#File clitkMorphoMath.ggo #Author: Jef Vandemeulebroucke #Date : Tue 28 April 2009 16.35 package "clitk" version "Perform standard morphological operations" option "config" - "Config file" string no option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off option "imagetypes" - "Display allowed image types" flag off section "Input" option "input" i "Input image filename" string yes option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes section "Processing Parameters" option "type" t "0=Erode, 1=Dilate, 2=Close (erode(dilate(x))), 3=Open (dilate(erode(x))), 4=CondErode, 5=CondDilate" int no default="0" option "fg" - "Foreground value" float no default="1" option "bg" - "Background value (0,1,3: filling value)" float no default="0" option "bound" b "0-1: Set borders to foreground/ 2:safe borders " flag off option "radius" r "Use binary ball element with given radius" int no multiple default="1" option "radiusInMM" m "Use binary ball element with given radius in mm (rounded to nearest voxel value), you can give one radius by dimension" double no multiple default="1" option "extend" - "Extend the image size according to radius" flag off