#File clitkRegionGrowing.ggo package "clitkRegionGrowing" version "1.0" purpose "Region growing from a seed point using various types of conditions to control the growing" option "config" - "Config file" string no option "verbose" v "Verbose" flag off section "I/O" option "input" i "Input image filename" string yes option "output" o "Output image filename" string yes section "Parameters" option "type" t "Region growing filter type: 0=threshold , 1=neighborhood-threshold , 2=confidence , 3= locally-adaptive-threshold, 4= explosion-controlled-threshold" int no default="0" option "lower" l "Lower threshold value" double no default="310" option "upper" u "Upper threshold value" double no default="4000" option "maxUpper" - "4: Maximum upper threshold value" double no default="2000" option "minLower" - "4: Minimum lower threshold value" double no default="-1000" option "step" - "4: Threshold step size" double no default="64.0" option "minStep" - "4: Minimum threshold step size" double no default="1" option "adaptLower" - "3,4: (locally) adapt lower thresholding" flag off option "adaptUpper" - "3,4: (locally) adapt upper thresholding" flag off option "multiplier" m "2-4: (2-3) accept if within mean+-mutiplier*SD, (4) explosion if size increases multiplier times" double no default="2.0" option "seed" s "Seed index postion (in voxels)" int multiple no default="0" option "seedRadius" - "Radius used for seed dilatation(in voxel)" int multiple no default="0" option "pad" p "The replace padding value" double no default="1.0" option "radius" r "1-3: The radius of the neighborhood" int no multiple default="1" option "maxSD" - "3: Limit to SD" double no option "full" - "4: use full connectivity (not implemented yet)" flag off option "iter" - "2: Iterations" int no default="5"