#File clitkMotionMask.ggo Package "clitkMotionMask" version "1.0" purpose "From an input CT image (HU), extract feature images (air, ribs and lungs) and calculate the motion mask using levelsets, Vandemeulebroucke2010, ICCR. More elaborate methods for extracting the feature images have been incude in clitkExtract*, with *=Lungs,Bones,Patient." option "config" - "Config file" string no option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off section "I/O" option "input" i "Input image filename" string yes option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes option "monitor" m "Monitoring image for levelsets" string no option "spacing" - "Low dimensional spacing to perform initial level set steps" double no multiple default="4" section "Feature Images (feature=1,rest=0). Set them or extract them from the input" option "featureAir" - "Input feature image" string no option "lowerThresholdAir" - "Lower threshold for air feature image extraction" double no default="-10000" option "upperThresholdAir" - "Upper threshold for air feature image extraction" double no default="-800" option "pad" - "Make a border of air around the image (for cropped images)" flag off option "featureBones" - "Input feature image" string no option "lowerThresholdBones" - "Lower threshold for bones feature image extraction" double no default="100" option "upperThresholdBones" - "Upper threshold for bones feature image extraction" double no default="1000" option "featureLungs" - "Input feature image" string no option "lowerThresholdLungs" - "Lower threshold for lungs feature image extraction" double no default="-950" option "upperThresholdLungs" - "Upper threshold for lungs feature image extraction" double no default="-600" option "writeFeature" - "Write the combined feature image" string no section "Ellipsoide initialization" option "ellips" - "Input ellipsoide image (=1, at half resolution)" string no option "offset" - "Offset for ellips center from body center of gravity (default= 0,-50,0 mm)" double no multiple option "axes" - "Half axes of the ellips (default= 100,30,150)" double no multiple option "writeEllips" - "Write the initial ellipsoide image" string no section "Ellipsoide growing" option "grownEllips" - "Input grown ellips image (=1, at half resolution)" string no option "offsetDetect" - "Offset of detection point from abdomen (default= 0,-10,0 mm)" double no multiple option "detectionPairs" - "Additional images to detect the abdomen (eg end-inhalation frame). The most anterior point will be retained." string no multiple option "detectionPoint" - "Physical coordinates of the detection point from abdomen (default= 0,-10,0 mm)" double no multiple option "curve1" - "Curvature for this levelset" double no default="35.0" option "maxRMS1" - "Tolerance for this levelset" double no default="0.001" option "iter1" - "Iterations performed between monitoring" int no default="50" option "writeGrownEllips" - "Write the grown ellipsoide image" string no section "Filling the bones image" option "filledRibs" - "Input filled rib image (=1, at half resolution)" string no option "fillingLevel" - "Minimum lung fill level: [0,100] %" double no default="98.0" option "curve2" - "Curvature for this levelset" double no default="30.0" option "maxRMS2" - "Tolerance for this levelset" double no default="0.001" option "iter2" - "Iterations performed between monitoring" int no default="50" option "writeFilledRibs" - "Write the filled ribs image image" string no section "Collapsing to the lung image" option "curve3" - "Curvature for this levelset" double no default="30.0" option "prop3" - "Propagation for this levelset" double no default="0" option "maxRMS3" - "Tolerance for this levelset" double no default="0.001" option "iter3" - "Iterations performed between monitoring" int no default="20" option "maxIter3" - "Iterations performed between monitoring" int no default="500" section "Clean-up" option "openClose" - "Perform morphological opening and closing with unit radius" flag on