#include namespace creaImageIO { // CTor WxOutputDlg::WxOutputDlg(wxWindow *parent, const std::vector filenames, int i_dim, bool single) : wxDialog(parent, -1,_T("OUTPUT FORMAT"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(350,450)) { int size = filenames.size(); int deflt = 1; std::string sentence; sentence = "You select"; std::string sentence2 = "You have the possibility to select output format :"; int nbsent= 0; std::vector outsentences; if (size == 1) { sentence += " 1 "; } else { sentence += " n "; } if(single) { sentence += " single frames"; } else { sentence += " multi-frames"; } sentence += " as output"; if (size == 1) { if(single) { outsentences.push_back("It shall be a single file with a single 2D frmae"); } else { outsentences.push_back("It shall be multiple files with 2D frames"); outsentences.push_back("It shall be a single file with 3D frames"); } } else { if(single) { outsentences.push_back("It shall be a single file with 3D frames"); outsentences.push_back("It shall be multiple files with 2D frames"); } else { outsentences.push_back("It shall be a single file with (3D+t) frames"); outsentences.push_back("It shall be multiple (n+t) files with 2D frames"); outsentences.push_back("It shall be multiple (n) files with (2D+t) frames"); outsentences.push_back("It shall be a multiple (t) files with (2D+n) frames"); deflt = 3; } } if(i_dim != -1) { deflt = i_dim; } int start_point = 45; wxStaticText * ExportText=new wxStaticText(this,-1,_T(sentence), wxPoint(5,10)); std::vector::iterator it = outsentences.begin(); for(int i = 0;it != outsentences.end(); it++, i++, start_point += 45) { wxCheckBox *check = new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _T((*it)), wxPoint(5,start_point) ); if(i == deflt) check->SetValue(true); else check->SetValue(false); Connect( check->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &WxOutputDlg::OnChange ); checkOut.push_back(check); } checkAsking = new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _T(("Do you want to save this output and no more asking")), wxPoint(5,start_point) ); // VALIDATION BUTTON wxButton *Ok = new wxButton(this, -1,_T("OK"), wxPoint(5,start_point+20) ); Connect( Ok->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED , (wxObjectEventFunction) &WxOutputDlg::OnOk ); wxButton *Cancel = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL,_T("CANCEL"), wxPoint(100,start_point+20) ); Layout(); } WxOutputDlg::~WxOutputDlg(){} void WxOutputDlg::OnOk(wxCommandEvent &event) { Close(); SetReturnCode(wxID_OK); } void WxOutputDlg::OnChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { std::vector::iterator it = checkOut.begin(); for(int i = 0;it != checkOut.end(); it++, i++) { if( (*it)->GetId() == event.GetId()) { } else { (*it)->SetValue(false); } } } const std::string WxOutputDlg::getDim() { char res[2]; std::vector::iterator it = checkOut.begin(); for(int i = 1;it != checkOut.end(); it++, i++) { if( (*it)->GetValue() ) { sprintf(res,"%d", i); } else { } } return res; } const std::string WxOutputDlg::getAsking() { if(checkAsking->GetValue()) return "false"; else return "true"; } }