDistanceTo(b); //double dc = m.EuclideanDistanceTo(c); // Mean distance, find point on the line from trachea centroid // to b double alpha = (da+db)/2.0; MaskSlicePointType v; double n = sqrt( pow(b[0]-m[0], 2) + pow(b[1]-m[1], 2)); v[0] = (b[0]-m[0])/n; v[1] = (b[1]-m[1])/n; MaskSlicePointType r; r[0] = m[0]+alpha*v[0]; r[1] = m[1]+alpha*v[1]; points2D.insert(points2D.begin()+index+1, r); } else { index++; } } // DDV(points2D, points2D.size()); // Add some points to close the contour // - H line towards Right MaskSlicePointType p = points2D[0]; p[0] = bounds[0][0]; points2D.insert(points2D.begin(), p); // - corner Right/Post p = bounds[0]; points2D.insert(points2D.begin(), p); // - H line towards Left p = points2D.back(); p[0] = bounds[2][0]; points2D.push_back(p); // - corner Right/Post p = bounds[2]; points2D.push_back(p); // Close contour with the first point points2D.push_back(points2D[0]); // DDV(points2D, points2D.size()); // Build 3D points from the 2D points std::vector points3D; clitk::PointsUtils::Convert2DListTo3DList(points2D, i, support, points3D); for(unsigned int x=0; x mesh = Build3DMeshFrom2DContour(points3D); append->AddInput(mesh); // if (i ==n-1) { // last slice // clitk::PointsUtils::Convert2DListTo3DList(points2D, i+1, support, points3D); // vtkSmartPointer mesh = Build3DMeshFrom2DContour(points3D); // append->AddInput(mesh); // } } // DEBUG: write points3D clitk::WriteListOfLandmarks(p3D, "vessels-centroids.txt"); // Build the final 3D mesh form the list 2D mesh append->Update(); vtkSmartPointer mesh = append->GetOutput(); // Debug, write the mesh /* vtkSmartPointer w = vtkSmartPointer::New(); w->SetInput(mesh); w->SetFileName("bidon.vtk"); w->Write(); */ // Compute a single binary 3D image from the list of contours clitk::MeshToBinaryImageFilter::Pointer filter = clitk::MeshToBinaryImageFilter::New(); filter->SetMesh(mesh); filter->SetLikeImage(support); filter->Update(); binarizedContour = filter->GetOutput(); // Crop clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(binarizedContour, GetForegroundValue(), 2, true, p); inf = p[2]; clitk::FindExtremaPointInAGivenDirection(binarizedContour, GetForegroundValue(), 2, false, p); sup = p[2]+binarizedContour->GetSpacing()[2]; // extend to include the last slice binarizedContour = clitk::CropImageAlongOneAxis(binarizedContour, 2, inf, sup, false, GetBackgroundValue()); // Update the AFDB writeImage(binarizedContour, "seg/AntPostVesselsSeparation.mha"); this->GetAFDB()->SetImageFilename("AntPostVesselsSeparation", "seg/AntPostVesselsSeparation.mha"); this->WriteAFDB(); return binarizedContour; /* // Inverse binary mask if needed. We test a point that we know must be in FG. If it is not, inverse ImagePointType p = p3D[2]; // This is the first centroid of the first slice p[1] += 50; // 50 mm Post from this point must be kept ImageIndexType index; binarizedContour->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(p, index); bool isInside = (binarizedContour->GetPixel(index) != GetBackgroundValue()); // remove from support typedef clitk::BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter BoolFilterType; typename BoolFilterType::Pointer boolFilter = BoolFilterType::New(); boolFilter->InPlaceOn(); boolFilter->SetInput1(m_Working_Support); boolFilter->SetInput2(binarizedContour); boolFilter->SetBackgroundValue1(GetBackgroundValue()); boolFilter->SetBackgroundValue2(GetBackgroundValue()); if (isInside) boolFilter->SetOperationType(BoolFilterType::And); else boolFilter->SetOperationType(BoolFilterType::AndNot); boolFilter->Update(); m_Working_Support = boolFilter->GetOutput(); */ // End //StopCurrentStep(m_Working_Support); //m_ListOfStations["2R"] = m_Working_Support; //m_ListOfStations["2L"] = m_Working_Support; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif //#define CLITKBOOLEANOPERATORLABELIMAGEFILTER_TXX