#ifndef __creaImageIOGimmick_h_INCLUDED__ #define __creaImageIOGimmick_h_INCLUDED__ #include #include #include #include #ifdef _DEBUG #include #define DEBUG_NEW new(_NORMAL_BLOCK ,__FILE__, __LINE__) #else #define DEBUG_NEW new #endif // Only when asked /* #ifdef TRACKING_MEMORY_LEAKS #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(disable : 4291) #endif void * operator new( size_t size, int line, const char *file ); void * operator new[]( size_t size, int line, const char *file ); void operator delete( void *p ); void operator delete[]( void *p ); #ifdef OMISCID_NEW #undef OMISCID_NEW #endif #define OMISCID_NEW new( __LINE__, __FILE__ ) #else // TRACKING_MEMORY_LEAKS is not defined #define OMISCID_NEW new #endif*/ namespace creaImageIO { /** * \defgroup Controller Controller */ /** * \defgroup View View */ /** * \defgroup Model Model */ /** * \defgroup GUI Top level graphical user interfaces */ /** * \defgroup IO Image I/O classes */ /** * \defgroup Tree Attributed tree management */ /** * \defgroup Previewer Preview related */ /** * \ingroup Controller */ //======================================================================= /// Central controler of the gimmick application /// the selected attributes by end-user typedef struct { // name of database to get attributes std::string db; // attributes available in this databse std::vector inside; // attributes not available in this databse std::vector outside; // bool mult; }OutputAttr; class CREAIMAGEIO_EXPORT Gimmick { public: /// Ctor Gimmick(); /// Dtor ~Gimmick(); /// typedef TreeHandlerImageAdder::Progress AddProgress; typedef TreeHandlerImageAdder::ProgressCallbackType AddProgressCallbackType; /// Adds the function f to the list of functions to call /// when addition operations progres. /// f is of type AddProgressCallbackType which is: /// void (*AddProgressCallbackType)(AddProgress&) /// To pass a member function 'f' of an instance 'c' of a class 'C' /// as callback you have to 'bind' it, i.e. call: /// ConnectAddProgressObserver ( boost::bind( &C::f , c, _1 ) ); void ConnectAddProgressObserver( AddProgressCallbackType callback ) { mImageAdder.ConnectProgressObserver(callback); } /// const AddProgress& GetAddProgress() const { return mImageAdder.GetProgress(); } /// Initializes with default values (read/creates databases, etc.) void Initialize(); /// Initializes with the local database descriptor in the path given (read/creates databases, etc.) void Initialize(const std::string namedescp, const std::string namedb = "Local Database"); /// Finalize (closes databases, etc.) void Finalize(); /// Sets level for messages "Gimmick!" static void SetMessageLevel(int level); /// Sets level for debug messages "Gimmick! DEBUG" static void SetDebugMessageLevel(int level); /// Type of map from TreeHandler name to TreeHandler* typedef std::map TreeHandlerMapType; typedef std::map::const_iterator ItTreeHandlerMap; /// Returns the TreeHandlerMap (ref) TreeHandlerMapType& GetTreeHandlerMap() { return mTreeHandlerMap; } /// Returns the TreeHandlerMap (const ref) const TreeHandlerMapType& GetTreeHandlerMap() const { return mTreeHandlerMap; } /// Add the files to the given TreeHandler void AddFiles(const std::string& handler, const std::vector& filenames); /// Add a dir to the given TreeHandler void AddDir(const std::string& handler, const std::string& path, bool recurse); /// Removes a file from the given TreeHandler void RemoveFile(const std::string& d, tree::Node* filename); ///Deletes the given drive name from the databases void DeleteDrive(const std::string& drive); /// Copies the files into the local directory void CopyFiles(const std::vector& filenames, const std::string& d ); ///Synchronizes the loaded data with the database d. If repair is true the database will be updated, otherwise ///only a warning sign will be issued std::string Synchronize(const std::string& d, bool repair, bool checkAttributes); /// Prints the tree handled by the handler void Print(const std::string& handler); ///create a DB from a given descriptor file and for a specific location SQLiteTreeHandler* createDB(const std::string &i_name, const std::string &i_locDesc, const std::string &i_locDB); /// add an existent DB void addDB(const std::string &i_nameDB, const std::string &i_locationDB); /// Returns the TreeHandler with a given name TreeHandler* GetTreeHandler(const std::string& name) const; /// SQLiteTreeHandler* GetLocalDatabase() { return mLocalDatabase; } const SQLiteTreeHandler* GetLocalDatabase() const { return mLocalDatabase; } ///Returns the given setting value for the given setting parameter void GetSetting(const std::string& name, std::string& value); ///Updates the settings file void UpdateSetting(const std::string& name, const std::string& value); /// add DB from Settings file void addDBSettings(); ///Edits the field described by the name and key provided with the value given void EditField(tree::Node* node, const std::string& d, const std::string& name, const std::string& key, const std::string& val); /// Returns the attributes in results described in params void GetAttributes(const std::string& d, const std::string& filename, const std::vector& params, std::vector& results); /// get Values for given attributes void GetAttributes(const std::string filename, std::map &i_res, OutputAttr i_attr); const std::string& GetHomeDirectory(); const std::string& GetUserSettingsDirectory(); void CreateUserSettingsDirectory(); const std::string& GetLocalDatabasePath(); /// Decide if attributes are available through database void fillVectInfos(std::vector i_attr, OutputAttr &infos); /// Get Add Opertaion summary const std::stringstream getSummary(); //============================================= private: SQLiteTreeHandler* mLocalDatabase; TreeHandlerMapType mTreeHandlerMap; Synchronizer* mSynchronizer; std::string mCurrentDirectory; std::string mHomeDirectory; std::string mUserSettingsDirectory; std::string mLocalDatabasePath; Settings *mSettings; TreeHandlerImageAdder mImageAdder; std::string mLocalDBName; std::string mLocalDescpName; }; // EO class Gimmick //======================================================================= } // EO namespace creaImageIO // EOF #endif