#File clitkExtractPatient.ggo package "clitkExtractPatient" version "1.0" purpose "Input is binarized using initial thresholds, connected components are labeled (firstLabel). The air label (1) is removed. The remaining is binarized and relabeled, patient should now be the principal label (secondLabel). Two mechanismes are provided to influence the label images. Crop to reduce connectivity (image is restored to original size), eg for SBF. Decomposition through ersion and reconstruction through dilation (slow), eg for Pulmo bellows. Choose which labels to keep from second Label image. Final mask is cleaned by opening and closing." option "config" - "Config file" string no option "imagetypes" - "Display allowed image types" flag off option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off option "verboseStep" - "Verbose each step" flag off option "writeStep" w "Write image at each step" flag off option "verboseOption" - "Display options values" flag off option "verboseWarningOff" - "Do not display warning" flag off option "verboseMemory" - "Display memory usage" flag off section "I/O" option "input" i "Input image filename" string yes option "afdb" a "Output Anatomical Feature in a DB" string no option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes section "Binarize" option "lower" - "Initial lower threshold" double no option "upper" - "Initial upper threshold" double no default="-300" option "openingRadius" - "Radius for opening after threshold" int no default="0" section "First Label Image (air=1)" option "erode1" - "Decompose through erosion" flag off option "radius1" - "Radius for erosion and dilation" int multiple no default="1" option "new1" - "Number of new labels" int no default="1" option "max1" - "Max number of labels to consider" int no default="2" section "Second Label Image (air=1)" option "erode2" - "Decompose through erosion" flag off option "radius2" - "Radius for erosion and dilation" int multiple no default="1" option "new2" - "Number of new labels" int no default="1" option "max2" - "Max number of labels to consider" int no default="2" # option "crop" - "Crop the first label image" flag off # option "boundingBox" b "Bounding box of the crop region (minX,maxX,...)" int no multiple # option "lowerS" - "Size of the lower crop region" int no multiple # option "upperS" - "Size of the upper crop region" int no multiple section "Labels to keep (air=1)" option "firstKeep" - "First label to keep" int no default="1" option "lastKeep" - "Last label to keep" int no default="1" option "remove" - "Labels to remove" int no multiple section "Clean-up" option "openClose" - "Perform morphological opening and closing with unit radius" flag off option "noAutoCrop" - "If set : do no crop final mask to BoundingBox" flag off